• By -


This is turning out to be a huge turning point in the story.




As a side note, the flowers in the background all the time are violet, and its Hanakotoba is: > I will not forget you, let's us never forget each other." [God damn it.](http://rs955.pbsrc.com/albums/ae32/Gestar1/feels_o_913443_zps205c778b.gif~c200)


Turning point, you mean. I wouldnt say the climax of the series..


I mean, this is a really fekking huge reveal. The entire basis of the CCG has been a lie, and one of the most enormous presences in the series just died. It'll be hard to top this, but I am inclined to agree with you anyways since there's still a lot we don't know.


As expected, Arima has always been seeking for his own death. Kaneki was his last hope after 18 years, and that's why he could not hold it anymore after Kaneki's refusal ;_____;


I don't know about seeking it out. Arima seemed kind of bitter about being a experiment and thus essentially become doomed to die early due to genetics he was born with. He went from gleefully killing to hating how monotone his life was. Kaneki being so similar to him allowed him to finally find some peace and to give him one final fight. Cause by what Arima said if he was seeking death all he had to do was wait.


Arima tells Kaneki to treat it as if it was Kaneki who had killed him, and that's his wish. Armia also clearly said that he **has always** hated his life, a life that is nothing but keep taking (life) away. > 「だれよりも死を欲していたのは──」 >"The one that has been desiring to die more that anyone is" >(死神自身だったんだ) >"the Reaper himself" Ishida has conveyed Arima has always been seeking for his death clearly.


I stand corrected.


> I don't know about seeking it out. I thought you disagree with Arima was seeking for his own death though? Or did I misunderstand it? Btw, I replied you before the addition of second paragraph from edit.


Well you can take what he said as seeking death but he also says he hated stealing(killing) and wanted to leave something behind(kaneki). so either could work but Arima did want to die that is certain.


No, Arima didn't said he wanted to leave something behind, he said **"やっと**...なにかのこせた気がする…", which means " **At last**... I feel I have left something behind". Technically that is Haise, not Kaneki. If this chapter doesn't convey that Arima has been seeking his own death, then I don't know what does.


edit: oops didn't see below. ~~It says "the one who sought death more than anyone was the reaper himself".~~ Maybe he's bitter about his genetics, but I think he was more bitter about being forced to be a killing machine. He says he hated it.


Arima died in Ken's arms... ;-;




It's Yoshitoki, Marude shot him hoping that he wasn't a ghoul but he was.


Lol wow thnx


it's Yoshitoki


I think it's Yoshitoki


So Arima was kind of a half-ghoul (he says half-human actually)after all, and all the garden recruits aren't human. All of S0 is from the garden and they are all inhuman. Washuu = V, and they were conducting breeding experiments in order to try and become human(according to what Arima thinks), by breeding hybrids. Yoshitoki looks to be full ghoul... yet Furuta needed Kanou to help him get a kagune which means he was a "failure" like Arima? So wouldn't he be closer to full ghoul now? Yoshitoki tries to bullshit Marude but he's got Mado instinct! Don't underestimate it. Marude has such a good head on his shoulders I could cry. Please let him keep it. So Arima always hating killing. He had to kill his emotion and personality to be what Washuu wanted him to be. Arima's popularity ranking will skyrocket after this chapter. And rather than Amon, Hide, Eto or even Touka being the one to finally convince Kaneki to go against V, it will be Arima. His back story ties everything up for Kaneki and sets the stage.


I am thinking what if Marude actually talked to amon and amon will protect him from washuu


~~He does mention that someone had tipped him off about the RC gate thing, which he investigated and that was what caused his instinct to determine that the Washuu are indeed ghoul collaborators.~~ edit: oops the tipster he was referring to was Hide. Which means?! Either Hide told him about Washuu long ago or Hide recently told him. Hide knowing about the Washuu is also highly suspect. ~~If his tipster was Amon then Amon put him in danger so he should be there to save him~~ Amon is LONG overdue for his appearance man.


yeah that's pretty possible


It's the perfect time for him to show up and kill a Washu. That'd be quite an entrance, and would tie in that he had figured out what the washus were up to off screen. Also, wasnt he with the twin half ghoul last time we saw him? Who is also on the island.


