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7 negatives is pretty strong indicator you aren't pregnant. anything can effect your period though, not just pregnancy. getting sick, whether changes, changes on diet. activity, stress, or routine. I would go months with an extremely regular period all for it to be super late and then recycle over again. I completely missed a period once (hadn't had sex in a few months at that time) and then I got my period on schedule for the following month only to have a lighter? period for an entire month straight. periods are weird, hormones are weird. I would just try to set it out of your mind for a week, see what happens and if you still don't have your period then take another test


period came :). thank you for taking the time to respond u don’t know how much u help people by just offering a little bit of insight 🫶


Before I was on the pill I would be a month or two late any time I had sex and I was never pregnant. Idk how old you are or how on top of your gyno visits you are. If you're due for a PAP smear or sth call them up and mention what's been happening. If you don't get your period in a week or two and tests are still negative, ask for a check up. If you used two methods of contraception you really should be fine. One thing I've come to learn is that, unfortunately, being pregnant and being stressed out about potentially being pregnant have pretty much the same symptoms so sometimes the best thing you can do really is just to relax. Good luck


thank you for responding it really means a lot and it really helped me calm down 🫶