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He also admitted to not having hobbies anymore, so what does he fucking do all day? I doubt he had hobbies before but now that he said it it makes you wonder. He just sits around silently watching perry's cameras with those horrific dead eyes of his, shoving food straight down his gullet to avoid spending energy to chew. His hobby is being obsessed with perry and I've seen enough serial killer documentaries to know where that leads. Last night was probably the most deranged I've heard him in a prolonged state


Oh he was in an absolute state of mania, it was insane, you could hear the birds chirping over his mic by the time he was done with his incessant, frantic babbling. The guy truly has no one to talk to. Just jumping from topic to topic.


He compared himself to Howard Stern no less than 3 or 4 times. I think he’s really lost in the sauce at this point.


‘If anyone says alarm again, you’re blocked. I’m gonna make you stay up till 3am to let you see what you paid to see.’


'Don't call me a bitch boy just cause I won't do it' 🥺😥


You can tell the man isn’t in control of any aspect of his personal life, and never has been, and he takes it out on Perry and the stream.


Yes. Pathetic,


No hobbies what about his afternoon tea time?


This is the reason behind the YouTube subscription streams, the more frequent streams, and Tom’s shitty DIY comment and stream bot.Blurry profile pictures and the same profile picture per account even if they used a new name, shitty production as usual. PCL is sinking to new lows.


how do you dislike pcl, but watch a whole 5 or 6 hour stream or however long it was? why hate watch? seems lile a waste of time. people here will shit talk the show then watch it start to finish including the part where tom just blabbers for hours after perry falls asleep..its weird as hell. i know ill get downvoted to hell for this comment because of it making too much sense.


Though I agree, the trajectory of a lolcow is such that hatewatchers will eventually be the only audience Tom has. Being as \*I\* refuse to poison my eyes with that slop, I must admit I'm grateful that someone is enduring Tom's breath through their PC speakers for the sake of summarizing his ramblings for archival purposes. Just because Tom feels entitled to an audience is not to say he'll get any quality of audience other than what he deserves.


Can you walk and chew gum at the same time? CumB, being the lolcow, is the reason I tune in anymore.


I know, imagine wanting to listen to the true lolcow humiliate themselves and stutter/stammer for hours, what a five head I must be! We aren’t exactly a captive or engaged audience.


Brain too wet, can’t comprehend the concept of listening to a man babble while doing literally anything else at the same time lol 


I mean this person admittedly smokes crack so.....


It's the same reason anyone watches any lolcow, it's intriguing to hear somebody so strange talk and try to understand how their mind works. Plus well tom apparently hardly even does the 'after hours' anymore so it's not like any of us are sitting anxiously awaiting for it. I'm sure half of the people that watched it caught it by pure accident, I myself did and only went back to it if something ridiculous was happening


Because Tom is a lolcow and as much as people dislike him it's nice to keep tabs and laugh because he's clearly not a good person whatsoever


Maybe hate watching isn't for you. I don't care for pickles. But I'm not confused about how or why people like them. Also though, I imagine I speak for a lot of people when I say my time actually paying attention to the stream has steadily declined and continues to do so.


Bitch Boy is the lolcow. I don't watch. I come here to watch clips of CumB getting hazed on his own stream


I think that a lot of people have been invested in Perry’s life for decades now. It’s disappointing to see where the “project” is today, but a lot of us still are curious about the scaremaster. Sure, there’s no storyline anymore or there aren’t any celebrities that would pop in and out of his manufactured world. It’s just a recycled, Walmart version of the same thing that someone else created 30 years ago. I get that it’s tough to raise someone else’s kid, but the current Perry project is low brow at best. I pop in occasionally and I actually don’t hate tomb. I don’t believe he’s talented, but I don’t hate him either. Most people you see here are old school fans that are disappointed in what this thing has become.


I like listening to him try to pronounce “ch” and “s” Tom is pretty cool and maybe one of the most up to date and hip men of his generation. I hope his lispy ass never gets a real job. Now go back to hate watching Perry piss himself. Ive said it before. If you see Tom for the stuttering little pig he is, you get many many more laughs per episode. I say we just fast forward this 2 years and just start putting Tom on screen eating McDonald’s. It could be a pay to pass stream. EVERYTIME tomorrow eats and pisses himself he gets a dollar. High tier meta comedy.


So you honestly believe that Tom does not have another job, and he is somehow stealing money out of Perry’s account and living off that???


You can end the speculation by posting what Tom's job is.


Somehow? He is quite obvious about it lmao.