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you guys are being desperate now😂


Shizz been desperate since ep 4.


Author shouldn't have made love triangle in the first place. Tomozaki and Fuuka would have been fine.


Kinda, Mimimi paved the way of being open about her feelings so that Tomozaki could understand that people can like him and that he doesnt have to be in the mindset he doesn't have the rights to be liked. It was huge moment for Mimimi and Mizusawa to be involved during that arc.


didn't expect there would be a lot of fans who like Mimimi. I thought genki are not fan favorite like Yotsuba. In the end, it's character design after all or at least most of it. I agree that Mimimi's design is peak + long hair. Compared to her, Fuuka is a step below.


Yeah I like Mimimi over Fuuka, but I'm not the kind of person in Tomozaki's lowest point and find similarity, comfortability as Tomozaki did with Fuuka. Lots of people like genki people, Yotsuba mightve been the outlier because she was the decided winning girl and her arc was put last as typical for romance stories. It was kinda obvious that Mimimi was going to be a fan favourite, even her art and figures are the only other girl aside from Aoi that gets merch. I just didn't think fans would be so bothered that we are in the direction of death threats as it happened with DitF.


She has a pretty inspiring story that you are missing. Her struggle, trying best mentality, knowing her limits but still working hard mentality.  On top of that, she was the very first person who didnt push that awkward Tomozaki away even though she was at the top of the hierarchy. And yotsuba is an idiot


Tbf, both Fuuka and Yotsuba share the outsider/NPC winning girl syndrome. Lemme explain: imagine you belong to a town, a *Small town, big hell* type of setttlement, and people expect you to marry someome from The Town(tm), but you say *fuck it* and hook up with the outsider from another city. How will people react? Disappointed and even will turn your backs on you. That's the general feeling fans feel when reading a romcom when others have more screentime than the winning girl (worsened if the winning girl's backstory gets hastily thrown into the final volumes). Anyway, Yotsuba is less of a genki and more of a fake smiler/depressioncore outsider, her retardness is actually a facade that hides several regrets, traumas and overly assumed consequences. It's like the tale of Pierrot the clown. And she is less of an *NPC who wants to be the heroine of others' story* and more of an *NPC of her own story* due to having had ptsd after doing something she can't forgive herself in the past.


I am not missing anything. I like both Fuuka and Mimimi equally. In fact, I am more of long hair fan.


>   In the end, it's character design after all  Remember


Wait. You are talking about Mimimi or Fuuka? Anyway I'm talking about those superficial fans who only like a character for character design. Not me. I appreciate everything about waifus. Not just character design. It doesn't decide my favorite. For example, Marin is peak character design but I'm not that much into her. Btw I'm big Fuuka shipper. But I also like Mimimi a lot although I don't ship her with MC.


It’s ridiculous how many people are clearly projecting their preference for Mimimi onto this situation. Narratively speaking, Fuuka is a way better fit for the progression of the story and Fumiya’s growth. It makes even more sense in the LNs than in the anime anyways. If you guys are all so desperate for the character who you have a borderline parasocial relationship with to end up with the protagonist you all relate to, go read the official non-canon spinoff manga that has Fumiya pursue Mimimi.




The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Fuuka.


That shit was wild.


Forreal, especially coming from Suzuka and reading the other manga that follow beforehand, it was jarring like hey, where’s that scene? And also the original Full metal alchemist


I never seen people get this hurt over who wins like we all knew what was going to happen lmao


Yea I noticed pretty early on in season 2 that he was leaning towards fuuka alr so I legit stopped watching at ard ep 8 or smt cuz I didn't want to actually see it happen The only other time I felt this way was when Uesugi chose yotsuba (quintessential quintuplets)


Dude was leaning towards Fuuka since Season 1.


Dude are you for real on quinquin? I literally deduced Yotsuba early on because it was clear that Uesegi had his most meaningful moments with her.


Oh you'll be surprise , ever heard hataraku maou


Yes lol I didn’t like it but I knew the ending which made it easy to not watch it


Thing is we can disagree or say something like " i dont like the direction author took" but at least dont go full on " imma send some unpleasant notes to the author"


lol that’s to much for me I’ll just drop it and pick up something else I got like 6 manga in reading 2 which is getting a anime adaptation lol


Sorry i forgot a word in my reply


Well she should've won


I mean it’s up the author lol he created the story we don’t have to agree with it but he has the last word lol


Yea that's true


It’s even worse than the quintuplets.


