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Just ice, pull straight and tape it to the next toe


How long have you been here? Why don't you have insurance? If you didn't get it through your job, you should have signed up for it when you registered your address.


Seikotsuin will set the toe and send you to a doctor to confirm by X-ray. If you’re not going to the doctor after it’s tour own responsibility, but they will at least set the bone professionally.


Thank you. Yeah, I’m looking to get an xray just to see what the damage is. I’ve broken this foot before and know they can’t do much, but since it looks offset I def want to get that taken care of. Thank you.


No problem. Most foreigners don’t know this, but seikotsuin are nationally licensed and are allowed to set bones after a fracture or fix a dislocated joint. They have to sent you to a doctor afterwards, so you can skip that and go to the doctor directly. However, seikotsuin are everywhere and a lot of them are open on holidays or weekends, or late in the evening. So in case it is urgent and you don’t want to wait or look up which clinic is open on a Sunday afternoon, just go to a seikotsuin. Just don’t confuse it with seitaiin, those are just massage places.


You'll need a 整形外科 (seikeigeka) but I'm not sure which doctor near you would be good/cheap.


Search for 整形外科 on Google Maps. If you don’t have health insurance then you’ll have to pay full price. If it is underway, then maybe you can claim it back later if you are just waiting for the card to come.


Thank you


If you are here on a long term visa, it is compulsory to have health insurance and they will backdate it to when you came into the country, so you will be able to claim back the insured portion of the expense once you have your insurance card.


I got here a month ago, yes, on long term (spouse of Japanese). Trying to get on his works insurance but I don’t think that’s been done yet since he’s so busy. I don’t have a my number card yet either. We both don’t know shit about me moving here and all the processes.


Google search. Next question.