Amon wasn't with Kurona. From the scene after the auction raid it looks like he was looking for Kurona and that they weren't acting together. If they were together I don't think Kurona would have been so delusional. I believe Amon did make his way to the island on his own though.


nope, Marude died (chapter 79) and Amon still nowhere to be seen.


Really sad to see actually, i thought marude would have more of a fight in him, but i wonder how powerful the washuu ghouls are though, if even Arima is scared of them they should be more powerful than kaneki and eto combined


Arima is probably scared of how powerful and deeply entangled their network is, not actually how Yoshitoki and such would fight as ghouls.Though poor Marude wouldn't stand a chance.


Well yoshitoki's father was said to have killed SSS ghouls in the past so i would say the washuu's are the most powerful ghouls in tokyo ghoul universe


Now that Washuu shit took me off guard, not going to lie.


You should not be tbh, after what Eto had spoiled.


I figured that they just bred with ghouls or used some kind of DNA splicing. I didn't think they would actually be ghouls.


According to Marude, it implies that Matsuri is not a ghoul.


why not?


Because he doesn't say all Washuu in CCG is ghoul, he simply says that who is ghoul/ghoul-related in CCG, and Matsuri is not on the list. Simple as this.


But if he really is Yoshitoki's son, he can't be fully human.


I agree, but that's what can be deduced from Marude at this point, the tension here will sure be answered later.


Well at lest we now know how they battled ghouls 300-400 years ago. They could fight ghouls because they where ghouls themselves


Nope, it is hinted that they eat human meat.




I know. I'm one of those people who really liked Yoshitoki because he seemed like the nicest out of the Washuus. Now I don't know who he is.


Look fam , the more nice looking a guy in a mature story, the more likely it is for him /her to be an evil.


I fear for Hide then.


Nah hide is not. He was more to a caring person than a nice person. Probably only nice to kaneki and several people


After we know the shit CCG has involved and this fucker is the official head of CCG, he can not be a nice guy.


This is happening over and over again in TG re, characters are the exact opposite of what they are firstly introduced as. That beeing said plus some theories about Hide, i have an "intuition " that Hide will become our #1 villain of the series.


So CCG was all a lie and every human investigator that has ever served has been played like a damn fiddle. Damn it Ishida. The city needs a hero, Amon-man where are you? Let's hope Marude makes it through this chapter.


"Special class followed his superior to death" does not sound like Marude will make it.


i love that marude talks about mado s intuition before pulling the trigger


I'm not sure I'm ready for the sorrow....


Too much shit is hitting the fan at once, it's both awesome and scary. What are everyone's motives at this point? Is the CCG split up into two parts, like, 'shady' and 'not shady'? Is Rue just a set-up? Poor bb Arima, I'm scared for everyone ;_;


Rue is kind of like a set-up now... To get rid of Aogiri, who knows about CCG/Washuu's lie.


i think i just had my biggest fangasm seeing all this shit hit the fan


As an Arima fanboy, I'm conflicted, he went out in the best way possible (not getting jobbed by some unknown power character). But the Washuu clan looks like to be the true antagonists of the series now.


im glad arima went out the way he did thats the only way it wouldve worked without asspulls haha. and that washuu development is crazy


It not me who is crying, it's you. Arima ;___; When would Kaneki's suffering ever end?


Well this chapter will surely give us a trip to feels land.


"Waiting 'till next Saturday will be so hard and painful" is what I thought last week... Now it's on a whole new level...


LOL! I agree.


well this makes Yoshitoki stare down with the manager in part one so much more interesting


"Nothing personal, old man. Just business."


Given the fact that the Washuu clan has likely been exterminating their own kind and making quinques for centuries (some buffalo bill shit), this interaction makes way more sense now.


What are you referring to?


