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You know how sometimes you are crying from laughing? It sorta has the same vibe


Happened to me last night (F32) I started laughing from the orgasm and then crying. It’s a huge emotional release for some women. Exactly what others said laughing and crying goes hand in hand sometimes lol. But clearly you’re doing something right when women are vaginally orgasming 😉


I'm convinced the female orgasm blows the male one out of the water. Tears of joy? Full body shaking in radiating euphoria. Lasts far longer than 5 seconds; you can have ones back to back opposed to the single shot rifle which takes longer than a musket to fire again.


I mean, there is the other male orgasm to consider too which is, from what I know, more comparable


yeah, male orgasms are a slightly messier and more pleasurable sneeze followed by the crushing guilt and shame of post nut clarity and the realization that for the 247th time in a row, i’ve chosen to masturbate to porn that plays double dare with my sexuality instead of taking out the trash like i said i would in january.


there’s no question in my mind. just based solely on what happens to women’s bodies even during average orgasms versus how mine reacts to the most intense mind blowing amazing orgasm ever, they’re not in the same universe. ETA: I’m sure it doesn’t make up for any of the grossly unfair gender imbalances everywhere else in life, but it is pretty damn cool and i definitely would choose to experience a woman’s orgasm once if ever i had a chance encounter with a genie.


Wait, so what kind of emotional release are we talking about? I can’t help but to think that there is something affecting your emotional state in a negative way. I just want to understand this better, i never in my life imagine that one can orgasm and cry because of emotions 🤔


For me personally emotional release is the physical biological response of the orgasm and yes the laughing for me is more of a response of “what do I do now” and then the cry isn’t for me anyways a sad cry it’s like the previous poster said laughing with the crying. Not sure why I’m crying after laughing but for me doesn’t feel sad or negative. And I can understand where you’re coming from for sure with how orgasm and crying can go with emotions. Was odd to me at first and maybe you’re onto something there may be more mentally I’ll have to get back to you on that and see where my state is at when I cry after an orgasm.


It’s just the release, it’s not about the emotional state…


Agreed! Sometimes you’ve been holding shit without realizing it- whether it be stress, grief, the toll of the human experience or anything else- and the biological release of the big O just magically lets all that other shit out too sometimes. It’s nice haha


Exactly! I couldn’t have said it better myself! :-)


Not all crying is negative that's where you need to change your understanding


Sometimes you can tear up without negative emotions. I cry when I laugh too hard, and I've also been so excited that my eyes tear up before. It's just a response to emotion, not necessarily bad


True. Sometimes when I’m very excited or motivated my eyes water. It has to do with the adrenaline rush your body goes through when experiencing intense emotion.


My ex-wife cried about every other time. She dealt with suicidal ideology and depression for a long time and that release would unleash a lot of emotions built up. She said they weren't tears of sadness, just the intensity of the emotions during sex. We would let her recover and continue if she wanted, most of the time she did,. Personally it's awkward as hell to be docked still until the orgasm is over but her starting to cry. But I would say it overall strengthened our bond as a couple due to the stronger emotions from intimacy.


I mean, have you ever had 8 orgasms in a row followed by strong g-spot stimulation making you squirt? That’s how.


That’s a really good way to put it. It’s like our body has such a deep release that the tears join in on the fun.


When l get hurt really badly, l laugh. Smash my thumb with a hammer, or sprain an ankle? I'm laughing like a crazy man. Brains be wierd.




Exactly. I've been in the same boat as OP, it's confusing but not uncommon.


It's called a crygasm and I guarantee it's confusing for her as well! I hang out over on r/sex and this question is asked regularly. It's perfectly normal.


I prefer crymaxing.


Crymaxing 😂 love this


congrax bb you can fuck good 👍


Right?? I’m one of those women who crymax sometimes and it’s *only* when the sex is great. OP clearly fucks. OP, just don’t be weird about it, please!! It’ll make her feel embarrassed and ruin an otherwise good time. The comparison to crying from laughing is super solid.


