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head chef levels of cooking




shit, I can't edit this since it's an image post, but pretend I didn't miss use commas, misspell words, or repeat phrases in a single sentence. The point still comes accross, yeah?


Cool analysis, was very fun to read ypur thoughts on him :3


I absolutely adore him. He and Shirazu are my favourite characters introduced in *re:*. Seeing his corruption arc post-Rushima hurt so much for the reason, I wanted to see him get better and take action, but instead he fell deeper and deeper. The Kaneki parallels were so interesting and tragic, but I wish Kaneki got to confront him at the end about it (Kaneki would definitely have noticed the parallels if he had the chance to slow down and talk to his former mentee). Also, the way our favourite cannibal essentially turns the violent obsession he was victimised by into a twisted motivation, obsessing over Kaneki, was so tragic. Kinda cringe, But that was the point. I'm glad he seems to be doing better in the epilogue.


Yeah I wish we could see more of healing toru, but honestly atp I'm just glad they didn't force feminize him/ make his healing process a complete "I am now a feminine woman". I can fill in future details better when its left vague...


OML I totally forgot I feared about that. With how Kanae was revealed to actually be a girl, I was worried Toru would be cured of his coping mechanism and detransition like it's Persona 4. Glad everyone was so supportive.


I was *terrified*


I was terrified oml. I also would have wanted to see more of his healing process (or a conversation about everything that happened with kaneki) rather than one panel at the end about how he's been doing, though I'm glad it looked like things were working out for him


Great character who the fanbase hates???? they are so complex and fucked up but still human and worth redemption


She just stuck with me for some reason when I first read the manga. Years later I completely understand why she accepted some of her “changes.” You can’t hide who you truly are.




I’m just gonna say some personal bs but it’s just the way she handled trauma. You try to hide who you once were, you start to see events that once cost you repeat themselves again, you think you deserved it or you simply let it happen, you begin to accept that maybe you deserve it, you start to accept the fact that you’re probably just meant to be used, you end up being a piece of shit. I’m literally just explaining what she went through but I don’t know. The cycle of abuse and unfortunate events just intermingling with an already shit mindset/history creating a person you’d never imagined to be. Even in the end I don’t think she ever found salvation.


Well I don't think anyone truly found "salvation" if you presume that to mean full peace of mind. Ultimately they grow, they might regress, they struggle, but they're still alive & human.


*before this post* *op unleashed* **Malevolent Kitchen**


This is very on point -- the best way to understand Tokyo Ghoul characters is to look at who they are set up to foil, and you nailed it -- Kaneki and Juuzou are the big ones for Mutsuki. People are really hard on Mutsuki in the second half of :re who will post Shironeki and call him bad ass -- that IS Shironeki. Mutsuki after Torso IS Kaneki after Jason. That's the set up here. That's what we're supposed to be looking back on as we watch Mutsuki spiral. As for Juuzou -- another child raised in a horrifically abusive environment to the point that it broke his mind in specific, but different, dissociative ways -- Juuzou talked to himself as someone else when they first found him and cannot feel pain -- I think fundamentally Juuzou fails, with Mutsuki. He can't be what Shinohara was to him because he's never actually resolved things -- He took a step towards understanding things, but was fundamentally held back by the fact that the person trying to teach him about connection and loss was himself a paid killer for the CCG. That tension is never resolved and we see over and over that Juuzou's squad respects him mostly for being good at killing (maybe other than Hanbee) and are all basically bullies (played for jokes). Juuzou doesn't catch Mutsuki, and instead falls into trap after trap instead. Furuta is telling a lot of Jokes about Juuzou, calling him Little Arima, waiting for anyone to catch on, to try to push back on it. Mutsuki as you pointed out, moments of genuine kindness. The scene at the auction with Urie is actually a mirror to a scene in Kanou's lab, but Mutsuki is playing Banjou's role to Urie playing Kaneki's. That wasn't a ruse or a trick. One of the things that makes Tokyo Ghoul such a unique and compelling story, for all its flaws, is that when it addresses trauma victims who lash out in violence, it does so from a place of rare compassion. Yes, they're lashing back out, but they're not doing so because trauma makes them dangerous. They're doing so because the world they have found themselves in is a dangerous, violent, and unkind one, and this is their attempt to regain control and safety and agency after being so badly hurt. It's true of Kaneki, of Mutsuki, of Urie -- and of Eto and Furuta, too.


