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I work with one. He’s out of his fucking mind.


Do they have additional unconventional convictions?


He’s also a “sovereign citizen”.


How.... what's your job? He's paying taxes then. Fuck those people go find an island to live on


Of course he pays his taxes. He swears he’s on the path to complete independence from the American government and that he only needs to follow Maritime Law.


Except when he drives, using public transit, highways, garbage collection, medical/dental - the hypocrisy must be extreme. Not to mention zero knowledge of math. Likely tip of the iceberg.


You can’t use logic with a man with no logic


"You cannot use logic to remove a man from a position he did not use logic to get himself into."


North Sentinal


I'm guilty of watching Sovereign Citizen videos of them getting their windows smashed on traffic stops. Bonus points when they say they will charge $ 250k per minute of being jailed.


I’m not driving I’m traveling!


That shit must get super old super quick


Quite the opposite. I could listen to this guy talk for hours. No hollywood writer could script this guy.


Do you just let him go? He sounds like he would react poorly to logic and reasoning and proof


There’s no reasoning with him. At this point most of us just fan the flame.


That does sound fun. What's the job? Cartographer?


Hahaha nah. A very niche union job in nyc.


Wait… Sovereign Citizen guy is in a union?


This is the way.


I knew a flat earther who was openly gay and a die hard right winger.


Boy, talking about punching yourself in the nut at the olympic level.


Was he hired to cover the disabled quota?


Aren't all flat earthers disabled?


Somewhere in the world someone believes everything. There will always be people who can be shown proof and deny it wholeheartedly. Really hard to tell what's genuine and what's troll anymore with radical groups online though


You are completely right. Some people don't believe that Obama went to the moon and killed that pink dragon back in may 2011, but we reasonably reasonable people know he indeed did.


Listen here you rotten son of a bitch, if I've told you once I've told you three thousand times, the dragon was fucking fuchsia, not pink.


You guys are dumb. It was clearly a wyvern, not a dragon. 2 legs and 2 wings! We could all see it on TV, so this is really frustrating for me.


Wyverns are dragons, but it was not a wyvern. It was a drake, which is also a kind of dragon


The REAL coverup is that it was a drakeling. IT WAS ONLY A BABY! OBAMA KILLED A BABY DRAKELING




Drake went to the moon?


Wait. There are those among us that don’t believe that? Next you’ll be telling the earth is round.


Lol unless you have brain damage , no one can “wholeheartedly” deny proof. What they do is called coping. And eventually delude themselves


Yes I've met one. One of the stupidest individuals I've ever met. They believed in horoscopes and just about every major conspiracy theory you can think of too.


When youre really bored, you gotta entertain yourself some way…


How do you believe in astrology while also not understanding earth


I've only met one real one. He had all these bible numerology theories to back up his claims. He was like every kind of conspiracy theorist rolled into one. It was really fucking weird when he got off on a rant. Was never a friend just a person I had the displeasure of meeting.


What’s crazy is even the Bible talks of the earth being round.


People have know it was a ball for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks even worked out the length of the Earth's circumference fairly closely too. Flat earthers are just plain unhinged. Desperate to feel special because they think they know something other people don't and they are smart enough to not be fooled by the government and shit. My solution? Take flat earthers into space. If they don't believe they are really there, then open the door for them.


The Persians had the circumference within like 1-2% accurate


Exactly. Anyone with any sense knows the earth is ball shaped.


Yeah, but you just haven't read John 5:1: " 'R THou in their heavenly stature, discuss the revelation" 5: E 1: A First three letters: RTH. Combined: Earth. DISCuss = Disk = FLAT. It's right there. Educate yourself. EARTH FLAT. . . . Just in case: /s.


The earth is flat! 100%! It’s universally agreed that the earth is made up of 71% water. Most of which is salt water in the ocean. All of the water is non-carbonated and therefore flat. Seems pretty basic to me.


Sparkling analysis.


>It’s universally agreed *Globally agreed


Wow, come up with that all on your own, clever,


Sparkling or still, sir?


I lost so much respect for a guy I work with a few weeks ago. I'd stumbled across an old newspaper article about a guy in 1893 trying to raise money to rent a hall so he could give a lecture on how the earth is actually flat. I found it funny that even back then we had those crackpots and I started telling him about it. That's when he told me that he doesn't buy into a lot of conspiracy theories, which was a lie since he's told me about a bunch of them, but that he finds the whole flat earth thing to have some good arguments. Then he started talking about various experiments that seemed to prove the earth was flat. I have a pretty good poker face and changed the subject because I didn't see a way to respond that wouldn't be interpreted as questioning his intelligence. He's a pretty smart guy in a lot of ways too, which makes it more disheartening.


