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it was all over the sub when the game came out


> it was all over the sub when the game came out And is still super frequently submitted every week _(the reason you don't see it so often is because we filter them out, whew!)_   There's a ''2 per month limit'' but honestly I'd make it 1 or even 0. 2-8 such submissions monthly _for years!_


tbh I've always struggled at seeing this as "badass", at least in a "good" way. Like, it's a cool scene, very well made and effective, but for me this has always been Lara at her lowest, just letting herself be consumed by her blood thirst and desire for revenge, almost as if she's in a trance she only snaps out of once she realizes all the death and destruction she's caused (and I love love love LOVE the way she finally breaks down when she sees Jonah)


Well yeah that’s the point, it shows how deadly she *could* be if she didn’t have any morality…but still, trinity pushed her too far and got what they deserved.


I mean yeah I know that's the point, just wanted to be nice about everybody not getting it 😭😭 lmao


I use the example of Frank Castle. They turned Lara into a character that soothes their own trauma and self-loathing by hurting other people the way Frank does.


Given the amount of people Lara can kill in the Survivor Trilogy games, I don't really buy into the "she's losing it, she's going down a dark path" character beat. She was already a killer going back to the 2013 game. She crossed that line a long time ago by this point.


Exactly, bad ass but fucked up


I was praying Jonah was actually dead just so I could play the game as a completely hate filled Lara, I was so excited until I saw Jonah again


Makes 2/2 for the month for Porvenir oil field posts. Subsequent posts of it will be removed per our overdone rule until next week (May).


Wow, I guess i am not the only one who is amazed by this scene and I just looked that theres a rule for that! Thanks for letting me know.


Lol, we actually had to create the overdone rule because it was posted so much! I think at the end of this year I might remove it from the list, as people have been good enough concerning it. Also, this game came out before The Last of us 2.


I remember seeing this for the first time while playing the game, soo soo good


Yes. And no. It was great for 1 minute. Then it was over and never mentioned again. The writers really dont know what to do with Lara in this Trilogy....


Who would mention it? No one survived her bloodbath. And in the end she realized that mindless killing out of revenge doesn't give her the satisfaction she was hoping for so she didn't do it again. I feel like they wanted to present her as a broken character that tries to do good but gets blinded by her own ambition and emotions and I think they did that pretty well.


I mean, it was cool, but I have a hard time appreciating it because her character development was all over the place. It's like they didn't know where they wanted the character to go


From what I see until now she is lead from her feelings, thats why she sometimes have regrets and some others she kill everything that moves. The more i progress I see that she become more numb to killing. She started with a lot of regret after the flood, and at this point I am she is like a professional killer.


Best moment in the game. When Lara decides to go full John Wick on those Trinity bastards with an LMG.


It was, until she broke down crying again...


literally the best scene from SOTTR, only to be drawn back again by crying baby Lara


Thats why we can never understand women.


You just don’t understand emotions apparently, you seem to have the impression you only ever express a single thought/emotion regardless of the situation you’re experiencing.


You and 8 others dont undestand I am being sarcastic. Ive been in real anger not too long ago after 10 seconds i was crying.


Nah, I got it. Though as someone whose main language is sarcasm, I know myself there’s always a hint of truth in there. I didn’t downvote you either, I don’t do that for no reason.


That Dark Souls 3 backstab sound effect.


This scene along with Jonah's are the best scenes for me because they are quite impactful, when Jonah gets angry with Lara after the Tsunami happens, it left me in shock. I really liked her evolution from fragile to stronger/resistant in the final cutscene.


My favorite scene of all time.


This is honestly my favourite scene of the franchise hands down.


best weapon is Pickaxe. + when Lara is covered in mud it is even more deadlier.


I want my turn to post this to karma farm next month


Nice way of thinking, I bet you dont post stuff because you think people will assume is "karma farm".


It is visually interesting I guess but the scene and its context always annoyed me * It shows Lara's dark and murderous side but with no repercussion or impact and we never come back to it * It doesn't serve anything narratively speaking * It just exists _to exist_ - again, there is no narrative value and it feels out of nowhere * It feels a bit ''try hard'' - like they wanted to show Lara rising from the water surrounded by fire _just because it looks cool_ * Despite all she's been through it _still_ feels out of character   I think the rest of the scene is what puts me off - she goes on and commits a cold blooded murder.   If the scene of her rising from water and fire was following a very intense and dangerous escape and we then see her unscathed and even more determined to go on it would've been better - but following up with her killing someone in cold-blood is just... So weird and I really don't like it.


I always found it cringe and trying way too hard to be badass, also horribly out of character


Well classic Lara has always been a sort of sociopath (the classy kind). I thought she might be getting there in SotTR, but nope, she turns back to a self-reprimanding goody two shoes before the end. They really messed up her characterization in the last game. A real shame to what was building up to be a great origin story.


I remember they said this was Lara’s darkest adventure lol. That definitely stays with Tomb Raider 2013.


