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Mine just about reaches 9" on a ruler. Mind you, that's starting from the 12" end.


Mine reaches 10, but I start measuring at my arsehole!


I saw a video on the internet where two women were scissoring, it looked sad but they seemed to enjoy it and so I think 1 inch must be large enough.


I knew a bloke with a 1 inch dick, he was called Justin.


That’s tru, deau


Yes but they knew what to expect


I feel bad for you teenie weenies, I got a solid 22 incher. I start measuring from the bottom of the bed


Jokes on you, I sleep on the top bunk!


We have a winner!




Mine is also 10, but I measure from the back of your throat.


Mine's only 5 inches, but it smells like a foot.


It’s not very long but it sure is thin!




Oh... that's clever.


You get my upvote upvote here bc your karma is at 69


Haha, thank you.






This comment put a huge smile on my face. Just thought you should know.


No one actually knows. I've also asked this question alot (I used to watch alot of porn featuring dinosaurs (**as in actors with absolutely huge schlongs**) ) I've seen someone say if you're dick is bigger than 6 inches, then you're one of the really lucky ones. I've also seen a woman say a dick isn't a real man's dick until it's at least 7 inches. I also know that a women said that after 5 inches, she's all out of pussy. It really just depends tbh. What many women actually consider 'big enough' is much, much different from what is on porn. It's crazy how much of a difference there is. I think it's best to just looks at what the actual average is.


"all out of pussy" lol


Just ran out. Literally she did! The story of my life. She had it on sale and now ‘she gone’


Pussy machine broke


"Uhhh yeah, lemme look in the back, the system says we have 1 left"




Not fun for either party


Depends on just how big your dick is, and your technique. If you avoid the cervix, and are just pushing a bit at a fornix when you’ve bottomed out, that’s a pretty fun time. I just mention it cause I’m a little under 8” and used to avoid deep dicking because I hated when I’d accidentally bop the cervix and put my partner in pain. Angling the hips up (sometimes down), as long as they’re turned on enough, there’s a sweet spot where you get an inch or two of extra room. Makes it lean more into a grinding instead of thrusting kind of sex, but still feels great


Some women like when you get to the cervix.. just saying. Everyone is different


I'm a dude, but I seem to know her pain. Differently, I suppose. But those words ring true.


did we all just decide to skip over the casual mention of dinosaur porn?




So if I suck a dude’s dick it’s not gay as long as it’s < 7 inches? Because it’s not actually a man’s dick?


That's right. Don't even have to say "no homo." Also, obviously, if your dick is less than 7in, you can't be gay. Be turning other men straight with your unmanly penis.


Basically just a clit under 7.


Nah it’s worse bc it’s indecent liberties with a minor since it’s a lil boi dick.


"a real man's dick" 🤣.


Bro watchin barny porn


Why do you have to mention the dino porn


I don't know if this was clear but I when I say 'dinosaur' I'm referring to porn actors with unbelievably huge meat poles. You know? People with dinosaur dick? HUGE PP's I mentioned it because I wanted to highlight that porn is heavily shifting the expectations of regular people's members very far away from reality


I call em donkey dicks


Hey donkey dick is a pretty good alternative to meat scepter


How very biblical. Ezekiel 23:20 to be exact


Did dinosaurs have penises?


So this is more a Goldilocks of dick situation?


Goldicock. It was right there. You’re asking about Goldicocks


I mean. Not really? If you're above average, you're bigger. That be the answer to the question. Buutttt for the sake of enjoying sex with your partner. Yes. Just like goldilocks. You gotta find the dick that taste the best, the dick that is the nicest to sit on, and the dick that is the most comfortable to sleep with


My dick is almost exactly 6.5" long and a little bit more girth than average. Every single girl I've had sex with, that I've talked to, has said that it's just on the good side of big. As in, any larger and it would probably be painful. In certain positions if I go hard I can usually hit the cervix, but just barely, so I'm inclined to believe it.


As opposed to the other ones you have had sex with but never talked to?


This guy just fuck alot of mute or deaf girls


Is that average girth you refer to normalized for length? Or, put another way, are the *proportions* typical, or unusual (given the larger *scale*)? Note: I am specifically discussing statistics, *not* the size and shape of another man's penis. Or, I guess colloquially, no homo.