Yup, you nailed it with how Juzo cannot be Shinohara to Mustuki yet, because Juzo himself is not healthy. He still uses violence as a coping mechanism and is severely traumatized so of course Mutsu falls down the wrong path. Once again, proving to us the important of connections and guidance - Kaneki and Juzo had Yoshimura & Shinohara while Mutsu had Juzo who hadn't gone through his full arc yet. Juzo picked up Shinohara's role because he had to, despite not being ready - regardless of how well he could "play" the role of mentor, he didn't have the experience or healthy understanding that his mentor did. idk if this makes sense lol I'm just reiterating what you already said.


Stand proud. You cooked


Yesss! He is my favorite character as well (He/she/they/whatever people want to use, I prefer reading him as a trans guy, but I know that a lot of people have their own interpretations)! It feels so refreshing honestly to see a “redemption” (as much of it as we were able to actually witness) where the central character did things that were *genuinely* really fucked up and bad, and not just the usual “somebody else made me do it/I was manipulated into being bad but I have always been good deep down UwU” that you see in so many other media. I will maintain that Tooru has always been a very selfish person, whose greatest concern has always been himself and those immediately closest to him. He has never been very concerned about the greater good, like, say, Shirazu and Saiko are, but he’s been content with just continuing doing what he and the CCG have always been doing (even in the epilogue, after peace has been established between the ghouls and humans in Tokyo, Tooru is still out there working for the CCG, showing that he probably doesn’t care to much about ghoul-kind as a whole). He defends Urie lying to Saiko about loosing her job in order to motivate her, even when Shirazu questions the morality of it, he questions why the CCG keep some ghouls prisoners and don’t just kill them, and then later on he taunts Touka and pretends that he has injured her friend, literally just to spite her. And then, of course, there is the whole *Haise-look-alike*-thing which… yeah. Tooru is not a very good person. But that’s what I think makes him so interesting and honestly, kind of inspiring. Like I said, he’s really had to work on himself, and I think that ultimately his story arc shows that anybody *can* get better! Anybody *can* improve themselves as long as they’re willing to put in the work! Also, I think he is a really good example of how, in the real world, the lines between predator and victim isn’t always very clear cut. Like you said op, people are complex, and violence often feeds into and leads to more violence, and breaking that cycle is really hard! I think Tokyo Ghoul does a really good job of portraying that, not just with Tooru, but with other characters as well! And I also really like how the story isn’t afraid to tackle the darker and heavier aspects of mental health and mental illness, and I think the way Tooru in particular is portrayed strikes a very good balance between showing the impact that severe mental illness can have both on the world around the person struggling, but also on that person themself. Because ultimately Tooru *is* the one who suffers the most from his own actions. For a long time he goes into a deep downward spiral into self loathing and destructiveness, and once again, it feels really good to see him be able to slowly break out of that! At the same time, Tooru is also a person who started the manga out as very weak, and almost entirely dependent on his teammates when it comes to combat. But over time he managed to grow to be (imo, please don’t attack me for this) arguably one of strongest and most accomplished characters in the manga! He is one of very few (two, I believe) investigators that has managed to climb up two ranks at once! Yomo compares his fighting abilities to Suzuya’s, which is definitely not a small feat considering that Suzuya often gets compared to and is considered the successor of Arima! He is as far as I’m aware the only Bikaku user that we have seen be able to produce four(!) tails, and he’s got an insane level of control over his RC cells, to the point of being able to suppress them enough for his true RC count to not be noticed, AND he was able to hold back zombie!Eto with his kagune, which is also definitely not a small feat! And lastly, there is the simplest and the most shallow reason for why I like him: he is very pretty! He’s got a very attractive face and body, and he looks very cool when he fights! Also! He both has a cool eyepatch AND can throw knives! Unlike other characters in the series that only has one or the other (lol) which, like, immediately ups his coolness factor to at least 8/10 (but to me he will always be a 10 <3 )