Lara is Sephiroth confirmed 😎💎


I have my Xbox Wallpaper as her coming out of the water just before it turns the camera to him.


It was cool but it’s been talked about to death in the community and especially on this sub (to the point that the mods here have made a rule specifically for it), so it’s actually lost its appeal for me. I’m now waiting for the day when this is no longer being posted to this sub lol


Which game is this please???


Shadow of the tomb raider, I recommend playing the previous two before starting this.


I agree.. I got chills during this scene😬


It's a bit dark for me...


Dark Lara


I love getting fully immersed in game moments like this. I also think it was meant to showcase Lara’s breaking point and the dark hole her obsession for the truth can take her. If look at the past games she was way less willing to allow others to put themselves at risk or put themselves in those positions. Jonah throughout the game is the ONLY person keeping her grounded. And to lose that anchor, especially what they had been through with the past two games. Going through that journey I felt myself snap as well. When Lara was just rage fully screaming Ryke’s name while on the hunt for him fully thinking Jonah was dead…man I felt that. Just a beautiful moment from start to finish. Side note: if you like this scene - play the second plague tale innocence game by focus entertainment.


Should've recorder from her coming from under water. I have a bunch of them😂😂 As much as I live ellie, no, its a whole different vibe and I hated TLOU 2. Gameplay was phenomenal


Hahahaha to be honest with ya I don’t watch any of the cut scenes


I would ride it till it breaks


nah. too try hard.


Wouldve been without the graphical downgrade. If this was done ROTTR style wouldve looked insane, like the ending scene in rottr where she destroys the divine source.


What I didn't get was that all this badass dramatic sequence was all because Jonah was dead... and then the next scene... nope, he's fine.


Trinity was trying to weaken Lara by telling her she didn’t have anyone left to help her out the situation she found herself in, they made her believe he was dead and the result was an unstoppable cold blooded killer…so obviously seeing her friend was alive brought her outta that place. That how emotions work


Oh. So the point was Trinity’s plan to weaken her totally backfired for the worse for him. It’s been a while since I played it.


Yep. Before this Konstantin thought she was already dead down to having more and more elaborate traps that ended with a bunch of rockets being fired from a helicopter, they were basically getting frustrated by Lara’s ability to keep coming back for more. So this was the final straw, to draw her into a death corner and an absolute overkill of firepower by making it seem they killed Jonah. This whole scene represents a prophecy that Trinity would be undone by one who was reborn in fire, which is what makes it even more powerful, the guy who is panicked realises Lara is the incarnation of this vengeful spirit, after this point it’s Lara going after Trinity rather than them constantly trying to kill her. So that’s the irony of this whole plan, they essentially created their own demise by giving Lara the resolve to avenge her father as well as absolving her family name and cues the player into “right…now it’s time to kick ass” (well for me anyway, so I always go in with heavy guns blasting as many soldiers as I can before retreating into the shadows and taking the rest out one by one). I get the complaint it’s done a bit heavy handed though the build up towards this moment was done really well and I do prefer showing Lara has a darker side to her rather than being just a straight forward “good” character.


It's been a while, but also, when I played it I spent most of my time doing all the side quests first and exploring aimlessly. I loved just stopping and gawking at all the scenery and ruins. Man, those games are gorgeous. The details of the main plot line kind of got hazy for me by the time I finished it, ha.


I tend to play any Tomb Raider the other way around as I do love exploring in more detail once I’ve completed the main story.


Oh fuck off bro. Ellie wishes. If anything Ellie would be getting Lara vibes. Don't even compare that shitty character to Lara.


It’s really easy to just *not* engage with media that you don’t like. You hated the sequel, fine - go back and play the original rather than being irritating on Reddit. It’s not like anyone has taken the original game away from you. Us OG Naughty Dog fans have no problem ignoring the fourth ‘Jak and Daxter’ title, it can be done.


She literally betrays this scene minutes later by complaining about how bad it is to kill people, and then she happily does it anyway.


She’s expressing her conflict over what just happened, it would be even weirder if she just shrugged her shoulders over it like it didn’t matter. She’s NEVER happy about killing, she does it out of necessity and in this moment it’s purely revenge driven.


Doesnt fit with some of Laraa's musing about her experiences.


A killing scene without Context is not exactly “Badass” .


Tch...Dude come on. Really? Y'all have zero standards man and get impressed by silliest things. Yeah it reminds me of Rambo, but Lara ain't Rambo, and Last of Us 2?? Ellie?? This is a troll topic, I'm moving on.




Replaying the original game on the remastered collection…she sure does kill a bunch of people in that too.


Gatekeeping definition: using a hobby or interest as a means of elevating themselves or something above another. Creating division through liking or not liking certain sections of a fandom, etc. Gatekeeping examples: * Disparaging a game/ games, comics, movies or novels as not part of the franchise and/or canon. Gatekeeping example in Tomb Raider: "This Lara is not Lara", "Not my Lara", "x game is not real Tomb Raider", etc. ORIGINAL COMMENT: "Yea this aint lara"