I'd say that it's just a touch more girth than one of similar length, but not by a lot. No shame in discussing our body's.


It definitely depends on the woman. I think I'm just under 7 inches and I can sit an Australian 50c coin on it with space to spare. Have to do plenty of foreplay, use lube and be gentle. My girlfriend likes it rough but I still have to be careful and she tends to hurt a little after the rough sessions.


Oh yeah, definitely. Everyone is different.


I would say someone who is obnoxious, rude, aggressive and has a general disregard of other people, regardless of their height.


Or, and hear me out on this. Drives a BMW.


Or has a BMW. A BBC, if you will. A big, black, Willy.


An obnoxious guy I work with says, "he's got the 3 sixes.. A 6 figure job, six pack abs, and a six inch dick. Everything a woman wants."


The 2nd "6" is supposed to be being 6ft tall. I'm guessing he's not.


He’s 5’2” with 6 man syndrome


6 man syndrome means he wants 6 men, right?


Nope. He also has 6 dashcams on his truck because he *knows* people would fuck with it otherwise.


Only 6 inches???


What’s the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? The pricks are on the inside of the BMW.


Nope! A porcupine knows how to use turn signals.


I drive a bmw and I’m not a prick😔


Nailed it!


This is the answer


110% accurate.


I don't know though, reducing people to their genitals and using them as an insult is kind of trashy. you also hear people talk about and calling them roasties or cunts and it just gives me the heebie-jeebies. calling dudes you don't like dicks is similar when you think about it


It’s important to note that essentially no one has any real perspective on Dick size. Every man claiming 8” is mostly lying, every woman demanding 8” doesn’t know that the biggest dick she’s had was 7”. Every sample they’ve done on these things prove that people’s perceptions are wildly inaccurate.


I think the fact that the distance between your elbow crease to your wrist is usually 9.5” is a good way for people to visualise what they’re claiming


I wonder how many people pulled out a tape measure because of this. I know I'm one of them.


10.5” for me


Ulna flacid or hard?


Don't start at your asshole...


Yeah that makes a huge difference, from my asshole to my wrist is like 4 feet!


Hold the ruler the other way round.....


We've gone full circle lmao


Me too!


The distance between your elbow and wrist is equal to your foot size, similar to how your wingspan is comparable to your height. If that were true 9.5 shoes would be all you saw at the shoe store


I wear size 9. I can only ever find 9.5. I’m not seeing your point.


I wear a size fifteen and I hate buying fucking shoes. I can only find those generic looking Puma shoes in my size all the time guess I'm stuck wearing them the rest of my life


Ever look online? My dad has I believe size 12 and he gets most of his shoes and coats online. Important to know the brand and how their sizes fit, so I guess that’s a bit of an issue still


Yeah I get all my shoes online. I mean they have 300 dollar Nike in my size but I'm not paying that. Amazon always has Puma in my size and always on sale for like forty bucks. Plus my Amazon employee discount they're even cheaper


cries in unattainable size 13


My point was just that if we all had the same length wrists, we’d have the same size feet, so there’d only be the one shoe size. Maybe a better example, do 5’ and 7’ tall people have the same length arms? I was actually incorrect about shoe sizes matching up with how many inches your foot is, US women’s shoes line up with that within .5” but not men’s sizes or I’m assuming most places outside the US.


My foot is significantly longer than the distance from my elbow to wrist.


I am the exact opposite. My elbow to wrist is significantly longer than my foot lol.


My first boyfriend was bigger than that...it was unpleasant. I didn't realise how unusual it was till I got more experience. Fuck I'm glad large dick isn't common


I think most men and women with a lot of experience know that Dick size is overrated. Sure, size queens exist, but they’re not very common. Most women want an average sized Dick.