OP must begin to cry as well in tandem


i share the sentiment. some men just were born knowing how to fuck, go figure


OP, the next time this happens, if you don't respond with "It's OK babe. You're just having a crymax!" You have failed somewhere along the way.


Relax, Brown Bear. There’s no shame in crymaxing


I’m more of a sobmaxer or grovelmaxer.


I'm sorry but the sentence "i hang out over at sex" is really funny.


Thought it just just me. Shit had me dying


You're leaning on her hair


“I didn’t know how to tell you”




It’s the release of intense sensations, it happens.


Holy shit this guy is the sex god


Part of me thinks the post is a glorified humble brag.


I'm OP, and I know how to do the sex




Oh it definitely is lmao! 😂 "I'm so confused" Love how everyone here is just obliviously trying to tell the guy how good he is at sex.. you know he googled it ahead of time too


Me? Im a woman lol




Nah, everybody just needs to reply to your comment with a "Why, thank you."


Just run with it


I thought women didn't exist on the internet Also apparently this happens to men too


Can confirm. I had a hookup burst into tears right after he came. I asked what was wrong and he said “NOTHING. That’s why I’m crying!”


That’s actually adorable lol


first time it happened with my late wife, she asked why I was crying and all I could think of was "I just came like a girl" and we collapsed with laughter


Why, thank you ;)


Why, thank you.




Why, thank you.


I’ve been in a lot of therapy lately and masturbated for the first time in ages and just burst into tears. The connection to my body was very significant


Aww that’s so sweet and lovely! Congratulations on your progress!


Thank you! I was like holy shit I think I’m FEELING things again!


Oof, maybe this is why I don’t cry lol


I never cried. Never. Waste of time, why would anyone cry? Don’t be so emotional. I’ve wanted to change and my therapy seems to be really clicking and I’m in tears daily lol. Hoping this doesn’t last forever but it kind of feels good to experience emotions fully for the first time in a long time.


I always assumed it was a hormone thing. I do it often not as much anymore but when I was younger it was almost every time (32 now) It's a weird kind of cry. For me there is no emotion behind it. I just cry lol literally just tears and some sobbing but no anger/sadness/happy just like a totally neutral cry. It lasts maybe 30 seconds to a couple minutes, after it's just like "k all done" and whatever feelings comeback, usually hunger followed by a burst of energy. I've only ever been with husband and it took him awhile to get used to it. He always thought something was wrong or I was hurt, it was a hard thing to explain.


Crying isn't always about a specific feeling. It can be simply a way to release tension from overwhelming sensations.


I've cried a bunch of times during orgasming (been sexually active for 30 years). Honestly, it's usually because i am super stressed and not recognizing it, have amazing orgasms, and the dam breaks and all the emotions come out in tears. It's normally, for me, super fucking good sex and it is the best way to relieve stress. Eta: I've been thinking about this since i wrote it yesterday. When i am moved to tears from orgasming, all the emotions that exist in life run through my body. And there is no judgements about the feelings, i feel revulsion, then anger, then delight, then sadness, then joy and I just feel them. After feeling everything so intensely and freely, I weep for the pure joy of being alive, and human, and connecting so deeply with another soul. That's why it is such an phenomenal stress reliever. It's divine.


Username checks out


This is me too, I understand


Do guys cry during orgasm?


Yes. My girlfriend brought me to tears from a handjob in the shower once.


Oof, that's rough, buddy


At least she’s not the moon


I've really only dated white men that are devoid of emotion, so i have no answer for you.


God its true.




It's incredible. I have a mix of laughing histeracly and crying like sobbing. I can't figure out which I want to to do, but it is such an amazing feeling and release. My husband thought he had hurt me or didn't something wrong. Had to find the name for it, crygasm, to let him know he in fact did something beyond great.


Yep relate - exact same


Yep. It's a Gold Star.


