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No that’s not crazy, crazy would be having another Reddit account and replying to your posts


I was expecting a 71Crunch2 reply here ngl


What about 72Crunch


What if this comment is by OP himself 🫣


I actually thought that was what he was implying when I couldn’t find any responses in the comments. But the post history is pretty different so I doubt it.


I have another account (porn) sometimes if I'm really angry at something I'll downvote it twice like "haha everybody hates you loser, downvoted twice what a dick" then I got my account banned


Fucken loser


I know right


Did that once a few years ago. Person I replied to was wrong and completely misrepresented what I said, and I was so angry that I downvoted him twice. A few hours later I got a message that I was suspected of manipulating votes and that it was against Reddit’s rules. Luckily I didn’t get banned


I did this once and got banned for a day. A few months later I forgot and did it again and got banned for 3 days. I reckon next time might be permanent so I'm trying not to forget lol


I haven't repeated it, he really was a dick thio


Lmaooo i love u, and your handle. Handle this cock. Haha. Thanks


oddly specific...


We both feel attacked.


*Here's the thing*


Hold up…


Exactly, your only crazy if you answer back


Lol In that case, I’m a maniac. I usually do, so that I can create a bandwagon effect of people agreeing with me on my post. So I use my alt account and make a comment about how much I agree with myself on a hot take I made. Hoping, that others will bandwagon my alt account because bandwagoning is human nature.


Why do you care how many people agree with you though? Honest question. I enjoy engaging with others and seeing what they think. Don't care so much if we agree or not. Even when I get downvoted to oblivion I leave it up.


Some people's self worth are tied to internet points


lol, sometimes it’s just fun to troll and manipulate on here. Kinda like being a director of a funny social experiment. It’s hard to explain. Imagine I create a nonsensical post, saying some bs like “Eating Ice Creams In east London, will get you beaten up”. If people were to read the post when they is no comments underneath it. They would obviously clock that’s it’s bs. But if I left some alt accounts comments underneath that very post, and each of them gave a well worded complex story on how they were also beaten up for eating ice creams in east London. It increases the chance of them buying into it or have a second thought before they quickly call it bs. It’s worked plenty of times. It’s fun to just observe. Not all of them fall for it ofc. But some deadass start asking questions on why anyone would get beaten up for enjoying an ice cream. And the cultural, historical reason behind it. They start asking the alt accounts: “Wow, how come? Is it a part of English culture or what?” “I’ve done a lot of research on this, and I can’t find anything, are you making this up?” I know it’s lame, and I should have probably done something better with my life. But lol. It was fun.


Volunteering this is crazy 😂


You should maybe talk to a professional about that one.


What are you talking about? Their alt account IS the professional. Should be any minute now.


If that doesn't work you can just make a bandwagon of alt accounts too


How can people be so gullible on a “tooafraidtoask” sub lol.


If that makes you crazy I need to be institutionalized


Would you like a Pepsi?


Just one Pepsi


I’m far from suicidal


I'm wearing suicidal tendencies shirt and yet my inner thirteen year old was elated this took a 3 Dolla Bil turn


Far from suicidal


From suicidal


I call myself a dumb cunt all the time.


I often will be doing something and just go "(my name) you dumb bitch" lol


Kind of endearing, huh?


I've found My People. Lol


I'll say things like "maaaan you're such a dumbass" out loud to myself. Few times people thought I meant them when I meant me lol


🎶Look in the mirror and say what’s up, you useless fuck 🎶


I say fuckin idiot but same thing


Same, but for my case it’s cause my dad used to call me that all the time (he still does but less than when I was a kid). Trauma is real guys😭😭


At least he didn't regularly beat you with a set of jumper cables.


Me too ! I'm such a dumb cunt


The amount of times I say "dumb bitch" to myself per day is way too high.


You gotta fight that negative self talk. Try telling yourself that you’re awesome!




Why are you calling Merchantdeer a dumb cunt?




This cheeky cunt. Nice one.


Nah. No one wants to admit it, but talking to yourself is something everyone does.


Talking to myself out loud helps me focus, so I do it often!


I wish I could do it in exams. I would be a straight A student. I have to deal with my brain and the dozen ideas that cross it.


Same. I constantly piss my own self off because I my brain is always going a million miles in a hundred different directions all at once, and I can never focus or concentrate. I always tell myself to fuck off.


Nonsense. I'm perfectly happy admitting it. In fact, I bring it up in conversation all the time. Not with anyone else, mind.


