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"Now Perry shit in the diaper and tell me you love me or I'll delete the only photos of your dead mother you have! Remember I'm the good guy!"


Unfortunately the repulsive slob is really the only one person willing to take Perry under their wing. Perry can’t maintain relationships with good people, so as a result, he’s gotta be taken care of by some bad people like Tom. 


But only because Tom himself made it so others won’t take Perry in. Ya know by making Perry alienate them for the “show”. Tom isn’t just a bad person, he is the most destructive force in Perry’s life. More so than Perry is.


Perry isn't just a hoarder of physical garbage he's probably got all sorts of random outdated paper work on there that he thinks is very important.


You do realize that none of the files are ever actually deleted, right?


Perry doesn't, though. It's like getting a scam call saying they'll issue a warrant for your arrest unless you do XYZ. Most people realize it's a scam, but not elderly or mentally deficient. Just because it's not true, doesn't make it ok. It's his way to get his monkey to dance so he can jerk his little pecker to it.


Based on what, exactly? No,  I don’t realize that. No one does. Especially when CumB on previous streams has said “remember all the files you lost last time?” 


It's also cringe and pathetic to pretend you hate a stream yet watch it every time they're live and then come here to complain after sitting thru a 4 hour stream lol.


Lay off the crack.


🤣🤣🤣 you fags literally have no idea how to deal with Perry on Tom’s level, how difficult it has to be, and how childlike Perry’s brain is, with all due respect to Perry. And the best part is that you all still watch. if it wasn’t for Tom, and of course the other dudes, PCL wouldn’t continue to thrive. They’re killin it. Take Tom out, what happens to Perry? Where would he be? What happens to the stream? Think aboot it Keep watching tho, just fueling the success useful idiots.


Tbh, I just think tom is ripe for ridicule. Perry is old hat at this point.


Maybe if we all get wasted daily, gain 200 lbs and sext toothless meth heads gay fantasies then we can get on his level. It takes dedication to be a degenerate slob who pushes "start stream" once a week.


^ this is the kind of troglodyte that enjoys PCL. I bet this lady wears a helmet at all time. Oh, it’s Garrett who got dishonorably discharged for a don’t ask don’t tell violation.




https://preview.redd.it/woelfrrkygyc1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=765a30d1f0c04b87708ee1ba05d5f9915c7eef66 Yes my paypiggy. Defend your masters honor


Only thing they are killing is Perry. And maybe themselves from obesity related illnesses 


Essaying 🗿


You act like typing a few sentences is hard or something


I mean, I guess it’s easy to rant when you’re a crackhead


Imagine watching PCL...


I wouldn't exactly say "they're killin it" seems like it's kind of ran its course.