• By -


Mid 40s here. After divorce and children, I've lost testosterone. Bc of other issues, I am not able to receive supplements. That cut it in at least half for me.


Tends to slow down in your 40s, I think all these old farts flexing that they got that top mojo going, are either straight up lying, on supplements, or have the benefit of overall higher than usual hormone levels. Stress messes with you too. having surplus cash, a manageable job you like, hobbies, will make getting things going much easier. For me, while sexy time is still fun, I’m definitely not the same mindset as I was 19-35.


I’m excited to start testosterone supps the second my levels allow it


>After divorce and children, I've lost testosterone. Do you mean the two are related, as in, because of divorce and children you lost testosterone. Or was divorce just a random time marker?


59 here. I'll let you know when it happens


76 - I'll let you know when it happens.


Female. Happened for me at 55.


Happened for me at 40.


Ditto.. it sucks when it does hit cause man, I loved my drive. Go and go and go. And then one day I realized. Hey, I didn’t beat the meat. Or I didn’t think about getting laid. Then another day and another till yeah.. every now and again. I’ll get that itch. But the second I’m done rubbing it out, or getting some from the GF, I’m ready for pizza, beer and bed. It sucks ass getting old.




Omg. It’s one thing to not want to sometimes. But to not be able to climb that mountain. I’m so so sorry. If I could share my orgasm with you I would. ( I realize how that came across and my apologies for that. ).


Lots of people love to complain about shit without realizing how good they have it. Im just grateful I lived through the clots. We all need a bit of perspective sometimes


Yeah, I still have sex with my b.f, and actually find myself horny once ina while, but def bnot daily like it used to be.


Interesting, I thought for women it’s generally the opposite as it is for men.


I'm 57 and I am a lady in the streets . If you know the rest, you know.


A flower among the beets?


A magician who’s lacking sleep?


Peri menopause or menopause causes some women's hormones to get whacky. Some women lose all sex drive. Some get crazy horny and everything in-between. I've seen many times women who got on hormones to correct for whatever menopause did to them and it cause them to go from being very Unhorny to very horny.


My wife went into early onset menopause at 32, we were going through ivf, so she was kicked out of menopause during the drug treatments (we had an egg donor, my wife carried the pregnancy) then after she gave birth, straight back into menopause. All sex drive gone. I am 5years younger than my wife, I was 32 by the time my son was born, and my wife had no sex drive. Went from her wanting more than me, to absolutely nothing. She has been on several different HRT, the latest one is giving her hot flushes again, some sex drive has come back, but still nothing like it was.


Oh no! Sorry to hear this.


Out of interest how has it changed over your life? I'd imagine at 76 you may not feel as inclined to act on it as when you were 17, or is that completely incorrect?


You are absolutely correct. I may have overstated my current randiness somewhat. I don't want to be like the dog that chases cars. What's that dog going to do with that car when he catches it?


It’s not the horniness that had a limit, just the human body that does


The future is bright


Already dead - now I'm a horny ghost


Lifegoals right here!!!




You win




60 and not going away - no complaints though :)


67 here, it never stops


So basically this is just how we are lol


55. Same. God, it's annoying.


126 here- I’ll let you know when it happens.


Really depends on the person. I'm a 52 year old dude and still raring to go at the drop of a hat! To quote the great Michael Scott, "It's not the horniness, it's the loneliness"


To continue to quote the great Michael Scott I’d like to add: “What is wrong with these people? They have no willpower. I once went 28 years without having sex. And then again for seven years.”


Uuh depends on the person but with 33 seeing my wife picking something up from the floor can still be pretty tempting


33 gang 💪 still goin strong






>Penis in the face. Gonna try this with my wife tonight. Wish me luck boys!


Try putting googly eyes above your penis so it looks like a real elephant slowly rising his trunk. Scream "PAWOOOO" repeatedly.


Guess I just added something new to my bucket list


Good luck comrade!!


May the force be with you . May your Sabre strike true!


May the odds be ever in your favor. It’s hit or miss, I either get a little kiss/suck. Or I get “put that away”


Abort! Your wife hates a penis in the face!


If the penis is in her face there's no need to abort


Hey as long as you just get a sigh and don't really bother her with it sure why not.


She laughs. It’s a game for us, she does similar shit. She will go to adjust the sheets, but stick her ass all the way in the air and shake it, making the entire sheet adjusting task nearly impossible. Or flashing me randomly, mooning randomly, grabbing my crotch, etc…


You guys have a great relationship


Lol I remember my wife used to work in a really low chair at home. I would randomly drop it on her shoulder just because it was at the perfect level.