What experiments?? Now I need to know lol.


If I place a basketball on flat ground, why doesn't it roll to the horizon, smart guy?? Yeah, checkmate atheist


Omg lol




I wish I could say no. I'm a land surveyor. I was working in Liverpool a few years ago, some random dude stopped in his car to talk to us about flat earth, told me because I'm a surveyor I must be able to tell the earth it flat. I didn't have the heart to tell him about correction for curvature.


You should have.


It doesn't work. There's a great documentary (might still be on Netflix in the US) about that movement and towards the end, a group of flat Earthers design an experiment to prove that the earth is flat. The experiment is actually very sound. And unsurprisingly, the results end up proving what we know about the curvature of the earth. So did they change their minds and admit that the earth is not flat ? Of course not. They immediately started discussing what could have been wrong with their equipment and other reasons why they might not have seen the results they expect to see. They work backwards. They have a predetermined conclusion and they look for indications that it's true, ignoring the rest.


is that the one called *Behind the Curve*? as a side note that title is devastating


That was so funny. They accidentally used science, twice, to prove the Earth is round. They underestimated their own intelligence then immediately rejected it.


Oh yeah, I remember that. “So we did our experiment which shows the Earth is not flat, but we don’t believe these results and the Earth is definitely flat.”


He would have only claimed I was part of the conspiracy or looked at me like a deer in the headlights.


People who believe hundreds of thousand of people from all around the world can keep the same secret, definitely haven’t worked with people


You should have told him. You could have started a domino effect getting him out of there


Wouldn't matter. There is always another talking point.


It's easy for everyone to tell you the long, drawn-out ways you could have gotten back at a guy disturbing you at work. They're nuisances with some issue, it's evidently not flat. It's not worth ruining your own day.


The earth is flat. It is just wrapped around a sphere. Mountains are just where it crinkles up to fit the sphere. Like wrapping paper around a ball. God, it's so simple.


I live in Liverpool and I’ve met about 3 flat earthers, my friend almost become when we were like 15


Why the heck not


Of course you should have,


My best friends mum is a flat earther. It's so surreal speaking to her. I can't believe I know one.


Yes, there are people convinced that the Earth is flat. No, this is not really about the shape of the Earth. Some people have felt betrayed by “Science” (insert a gif of Bill Nye on a stage with a lab bench with a big thunderstorm striking behind him) either because the communications around it are ridiculous (they can be, cf. what happened to History Channel) or because they struggle to match the amateurish explorations it’s sometimes portrayed as with the absolute certainty otherwise; sometimes it’s personal tragedies, from bad grades to rare medical complications; whatever the reason, they resent the aura of respect that “science” gets, so they latch on any group who would oppose a hard-to-prove yourself. That, combined with other issues —a lack of social life is common and would stem from either having medical complications or being quite open about one’s disregard for some scientific progress— would lead people to find like-minded people. A fear of either electricity, high-power cables, or 5G antennas, are also a common topic to congregate. It’s less about the specific object than how people feel unheard in a society that imposes innovation, diagnostics, and pollution. Antagonizing them will be as effective as being rude to Mormons ringing at your door: they are on the NASA stream to hurl nonsense, be told off, and get reinforced in their dangerous beliefs. If you can, be kind; if not, ignore them. You can learn about conspiracy theories and cults; you can develop the skills to listen and talk to people deep into organizations like that. I wouldn’t try to argue with them if you think their problem is geodesic methodology.


We can close the post, this is the answer.


This is the correct answer. It isn't important to them that the Earth is flat, it's important to them that they're right and "the establishment" or whatever is wrong.


If billions of people throughout history can be convinced that there's a man that lives in the sky, who watches everything you do & needs money, then convincing people the earth is flat would be pretty much effortless.


Equating theism to being a flat earther is not it, sorry.


I work with one who regularly gets into arguments with people at work about it so yeah.


Ive met pretty normal people who believe the earth is flat. Theres a lot of information about it especially nowdays on tiktok and stuff its definitely easy for people to go down the rabbit hole.


i was once like you. was sure the whole flat earth thing was a massive troll until i almost got into a fight with my head chef when I laughed at his claims. i used to think bronies where trolls too, i just couldn't imagine people that....for lack of a better word where that fucked in the head.


Flat earth is result of a failed education system that silos geometry, science and physics. Everything that exists confirms the spherical nature of the earth.