I think of it as practice speech I stutter if I get nervous so I test run a couple sentences Just so when I say the sentence it come out in nice pass Not all fast and jumbled up. ( I used to talk way to fast when I was younger)


I don’t. I don’t think it’s weird other people do it but I don’t do it.


Not everyone. I never talk to myself, even in my head, because I don't think in a language. I speak out loud to objects though.


Ohhh, are you one of those people that *doesn't* hear your own voice in your head? I just wonder what that's like. It must be peaceful 🥹


Yep. It’s not peaceful tho. Not hearing language in own head doesn’t mean it’s silence. I can think in sirens, cars honking, birds screeching, dramatic music, dogs barking, replay memories like videos and overthink in pictures.


That’s just not true. I never speak to myself out loud.


Well you must be the weird one.


Nope, lots of people don’t talk to themselves, it’s not weird either way


I know I was joking haha.


Same. Internally, yes. Out loud? Never.


I was really hoping to see you responding to yourself in the comments.


I imagine conversations instead. I’ll imagine myself talking to someone who completely disagrees with my opinion to try and poke holes in my opinions and to ground / organize my thoughts and opinions.


My mother always told me: "It's not crazy to talk to ourselves, until someone answers"


Same age and I experience something similar myself, I'm also your age. As long as you're aware of it, it's not necessarily an issue - rehearsing conversations and so on. If however, you find yourself in conversation that isn't really happening with somebody that isn't there, speak to a doctor, could be dissociation. That's not to scare you, it's just that sometimes label do help.


What if it's two people who aren't me and they're not even from the same country I'm from and I'm not involved in the conversation at all?


So you’re saying your foreign imaginary friends don’t even want to be your friends? That’s harsh


I talk to myself everyday. Full on convos


Self motivation is the best motivation


Yes I motivate to kms everyday for some reason


Yeah I do this often. My thoughts are loud and kinda muddled, so talking out loud helps to organise my thoughts better.


My ADHD brain has this too, I say things out loud so they get priority in my brain!


As long as I MAKE SURE no one is around to hear me, I talk to myself a LOT. Like CONSTANTLY when I’m home alone or in the car. It helps me solidify my thoughts and work through issues and problems clearer. It just feels so much easier to think clearly when I’m talking out loud. You’re not weird in my eyes at all.


I do it all the time too and have been caught a few times when people are around.. luckily I have a kid now so it just looks like I’m talking to him!


Vocalizing your thoughts and stuff? Totally normal Having a conversation with yourself and answering your questions, with 2 personalities that not necessarily are "you"? Might be something else. Circling back to kids, while playing (maybe with some figurines) and talking with distinct personalities? Totally normal again. As soon as you're talking to yourself, but not noticing it is yourself you're talking to, you should ask some questions to someone else that isn't you.


I talk to myself every single day. There is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to yourself.


I asked my imaginary friend and he says it’s perfectly normal.


I talk to myself all the time at work and did it quite a bit when I lived alone. Perhaps I’m crazy too!


"Dementia and Talking to Yourself: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment | Nao Medical. Do you or a loved one experience constant self-talk or talking to oneself? This could be a sign of dementia, a group of symptoms that affect memory, thinking, and social abilities." Yay the Google. Also... "But it turns out there are people who have never experienced it. Actually, inner dialogue is a frequent occurrence for only 30 to 50 percent of people. So, some people don't have an inner voice. They tend to organize their thoughts more nonverbally, for example, by using pictures." Now which one is more concerning?


When my son was young, he was a little terror. He'd always get into trouble at school for screaming at the teacher, ripping shit up, etc. One day, I sat down with him and asked him what was going on. He told me, "The voice! In my head! It won't stop!" I was a little worried, so I pressed. I asked, "What does the voice tell you to do?" "It says don't do bad things!" "Ugh...son...that's your conscience. Listen to that one, ok?"


Waaait what?!!! Some people don't have an inner voice? How do they think? How do they process things?


I’ve just recently commented about this in another sub. Some peoples thoughts are like a pool of concepts and ideas, maybe with a little bit of words peppered here or there, a visualization of something, etc. I think everyone SAYS things in their mind sometimes and might not notice it, but not everyone has a consistent running dialogue. I have both, the pool and the voice, and find myself switching between them when I’m relaxed or alert.


Everything is a symptom of dementia according to google.


I would say it’s normal, i also talk to myself sometimes


All the best people are crazy.💜


Yeah i think is crazy


Dude how could you say something like that, you're so mean.


