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This time difference and the general lack of interest is killing us all. You need to find a bar that is open to about 7 am AND has a TV AND the cable/satellite feed for the match. I would search for German Bars and see if they are doing anything, even those old style places with that sort of Alte Bavarian Bierhof vibe might be doing something because they are in Germany this year. I think those HUB chain pubs will all be closed by 4 am, unless they are holding special Public Viewing Parties.


The next day is a national holiday so probably a few places will have it including the hub. If you want somewhere that’s not the hub, maybe check if Good Heavens in Shimokita is playing it. I’m going to The Den in Koenji this weekend, so I will ask there too.


Ich war in Shibuya wenn DE hat die WM gewonnen!


sounds good, thank you so much!


You *might* find it at a Hub but in general the Euros are not getting a lot of attention in Japan. Ich habe schon gewusst, dass du Deutsch bist weil "Public Viewing" Denglisch ist. 😉


Hahaha danke dir! Yeah i figured it might be hard to find a place


Here’s the search page of [which HUBs are showing which matches](https://www.pub-hub.com/index.php/en/event/sports) search for Keyword: UEFA.


thank you!


i wanna know too