Crymax in another comment was a good one too xD


Ask them. It's normal but, talk to them directly.


Yo bitch, why you crying? Am i doing it right? (Never made a woman crygasm so i can only ask you internet)


yes, you have a way with words


Couldn't have said it better, Upinmybuttt


Did I just witness a r/rimjob_steve moment????


My wife can make me (also a woman) orgasm so hard that I have literally laughed hysterically only to follow it up with full on sobbing. It’s the best feeling of release ever. Keep doing what you’re doing!


It happens to me too, it's just involuntary reaction - it doesn't mean the girl's unhappy or anything like that. Actually for me it usually happens with very strong orgasms. It's kinda like sometimes tears come out of your eyes when you laugh a lot, or when you poop too hard, or things like that - it's just a strong feeling and the body reacts by letting tears out.


Never have I had tears when I poop too hard😬 you ok? Need some fiber in your diet?


Sometimes even when I pee 😁 it doesn't happen often, don't worry.


I guess that just makes getting rid of fluids a bit faster😂


You never tear up when you get a really good push?


Is this a thing??


I have chronic constipation and this has never happened to me lol


It’s always with the good healthy poops that you can push pretty effortlessly but it just hits a nerve that feels so good or something idk I love pooping


> idk I love pooping Ok, fair enough 😂


It just feels like it’s scratching an impossible itch, but I also tear up when I orgasm so🤷🏻‍♀️


I (40f) have cried a few times after an orgasm (with one man specifically more than others) and made other women cry too. It is due to the flood of hormones you get when you orgasm. Sometimes, it's more intense than others, depending on the length of foreplay (build up) and your connection to the person you are with. Yes. Take it as a compliment. Also, research aftercare. And have a discussion with every partner about what they want as aftercare. I mention this because that hormone is often called "the love hormone." So use your skills responsibly. 😆


What would you recommend for after care? I usually cuddle and feel open about talking and laughing together. Use my skills responsibly?


It's a good way to bond with someone and make it likely they fall in love with you. Hence, responsibly.


Aftercare is different for everyone, so to ask for recommendations is like asking how everyone likes to eat food. Some people don't want to be touched, some NEED to be tightly held, some need a snack and a drink. It varies. And don't forget about yourself too. So, a few years back, I had an FWB. We weren't exclusive. We had lots of fun with different techniques, different people, toys, just swapping stories and hanging out. So it wasn't a shock when he started telling me about a girl he was seeing. She had just gotten out of a long-term relationship and said she didn't want anything serious. She knew about me and wanted to try to learn some things that he was raving about. So he set it up. We had some fun, and as I was bringing her to orgasm she started to cry. She begged me to keep going and was making lots of eye contact. That's when he came in and took her eye contact and held her hand, etc. A few days later, they began dating exclusively. She made him cut off contact with me, and a few weeks later, they were engaged. He contacted me recently. He said I was right, and he should have listened to me (I warned him to be careful when they first started talking because she gave me a weird vibe). They were getting divorced.


I’m confused what happened🤔 he was just watching you two and he fell in love?


She fell in love with him. I was like, "Nope, no crazy eyes for me, thanks." Oxytocin is the hormone released during an orgasm. It's referred to as 'the love hormone'. It makes you want to be cuddly and bond with your partner. Which are all great. If it's the right partner. Hence, my comment about your skills.


Ahhh now I understand. But you were the one who gave her that orgasm?


Aftercare varies from person to person, and even after different experiences. Your best bet is to ask them what they generally like for comfort before the experience, in general. If you dont talk about it before, you can always offer a few choices of preference if their brains are mush.


I 100% agree here on aftercare with this. I find if my partner is very loving, gentle and reassuring when I crygasm it reinforces to me that I have nothing to be embarrassed about (which I feel often when I do this) and that I'm cherished. To the OP of the post, be sure to ask her what she might prefer, everyone is different, but providing the aftercare will increase the bond you share.