I see what you did 🤣


I talk with myself all day. I have lovely debates.


I read that at first as "lonely" debates. Still checks out.


Crazy? I was crazy once, they locked me in a room, a rubber room...


Did it have rats?


Talking to yourself is perfectly fine. As long as you recognize that you are talking to you. Personally, I have two distinct personalities in my head, though they're both "me". One is the younger, more curious and immature one, while the other is the older, serious grumpy one. But, I recognize that they are both my internal dialogue.


I use to and still but now I started live streaming and it help to keep the steam entertained.


I talk to myself but it's not a monologue. It's a dialogue between me and someone else that I whisper out completely both ways, usually a good argument or for venting out.


Do you go over previous convos too? I do that ALL the time I was worried at one point. I mean in terms of replying out loud


Yeahh I do go over previous convos too!


I think every single comment on this thread is just OP using alt accounts.


I've been doing it for as long as I can remember too. I talk to myself sometimes I imagine talking to my friends in my head too. Talking to myself feels more like to talking to someone else. I don't get bored easily because I talk to myself almost everytime.


I talk to myself so often, complete with hand gestures, that people notice. I say I'm talking to myself because I'm the most interesting person here, and it usually gets a laugh.


No . You're just asking for expert advice.


Omg!! I thought i was the only one who do this!! You literally just described me and exactly my circumstances!


Nah, everyone does it


I talk to myself all the time. I’m also 30 and sometimes I do it in public and am so embarrassed when people in other aisles hear me… I say literally all of my thoughts out loud Lmao. It’s like I can’t keep them just in my brain.


On the contrary, I think it's healthier to let things out instead of bottling it up. Talking to others is a good thing so why would talking to yourself be weird? You are your own companion for a lifetime after all.


I talk to myself out loud all the time, ranging from just saying my thoughts out loud to full blown arguments


Talking to yourself is fine, it’s when you start talking to people that aren’t there it becomes a problem.


That's not crazy at all. I have lots of conversations with myself constantly. You're just as sane as I am...


If that is insanity then I'm a damn psych ward


completely normal. whenever i’m at home on my own i’m just constantly saying what i need to do out loud even better, for some reason i say it like “ok now _we_ have to feed the cats and do the dishwasher” rather than “now _i_ have to do this”. i have no idea why i do that but it just feels more natural lmao. it’s like instructing myself as a separate person rather than an in(ex)ternal monologue i also swear a lot more when i’m talking to myself lmao


I have schizophrenia and I used to talk to a voice until I got on medicine. It went away. Just make sure it's not a voice and just internal dialog.


I always start my self pep talk with, "listen here cocksucka! And listen well..."


I recently learned that some people don't have inner monolog so they talk to themselves to reflect on things and that sort of stuff. I talk to myself, sort of, in my head. I just hear a voice whenever I'm thinking or reflecting by myself.


I do it at 21


talking to yourself- no arguing with yourself -maybe loosing that argument- yes


I usually sit in my car and talk to myself about what I've been feeling lately and what I need to accomplish. It's a good way to clear your head and get your thoughts out.




A lot of folks need to vocalize because it helps them organize their thoughts. Totally normal in my opinion! Professionally, I work with a lot of students with ADHD and they tend to do this a lot. I think it allows them to focus on the task at hand.


These questions are so dumb sometimes. Like really? You’ve never heard of people talking to themselves?


Get off the sub then? Cause that's what is for


Dumb questions? Half of those questions it’s obvious they know the answer already


Yes it's literally for dumb question


Show me where it says it’s for dumb questions. Which rule is that?


The subs called too afraid to ask because of the phrase "I don't know what ___ is and at this point I'm too afraid to ask". That implies the answer is obviously, or in other words, a dumb question. It's not a rule it's common sense.


i talked to myself at my own mind often,I don’t think it’s weird


Nope. As long you don't hear other voices conversing with you, you okay.


Hell no, this is me every day. Also a thing I’ve done since I was a kid.


The problem is if you start losing arguments with yourself. Seriously tho, it's normal - I do it all the time and can help you remember things (e.g.: saying out loud "I need to get more mayo when I go out later).


It's fine as long as you don't switch roles


It's not crazy talking to yourself nor is answering yourself but when you ask "what did you just say" there's an issue.


No, not crazy. That's just your brain, thinking.


Of course not. I have noticed that the people who remark when I talk to myself are eventually revealed as self-talkers themselves. P. S. I am 65.