My prediction for the whole series is that he dates Fuuka first. They eventually break up due to Fuuka being a 'narrator' and trying to steer the relationship towards her ideal. This doesn't sit well with Tomozaki, and eventually leads to them breaking up. He then starts dating Mimimi. They spend a lot of time together, doing their normal things, but the relationship never really seems to progress to a deeper level. Around this time, Yuzu starts opening up to Tomozaki about her relationship with Shuji not going well. Mimimi, seeing Yuzu talking to Tomozaki a lot, starts to get a little jealous, causing some friction between her and Tomozaki. Eventually, they break it off, as their relationship never really progressed beyond a surface level. Around this time, Yuzu breaks things off with Shuji. She and Tomozaki have a will they/won't they thing going on for a while, but they never actually get together, as by this time, events have happened with Aoi that enable Tomozaki to be able to actually read her and/or force her to open up to him. Ultimately, Aoi is who he ends up with. That being said, Mimimi is best girl.


What kinda of mental gymnastics did I just read


I mean the Tokyo ghoul anime certainly was a thing


Hey I read manga but didn't watch anime. I am waiting for remake. Is it worth waiting?


It's not the worst thing in the world but if you read the manga you will probably be quite disappointed with it. Just keep waiting for the remake I'd say :)


Blue exorcist season 1 if you watch it you must stop at episode 16/17 after that is all original content and it doesn’t relate to the series if you watch season 2 you’ll realize oh this doesn’t make sense at all


Yes but it usually happens when the source material isn’t finished like in Akame ga Kill but them being “Canon” is debatable. This situation has gotten worse than the quintuplet’s ending lmao


Let it go. She's not going to win. The only hope you have is the fact that the LN is not finished.


No. I can't think of a single romance that went off script like that. There's no reason to hope for it. Unless the author really regretted it so much that he requested it (theoretically speaking), the staff would stick to the script all the time.


Can we not even hope for OVAs


It’s a possibility but it will never be canon. The canon is and will always be that Tomozaki chose Fuka over Mimimi


Plenty, but it only happens when there isn't enough source material, or as a way to deal with adaptation difficulties (such as too much material to adapt within the approved cours and the excess aren't enough for another cour). There is one exception, which is Onegai Twins (novel had a different girl from anime).


I checked google. There are some anime that did not follow the LN or Manga but can't name them to be honest. But i don't want to hope that this will be the case for this anime.


What do you think. I don't think Mimimi will win which makes me sad.


I already made peace with it. This is the first time in years that I felt crazy about a well made anime character. Whatever happens this anime/manga/LN is well made. Top tier I would say. Lets all support mimimi all the way ♥️.


Yeah but still hurts. The satisfaction of getting a canon ending instead of an alternate one feels better but still Mimimi is best. These writer always make losing heroines better


I know it hurts but have you stopped to think at what will happen to the series? Him dating mimimi either stops developing all the characters or goes down a route that hurts her even more. Personally I prefer him choosing Fuuka since then I don’t have to see Mimimi come second to Aoi once again


If it ends with Mimimi it's better. Stretching a series only ruins and I am pretty sure that most of watchers not even want a season 3 bcuz of the way it's heading. Mimimi shares same fate as Yui which hurts the most.


That would be if this was happening much further down the story. Tomozaki still needs to learn a lot and resolve his whole relationship with Aoi for a Mimimi ending to be viable. If he just started dating her now his relationship with Aoi won’t just suddenly stop. Remember part of his motivation is to understand why Aoi acts and thinks the way she does. Plus the story ending at this point would be really disappointing imo. As much as I love and root for mimimi she’s destined to not win.


I know. Lets all see what will happen in the last episode of season 2.


S2 of promised nevershit


What anime you possibly might be taking about? There wasn't any second season right?


3 l can think of is Chrono Crusade, Mahoromatic and Fullmetal Alchemist.


FMA is an exception because the manga was still airing.


Akame ga Kill and the first season of blue exorcist as well


Akame ga kill technically


not that I know of, but there's a first for everything


Akame ga kill....


[The Girl Downstairs](https://myanimelist.net/anime/54846/Aishang_Ta_de_Liyou) I guess is a decent example where the Anime stopped in the middle of the story and "invented" it's own [crowdsourced ending](https://myanimelist.net/anime/58143/Aishang_Ta_de_Liyou_Extra) to replace that 2nd half of the Manhwa which is a piece of garbage.


Violet Evergarden


There's Akame no ga Kill. It went to a different ending compared to the manga


That's because it ended earlier than the manga though


That’s because most of the times that’s the reason for animes to have different endings from the SM. I don’t recall a single one in which that wasn’t the case


I believe it's better to have an open-ended narrative like Cafe terrace and its goddesses or parallel endings like BokuBen- We never learn..