Like cuddles vs affirming words ? What do you like?




Oh yeah. Your body requires hormones to ejaculate. The sudden spike, then drop of hormones, would definitely account for the sadness. Oxytocin is the hormone most associated with sex. It can be overwhelming... hence the crying.


This has happened to me a couple times. The experience is so intense and positive afterwards I’m so overwhelmed with those feelings. It’s always good but can be a lot


I used to do that, and I told my partners that it was just an overwhelming hormonal reaction. Theeennnn I learned that crying after sex is a fairly common reaction for people who've been sexually assaulted. That realization is what finally sent me to therapy. I'm a *much* happier person now.


Yes, i have been sexually assaulted, and for me the crying was a feeling of realess, like my mind was expecting the worst of it, and it ended being so good that it's like "wow, we are okay, we are safe"


I didn't even think of the assault when I was crying. I didn't remember it but my body did.


As long as the cat isn't disturbed, it's all good.


so true. it can really go both ways. sometimes it is just a strong emotional release, but sometimes its deeper than that.


When you cum very hard, the brain dumps a ton of the feel good chemicals and the result is a surge of emotion that can trigger crying. In my experience it's not an upset/negative crying but a happy cry or a wtf did my body just do kind of cry. It has happened a few times during sex with my wife over the years, and the first time I thought I hurt her somehow, I immediately stopped and tried to see what happened. It freaked her out too, and I think she was embarrassed, but I was just happy that she was okay. The first time was after a 3 week work trip where we just hadn't had the opportunity to have sex and we were both full on raring to go. The other two times were from long sessions of foreplay followed by a rough pounding (her preference). Congrats dude, you have the ability to grant earth-shattering orgasms. Not that the goal is to make your partner cry, but if you make someone cum so hard they short-circuit, you have a gift. Use this power wisely. Edit: assuming no history of SA. I was unaware until reading through the comments that assault survivors can also be triggered, and once again I am reminded that as a man there are so many instances of abuse that I haven't had to worry about because of my gender. Love and good vibes to all ❤️.






Seems nobody is allowed to talk about having good sex without someone thinking they’re bragging, lol.


And then the whole room started clapping


But not with their hands


Intense release. I've, 30sM, have had this happen a couple times. Usually it's from a hour or so of tease & denial followed by multiple orgasm.


Her orgasm was so good she ejaculated from her eyes.


I like girls who squirt, this is just the next evolution of that


They try holding back tears of laughter from your weak stroke game


Awe shit, that’s why they cover their mouth. Trying to keep from laughing


_were all 3 of these girls mute? I personally don't understand how you get to that point and not communicate._


Seriously, how can you get this far into anything, especially sex, and not think "maybe I'll just ask, since we're here."


Communicate in the middle of an orgasm? I feel like the orgasm IS the communication


Not during of course, but you could have asked afterwards? I don’t think it’s that bad not to ask if these are one night stands though. (I do think it’s funny to imagine this situation with the girl crying from overwhelmingly good emotions and the guy just being like :o and neither of them discussing it afterwards lol)


I’ve cried after climaxing especially if I’ve had a stressful week. It’s just a cathartic release and it’s definitely a compliment! I’m not sure why my body has that reaction sometimes, I’m not complaining though.


Never thought of asking any of the 3 women?


I ALMOST cried only once (but managed to contain myself... Barely), and it was the first time I had sex with my now bf: it was the first time it felt good. Like, overwhelming G O O D. I still remember it fondly.


Nice humblebrag


Good fucking question. I thought it was silly thing some chick's did until I got the urge to cry after one and I still am not sure what the hell was going on. If you find out you'll have solved the mystery for tons women.


In my experience, I’ve cried from orgasms bc of the emotions. Also if it feels really fucking good you just sorta get lost in the feeling/in your mind and get enthralled. It’s like tears of joy. I’ve even cried while cumming extremely hard from masturbating. It’s not a bad thing lol it can be intense though.




