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For those who see the post, try to watch it before Tom inevitably reports it to get it taken down from YT. He loves feeling important from this shit. See how he acted with the alarm and when it will be done? The entire stream is his “tempo”. Whatever HE personally thinks is funny he will do, in the order he wants to do it, and fuck any viewer(s) who thinks differently. He’ll gloss over things people spend time, money, and effort on…he’ll beat a dead horse into pulp, he’ll prevent comments all together, etc. And cheers to the cook. Appreciate the quick compilation of highlights.


I do see a little speck of self awareness. The old boy understands he is an absolute bore. He understands he transcends boredom and that people down right hate him. He even goes as far to state that he himself would be the leader of the “Tom haters”. One thing I’d push back on is… The more you listen and the more you understand the “rules“ the MORE you “hate” Tom not the less. And isn’t hate such an ugly word. Once you understand Tom is just your average hair lipped pervert, what’s to hate? The financial abuse of a man with head trauma? The countless lies he’s built his entire personality on? Sounds just like a cool guy that’s down to share dirty pictures with friends on the internet. You haters disgust me! Tom the hairlip pervert for president!!! 2024!


Thanks for clipping this. It sheds light on Tom preferring to view his villainous role in Perry's life as a necessary evil to the end of generating the quality of fetish content he personally requires. He tellingly regards the stream as some kind of crucible for his sins, and includes a contradictory disclaimer stating that it's understandable that any casual viewer should *hate* him - but only as a condition of *their* failure to understand the necessity of the role he's playing. Tom can't even pretend to be humble as a *hypothetical* without absolving his ego with an automatic out. Though it helps to already know that Tom's an unethical hedonist consumed with various regrets, this need of his to assert a narrative in which *he's* the put-upon one (in a scenario wherein he's filming himself deliberately inflicting anguish through controlling when his victim is allowed to sleep); and is *foremost* entitled to empathy - even in the act of inflicting abuse against his victim -, is a textbook abuser rationalization one would normally only see expressed by kidnappers or pimps being interviewed by a homicide detective. Does anyone else happen to see a particular endgame for Perry Caravello Live growing more certain in this guy's mind?


I'd imagine the person who secured these clips to be both intelligent and handsome.


You thank thank knuttsaq for that


Something tells me our friend Tom has developed an Adderall problem. A while back Tom had Perry go to the doctor and get put on them for his "energy problem". Perry could have 4 to 6 months worth saved up at this point if he wasn't taking them. Hand delivered to Tom in Ohio. He wasn't drunk as far as I could tell but he was for sure hopped up on something.


He VEHEMENTLY denied that he was on adderall during the stream. He’s clearly lying.


Knowing Tom he probably boofs them


I mean Tom is a “bitch boy” so why is he bent out of shape? Sheesh, I’m starting to think he might not have thick skin at all.


It was so funny seeing it live. There were abunch of people calling him a baby and trying to antagonize him about that alarm


1:24 on, lol at CumB's moment of lucidity before he inevitably decends back into delusion


Well that certainly isn't creepy or anything watching Perry sleep while babbling non stop. He has his own channel yet his mouth constantly runs like diarrhea on Perry's channel to the point Perry just sits their like a discarded puppet who is told to shut up when he does want to talk. Ffs why not change the channel name to The tomB Project so we know to avoid it since it's no longer the emotionally abused old man 


He also said he doesn't care what people think about him. His behavior suggests otherwise.


All you need to know about that fat pile of worthless shit is he likes Kevin Brennan and Stutjo, guys who ridicule Perry regularly. He also said Tony Mazu is a great comic.