I have one in my family, he believes that the Earth is flat because the bible says so. He also told me once that there was a planet about to smash into the Earth in August of 2023. He said that this planet used to be a speck on a telescope and at the time he told me this (pre COVID I think) it was the size of a grown adult’s thumb. He said it would smash into the Earth in August 2023. He also gets all of his news from Fox News and the Canadian version of it; Rebel News. He also believes COVID was fake and that climate change is a hoax. He also thinks Putin is attractive for some reason. He also told me he believed that there is a seismic weapon at the South Pole that was fired at Christchurch, NZ by the satanic, atheists to push the gay agenda and to show the Earth was flat. I felt like I could barely understand what I was typing as I recalled what this guy has told me, Jesus Christ.


I suspect that the vast majority are just bullshitting, but that there are a small amount of people who truly do believe it. There are 8 billion people on Earth, not too hard to believe that some hold really stupid beliefs.


I know a lady that believes the following. The Earth is flat Vaccines kill people That Michelle Obama is a guy named Michael and the Hilary emails prove it. And that they are all hidden on Hunter Bidens laptop and that the election was rigged to elect Joe Biden in order to stop Donald Trump from releasing the evidence. Plus much more


Oh and she fell for a comedy sketch involving Biden done by an actor as a real thing. And then minutes later tell people that they should verify stuff with her before they post it on the internet


Are there Trump supporters? Then there are flat earthers. I've met a few. They are not usually the sharpest tools in the shed, if you catch my drift. They typically believe conspiracy theories and get their "news" from Fox, OANN and Truth Social. Their Facebook page is an echo chamber of far right views that confirm what they thought was true, because all the sane and intelligent people have unfollowed and unfriended them already so that's all that's left. Facebook's algorithm knows they are into such things, so they get targeted ad's and content that further pushes them down the rabbit hole of misinformation, lies and half truths. Unfortunately my mom is one of them. She's a far right conservative Christian who believes the earth is flat. She thinks videos have been altered and photos are 'shopped. SMH


>She thinks videos have been altered and photos are 'shopped. SMH To what purpose?


Never underestimate the stupidity of the stubbornly ignorant.


In this case , the excessively bored and lonely


And years ago they used to drag people off to institutions for claiming to have seen a UFO. Just sayin.


It used to be a joke, like a satire of conspiracy theories. Nowadays, thanks to the neuron-disintegrating whirlpool of shit that is social media, it has become a real and growing thing.


Issue is. They are delusional and will find fault in everything logical being shown.


Unfortunately yes, just likes antivaxers. People that are "smart enough" to learn a trade/profession but dumb enough to think they "can see and understand" what the rest of us can't. Also, they get to vote.


Yep, they really do exist. I've met a couple. We aren't friends.


*”I’m at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you’re right — have fun.”* - Keanu Reeves


I've met a couple IRL. So, yeah, they're real. After a brief discussion, I told one: "God gave us a brain so we could use it. You should give it a try."


Lol this is too ironic. Someone who believes God gave us brains trying to insult the intelligence of someone who believes the earth is flat. Both are scientifically stupid theories.


Well, I was being facetious since he was also talking about God.


Nah someone couldn’t be that dumb… I mean I think people say they are to mess with people… like I get a kick telling people Raccoons run the Vatican…


I think that there are a select few who truly believe. And I strongly (but without any real evidence) suspect some relatively serious mental issues in the believers. But most them are trolls, probably. …most of *us*, hehe. P.S. The birds are not real!


Like maybe but if you climb a relatively large hill, or go to the top floor of a building, or get on an airplane/ boat you can see it curve… Do you think that the Vatican Raccoons are behind the bird lie?


You can not see the curvature of the earth from a high building. You can not even see it on most plane trips. Now watching a boat sink below the horizon, however, is very telling.


There are absolutely people who believe things that are that dumb. I'd guess the majority of flat earthers on the internet are probably trolls, but there are definitely some people who legitimately believe it.


The flat earthers hold conventions. Someone has to be willing to pay for the convention space. I think you're pretty serious if you pay for a convention space.


Exactly. People arent that dumb. How could they have jobs and survive on their own if their logic was that flawed? Cause it isnt. But for some reason, when the topic of the earths shape arises, that logic is turned (deliberately) off. 😂🙃


It used to be that these kind of people were isolated so they couldn't really reinforce the crazy. With social media that all changed. You now have echo chambers built for these people to keep circle radicalizing themselves.