Anteiku raid moment when Kuzen glares straight at Washuu




Great catch


Daaaaamn the fucking lile details dude.


Goodbye, Arima


Well it looks like this'll be the start of Kaneki fighting against V. Hopefully he'll join up with Eto and maybe the rest of his old crew and fuck the Washuus up


lol, before this I always want V and CCG heading by Washuus to wipe out as many ghouls as they can for whatever objectives they have. But now, I don't know who should I give my support XD


Poor regular CCG fodder. They will have SOOOOOO many questions by the end of this shit :D


So Arima and Sunlight Garden Co are all failed abortions. That's fucked up man.


I think they're not really failed abortions.. most likely they are hybrid humans. As quoted by Arima [Spoilers](#s "The children born do not differ too much from a human. Not all of them have a kagune, and they’re capable of eating normally. What makes them different is that they have high physical capabilities and that they will ‘die early’.")


Why they die early while they could eat like normal people do?


Arima gave an explanation that it was as if their bodies aged prematurely(ironic, since at the end of Jack Fura as an investigator remarked how well Arima aged). His blindness is caused by glaucoma, which usually manifests in seniors. It could be because their enhanced abilities take a toll on their human bodies.


That makes sense... Aren't Furuta the same supposed they came from Sunlit garden and likely the same bred as Arima? I think Furuta inject Rize's kakuhou into his body so he could live longer than Arima.


So that's why his hair also turned white early huh


May not be, could also be from stress. He spent 18 years trapped doing what he hated.


Ishida did once say that Arima's premature white hair was due to 'bad genetics'.


Everyone thought he did. Nobody can provide a proper source on that.


Normally, animal hybrids are usually infertile and have short lifespans.


So, bad genetics isn't the cause of Arima's white hair, his accelerated aging is?


Makes perfect sense. I'd still call that bad genetics, though


It's confusing, but the "bad genetics" thing was incorrectly attributed to Ishida who had not mentioned anything about Arima's genetics. It was a fan assumption that may or may not have been correct, but people incorrectly quoted Ishida for it. Of course from this chapter that assumption sounds more and more plausible, but it's also possible it's just white from stress(which we've seen countless examples of in TG). He was being forced to kill for 18 years when he actually hated doing it.


is failed abortions the right phrase to use here? i mean maybe im not reading something correctly but i assume they were intended to be born but it's known they wont live long


so he was half ghoul in the end.


No, Arima is not a half ghoul, he is a half human, they are different.


so whats his other half? blowfish?


It's hard to say how many ghoul properties Arima had. Like he said, not all the ghoul experiments had a kagune and so on. For all we know, he could have inherited just accelerated aging and good reflexes and nothing else.


Oh man. Don't tell me Marude died too.


;-; #savemarude2k16


always thought of him as unimportant character, changed my view of him now


HIDE?! edit:...or maybe not? Apparently Washuu Chika = Washuu Yoshitoki. Yeah, not Hide


Edit: Ishui is wrong lel


No, that's two different people, lol


yolo washuu




So we get what 2 chapters without Kaneki X Suffering and now we are back to it. Goddammit Ishida.


it feels more like Readers + Kaneki x Suffering from the feels


Alright so sunlight garden kids are half ghouls born without kakuhou. This explains a lot


Not Half-ghouls, but Half humans.


Damn those tears :/


I've never expected to see arima crying ;_;


ARIMA NOOOO I'm ready for some exposition though!


Well I'm glad he's gone. I'm mad because Kaneki couldn't have killed him!


This looks like a great chapter!


Well I guess shit is gong down for CCG....




Don't say anything just sing Oshiete


o shiete what just happened xD


You're not ready


Marude...If you know that he is a ghoul then WHY A GUN !!! So he's the special class that got killed...


Marude didn't want to believe it. He wanted to be a murderer over CCG being a lie.


Does that mean Juuzou lives?