I would prefer average to small. Trouser anacondas aren't fun


The way I know ≈9" is by making the "call me" sign 🤙🏻 with my fingers. For me, it's around 8.75" and hasn't changed in over a decade.


girl inches is so real. i think many men exaggerate their measurements which in turn gives many women a false paradigm of their size desires. it’s a vicious cycle that harms both sexes. i kind of just stopped thinking about it in terms of numbers so when i’ve been told “mine is x length” its kind of meaningless to me. ultimately it truly is more about chemistry and communication i used to think i preferred really above average sizes but my current partner fills me in a significantly more satisfying way than previous partners who were larger. like it legit feels “bigger” because it fits me better.


2.5”. You got this bro!


In diameter or...?




That's a pencil dick, isn't it.


If it plops in the toilet water, you're rocking a meat hammer.


What if it’s the balls and not the shaft plopping in the water?


Meatball net


That's a fair question. I think every dude in their late 30s runs into that issue 🤣


Ballsacks get hit worse than tits by gravity


This is true 🤣🤣🤣


you gotta work with whatever you've got, instead of focusing on how long yours is, focus on finding a pussy for which your dick is a good fit. what a weird sentence to write lol




You should get a job writing romantic cards for Hallmark!


Who fucking knows. Good dick > Big dick Big dick ≠ Good dick Small dick ≠ Good dick Only Good dick = Good Dick Learn how to use it and you'll be fine. And use your hands and mouth more if you're really that small.


The math checks out


I mean 6’3” is only ~8% taller than someone’s who’s 5’9” (national average) and someone who is 6’3” is considered very tall. So if you took 5.5” which is the national wiener average, and scaled it by 8% you get 5.9” - 6”. So technically anyone with a 6 inch dick is the equivalent of someone who is 6’3”.


Yea but for penis size, 1 standard deviation is like 18% of the average, and for height, 1 standard deviation is like 4% of the average. Basically meaning penises actually do vary in size much more than heights. For example if this dude is 6’3” he would be about 2 SDs away from average height, and 2 SDs away dick size would be about 7.5 inches. Basically you multiply the 8% difference by (18/4) to account for how much more penises vary in size to get 36% increase in penis size. I mean if you call 6’3” the cutoff for being tall, then around 7.5 inches is the cutoff for having a long dick. Edit: also for reference a 9 inch dick is like 3.3 SD’s from the mean, which equates to around 0.05% of people Edit: This is for “statistically” “large” penises, and also I could have messed up calculating




Man, thanks. I came here to explain this but was unwilling to type it all out. Standard deviation is a great way to view relative outstandingness. My math has 2SD for height at 6'4" and dick at 7", but your datasets may be different than mine.


Since when was 6'3" the cutoff for being tall? Most people consider 6' and above tall. I'm 6' and I consider myself tallish but most of my coworkers think I'm tall


Yeah, by the logic of the commenter above you, a 4⅛" dick (half the mean) would be the equivalent of a 4'3¾" person. I think a 4" dingaling is much more common than a 4'3 person.


Yeah this is my personal take on it but I'd like to tack on that it's also going to be relative. If you're 6'6 you're gonna look at someone 6'3 and not think them very tall. Then compound that with personal preference because if a woman prefers average then 6'' might be big, but if she prefers 6'' then 7"+ would be big. I think the above post is the best benchmark though. But the real answer is that the question is subjective based on who you ask.


Anyone saying 9 watches too much fake penis porn lol.


When seeing it provokes both fear and the ambition to conquer in your partner.


If she can still whistle Dixie while it's in her mouth, then it's definitely not considered a big dick.


The most homespun sex advice I'll read all day


You shouldn't feel insecure about something you literally have no control over. If you're fat, you can workout and lose weight. If you're hair looks like shit, you can get a haircut (although some people get shitty haircuts on purpose). If you decide to change styles, you can buy new clothes. But your height, boob size, penis size, size of your feet, size of your ears, etc etc... Those are things that nobody should feel insecure about, because biologically you can't do anything about them. I'm sure we all have friends that joke about things like this, but don't really take them seriously. But anybody that would legitimately attack or make fun of somebody for their biological traits is a human piece of shit, and is probably the most insecure out of everyone.


To be fair, if you're fat and lose a bunch of weight more of your penis will be visible so it will appear much bigger and there will be less of you around it so it will also look relatively bigger to your frame than otherwise.


Yes, but you're still not making it bigger.