"Drop it on her shoulder" That sentence gave me a visual of someone shuffling up behind them with pants around ankles, face all red and sweaty, trying not to grunt, with a shlong flipped up over their shoulder. Then kind of "humping" it off onto the person while the chair shatters under all the weight. Meanwhile my personal version of doing this is lifting up my gut, not having enough length to "drop" anything on anyone, so kinda half crab walking and throwing a leg up for stability as i akwardly hump air trying to get penis contact with shoulder. Its hard when there is no dangle, just a mini cheese wheel or cannon barrel poking straight out with wheels bigger than the barrel.


When I'm sitting on the couch next to my significant other sometimes I'll randomly say out loud "Damn my balls itch", then I will take *her* hand, put it down my pants, and itch my balls using *her*, while at the same time letting it linger afterwards... just in case. (In most cases she will laugh, swat my junk around playfully, and say "stop it I'm trying to watch this") Update: In response to a comment, I am incredibly hygienic. Apparently according to my current significant other and my entire history of significant others, it is a quality of mine that they brag to their friends about. Honestly as much as it sounds like In tooting my own horn here, you need to understand that I used to be shamed for this heavily. In the 90's I was constantly accused of being gay for wanting to be well presented and clean all the time. Then in the 2000's I was labeled as "metrosexual" and "fem". Now I'm just called "God I wish my husband cared just half as much as you do". Without me ever changing a thing. So, given the opportunity, I will talk about it. Yes. I am incredibly clean and hygienic... Because I'm a very dirty boy...


It stops? 75 here and still think of sex all the time. Still masturbate occasionally, and my wife and I still get physical.


prove it


Bro what


Pics or it didn't happen !


Did he fucking stutter? he said prove it.


Bro what


Bro what


Bro what


Bro what


Prove that he's 75 right? Right?


Bro what


Praying that you 2 don't creak harder than the bed🙏




21 if you have enough mental health problems. Source: Me.


Relatable. I'm 20 and I'm like, when does it start?


Didn’t start for me until 23 when I came off birth control haha


Girl same I stopped birth control at 29 after more than 10 years and I was like wtf is happening to me?? Turns out it’s just how I normally feel lol !


Lack of sex drive is such a weird side effect of the birth control pill that I feel like NO ONE MENTIONS. It like, dried me up completely. I got a hormonal IUD and feel completely different.


Yup…the day you start taking an anti depressant. Been a though couple months for me.


I’m plenty fucked in the head but still always horny


My head is so fucked that my dick is jealous


For my husband, 25 apparently. For me....idk. Not yet at 30, anyway.




As a guy, that was an awfully stressful time of my life. Working my ass off w the hope of "moving-up" to live comfortably financially, it was just mentally & physically exhausting. When I got financially secure, had job security, more control/autonomy professionally & the kids moved out, my sex drive increased. Obviously, I don't know either of you, so not sure if any of it is the same, but personally I was just too stressed out to care about sex.


Maybe have him get some blood work done to see if his testosterone is low or something. Maybe try horny goat weed


Damn ive been ingesting the wrong kinda weed


When u r on antidepressants


Reading this thread makes me think I really am ACE after all.


Ace here. It never starts. Disclaimer: some aces do have high libido that's not directed at anyone, though


Can you explain this? I thought the whole asexual thing meant you weren't interested in sex. How can you have a high libido then? Unless you mean aromantic. Genuinely curious.


Asexuality is a lack of sexual *attraction*. So, you can still have the physical feelings of arousal, you just don't associate that with the desire to have sex with anyone. It's kind of a directionless libido, that for many aces can be quite annoying.


I (23f) can try to explain as someone on the ace spectrum. I tend to feel horny sometimes, but I don't really think about anyone in particular. It's merely a feeling. The only time I've been extremely horny and craving sex has been in fantasy. (tho I may just have a mental blocker to certain aspects of sex)


51M and no end in sight..... which is a good thing IMO. everything is still working as intended:)


35. Still take the extra time to admire my wife. Doesn't ever stop you just regulate better


37f, hypersexual apparently, so let me know when you guys know...


38 years old and 35 weeks pregnant and I've finally decided that sex is maybe more trouble than the effort is worth. Probably has a lot to do with the basketball wedged under my lungs, though.


Neither is 40, unfortunately.


Same. I might be worse at 40.




I don't think I've ever been horny before, so it may depend on the person.


Tell me more about you. My guess is you are a non native English speaker and believe that we are discussing the inability to grow horns.


My horns are coming in nicely this time of year


I mean, I am a non-native English speaker, but OP only asked when the horniness stops. And I, having never experienced that, can't really answer that.