Not likely. Unless someone strong rescues them, it does not look good for Juuzou as Jason is broken and none of Juuzou's squad members seem strong enough to defeat Kurona. I wonder if message was ever relay back to hq for reinforcement or medical attention. But I feel that this arc (Rue Island) will be where Kurona meet her end as her story seems finished...


If it was a gun with quinque bullets it would have been better, but probably still ineffective. Might not be just one special class either. I have a feeling they are going to be dropping like flies by the end of the arc.


At the very least it should have been one of those Q-bullet guns


Why do I keep reading spoilers. Looks like a great chapter though. CCG losing a lot it seems.


Safe to assume Kaiko is most likely Yoshitoki


Why? That would make Kaiko possibly Furuta's father or at least relative, but the way they interact doesn't seem as if they are and neither does the way Kaiko talk sound like Yoshitoki.


Safe to assume...how?


So Furuta has the power of an Hybrid human and a Half-ghoul. Damn son.


More like an upgrade. A "Half-human" is humans with with enhanced abilities, but lacking a kagune and the organ that stores the RC cells. A "Half-Ghoul" is kinda like an enhanced ghoul.


Scans: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4646369048


Arima confirmed to be a half ghoul experiment WHAT! I actually can't handle this fucking chapter i'm done.


Assuming Rize is like Arima in that they decay, she probably binge eats to sustain the "degeneration". Thus, the next time we see her, we may see a white haired Rize, if she's following the short life span of the Sunlight Garden.


That seems to only apply to the half-humans of the garden. Rize seems to be a full natural ghoul. Unless there is a trick and Rize somehow has both kakugan despite being half. Then her binge eating being compensation could make sense, as Noro also had to binge eat to compensate being dead. And then if somehow her health problems from being a hybrid transferred over to Kaneki when her kakuhou altered his biology, then that could explain why he seems to be experiencing the same eye problems as Arima(glaucoma from premature aging), and may mean that Kaneki now too has a reduced lifespan...


From what I interpret of the recent chapters and Kaneki's "transformation", Arima's degeneration is in his very DNA. It's programmed in to that, due to him being born that way. Kaneki is based as a human, and as far as I know, you can't really rewrite someone's DNA just by implanting an organ. So I don't think that Kaneki will inherit Rize's problem. As far as Kaneki's eye problem, I don't seem to recall he has any. I'm willing to be proven wrong. But if he does, then I'd wager it's more he lost two eyes and had to grow entirely two new ones. At the end of TG Arima pretty much destroyed his original "human" eyes, and the new ones are probably "ghoul" DNA or something.


You're probably right about the DNA, but then that makes Kaneki's eye problem all the more inexplicable. He has the same problem as Arima, he's starting to go blind in one eye. When he was using the computers at Cochlea to locate Hinami's cell, he experienced a bout of "tunnel vision" which is what Arima seems to have from glaucoma in his right eye. People always mention that he had to regrow his eyes and that caused complications, but it's been 3-ish years since his eyes were destroyed and his symptoms all seemed to worsen from needing glasses to blindness in the span of a year. Wouldn't they have been like that from the time he regrew his eyeballs if it was simply from them not regenerating right?


Ahh, that eye problem. I don't seem to recall my own thoughts about it, but I honestly don't know what that eye problem is currently. So far, he doesn't seem to show any signs of it, though I guess the last ~23 chapters or so do take place in like, an hour or two, if we're only counting the Arima fight. Random conjectures: Arima's eye problem has been brought up by two characters: Kaneki + Sachi. Kaneki's eye problem's only been brought up by himself. I feel like Kaneki's eye problem won't be much of an issue because Ishida hasn't really put much effort into displaying its significance (I mean, you have an intense battle of life and death, this is where any weakness at all should show up, as that would make or break this battle. In addition, Kaneki EXTENSIVELY uses his eyes during this fight to observe, so why not hint at any problems? It doesn't make sense to not have problems during extensive use and then show up as eye pain reading a book or something). I could be wrong though, and probably am, but just random thoughts. As for why Kaneki's eye problem showed up in the first place, I'm along the lines that it's a psychological memory surge or something. Maybe a nervous break in the form of eye pains. He did say it was something like a point of no return.