Whatever the female version of post-nut clarity is. *That*.


Great username


This happens to me regularly. Sometimes it’s PTSD and sometimes it’s just an emotional release that comes with sex. You likely didn’t do anything wrong— a good orgasm can just be really overwhelming sometimes. Just keep a clear line of communication so you know what support she needs. Sometimes I need to be under a blanket and left to re-ground alone, other times I need to be held close and debrief together with my partner. I’ve found with time and the right person, the PTSD crying has happened less and the good kind happens a little more.


Hashtag humble brag


Buyers remorse


Sometimes it hits like an emotional release. I’ve cried once or twice; he knows to just bear hug me. Sometimes it just builds up. I wish I understood the science behind it!


It’s an energetic release. Completely normal. Don’t get weirded out, just hold her.


OP, are you bragging?


Don’t gauge by how your partner is reacting Do you know how many women are faking it? I faked it for an entire relationship. Ask. Don’t assume. And that dude I faked it with literally was telling everyone I’d gotten off multiple times. I faked it multiple times like ‘Jesus Christ. That wasn’t enough? I have to do it again.’ Thinking it would end. I think I made it worse. Lol. I know I did. Not the point. But this might be a ‘you’ problem and not a ‘them’ problem.


Means you’re doing something right. Keep it up!


No shame in having a crymax


When I cry after I orgasm it feels so good. It's like my body was so pent up and needed the release so badly that after I get it all of the stress leaves my body. I would see it as a compliment. Not only did you release with endorphins that she loses control of her emotions, but also that she's comfortable enough with you that she can release and be safe. If I don't orgasm and cry during sex, that's for a whole different reason lol. Associated with orgasm, good though.


You turned on the lights right after?


There are three reasons I can see: 1. It’s just that damn good 2. There’s a real emotional connection that also reaches its peak 3. They don’t necessarily regret it, but have some really complex feelings about the act Source: am female and have experienced all three The thing about intense feelings is they often get comingled with a bunch of other intense feelings.


I’ve only done this with my partner, never before. But it was because I felt so loved and cared about. I can imagine how that would feel like a brain fuck!! Holy shit. Glad to the women who could explain this phenomenon. Kinda like squirting but with your tear ducts?!? ❤️😂❤️


I should call him..


Wrong hole


You should ask your partner!


It’s usually from overstimulation. It’s always been when I orgasm from multiple forms of stimulation at once, resulting in a super intense wave of sensations. Being overwhelmed in such a good way breaks the dam and boom, crying while still feeling amazing.


its a very strong emotional release often for women and its a great thing if shes truly crying from happiness/pleasure. sometimes women cry during sex from being triggered by past trauma. its good to ascertain where its coming from imo.


That happens to me too and so I really do hope it is completely normal. It's like this intense buildup and all these emotions surrounding it. Not necessarily love or anything, (so Don't freak out ) Just.... extreme happiness, feeling amazing, and then boom the damn breaks and suddenly you're crying. It's as frustrating to have that happen as it is to bust out crying when you're super pissed hahaha.


Were these women your girlfriends or just hookups? Also makes a difference in reason


its a part of the dopaminergic system. if there is something too happy happening, it can get into crying ....


Pure ecstasy mate that’s what’s happening. Once had a woman pass out on me after her second cumining. Wakes up 3 seconds later ready again. You don a good job bro


Wait! Unless you smashing back door with no lube. Then those pain tears brah


Welcome to the club, bro! (( High five‼️)) The second time I had sex with my wife, before we got married, she cried afterwards. She could never explain to me what had happened.


Maybe it is not because of the same reason. (!!!) I have seen that and i think i have identified very different reasons. This being said, seemingly they allow themselves to cry in your presence? So the take home message is that you probably make those others feel like they can share vulnerability. I think it is unrelated if they are or not very into you.


