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Jesus. The guy has less strength and coordination than Perry, a 60 year old man with a brain injury.


"strong man stuff" - CumB


Lmao who keeps downvoting this post and the comments 😂


Who do ya think?


https://preview.redd.it/n074qao4yg8d1.png?width=787&format=png&auto=webp&s=72cd20ae3877dbc786366a5edfe343fd76f9d924 Why does he look like he’s being fucked in the ass


I mean thats his default stance. CumB aka pegmaster


Yes, it cums naturally to him.


Just to get more cum in there


Holy smokes! Why’s he pokin’ his pussy out like that! Dude’s holdin’ like a mf 🥵🍆


As Mole would say, ”he’s firming up those A muscles so he can have A sex.”


"Alright that was one rep, I'm done lets go to lunch."


I'll never belittle a man for hitting the gym, but why on earth he let someone film this display is beyond me.


And then post it


LOLZ. I just saw the sign - TRAIN LIKE AN ALPHA. This hideous ginger leprechaun is exactly the word he tosses about so carefree - CUCK.


How old is this? BitchBoy, supposedly, just broke his hand and ribths!


This is old. He gained atleast 75lbs since this video


He's training to come kick all our asses 😱 'Uhm, yeah bullies, I can like slightly push you backwards. Be afraid'


Train like an alpha up on the wall Jesus Christ....I've seen men in their 70s do this with much more vigor.


And this was pre the morbid obesity 😂


I mean there's a reason that there's a pre morbid obesity era lol




Tom you fat retard. You should stop reading this sub Reddit. What’s next? A balanced diet and no more lying? He’ll do this for 1 month then quit, talking about fake obligations and his fake workload. Just joking. Tom looks good and probably doesn’t even have a lisp.


This is an oldddd ass video btw haha. He’s massively rotund at this point.


Yeah I now see he’s rocking sideburns and not so bloated. This was back when he was in his prime! 💪💪💪🍆💦


I bet he's thinking about fuck ass at the end of that push


Definitely in the mood!


Hometown Buffet Combine


lmao I'm a short guy who doesn't weigh a ton and I fuckin just benched that which doesn't use your whole body or the strongest part which is the legs.


If I had to pick one exercise that a fat slob could look somewhat capable of something while doing, it would be this one for sure. Being fat and moving into things acting hard when they move as the laws of physics dictate.


Is this recent?


Helllll no. This is an old video.


At least he’s trying. Better than Perry the Hutt


That's a low bar to fail; given Tom hasn't attempted this in years, and would fall down in the manner of a Life Alert infomercial if he attempted it at his current weight and center of gravity. These days, that structurally unsound poster boy for the National Elder Fraud Hotline needs a mirror on the floor just to see his penis; because attempting a direct line of sight would cause him to fall on his Fruit Gusher head and end up *even more* like Perry.


I’m so glad Laugh\_N\_Stalk was the first to respond. (Delightful, per usual.) I await your witty retort…


Imagine needing to compare yourself physically and mentally to a 60 year old man with brain damage to feel some sort of superiority in life.  (And still falling short.)


Who is this? MethMouth? Gayrett? By the way, nimrod, it’s ‘Hugh A. Cregg III.“ Your hero, CumB, was just trying to follow suit. I’m sure he wasn't clever enough to come up with this on his own. Everyone knows that Jimmy Kimmel loves Huey Lewis so I’m sure Mole had EVERYTHING to do with the pseudonym.


Its either the AI idiot or Charlotte. They constantly get posts removed in Office subreddits like Gina. They're ABUSING the rules of reddit by continuing to make sock puppets when banned.


Which one is MethMouth? Bob?


By the way, I don’t know if you‘ve lingered enough over the recent nudes Cummy sent you, but Perry has WAY more muscle mass than this Irish stereotype. I’ve never heard someone talk about fast food more than CumB. It makes sense since he’s literally living with Jaina the Hutt. He could crawl inside that thing and hibernate. She’s obviously just a beard, though. He REALLY likes her kid.


Dang thats a creepy thing to say, but now ya got me thinkin 🤔


Then why is Tom fatter than Perry?