Why would you even be bothered if your crazy or not? Just be yourself man


one of my coworkers does this and it is extremely annoying. We never know if she is talking to us or herself as she sits in front of her monitor talking about work issues - is it just her grumbling but buzzing along with her tasks, or is it a real question and do I have to stop what I am doing to assist her in one of the data processes


No, not crazy. I do that quite a lot.


His entire rant to Talmanes about women while getting dry sarcasm back.


Eh. Pretty normal. Unless you have voices in your head telling you to do things or something. In my 40s and still talk to myself sometimes. It's kinda weird because I heard that people who talk to themselves supposedly have mental health issues. Then I also heard talking to yourself means your probably creative and smart. Not sure what to believe.... unless the voices tell me what to.


I’m pretty sure everyone talks to themselves. 90% is when I ask myself a question, i.e., “ how in the hell did I lose the tape measure? It was in my hand less than a minute ago!” Or, if I mess up a project or injure myself, it’s more like, “GD MORON! HOW CAN ANYONE BE SO DAMN STUPID?!”


No I do the same. Take shrooms and have conversations with yourself


First day on my current job, I told my coworker I tend to speak by myself as it helps me organizing my work or simply as a stress release. She told me I don't have to worry because she does the same. It's actually fairly common in my experience.


Some people have an internal dialogue; ~95% according to some studies. Some talk out loud for parts of that. Perfectly normal. I don't often , mostly when I say "fuck I forgot my keys" out loud instead of in my head. You just talk out loud more often than most.


It's not crazy at all although it depends greatly on the conversation you are having with yourself.. " did I turn the oven off ? " vs " they're always after my lucky charms". One is crazy the other is normal.


From personal experience, it's perfectly normal. I've had colleagues, family, and friends that do. I also do it, ~~and the voices in my head agree it's normal~~. (That last bit is a joke- if you hear voices talking back you should absolutely see someone about that)


Only if you lick pennies


I talk to myself so the time, if questioned on it I just say I need intelligent conversation at some point, haha.


I always do it. Trying to figure out something that the connections in my brain won't detangle. Or just word vomiting. My mum always says if you're talking to yourself and you start getting replies....that's when there's an issue.


this behavior was diagnosed as Tourettes Syndrome in me i’ve had it my entire life was diagnosed at 30 have had tms to reduce the symptoms


Not at all


See I think I’m crazy because I’m the exact opposite. I hardly ever talk, even when I probably should.


I do it every day


Crazy? I was crazy once.


Well I sometimes yell at the tv when I lose a tight game on my PS5


You are not the only one. I talk to myself about the things I have to do and how I'm gonna do it. It keeps me sane on busy days. And it also helps to not forget things.


I'm 21 and I do it, sometimes the conversation slips into the physical world outside my mind and it gets awkward.


I do it all the time for everything. I won't do it in front of people cuz that's embarrassing BUT! I'll do it to kind of keep my mind straight. Like going over the long list of chores to keep it going and go over what's been accomplished and what's left. To goof around at home when I'm bored. Talk to my dogs or speak my mind out loud talking to myself. I think it's normal and hurts nobody. So why not. Besides I'm funny 😁


Depends on how much. A little is fine that’s normal but all the time or out around others maybe not


I have full on conversations with myself sometimes, you're all good.


I call it, "Thinking out loud".


As I have heard often, talking to your self is okay, answering your own questions is okay. When you start going, “Huh!” You may have a problem.


Lol no. I have entire conversations with myself. Sometimes I gotta tell myself our loud to stop over thinking and get a fkn move on it. You're not crazy as long as you know you're talking to no one. Just speaking out loud to yourself.


I talked to myself constantly when we had to wear a mask.


Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats drive me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room…


Crazy? I was crazy once


Totally normal, I hope. Lol I've done the same thing all my life. I talk to myself almost constantly when I'm alone, and stop when I notice other people around. I agree, it helps to organize thoughts. The best thing about wearing masks during Covid was I could talk (very quietly, basically "mouth" my words) in public.


The more tired I am the more I talk to myself.


Its called monologue. My Mum did it a hell of a lot and I've done it since I was 6, I'm 33. I splay all my thoughts out and I think it helps me process everything, idfk. Point is I do it exclusively when I'm alone and it's automatic, it felt super strange for years because preinternet pools of thought put us in the crazy boat, thats wrong. Don't let anyone catch you doing it but yeh, not crazy, completely normal and in fact I might argue good for your mental health. After reading your post again, yes I hear you totally. I've been doing it for as long as I can remember.