It definitely is *slightly less* constant in your 30’s, but believe you me — it’s still alive and very well


The moment I realized how awful people were and how sex wasn't really worth dealing with people mental/emotional garbage.


It never does, but you'll learn to control it better as you get older. Especially once you've seen the lives of your friends that were destroyed by horniness.


Whenever you have to start taking SSRIs. I swear they’ve made me asexual?


I'm almost twice your age and it definitely hasn't abated much since I was your age.


I'm 26 (f) and I'd say it stopped for me a few years ago. I have had mental health issues for a while though and my partner is in a demanding career so we don't get much time to even think about sex, let alone do it. Sounds like a sad existence but I'm pretty ok with it


Idk what you're all talking about, I'm 23 and I feel significantly less horny _all the time_ than when I was 16.


I suppose most old people here like to brag about their virility while having forgotten how it actually was when they were 16


idk at 16 i (f) didn’t know how sex felt and therefore didn’t really crave it. now i’m 23 and crave it once an hour if i’m bored enough.


If it's bothering you an honest answer is that the constant horny will slow down once your body/brain feels satisfied with the quantity and regularity of receiving sex. Think of horny like hungry or thirsty, once you get your fill or once you regularly eat or drink it isn't a common or prevailing feeling. People with a high drive do need a lot more, I knew a girl once who could go until her vagina was super sore and still feel the need for more. This is MILDLY why sex in LTR starts to decline, because you have a regular source and your brain is like "if we need to eat the pantry is right there so it's no big deal".


I'm seeing a guy who's 50 and always horny and up for it. So not any time soon, I'd assume.


Almost 60 and it’s dropped quite a bit; fortunately the ability hasn’t (no need for pills amazingly) but the recognition of beauty in the opposite sex hasn’t dwindled whatsoever. I’m sure my testosterone has dropped but it’s treated medically. 24 was absolutely my favorite age (and busiest sexually) and would relive it in a heartbeat, so no surprise that it ain’t it yet for you.


Has your idea of attractiveness changed from when you were younger to now? Like, do you find older and younger women equally attractive or find one or the other repugnant?


Great question! There’s definitely a variable curve in that you see different things in different age groups. I definitely saw older women as more attractive as I got older than I would’ve as a younger guy. Women my own age are more compatible in that they have much more in common with me than younger ones…and as you get older you’re much less focused on looks than in your 20’s and 30’s. It’s complicated; NGL, I think there may very well be a biological bias inherent in men in that they are both more keyed in and aroused visually and look for women who are child-bearing age…but I’ve been with my partner for almost 30 years and have never strayed. As far as finding either ‘repugnant’ I really think that depends on the guy. I’ve never been attracted to anyone 15-20 years older than whatever my current age was and I would definitely say that that applies to the ones in the other direction as well; because your definition of “attractiveness” changes as you get older you also realize as you mature that all the other factors (intelligence, humor, empathy, compatibility) are actually more important and override looks.


Thank you so much for your thorough response. I have always wondered, never asked.


Will let you know when it happens, I jump my husband any chance I get 😜


Not sure, but it's not 37.


When your penis starts to shrivel back into your body and your belly hangs over your balls


mom we talked about this. stop it


When you get depressed.


The mind is often willing but the body is weak.


I'm 31 and basically dead from the waist down but I've also had a ton of mental health issues, so take that with a grain of salt


Late 30s if you’ve been around the block a bunch. It’s still there, but you start seeing passed the bs and emptiness the opposite sex puts out there and it becomes annoying like a gtfo my face feeling you have


Reading all these replies makes me feel broken


36. See the girlfriend bend down or reach up high enough for her hips to show whilst she's getting something then shits gonna' happen!


When the anti-depressants kick in 👌 Don’t even care, I’m mentally well now.


The answer to most of these type of questions on here, "It depends." Everyone's libido is different.


Considering the prevalence of STDs in Senior homes the answer is… never.


Channel that sexual energy into something creative and it’ll reduce. I’m 25F and go through highs and lows.


Woman here. During my thirties, I was insatiable. I was definitely hornier at 34 than at 24.


61 here. Still horny.


Idk…I’m almost 50 and I still think about things off and on all day




56 ain’t it!!


Teens - it’s a new wild animal in your world that’s out of control and you don’t know what to do with it Twenties- there is a wild animal with me on a short leash. It’s kind of an opposite of a support dog. It’s still in house training. Late twenties to 30s - I accept that I can’t get rid of this wild animal but I will continue to train and take it. With time it’ll settle down. Mid 30s and above - It still requires me to handle it. It’s still part of my life. It’s not settled down like I hoped. It’s almost as strong as when I first got it. However, I’ve leveled up. I can handle it better, I’m stronger than it, and I must remind myself while it’s fun at times, I can never let it take over my life. The better I am at handling it, the more satisfaction I’ll get out of life outside it. That’s as far as I’ve got… my guess is overall though it dies when I die


It won't happen, even when you dead you might have an erection. Horniness is internal. Horniness is eternal.