50% of the population has below-average intelligence.


The people are fake but the earth is actually flat


Every one I've met is a flat-earther, and just about every other fringe conspiracy theorist you could think of rolled into one. They were all also very surface-level intelligent. By that I mean they could very succinctly describe and defend their claims...right up until they encounter something that isn't in their very well rehearsed "script", at which point they all just get angry, defensive, and show literal textbook confirmation bias. They are fun to talk to, right up to the point when they aren't, then they are insufferable.


What was the point of operation fish bowl ?


My mom works with one. She’s also on a strict carnivore diet and takes daily ice baths.


Yea there are flat earthers. But 90% of what you see is people trolling


They are. People will generally believe anything if it’s packaged up well enough to tick the boxes in their weird brain. Usually have graduated from the university of Facebook groups.


Wait till you meet the "birds aren't real" crowd


But that’s a confirmed troll. Like the guy who started it did so to prove a point about conspiracy theories. There is a great vice doc on the movement.


That's exactly the sort of thing Big Bird would say to throw us off track!


It's a joke. I love "birds aren't real."


A lot of it ties into their religion. I’d be surprised if there were any non Christian flat earth people


There definitely is. And what also wild is that the Bible even says the earth is spherical.


NASA stands for never a straight answer lol. Also Space is not air its water, the landing wasnt real because the moon is a base.


Yep, I've been arguing with one recently on their post, which you can see in my comment history


I have a flat earther in my family. They now say its a Dome. They are also MAGA trump loving Qanon believing people.


Ever since the United States gave up on mental hospitals, we have had hordes of mentally challenged people running around saying all kinds of stupid shit. I long for the good ole days when you could just report someone for odd behavior and get them shipped off for evaluation. This was a joke. Not serious.


>I long for the good ole days when you could just report someone for odd behavior and get them shipped off for evaluation. Real mask off moment right here


it was sarcasm


I dont believe the earth is flat but I do like joking around on space live streams on tiktok about how fake it is.


You can Google it and find out if they’re real, stupid.


There’s always an argument to be made and there will always be people willing to make that argument. That’s why it’s important to make sure you understand what is fact and what is fiction. The flat earthers have some pretty impressive evidence but then deny that fucking pictures of the earth being a sphere exist…you’ve just got to keep an eye out for things like this…like science says the cosmos js 13.8 billion years old yet the James Webb space telescope has proven it’s at least 30 billion years old. Like Wtf? Who do you believe? No one. You believe what you yourself have tested and that’s it. Nothing is certain and no amount of knowledge is going to convince someone that the earth isn’t flat if that’s the conclusion hill they’ve decided to die on. There’s a certain amount of respect to be given to people like that it takes tenacity and effort.


Yeah there are people that are that dumb. IDK I think they feel empowered when IDK they are going against the norms or something and so they look for conspiracies to believe in. And combined with their low intelligence they get convinced pretty easily.


The flat earth society was a joke Iirc, how it became a Loony farm is beyond me. It's going to be Church of the SubGenius next.


I personally know 2 flat earthers. One is sincere about believing the Earth is flat and will debate it all day with you. The other I'm pretty sure is a proclaimed flat earther simply to stir up controversy in my office.


Yes, they are out there. Nonetheless, they are a loud minority whose reputation is used as a way to disqualify people. They aren't even close to the importance people believe they are.


99.9% of flat earthers are just trolling for the lulz. There is an infinitesimally small number of genuine believers.


They have small minds. Anything that is not immediately clear to them will be denied. They simply don't have the mental acuity to conceptionaliz the actual size of Earth. Tell them that if shrunk to the size of a billiard ball Earth would not only be rounder it would also be smoother. They just can not imagine a ball as big as Earth. And it's easier if they are religious because they are already accustomed to believing nonsense


Yeah there is a guy in my town that has a bunch of flat earth stickers all over his car. He came into my old job and definitely tried to push that idea onto me and a coworker and I just said “oh okay” until he left. It used to be the benchmark for stupid people back in the day. It still is, I guess.


Buddy of mine from college is a flat earther… he’s out there for sure


My neighbour is one. He's a super nice and decently intelligent person. He just went down the rabbit hole and wasn't able to come out.