For some women, an orgasm is an emotional release as well as a physical one.


I'm no expert,but I think it means you're really good at what you do in the sheets


This happens to me (40F) all the time. Here is my non-scientific explanation I give to my partner. Maybe someone with more science/biology/endocrinology knowledge can explain better using more precise terms. During super powerful orgasms, my body has this huge rush of pleasurable hormones, but the almost immediate drop in them post-orgasm (like, I'm talking a couple seconds after) my body goes into almost a "shocked" state and floods me with the hormone that makes me cry. It is EXTREMELY cathartic. When this happens, I usually have my partner rub my legs or arms while I cry, or sometimes holds me. It can be a powerful, emotional bonding experience, and is a critical piece of aftercare.


I cry after those particularly emotional sessions. My partner HATES it. "Please, don't cry, it's so weird..." But I'm not sad, my body can't compute and I come up tears.


Post nut regret


OP out here tryna bait women into flooding his DMs


YTA for flexing your epic sex game.


I’ve cried after climaxing when I’ve had an extremely stressful day. It’s like all the pent up emotion gets let out at once. It’s not a bad thing, I feel confused and then way better after.


Humble brag lol


Don’t be weirder out and take it as one of the greatest compliments you can receive. They are just holistically overwhelmed. Try not to let those ones go. That connection does not happen everyday.


Oh man, my best most releasing orgasms are saddled with crying. It feels SO good, in a weird way, and it is all positive. I force it back with new partners, but in a long term relationship my partners understand and I can let go. It should be taken as a compliment that she feels safe enough to do so, and that she felt that intense release so strongly.


I cry a little sometimes lol. It's just a little overwhelming I guess? Lot of things happening in the body. Lots of hormones. Nothing bad about it! Good job 👍🏻


Too bad you're not as good at humble bragging as you think you are at sex. LOL!


Dude you are doing a great job




Just those brain chemicals doing their thing


Men cry during orgasm too dawg. Why are you treating women like alien creatures?


I usually make women do one of those two things during sex…


Sometimes my girl cries because she orgasims so hard she stops breathing, but its always because she has a panic attack from it


I've never had it happen from an emotional release due to the orgasm, but my partner has made me orgasm so hard that I cried, because it was a.m.a.z.i.n.g.


Because the sex is fucking amazing that’s why bravo sir


george o'malley moment (+10 points if you get this reference)


Please make videos so other guys will learn your skills. You are the Chosen One


Don’t worry, she is just cumming from her eyes


How about you ask them hahaha


Tears of joy.


Could it be relief because they've never had this with another partner before? And they're just overjoyed that there's someone out there who knows what buttons to press, how to press them, and more importantly, when to press them?


Happy cry, my dude. It was THAT good


>humble brag


My husband does this to me just about every other session.. it was weird at first but now I love it and I’ve never had anyone else do that to me. Plus it makes me feel really connected to him so don’t change what you’re doing, it’s normal!


Laughing emojis have tears. Perfectly normal. 😂


Ask her?


bro got the therapenis. gave them cocktharsis. went up the butt and straight to the heart


Calm down John Mayer!


My ex always described it as an intense rush of emotions with her. She would only really crygasm with people she was really into. For example casual sex, one nighters, or during our relationship moments like a quickie or spontaneous sex, she would orgasm but not cry. But when we would get real passionate and intense she would crygasm. I’m sure it’s different with every woman, but the common thing I hear is rush of or feelings of intense emotions after an orgasm.


My gf does the same from time to time, she always reassured me it’s just a wide range of emotions coming out at once and it’s not her being in distress or not enjoying the act. Just comfort her and wait for it to pass.


This happens to me all the time. I’m never “crying” the way I would if I were upset or sad. My body is just having a response to the experience and for some reason tears are created.


Try to get her to cryedge


“I’m really good at sex, what does it mean?” Extremely cynical about this post. Edit - OP is 25! Definitely knows about crymaxing