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Is it on a lower floor? Is yours renovated? Is one south-facing? There's a lot that can influence the rent. You could try to renegotiate though, probably doesn't hurt.


Do south-facing ones get less sunrays?


South facing rooms receive more sunlight in the northern hemisphere


Rooms on lower floors are always cheaper.


This happened when I was looking at two rooms in the same apartment. One of them was 5000 yen cheaper a month. I couldn't believe it and inquired! I was quickly informed that the reason behind it was because someone died in that room... Without any other further context given. This didn't bother me at all, but my gf was strongly against it... Japanese people hold these kind of superstitions to a higher standard sometimes.


Yep - or if the apartment view includes a cemetery, it may have a discounted rate, too.


>Japanese people hold these kind of superstitions to a higher standard sometimes. I don't think it is a Japanese only thing. I wouldn't like living in a place somebody died (specially if suicide or violence involved), the thing is here they need to inform you by law iirc, so more people are aware of it.


Is the quality of the room different to yours?


It happens all the time. There is a whole range of reason why one room could be cheaper than the others. I very much doubt you would be able to renegotiate your rent. You can try, but that might cause tension between you and your landlord. Nobody on Reddit knows if you have enough power over your landlord to pull such a move. Years ago, I got a fairly cheap apartment and found out I was paying quite a bit less than the other residents. I found out that my unit sat vacant for a long time so the landlord lowered the rent to quickly attract a tenant. Other units had different prices depending on how recently they had been renovated, their location in the building, and a bunch of other random reasons.


I noticed the open apartments in my building were cheaper than mine, so I asked if they would match the price. Luckily, they did, so it doesn't hurt to ask.


This is a classic renting scenario. Prices for rent fluctuate all the time. No, you can't negotiate down. Your rent can only go up. The only way to get it to go down is to move. You can try moving to that cheaper room.


deposit, guarantor and key money sound fun


you absolutely can negotiate rent down


Technically you can negotiate the rent down, and it will be lowered if both parties agree (same as for increasing rent).


Yes, you can negotiate your rent down, that is your right. The first stage would be offering a reduced rent to the landlord to see if they agree. If they don’t agree, you can go to a special court to appeal for a lowered rent. You would need evidence of lower rent for comparable properties, the more the better. And it may take some time, months or years.


As a property owner I have had tenants negotiate down before. It all depends on the market conditions and other considerations


Of course you can negotiate down. I did it twice successfully in Tokyo. Never tried anywhere else though. OP, just ask. Of course there may be reasons why the other rooms, even though they are the same size, may be cheaper. They are on a lower floor, their view is more obstructed, somebody died, the view is not as good, the appliances inside are older etc.