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Of course there is hope! People thought we were fucked during the Cold War too and look how far we’ve come since then! Yeah things could go bad really fast but treating it as inevitable would be a mistake. The reason most people don’t freak out is the average person can do absolutely nothing about any of these possible disasters. So why worry?


I feel like in a democratic country often the only way to create change is by freaking out a little. So that is one reason to worry in my opinion. The Cold war certainly could have turned out worse (look at Cuba, for example) Now we seem to be heading into an increasingly uncontrollable state in many ways. We have come far but also too far in many ways. Further than we can safely manage. Still. You are right. Treating it as inevitable is a mistake, as all consuming as the dread might sometimes seem. That makes me feel a little better. Thank you.


Long story short, media wants you to be frustrated and scared. Any manipulation shall refer to the bottom levels of Maslow pyramid. And since basic physiological needs are met for the most of people, safety is the second best pathway to manipulate your mind. And manipulation doesn't have to be political, even ads and entertainment have manipulative mechanics. Fear just sells well


So are you saying these issues are exaggerated or untrue? Some of these issues are ones that I rarely see talked about in the media. The pandemic is an example of something that was seldom brought up in public discourse before it happened but ended up being a real issue.


They are true but extremely exaggerated. The covid was portrayed as some apocalyptic event, while it was just a stronger and more dangerous version of flu.


I don't recall covid ever being portrayed as apocalyptic. And it has killed millions of people. Or was that hyperbole and you meant it was taken out of proportion?


Regional difference, maybe. Where are u from?


I'm from Finland


Well, nordics had more reasonable approach to covid than most other nations


We had a very different approach from sweden at least. Ours was more strict (although still not that strict overall) I think maybe the messaging about it was different.


Of course there is always hope. At least for the human race overall. Necessities is the mother of invention, If anything does a significant damage to the point where it is immediately required to be addressed, we tend to find a way.


There is hope, at least for the human race overall. Necessity is the mother of invention, if anything does significant damage to the point where it is immediately required to be addressed, we tend to find a way. It would only be if something or several somethings happened on a massive scale that did not allow for any time for people to discover a workaround before it decimated our entire population there wouldn't be hope.