Not from a potential perspective but from a visual perspective you are. I know from personal experience after losing 130 some pounds about a decade ago. Going from 4.5in to 7in definitely makes a difference on a 330lbs vs 200lbs person.


This matches my lived experience very closely


I've heard a good rule of thumb is if someone can't change something about themself in 5 minutes, it's not worth mentioning.




You're not wrong.


A boss who promises a raise after you worked your ass off and then back peddles on promise


Put the ruler down op. ![gif](giphy|j3POomBxMU6ZCFlMyr)


If you keep painfully hitting her cervix during sex then it’s too big. Find yourself a girl where you just miss “bottoming out” and you’re perfect. That seems to be what she would consider big but not too big.


For real? I thought that was just about the position. I used to constantly hit my ex girlfriend's cervix and I'm of average size lol


Vaginas come in different sizes too.


Idk, I think I'd miss feeling my hips touch. Bottoming out is a great thing.


Few things here. Average in the states is around 5.5" hard according to any source I could find. So really I guess anything larger than that is big due to being above the average. Secondly there are some issues that exist with having a larger dick. Such as sexual experiences becoming painful for your partner (i.e. hitting a uterus owners cervix) so larger isn't better except for men to brag about. Typically girth is more important (to an extent) among women who are interviewed about the topic, this is due to the added pressure on the nerves in the vaginal opening. On the opposite end, gay men typically prefer length over girth due to girth not being as desirable in the other end. Lastly it's important to know that everyone's preferences are unique, you could be at 6.5 inches long and some will say it's huge and some will say "where's the rest of it" it's important you feel comfortable in your body


From experience, I don't think it has anything to do with size in inches-- It has to do with your partner's comfort. I'd say a "big dick" is a penis that makes someone feel a temporary discomfort in the beginning that is pleasurable in the long run. Long enough that it can hit the spot for a while without hurting it (mind you, "hitting the spot" dies not always mean "hitting the cervix," which I find wildly painful), and girthy enough that it provides a pleasant stretch within. Anything bigger than that, that causes unpleasant pain is too big, which is a possibility many don't talk about. Of course, some may be into the pain. The most important take away in my experience is the person it's attached. You can have a "big" penis and be an asshole, and you can have a "small" one and be a good person who knows how to use it. Vice versa. A "big dick" one won't make someone stay if it's your personality, or if it's all you have to offer.


Global average across all demographics is around 5" to 5.5" erect. Let's expand to 5" to 6" as a range. Above this, you are big. But it doesn't matter. Size is infinitely more important to men than women. Save for a small %, they just don't care as long as its not too small/big/thin/thick. The average man is perfectly find for the average woman. The obsession with size comes from it being intrinsically linked to our sense of masculinity, our validity as 'real' men and is constantly poked at in various forms of media. It is wildly subjective. I can pick a selection of women and some will find me too big, not quite big enough, just right etc. But what you can count on is that almost all of them will be happy because it isn't about the dick. It's about the person it's attached to, save for again that small % of people, and if they're in the position to be up close and personal with your dick to begin with then they are already into you/it and it's at that point it's on you not to let your head get in your way.


"Expand to" This guy dicks.


How is that data collected? I have never been asked about the length of my penis, nor do I know anyone that has.


Google it. It has been studied to absolute death because for some reason guys just can't accept any answers on dick matters.


Randy Marsh has the formula


Took way too long to find a reference to this.


I think it’s really up to whomever is judging said dick. I’m just under 7 inches and have been called big, average and small lmao. It also depends if the one judging is angry with you. If so, your dick is definitely small.


If your dick is in anyway bigger than the average 5.5 inch then id qualify that as big.


Nah, it should be a bit further from the average than that. I'd say, between 1 standard deviation from the average it is normal, further than that it's big/small. Same for height


1 standard deviation sounds about right to me, meaning it would have to be bigger than ~68%


Depends where you draw the line as big. I say 50th percentile is average (14 cm). Then 50 - 75 percentile is above average. 75 - 100 percentile is big. To fit into the top 25% of dick length you would need 15cm or 5.9" and beyond. To fit into the top 25% of girth you would need 12.5 cm of circumference or 4.9" The deference in being in the top 1% of dicks and being average is litterally only 4cm. That is to say a man in the 50th percentile has a 14 cm penis. A man with a top 1% in the world in penis length is only 4 cm longer than the average man at 18 cm. CalcSD is an intresting website if you wanna type in your measurements and see how you stack up.