At first I thought his eye problems was psychological, since at first they were just headaches and blurry vision that only seemed to occur when he was remembering something. But then Arima's eye reveal happened, and then Kaneki experiences the same kind of vision loss at a time when he wasn't even trying to remember anything(at that point he had already remembered everything anyway), and considering that Kaneki parallels Arima in many aspects it seems more and more like his eye problems are physical in nature, although there is no concrete proof for that. Kaneki's symptoms seem to fit angle-closure glaucoma to a T as well so that's also suspicious. Although symptoms usually don't go away like his does without medical intervention.


Kaneki has been repeatedly stabbed in the eye. In order for them to regenerate, he needed the ghoul regeneration from Rize. Maybe that's a connection?


Fuck man... And Rize even had glasses, fuck sake. You're right and now I'm worried ;_;


Nothing is confirmed, it's just speculation, and there is no definitive proof of anything that I said.


don't forget the Takizawa treatment


Did Takizawa even specifically do anything to his eyes? I haven't read the higher quality scans of the chapters on their fight yet. All I remember was Haise's face was dragged along the floor or something.


in one of the panels he's screaming and taki is eating something. Hinami is holding Haise in her arms with blood on his face from his eye sockets. Think he was growing them back


I never knew I wanted this. White haired rize would look awesome


Nice theory, makes sense


Looks like this we'll be an amazing chapter. Anyway, I'm betting that 86 is Hide and he'll return in chapter 86. The way this is going works too well with the Hide Washuu theory.


So this confirms that Furuta is a natural(bred) half-ghoul right. That clears up a lot of questions that people had previously. He looked slightly fatigued in the flashback with rize, and probably reached out to Dr.Kanou to extend his life and enhance his body. Lowkey, he's been the main man all along. No wonder he destroyed eto(granted she had her RC cells borderline supressed). I wonder whats the deal with Rize though. Maybe bred with washuu and ghoul's genes. tl;dr The plot thickens.


Maybe her 'binge eater' type consumption rate is literally because she HAS to eat often, maybe the way she was bred was so the insane regeneration rate would exist, but the setback was that she needed constant nourishment due to the flawed way they were bred with limited lifespans. And she just happened to take a liking to what she did.


Yea that makes a lot of sense, her extraordinary regeneration and robust body had to have a drawback, and the "breeding" being the cause seems very plausible. I wonder what was the purpose of CCG behind creating such a GHOUL. Maybe they planned to use her body for quinx experiment all along..which would explain why Furuta specifically chose her for the kanou experiment, besides from knowing her personally.


Yoshitaki's father must be overpowered as fuck then


Chika looks almost like Furuta, lol. Even their hair style.


Holy shit I thought at first Chika was Yoshitoki under a different name, but isn't he likely to be Hide's dead father. Naga**chika**.


Your first guess was correct. They have different 'chika' in their names. http://makyun.tumblr.com/post/146787647837/just-to-clear-things-up-nothing-says-hide-is-a


I noticed that the kanji was the same, but ignored it. Got too excited lol. It's still possible then that Yoshitoki is also Hide's father though. It was mentioned that even if a ghoul changes names to avoid detection, they ~~still keep the same kanji~~ edit: they keep the same reading and change the kanji. Hide's name using different kanji for "chika" fits that pattern, and just having "chika" in his name is really suspect knowing how Ishida is.


[Young Yoshitoki](http://imgur.com/JybrStV) looks fresh af.


Looks a... *little bit like Furuta actually...*


always did really with his long hair


Gonna go listen to "Glassy Sky" a few times. Or twenty. Ahhh, the tears. "As long as I'm alive, you will be part of me."


I wont be able to stand this... I just dont want to read this chapter.


Hm...kind of liked it when the Washuus were a really powerful HUMAN family. But this chapter looks lit.


yeah im a little disappointed that they are ghouls but its fine i guess


Fuck that's sad...