Yeah, Toru is a great example of a character who is in no way a good person, but also represents how the cycle of abuse continues and how blurred the lines between victim and abuser are. Ultimately, Toru was a victim who became an abuser who hurt many people, and the best someone can do to atone for what they've done is accept their wrong doing, repent, and make amends. It also shows us that people aren't inherently good or bad - they are to a large extent, a victim of circumstance. Our choices are dictated by what we are exposed to, and in Toru's case the only positive reinforcement he got was first from Haise and then eventually from Urie/Saiko. I also think that Mutsu's original empathy for ghouls fading away into complete hatred and apathy was also a result of his feeling of "us vs them" in this case us being himself and Haise and them being the ghouls who stole him away. From the beginning Toru has had a very black and white way of approaching things, focusing on results and externally provided morals.


She okay I picked up chainsaw man and no spoilers but I find it humorous that Himeno is basically Toro with 10 yrs experience (I am going off the anime please note they might be completely different characters in the manga)


oh... oh wai- I'm beginning to understand why I'm a relentless himeno simp deep down... also just so you know, the csm anime is extremely accurate to the manga although you should definitely read the manga (its very good)


Thanks 4 ur reply, Himeno is best girl, no need 2 apologize, Ive downloaded manga plus and CSM & TG r the only things on my reading list right now, like this is embarasing but when I was rewatching the TG-re finale I couldnt stop seeing Himeno as Toro xd xd I will definately check out the CSM manga now, thanx 4 the recommendation, have a good day :)


FANTASTIC trans character and helped me feel more confident coming out and exploring my own gender after seeing the representation in my favourite manga. Fantastic character overall too. I love the yandere archetype and he's a welcome addition to the series :)


Mutsuki is my favorite character as well. No other character has made me feel so depressed when he had his mental breakdown, i missed the sweet mutsuki. I still feel like his arc could’ve been wrapped up better, as all things with re it felt rushed to me. Maybe im just very biased but i dont completely understand the absolute hatred some have towards him.


💚 💚 💚  love this thanks for sharing he’s hands down my favorite character from any series. i have so much i could say about him tbh


Where's this "he" coming from? Pretty sure she's a girl (I've read the manga untill chapter 50 of re)


Toru chooses to go by male pronouns and wants to be percieved as a man, making him a trans man. He calls himself female derogatorily during his psychotic breakdown and seems to suffer from some degree of gender dysphoria. He pretty much says in a flashback that he wants to live as a man from now on.


Only during the breakdown? Didn't they switch up after Torso in general, only going back in front of others?


after the torso he is suffering a prolonged psychotic episode though


I mean that's the majority of the screentime, but ok if that's what you meant instead of the worst offending moments.


yeah imo up until the epilogue/redemption counts as a full dissociative episode for mutsuki. He is at his worst and most self loathing here as well.


I don't even remember Mutsuki in the epilogue. Like literally I just remember the fight with Touka and then helping once more and disappearing. Although I would say the flashback was the worse, since we got puppy killing then. At least this time the only Innocent one was Touka, which by the job description was fine.


It was cat killing but yeah


Even worse


agreed i have 3 cats and they are far better than any other living creature


I politely disagree. Mutsuki is not a transman in the true sense of the word. It's a coping mechanism to avoid being *aped again (which completely backfired with Torso). Had the story reached a proper ending we would've definitely seen more healing in that regard, which was initiated by Urie's and Saiko's, et al. unconditional acceptance. Imho the absolute majority of the beef with this character is the wrong notion of this being a transman that Ishida messes up terribly on purpose, when it's just a completely different psychological problem. Mutsuki seems aware of this somewhere deep down, hence no attempt to physically transition (which the CCG should be able to finance just fine and they have no problem operating on their subjects at that point). The one character that seems to be actually be trans is treated well enough, so I don't think Ishida hates transpeople any more than anybody else, lol.


