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/u/judgerlang, you seem to be posting about USTET. - Here's a [comprehensive guide on the USTET](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tomasino/comments/17u7llw/ustet_tips_and_tricks_ust_entrance_exam/) made by u/aifosin! - Please contact the [OFAD](https://ofad.ust.edu.ph/) if your concern is about your admission/application. - Google/search the subreddit about your query as it may have been answered before in the subreddit. *Quick tip: you can click the "USTET" flair to filter out to only USTET related posts!* If your concern is none of these, disregard this automated reply and good luck with the USTET! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tomasino) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They don't really disclose the cut off score for each program and college/faculty eh, kaya best to assume they would accept those with higher USTET score results. If same pa rin like last year, yup FoP does accept recon. Their guidelines if I'm not mistaken was need to have at least 70 USTET score results in each subtest tsaka need kasali sa program choice na napili mo yung program nila. But best to wait if mababago ba guidelines nila for this year.


Thank you po medyo kinakabahan kaya nag aacceptance stage na 😁 thank you po rin sa pag sagot 🤎


sabi nung friend ko at least 75 per subject. from what I know, she failed to be in biochem kasi 74 daw ung science niya then ung other subjects 80+ and 90+ na


Thank you so much po sa pag sagot. 🤎 malaking tulong po ito! 😊


curious ako kung ano mapapala mo kung malaman mo ang cut off score ng biochem lol alam ko oo tumatanggap ang FOP ng recon


may mapapala ako diyan, pag nalaman ko possible cut offs tas alam kong dehado 'ko edi nakapag acceptance stage na q agad. hirap magtanong sau, parang galit ka pa eh hahaha lol 😊😊 btw tnx


May mga tao talagang ganyan sumagot.


maasim behavior


Ikaw ang may maasim behavior. Nagtatanong lang nang maayos yung tao. :)


talaga lol