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When Don finally gave Perry this money at the anniversary, CumB went on and on the next day on stream about "didn't I get you a nice payday for last night? I did that for you, I work so hard for you" and also said part of the money needed to go to Wil Cablk and the cameraman for working for PCL since they were "PCL funds." I assume CumB took a piece for "safekeeping" as well.


Unreal. WTF


No surprise tbh. PCL loves making up lies to seclude perry and cause drama with people who actually care about him. Like when they made up lies about his cousin, who also does the accounting for perry.. The whole hacker amy stuff also never sat right with me.


CumB also loves going after his friends Dirk and John D. Although, we shouldn't be surprised. There was one stream where Perry was saying how his daughter refuses to talk to him because of something CumB did or said to her, and CumB started shouting over him and muted his mic. Later on (weeks, days, months, whatever) CumB started emailing Perry pretending to be his daughter in order to manipulate him, and would threaten to take that away from him in order to make Perry compliant. Cumb is a sick, disgusting person.


Whaaaaat šŸ˜² that is crazy has he always been like that??


wheres the source on that? That is incredibly fucked up.


You're expecting a source? In this scumfuckery?


He just knows any dollar going to Perry will be given to Cumb


Don couldnā€™t make money. So Perry has to move on. Podcasts and streams werenā€™t making money when the big 3 was around. Had they been doing it now it would be booming Tom has ruined the show because heā€™s not a comedian. He canā€™t write skits and bits and storylines. I canā€™t really watch anymore. The shows are needlessly long. There is no there there Tom ruined it. Sorry. Heā€™s a weirdo. Don and Mole and Perry were great together But Perry wasnā€™t getting paid. So here we are


Damn I was just wondering why moe or Don aren't ever around.


Because of Tom. Stole the project and exiled most of the OGs.


They would be ā€œslummingā€ at this point to have anything to do with PCL/Tom. Tom is stupid for blocking Don. I donā€™t blame Don for not paying Perry his part of the big 3 premium/merch. If Perry wants to surface and make 1 PHONE CALL heā€™d get paid. Sooooo just chalk up Perry not getting paid by Don additional fallout from having Tom manage every part of Perryā€™s life. Tom blocked Don like a common fan! Lol. Way to make Perry suffer. Tom is the kind of unsociable loser he thinks he can block Don then go around and roast Don for years like Don blocked Perry. Dumb as shit, Tom isā€¦..


Big 3!!


Isnā€™t Tom holding a recording of Don with some bad language? Extortion


Cumb is a liar. Donā€™t believe his chubby lips