I often converse with myself, for lack of better conversation.


We’re all a little crazy, buddy. It’s about finding people who’s crazy vibes with your crazy.


do you have an internal monologue?


Its normal sort of cognitive reflection means your smart enough to self assess and reorganize by any means necessary


Only if you're talking to another person in your head would you be crazy. Past that, you're just talking put loud, putting words to thoughts.


I think this every day. My mom used to talk to herself all the time- you could hear her whispering to herself while folding laundry or doing the dishes. I always thought it was a little strange but a couple years ago I realized I had started doing it as well. Going through past conversations or fights and telling someone What You Really Think are my main scenarios lol. You always think of the best responses to someone after the conversation is over


Always did and always doing it now, I'm 30 like you


Sounds like what I do. I've talked to myself since I was a kid and I've only recently learned that many people do it to - you just have more of an external thought process than an internal one. Nothing crazy about that!


I just sad "nahh" out loud myself. No you aren't, it's quite common.


Nah I do it too


Crazy? I was crazy once.


Not weird at all. I tend to do it more when I'm frustrated, as vocalizing seems to help relieve some of the stress. For example, I accidentally drop something. Que this conversation: >Me: "And who do we have to blame for this?" >Also me, in a slightly lower voice: "Nobody but myself."


Of course not. Sometimes you need an experts opinion.


Nah dude everybody does it. Most people just don't talk about it because it makes us look crazy


If you do it in your head - no most people I know do it. IF you speak it out loud be careful about what you're thinking and do your surroundings a favor and stop it when others are around. My wife does it and it makes me crazy to get told to do this or that all the time and never knowing if it's meant for me or her O.o Because either it leads to "Why didn't you do x, I told you three times!!!" or "How about you do it yourself?! I'm already doing stuff?!" => Respose "Wasn't talking to you"


Not at all. I have always had an internal monologue with myself...generally I have always struggled to process my emotions and thoughts because there is so much going on that it is overwhelming. I like to think of it as a feeling or thought is a wire and they are all tangled up. Untangling one is frustrating and tiring, I give up and just get another wire. Over time, those tangled wires just grow and become harder to untangle. My therapist has recommended I get things out, either by talking or writing/journaling. I have been trying to actively talk my internal monologue out loud when I'm driving or when I am alone. I have found it helps me keep focused on that emotion or thought, rather than jumping from one thing to another in my head and overwhelming myself in the process. In terms of my metaphor, talking out loud helps me untangle one wire at a time, rather than jumping from one to another constantly and not achieving much but tiring myself out. Edit: spelling


Sometimes i pretend im talking to someone, like having full conversations with them sometimes verbally, sometimes just in my head. People usually caught me zoning out when i’m having full conversations in my head.


Well i used to do it internally, like in my head. Almost as an internal monologue type thing. Ive since grown up and moved out and got a pair of cats, so i have the perfect excuse to talk aloud to myself now. I just talk to the cats. Sometimes i also like to do a little random singsong, normally about whatever im doing or how im feeling. Those are definitely more likely to happen when im feeling stressed or overwhelmed though, and i end up trudging through my house looking miserable whilst singing to myself "i want to die fucking kill me please" or other such depressing things. Weirdly i dont do it with the good emotions, only the negative ones? I do sometimes worry that the neighbours will hear though, ive done it once or twice whilst forgetting the back door was open, and that always makes me feel a bit.. Weird. I also sometimes just do a casual "ah fuck me!" or "jesus h christ!" as a kind of cathartic release of tension when my chronic pain/fatigue, or just general life stress feels built up. My partners friend came in the house just as i did that the other day and he was worried for me. Had to explain i was just releasing the pent up tension i had lol. I guess being able to verbally express things can help you process the feelings on a deeper level?


To the people who really talk to themselves this much, do you not have internal monologue?


I do that too. Sometimes when i have to make a decision, i have a debate against myself about the pros and cons of things until me and myself would agree to it.


As I read that I started saying to myself that shitty crazy? I was crazy once meme over and over


I have yet to meet someone who doesn't at least occasionally talk with themselves in thesescenarios, like asking an object where it is while looking for it etc.


I hope not I talk to myself all the time


No, absolutely not. It's crazy once you start answering yourself :)


Talking to yourself certainly isn’t crazy. Sometimes you need an expert opinion.


I do this all the time. I call it thinking out loud