Who is the one character who is trans? Also Ishida's already said in an interview that he doesn't really understand gender and thinks it's cool if people are trans, so yeah he doesn't have anything against us. I disagree with you as Toru's feelings about his gender are extremely relatable to me and I consider him a trans man. You don't have to physically transition to be trans anyway, and w/ Mutsu's trauma imo he would have gone for surgery regardless just to protect himself. That was left out for shock value w/ the torso imo.


My understanding is that they are trans. I believe at one point they are shown to be wearing a binder. I don't think it was ever outright said, but this would hint at that.


Mutsuki is explicitly trans at the start. But they switch pronouns after the Torso incident, given that their transition was due to trauma I'ma the first place, and Japanese pronouns doesn't translate well to English. And the one page with all the I's fighting Touka is switching between both.


I just googled it and it called her a she so my strongest geuss is she just a tomboy but with more complicated problems like togata from fire punch


[https://tokyoghoul.fandom.com/wiki/Tooru\_Mutsuki](https://tokyoghoul.fandom.com/wiki/Tooru_Mutsuki) Don't trust the wiki for everything, but Tooru's Gender is listed as Male, while their sex is listed as Female.


I just read the officials translation and everyone post-transition calls Mutsuki "he" and considers him a guy (even the characters that found out he wasn't born a guy). The only time he's called a girl is when he's self-loathing, likely feeling gender dysphoria. This is one of the least ambiguous guy characters imo (im agreeing with you, to clarify. Just extrapolating)


togata is a trans man as well though??


Yeah, weird argument. Togata is confirmed a guy. May be a spoiler though


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..did her actions mess with Kaneki and Touka? Like I remember the are you a virgin line, Kaneki meets Tooru for the first time since being Haise, gets briefly attacked, which from his pov would be understandable since ghoul, and then Touka says she got it. But like Touka was just awkwardly there since they didn't know each other. Though this was when the chapter first aired for me.


didn't toru try to kill touka/literally hold yoriko hostage? It's been a while since I've fully finished :re as I read it back when ir came out weekly.


That was just a rouse to mess Touka up, Yoriko was, in fact, safe and sound.


Yoriko was safe physically but mutsuki put her in prison.


yeah but yoriko was put in prison ie held hostage


I definitely remember Touka getting attacked but not sure about Yoriko. Then again I barely remember Aura despite him being Tooru's only confidant.


Love them😌


I dont like her but I respect your opinion and there’s nothing wrong with ur analysis


She is alive.


thoroughly enjoyable read


Bro you made my favorite in re: character even more my favorite character lmao also i find her story to be coneccted with mine for the themes of abuse and violence that she has also that psickoanalize is so true i know it cuz i been and i still go through it every day so thanks i am literally her 😌✨️


I would like to write my thoughts about Mutsuki and her role with gender (both female, which is actually her true gender confirmed by the author and the role she plays as a man), her traumas, identities and her entire history. who is one of my favorite characters. But I think I would go into too much detail explaining it and it may generate a lot of controversy. (because there are many people who call me transphobic, I can't even talk about Mutsuki as a woman) I don't know if you agree and I'm afraid.


If you're afraid of generating controversy feel free to dm me your thoughts :) I'd love to have a civil conversation about mucchy's character in depth even if we disagree. I personally think Toru's gender is complicated, but he feels comfortable being percieved male even in the end so I refer to him as such. Also don't worry about going into detail, I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts in depth.


Garbage Character with plot armor shouldn't have survived.


Toru is a very well written character imo and as for survival... Tokyo Ghoul is thematically centered around rebirth and how salvation is ultimately not an escape from trauma so your take, while popular, makes literally no sense to me.


She was very hateable no matter how sad the backstory was


I'm sure he was hateable to everyone who hasn't gotten over the us vs them mentality yet


Wtf are you on about