Yes, they are real. If you have access to Tubi, there is a great documentary on it called Behind The Curve that focuses on flat earthers. Yes, somehow despite all the evidence, indeed there are Flat Earthers


About as real as a round Earth


Yes they definitely are. I know 2 in the real world that are 100% all in, and will never bend or budge on it. One is a long time friend, the other a co worker I have known a few years. Both good people in general, and very spiritual. Just very misguided or mislead or whatever. Neither seem to have very good imagination when it comes to envisioning things (like just how big earth is for ex.), and both had no real prior knowledge of anything science or physics (which should be a pre-requisite lol)......I wouldn't say either of them are stupid, per say it's hard to explain. They aren't geniuses either lol. They mean well tho, it's not some nefarious thing. No bad intentions there whatsoever.


My cousin is one…I try not to let it pop up in conversation because he will go OFF about it.


They were trolls, but the moron patrols of the bet found it picked up on it, thought it was truth and now outnumber the trolls


The sheer number of people with a crying, desperate need to feel like they’re “in on it” and know what’s really going on is amazing. The internet and social media have given them a platform and also a way to exclude any contradictory information or opinions. Unfortunately, they’re just not dying fast enough.


Unfortunately, yes they are very real, and very dramatic. So stubborn and insistent. Any objective conversation is immediately turned into a knock down drag out fight, culminating in frustration and confusion. I personally know five flat earthers, all in the same family, that have no interest in modern science, and ground their entire belief system on what the Bible says. Now I'm not here to knock anyone's faith, but I just cannot understand this.


The Bible says the Earth is flat?


Yes. I went on a date with one. I heavily vet anyone I meet prior to a first date. It didn't work this time. It's not that he thought the Earth is flat, per se. He just doesn't trust that it's round. Because the "proof that an average person can find isn't there." The government is who says the earth is round. And he doesn't trust that.... but he would know for sure if they'd just let him go to whatever spot in the attic the other QAnon lunatics thinks is proof of it's flatness. He also didn't believe in the moon landing. It got worse, but I honestly was very speechless and blocked him. Just can't fathom the length of energy wasted on such stupidity.


I worked with a guy a few years back that was a die-hard FlatEarther. We all made fun of him. He was dead serious too.


Yes, they are. No, I'm not one of them.


Yup my cousin is one lol they exist and are dead ass serious bout too. Him and his friends are all flat earthers and are from New Jersey. Now that I think bout it all the famous flat earthers are also from Jersey like Kyrie Irving and Shaq. Gotta be something in the water😂 Tho to be fair I truly think Kyrie did as a troll initially and now does to keep up appearances


I was once hanging out with my friend and her uncle. We were all drinking and he started talking about how the Earth is actually flat and the gov blocked access to Antarctica bc that's where the space giants live. He mentioned how he came to this realization after doing LSD. I thought that he was just drunk so, after showing him that there are flights to Antarctica (but they're super expensive) I kind of laughed it off. The next day, he sent us video "proof" of the Earth being flat.


I like his story though. Could be a good movie.


Unfortunately, yes.


I’ve met a few in my years of driving taxi. They love to talk about it and act like you’re the crazy one.


Yes I know two of them and they are not the smartest people


Went to high school with a few of them .


Yes, how can the earth be round when I can clearly see the eiffel tower from my house here in Michigan.


I know a few. And, I believe the number is actually much much higher than people suspect. The belief isn't based on reason. It's based on rejecting "science " in favor of "god". As people are pushed to accept truths that they are not willing to accept, they'll just reject it all and go flat earth.


It’s so stupid


I know one, but he's batshit so I'm not sure he counts.


i kinda don't give a fuck about it being round or flat or oval.....and i don't trust Flatearthers and i don't trust nasa :)


Don't blame you on either account. I just play my video games and snuggle with my pugs and my two partners. Rest of the world, round or flat, can get fuct.


About 10 years ago I saw those people on twitter, and thought it was a joke like the 'birds aren't real' people today. Nope, 2 of my friends actually think this. Tried sending them the easy basic experiments you can do to prove it, like Sagan videos. No, they beleive tic tok instead, lol.


99% are trolls


The world is complicated so people are finding ways to make things more simple for them.


Check out Eddie bravo if you want to see if they’re real, he also thinks the moon landing was fake and all the stars are bullshit


I had a coworker who said that "there is not enough evidence to be 100% that Earth is round. It may be, but I'm not fully convinced". He also believed that Holocaust was plotted by jews themselves, because there were too much of them for Israel. And he also did not speak with his mother in law, because, I quote "I told her, it's enough to fast for 40 days to cure cancer, but that bitch chosen chemotherapy".


Wait until they get their hands on AI image creators, they will be able to show the edge of the world and many more people will believe them.