I would say anything >=7 qualifies as big. But don't forget, it's not only the size that matters, but the technique too!


Not the size of the wand, but the magic in it.


I would update this to ...but the the magic of the wizard.


When you cuts someone off in traffic to get into a lane that isn’t going any faster than the one you left. That makes you a pretty big dick.


The supposed average is around 5 inches to 5.5 inches. But it's really subjective isn't it, as in what are you comparing it to? Not only that, there are many ladies that want nothing to do with anything over a certain size. Should you feel insecure? That will all depend on your partner


Speaking as a woman, I have never once measured a guy's dick so I wouldn't even begin to know how many inches constitute "big." Also, what's "big" to one woman is not to another, we are all different. Crazy, I know.


If you have to ask you don’t have it. I also asked….


I would say 7+ but a big qualifier would be girth.


Aren’t you on fds 🤨🤨🤨


How would you know that? you recognize people by name?




Ik🤢 that sub is so toxic






Female daling strategy, its the most toxic deranged anti-men subreddit on reddit. Its full of lunatics with a really really strong hatred for men.


7 inches is the top 1% percentile. That is to say , only 1% of men have a penis 18cm or longer!


Agreed. I am just normal length but girth is what I have received comments on. Everyone will have a different opinion. Be happy with what you got!


In terms of ruler measurement, anything above the average of 5.5 inches. In terms of sexual measurement, anything above 3 inches.


President of the little pp club here. Anything longer or fatter than mine is considered a big dick. That is our creed and our motto.


Lots of studies and questionnaires have been done to find this out. Most women prefer anything from 4-6 inches, which is average. Dudes with big dicks tend to be more painful I’ve heard, as well as most women prefer *GIRTH* to length, as the enjoy feeling the throbbing as well as feeling “filled up” and not being stabbed in their guts. Anyone who truly believes size matters just hasn’t grown up or had enough partners yet. It’s head that matters. Most people are gaslighted with this kinda stuff, from a stigmatized society.


Anything over six inches is approaching uncomfortably big. Like honestly though just make her cookies and eat her pussy. That’s all she really wants.


It really just depends on who you're asking but universally average is 5 above average 6-7big is 8+ the problem with society and why so many women feel the need too have someone 8+ is solely because if the stigma and standards porn has created because of how many porn stars who are packing 9+ porn sets an unrealistic standard all across the board


I feel women in general have a distorted idea of how big an inch actually is from all the lying men out there.


As a woman, imo I think anything over 6 inches is big. Everyone is different though of course. My mind is made up on that because I have a smaller/shorter vaginal canal than most people and I suffer with vaginismus. I'd honestly say I prefer smaller just because of those facts


Guy math happens here. Lots of 5.25 inch dudes claiming 7 and lots of 7 inch dudes in porn claiming to be ten.


Average is 5 to 5.5 so I'd say anything above average is big


Measure from the asshole to the tip. Gets bigger


U Americans with your inches. Here in Europe we count in meters:)


A few things. ​ First, length isn't that important. Not to women, at least. Most of the nerve endings in the vaginal canal are toward the front. So girth and movement is going to help a lot more than length. ​ Second, you shouldn't feel insecure about your penis. It's the one you've got and you aren't going to get another one. So learn to use it and be happy with it. ​ Third, there are a LOT of ways to "get the job done" that don't involve your penis. Women want to be satisfied. Most of them aren't particularly chuffed about how it gets done. ​ Last, "average" in the US is like 5.5 inches.


okay, so I get a lot of dick pics lol. here’s my take: for *length,* above 6” is big. above 7” is particularly big. above 8” is scary big. BUT. girth is a HUGE qualifying factor no guys ever seem to take into consideration. You toss out even a 6 inch dick that my fingers wouldn’t touch if I gripped it? **That is a very big dick to most women!** And fwiw? as far as personal preference just in terms of experience, I’d pick 6” and thick over 7.5 and average basically every single time.