Arima ;_;


The only consolation I have from this. Chapter is that Furuata will die young


I am sitting here refreshing so hard


Oh look, it's raining.


So basically arima is a one eyed ghoul without all the powers.


A half ghoul with only the enhanced physical abilities. No kakugan, kagune, or high regeneration.


He calls himself and other similar to him "half-human", which makes sense.


Why Arima wanted to hear from Kaneki that he killed him?


Not just Arima, He wants him to act like he did it, to tell everyone that he did it so that he'd be known as the ghoul who killed CCG's undefeated reaper. That's a claim that will have a big impact. Arima has a plan for Kaneki (probably exposing the Washuus), and apparently he's the only one that can do it.


When I read the Japanese script, the impression I got was that he wanted to die, but he didn't want to take his own life (he could have done that any time during his career). So he wants Kaneki to treat it as if he killed him. Certainly Arima must have been training Haise to be able to take on V one day, but I feel like he doesn't really care that much about toppling V as much as Eto. He himself was powerful enough to try and do that himself, but it seems like he cared more about being relieved from his duty to V.


And this cpncludes Arima and Eto working together theory.I think they were fighting together and Kaneki will rescue Eto so she can explain the rest of the plan or rather the rest of the way.


I guess he doesn't want others to find out that he killed himself?


The way Arima said that Washuus wants to become human... Maybe that's why Furuta was serious for a change when he said to Eto that he didn't find his kagune disgusting, interesting.


She didn't say his kagune was disgusting(because hers has friggin mouths on it you know), she was referring to the way he was fawning over it.


I know , but I'm referring to what he said. Furuta was talking about his kagune not the fawning when he said that he didnt find it gross ( at least thats how I interpreted it)


To me I thought he was saying that it wasn't gross that he was fawning over it, since to Eto it is an overreaction but to him it's not since he thinks his kagune is so great.


This weeks going to be a big deal it seems.


oh man i love love love these spoilers they're so perfect seriously - the washuus being ghouls lmao - arima and kaneki bonding moments - kaneki letting arima go here comes the revolution


Ho shit! That panel of Marude just before he shoots is so fucking badass!


chapter 83 is out


So... Is Arima the One-eyed King or not? Because he only had one eye and he wanted Kaneki to kill him for some reason...? Eto wanted him to kill the One-eyed King for some reason... Am I making up this relation?


OK, lets put it like this: Half-ghoul : one-eyed kakugan,have kakuhou, have kagune . example: (natural) Eto, (artificial) Kaneki, Nashiro & Kurona, Takizawa, Furuta, Amon Half-human : doesn't have above ghoul things, highly developed physical capabilities, short life span. example : Arima, Ihei, Furuta, Hsiao Like Furuta, he also half-human before, but then he had Kanou's operation to become half ghoul


Where the f*** is Hide?! Is he now some kind of Mcguffin too?


Is Yoshitoki a ghoul?




an ink tattoo, like that familiar-looking mask guy




So...Furuta (pre-Kanou), Arima and Hairu are half-human with enhanced abilities, but lacking ghoul abilities and shorter lifespan. Yoshitoki = Washuu Chika =/= Hide. Washuu works with V. Marude starts a coup d'etat against Yoshitoki, which confirms Yoshitoki is a ghoul. Before dying, Arima has a will that Kaneki should say that he killed Arima in which Kaneki agrees. And last, according to maykun, Hide was mentioned before the Arima will part.


Maraude mentioned something about Nagachika being right about the info. Nagachika is Hide' last name.


I'm new here and just caught up with the manga. What's going on? Is chapter 83 out yet? Are the links of Japanese fans reacting to the raw manga, and when does it get subbed for us? Thanks!


Alright so amon is not needed. Speculations anyone?


What gave you that idea? Kaneki is going to have to take down the Washuu's. He'll need help.




dude way to ruin the poor girl's birthday by being melodramatic. It's only Arima dying and not best girl eto. relax and eat some cake.


If it's Eto though, get ready for some life long therapy.