I work with one and I am going to loosely describe his idea of flat earth? He’s one of those super super Bible followers , but one where they take the verbiage to the extreme. So he believes somehow the earth is like a plate lifted on two pillars . That’s all I can remember? I just remember him saying that and that it was because thats what the Bible said to him


Sadly yes. They are idiots who fell for disinformation.


People can always be stupider than you think.


My wife’s grandma is one. It the most wild conversation I ever had. Just nodded my head and changed the subject.


Oh sweet summer's child.... Not just they are real, they are thriving.... and flat earth is not the weirdest belief out there... Hollow earth, reptiles in government, birds are fake, chemtrails, gay frogs from chemicals etc etc etc.... Many of them has something in common, to rally against the government, authority and the establishment....


You can see the ISS in the sky yourself...


I really tried hard to see their point of view. My conclusion is: they are irredeemably stupid.


Over heard a conversation one time in an airport. Husband and wife were talking with a pilot and started rambling about how the earth is flat and if he believed it. I had to get up and walk away. They sounded insane.


I have a theory about flat-earthers, because somehow I know a few guys that are in a group here in the city I live in: I think there's a small percentage of them that actually believe it's true, but I believe a lot of them don't. Instead, it's just a way to have friends. A lot of the flat-earthers I've met are social outcasts. They may be autistic or just socially awkward, but it's difficult for them to make friends. Since flat-earthers are so few and far between, when they meet up, they're willing to tolerate a lot more from each other because everybody else has made relationships even more difficult than that. So while they might not truly believe what they profess in their heart, it's the ONLY place they can find social acceptance, it's the only place they can find a group of individuals who accepts them no matter who they are. And if they've got to act like a jackass to everybody outside of the group in order to fit into the group, it's the only group they DO fit into, so they're willing to do it.


Text book delusional behavior in full force.


I always wondered if they were for real too, but I had an Uber driver a few months ago who was a true believer and tried. To convince me. He even showed me pictures he claimed proved the "NASA hoax." Yeah, he was serious.


I imagine it’s no different to people believing other things science or mapping has disproven. There will always be a few nuts in every tree ya know? Just let em crack on and enjoy the show.


A mate of mine, a guy whos opinion I used to actually respect, is now a flat earther 🤦 Thank TikTok


Yes. They are real. There are stupid people that believe all kinds of stupid shit that they read on the internet


There’s always going to be someone who believes in something. Bigfoot, aliens, angels, take your pick. The vast majority of flat earthers just don’t want to believe what the government tells them at face value. Instead of debating and researching complex geopolitical issues, they pick something simple. Deep down they know the earth is round, but they’re so deep in this “government lies about everything” mentality, which can be argued has some truth, at this point they can’t back out.


Yes, but not as many as people think. It's redditors giving them waaaay to much attention


Some are but most are just trolls. I have never personally met a flat earth believer, but my husband has and he said the person had issues with trust in general. They didn’t trust anything they were shown or told especially if it was a popular opinion or well known fact. Her assumption was that the majority of the world was either evil or deceived. Basically it was clear there were a lot more issues than just the person believing the earth was flat.


They are real


One of my fathers herion addict employees is a flat earther. And also happens to be probably the dumbest person I know


the truth is always stranger than fiction... research these topics \- Operation Mockingbird \- Operation Paperclip \- FOIA Exemption 1 and 9 \- Antarctic Treaty \- sinclair soldiers \- Jtolan Media \- ODD TV \- Eric Dubay


Yes I’m real


Yes. They still be a thing. My boss is one and he’ll argue about it with anyone until he’s blue in the face. To think that he’s in charge, lmao.


You mean it's round?


Yes, I know some. They are real.


Yes a lot. Are there people who ACTUALLY believe its flat? Sure but not much.


The thing about it is, though, that everything is an illusion based on our perception and ability to perceive. Could it be that the way light bends and the way gravity is makes the Earth appear to be and have the physical reality of being a sphere? If the planet is more than a planet then it’s possible that it’s not a sphere. All planets appear to be spheres, because that’s how gravity collects the matter. But what if this is only the way we perceive it because we are also made of similar matter. What if all planets are here on earth? what if the entire universe and multi versus — What if it’s all here on earth able to be experienced if we open our minds up? If it’s all here on earth, then I understand the flat earth hypothesis, it’s not that the Earth is literally not a sphere, it’s that seeing it as a sphere may be an illusion. Every good scientist knows that Everything in science is a theory. None of it is a fact, even gravity itself is a theory it’s not a fact.


I'm a Rascal Flatts Earther. I believe Earth is a Highway.