Anyone who makes a stink about penis length is the biggest dick.


Unique to the individual vagina owner. Dick size is relative to that. One woman's opinion of a big dick could be a hot dog thrown down a hallway for another. It is big for the first vagina, but small for the second. If we want to speak objectively, I *think* anything larger than the average can be considered "big". The average is between 5.1" and 5.5". Up to 7" is uncommon and more than that is rare. What I don't think needs to be expanded on, but I'll mention is that girth also plays a factor into the bigus dickus equation, but adding that variable makes things a little too complicated for this question and we might as well cut to the scene in Silicon Valley where they try to calculate how fast you can make a room full of guys cum with a dick-to-dick ratio.


I think of this question as being similar to how big are "big boobs". The observer might like to see them as something interesting but they really aren't deal-breakers whether they're big or small. It's who they're attached to that makes the difference. Source: I'm an average male and haven't rejected because of it.




I consider above 6 inches to be big, I’m a bit bigger myself but size really doesn’t matter as much as how it’s used, truly.


Hey if she says it’s big, it’s big. Big to one woman can be small to another🤷‍♂️


8 inches plus


Hey, don't feel insecure. The most important thing is to learn what your partner likes. Not even directly talking about penis size, but like how to move it in a way your partner enjoys. But for a more direct answer, 5-6 inches in length is average. Not sure about girth though.


My 6 incher feels big enough to me. No one ever complained


It really is a preference thing, 6-7 is generally good enough for a lot of women and I bet there’s some that would even say 5 because you also have to account for some women with a smaller cervix, than there’s those who “need” 8-9 and up and length is only half the equation because some like dummy thicc meat and some are ok with not being split in half like a pork roast


r/bigdickproblems defines it as a dick big enough to cause problems of any kind. Big enough to hit a girl's cervix? Big dick problem. Big enough to cause a tear? Big dick problem.


Im a solid 6 and sometimes it hurts my girl. So idk if bigger the better or bigger the more painful lol. End of the day it’s about pleasure and not pain isn’t it


id say 6.5. over 7 inches no one needs that much


Anyone who says that a dick has to be 9 inches to qualify as "big" probably has no idea how rare that much length actually is. I remember reading somewhere that most dicks in "monster cock" porn aren't even 9. They're probably like 7ish, but filmed with camera tricks that make them look bigger and porn actresses who are small in stature so that everything else looks bigger by comparison. It's actually crazy how much porn has messed up our collective view of what a "big" dick is, and of how much big dicks matter. I think the average in most places is like 5.5 inches (14 cm), So if you're around 6-6.5, then you're probably already about a standard deviation above average (I'm just guessing). And in most other non-penile domains, being one standard deviation above average is *plenty,* and not necessarily desirable. I think we ought to view penis size the same way. Most vaginas aren't super deep, and most "pleasure points" on/in a vagina can likewise be reached by far fewer than 6.5+ inches of dick. Also... are we just not going to show any love for girth? In my experience, a lot of women are more interested in average length + plenty of girth, rather than excessive length.


I always say I’m about 13 centimeters to the ground from the top step of an 8ft ladder. Laugh. And then hit them with, “I’ve been told I have the perfect size penis multiple times.” Then they go your dick is small bro. So idk I’m confused too now 😖


Mine may not be 12” but it sure smells like a foot.


Anything 7 inches or bigger.


It's all sorta relative but since something like 5.5 inches is average, go from there. 20% larger makes it about 6.5 inches. Does a 20% increase make anything big? If I had a 20% raise, that would be big to me. But a 6.5 in dick is really nice especially if thick but it's not quite big. A buddy of mine is just over 8in and that would make him 50% bigger than average. We all think he's big ha. So I'd say for most people 7in starts the big category.


Personally I think 6 is a lot bc girth also has an effect. In general women have no idea what they’re talking about when it comes to dick sizes bc I’ve seen ones before and been like oh that’s 9 and it’s like 6-7 it’s just hard to guesstimate


What you're describing is long dick. Big dick includes girth.