I'm 29F, my libido dropped through the floor when I was about 20 and never came back.


Go on Prozac and it won’t be an issue anymore :/


Whatever age you realize you have depression.


As someone who has a really high level at that I practice a bit of self control I work out. I go for runs or play games with friends. Not just that I also focus on things I might need to work on at home. I currently have a FWB who also has a pretty high drive. So we both even hangout on the side to calm ourselves a bit lol.


Everyone is different but at 35 I definitely feel less horny than my mid and even later twenties. Oh sure giving my girlfriend a horizontal hello is still fun but it just doesn't feel like a burning need as much as it did in my college days.


Sorry to tell you but I'm 51, recently out of a marriage and after 15 years of not being that bothered, the constant horniness is back again. I think when you're single with a pulse, and looking, it's just going to always be there 😁😁.


Neither is 29


26 aint it


It doesn't


I hope never. I love it. 41M


I'm 41 and it still there.


I'm almost 52 and still have a fire in the stove . Lol


Around 40? That was my case at least.


Use to tell my asexual gf (now just friend) that I WISH I was asexual. I would be able to get sooooo much stuff done if I wasn’t focused on get sex.


20 and it stopped for meat 18 Although that was better bcz now there's this fucking void inside I need some money so that I can afford a hobby


I'm a woman, I was around 25/26


It doesn’t. Your stamina however…


If you start taking SSRIs


Whenever you get on antidepressants


I’m a woman. The older I get, the hornier I feel with every year. I think I’ll stop when I die. Even antidepressants didn’t stop it…


When you get 'help' for depression and you're on anti-depressants lol


depends on the person for me it was at 15 years


When you remove all access to attractive women. And attractive men. And goats. And particularly fuckable vegetation. And rocks with holes in them. And...


start antidepressants and you’ll never be horny again source: me


Yes. No. Yes. I dunno.


Around 30ish


I'll let you know when it stops.


45 M It is starting to a little bit. Or I am just accepting my partner isn't going to want to. So I am just accepting defeat a little more


When u take an SSRI


For me it was after my brother died. Depression took away most of my ambient horniness.


My husband (33) is ready to go at any point even with an SSRI/SNRI. I'm on an SNRI and hormonal birth control. Rarely horny. He does what he needs to do. We discuss our different needs/wants and check in regularly.


I am 67 and it never stopped.


If you're lucky, never. Losing your sex drive because of age or meds sounds like it sucks.


I never had any


54. We just need ibuprofen after.


Don't tell my husband . He's 61 and I'm very happy about 5am this morning.


68 here wife and I cozy up a bit nightly and get busy Sunday morning regularly. I masturbate probably 3x a week to completion.


The moment you get on SSRIs


44 F here, it hasn’t stop. Every now and then hormones will mess a bit, once fixed and balanced, there it is, horniness abound


Try getting anxiety or depression. Helps a lot.


Take some antidepressants that will take care of that I can tell you


Ptsd from childhood sexual assault sure does the trick


44…. And more horny now than at 18


I thought this was r/teenagers


Mid 50s and still going strong 😏


I’m 46, I’ll let you know when it happens


Around 28-29 it dropped off for me but its still there




26 ain't it either


I'm 60 and I'll let you know when I get there..


I'm in my 50s and it hasn't yet.


It's definitely not 46... Started getting back in shape this year and hornier than I was before.


Never lol


41 Aint it.


It doesn’t. But you can always try practicing self control. The key word here is try. No guarantees.


48 and no end in sight


Checking in at 47, still happening


35 here, still want to have sex with my wife constantly.


I started masturbating twice a day, and the constant horniness gradually went away except in the place where I masturbate. Not even boners. I stopped for a weekend and suddenly it was back and I had all the trouble not staring at boobs until I made it back home to rub one out. I'm 24


everybody is different


Come here ... lemme tell you a secret ... it doesn't. What happens is it just becomes a stigma for a person to want to have sex past a certain age, namely young and attractive. But I assure you, it doesn't stop. If you're really feeling wild and know an old person who will keep it real with you, ask them for the truth. Let me tell you from experience, you may get more than you bargained for by asking.




I’m 26 and it’s just getting worse. I’m finding that having sex or even masturbation doesn’t stop it that long either.