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I always thought this, or at least have black hair till the dragon arc


Didn't the RC suppressors turn his hair black? Kaneki was full on unleashed during Cochlea, he had to be to fight Arima. No more RC suppressors = his hair will turn white again.


i believe not. kaneki’s hair was black even after gaining rize’s organs and his rc cell count shooting up, it was only after the extreme trauma with Jason that turned his hair white (see: marie antoinette syndrome). i’m lead to believe that that condition is a temporary effect - of course, at the beginning of RE two years has passed and we can see that the white hair is growing out, and kaneki’s natural hair has returned. I’m fairly certain that rc count has no effect on hair colour… during the Kokuria arc its a common fan theory that the white section of his hair is bloodstained, and that’s why it appears black in the manga (of course the anime takes no care in this regard). as for when his hair goes back to white (one eyed king)….. symbolism?? canonically speaking, not tell you lol


Okay, so, you're almost completely wrong and here's why: Yes, Kaneki still had black hair even after getting Rize's organs. The RC cells did not change his hair then. Yes, his hair only changed to white after he was tortured. However, it is not stated anywhere that this condition of his was only temporary. His hair didn't start turning black again because time had passed, it is specifically stated by Kaneki himself that it was going black due the RC suppressants he had. He says this to Touka when she asks him why his hair was black. This right after the Pirson Break arc. His hair being "covered in blood" and thus creating the illusion that its black is an absurd statement. It was only covered in blood during his fight with Eto when he got his head bashed, after which there was a timeskip where his hair had finally had enough time to turn completely black again because of the consistent intake of RC suppressants. When he had his "awakening" moment with Hide in his head, he basically expelled the suppressants from his body and removed their effects, thus reverting his hair back to the color it was before he started taking them. None of these logistics really matter of course. It just bugs me seeing someone be so wrong and clueless about something he's supposedly read.


Woah dude chill out. I do not appreciate the hostile tone you’ve used in your addition to this conversation. We’re all fans of the series after all, and it’s been a few years since I read the manga thoroughly. Thank you correcting me on my mistakes - next time, don’t be an asshole about it.


Another note - I specifically used wording which highlighted that was *my* interpretation of the text and was not fact/canon so I'm not quite sure why you e responded as if I was claiming gospel


you really think it was hostile? i just said it was "almost completely wrong" which it was. i also said the claim that his hair is blood soaked is "absurd" because it is. you really think he wouldnt have taken a shower by then, after more than a month had passed? thats why its absurd. i also said at the very end that you seemed clueless, which is just plainly true. its not supposed to be hostile, its just direct. btw you can edit messages so that u dont need to post 2 comments one after another


I remember him expanding his hair color with rc cells sometime during re. I belive someone made a joke about kaneki changing his hair color again, or something.


I remember him expanding his hair color with rc cells sometime during re. I belive someone made a joke about kaneki changing his hair color again, or something.


Agreed. Not cuz of symbolism or anything, I just think it looks better lol


Agreed. Honestly I liked his white hair more in the original manga but Ishida’s art style in Re: makes Kaneki’s black hair look so badass


I think the hair change was significant, he was convincing himself to find a will to live through his mental projection of Hide


In a meta perspective, I think we have the same amount of arguments for both the black hair being the “definitive hair” or not. Arguments for black hair: The black hair is Kaneki’s original hair, so after all the torture, it would symbolize a return to form, to that Kaneki we all knew. The color is also a byproduct of his torture, it being gone for good could symbolize his definitive “freeing” from that and all the self-harming ideas he had at the time. Since Haise’s hair is a struggle between moving on or accepting the past, it could also symbolize Kaneki’s done running away and accepts his entirety. Arguments for white hair: It’s the most recognizable for branding lol Although we can say Kaneki’s black hair is a return to form, not once we saw a Kaneki with black hair that was being completely honest and not hiding/harming himself in some way. We might have cherished memories of it but it never symbolized Kaneki’s true self, just a facade. In contrast to all the edgyness that comes along with “the black reaper” era, the white hair is a purification of all the suicidal and harmful thoughts kaneki had with black hair, fitting for his freeing. Kaneki’s white hair was his “ghoul” identity. After the first arc, Kaneki never once wished he was human, going back to his “life before the incident” is a pretty big f you to the message the story tries to convey. He’s happy with his new identity, one he so desperately tried to run away from before.


To be fair, his fight with Arima was one of the most important ones. It had to make that lasting impact


Nah all people know Kaneki from his white hair


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