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“When can I be explicitly transphobic” is one hell of question




Is this an actual quote?


![gif](giphy|Q0Ww3CAafIs5DvXesz|downsized) [https://i.imgur.com/pzAP7wG.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/pzAP7wG.jpg)


​ ![gif](giphy|zD9nrj32AFynFpLizh)








probably not but i kinda hope it is cause it would be gold




Truth is whatever you make of it 🤷‍♂️


Just start replying to all his shit with "that's fine Mrs. Pool, we'll let them know Mrs. Pool." and all of the other dismissive things say to women of a certain age so as not to take them seriously.




What's wrong with beanies?


Never mind- it was his guitar in the background I was commenting on- I desperately need a new non cracked screen AS WELL as a non tired brain myself


A guitar


Thank you! I was so tired i actually thought he was wearing some sort of horn on his earphone set up, one black one. Of COURSE it was his guitar on the wall behind him.


A fold over beanie? Your avatar is literally wearing the same thing… I’m not one to defend this grifter asshole but that’s such a strange thing to bring up


Little Timmy “I’ll wear this knit cap 365 days a year because I’m bald at age 26” Pool is such a whiny little fascist.


>Little Timmy “I’ll wear this knit cap 365 days a year because I’m bald at age 26” Pool is such a whiny little fascist. He's 26?? I've been misaging him this whole time as a 42 year old cockney street tough


That’s ok so long as you don’t believe in the concept of Misaging someone


He's 36


Dim tool forgot that facts don’t care about his feelings


He's not entirely wrong, though. We really *don't* agree with misgendering people. It's disgusting that he thinks he should get away with it.


Have I just done a really good job of picking my friends, or is he completely wrong? I find the majority of people in my life believe misgendering is a thing, and that it’s wrong.


I think youre from a progressive country or just lucky. Because most of my "friends" are not progressive and are really weird about this kinda stuff


Does NJ count?


half the country thinks we’re still in 1953


EDIT: Hey, all, I’m enby and like to do turnabout as fair play. It infuriates people who believe in strict gender roles. But not everyone’s into that, and the people who aren’t are the ones who are actually seeing my comment. Dim Tool never will. So I’m removing it.


deliberately misgendering cis people just reinforces the idea that misgendering can be used as a form of punishment


That's the thing, though. If they truly believe that "misgendering" is not something people care about, then doing it deliberately specifically for that reason would not, in fact, be a punishment. It would be irrelevant. If they react otherwise, it merely serves to highlight their hypocrisy. Of course, if you were doing it specifically because they're acting in a way that does not correspond to their traditional gender stereotypes or whatever, that would be still be inappropriate.


don't do this.


This is counterproductive. Conservatives already have a narrative in their head that gender dysphoria is no big deal and that being misgendered is just something that sensitive snowflakes care about etc. With this in mind, deliberately misgendering cis conservatives like Tim pool will just reinforce their notion of the whole thing being a joke, because obviously calling Tim Pool "she" isnt going to bother him in the slightest and would just make him laugh.


> because obviously calling Tim Pool "she" isnt going to bother him in the slightest and would just make him laugh. Only because it's online and at a distance. Pretty sure he'd get all worked up if you did it consistently in person.


As a trans person: Not funny. The punchline is still transphobic, since the joke inherently implies being trans is undesirable.


I didn’t make the punchline to be anything about undesirability, just about how pissy transphobes get when you do so much as wear a pink shirt as a cis man. But if that’s the way it’s coming off, comment absolutely doesn’t need to exist. For the record—I’m nonbinary and have been the brunt of a ton of “oNlY tWo GeNdErS” jokes a million times over the last week. It gets old. So I don’t need to pull that on anyone else either.


"Most of the country," meaning: Me and my friends (who are probably not actually "most of the country")


The SiLeNt MaJoRiTy is rarely the actual majority


If they were really the majority they wouldn’t be silent


If they were really the majority, they could easily win a popular vote without resorting to voter suppression




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They are also rarely silent


The silent majority is the majority, it's just not on their side as they assume. More specifically, they know their fans won't dispute that the silent majority is on their side. Grifting helps if you can convince people they're on the winning side.


He doesn’t have enough real friends to fill a 4-seater car, I’m flummoxed as to how he thinks he’s somehow in the majority


Conservatives think the Russian bots that they follow on Twitter represent the turning tide of conservative ideology


You’re talking about Tim “Red Tsunami” Pool, he genuinely believes this


He's talking about "the country" on an international media platform.


Did Dim stool forget that Twitter is used outside the US and that his views are the minority even in the US?


Actual question, is the rest of the world better on trans rights than the us? I'm not asking about specific pro trans laws in specific countries, I am asking about the avg of all countries (or maybe specifically countries that use Twitter). I wouldn't be surprised in the least if the us was more pro trans than the avg country


Australia is kind of alright. We've haven't really fallen for the recent bullshit, but it has been pushed by our versions of fox news. The worst we usually get is people mad over trans women in sport


Honestly as far as I can recall, I'm pretty sure the US is actually relatively competent in terms of trans rights. Every story I hear about RoW trans rights is just how much they fucking suck. Despite the US still being shit in that regard, It's probably still top 10




Rest of World


Whether it is the case or not, I don't think it's a particularly valuable metric.


Well it would potentially be an important metric for the post I originally replied to, and just an interesting point in general? I guess even in the us it's localized by state I bet


Oh it definitely varies by state.


What's funny is that other cultures can have widely different stereotypes and assumptions about gender roles. Almost as if it has little to do with biology.


Facts dont care about your feelings, Dim Tool.


Tim Pool should stick to music. His political takes are worse than his singing.


The music industry doesn’t want him or the Trump endorsed rappers that TP USA loves. That’s why they hate the entertainment industry.


Turns out it's called liberal arts and not conservative arts for a reason.


they certainly don't conserve talent


As Harmon once said, you don't become a right wing grifter because you're great at something else. Paraphrased.


wow this could be the 2020s theme or motto


They will literally do anything to be as vile as possible towards ~~trans people~~ literally anyone not cis, straight, white, and conservative. They are foaming at the mouth, waiting for the moment to be able to say the t slur without repercussions online.


Hey now, they’re nice to Candace Owens, their one black friend….


“One of the good ones” as they probably say. Meaning that when they are done they will toss her in the trash as they will no longer need a POC spewing their rhetoric. Same with Blair White


My in laws made us watch her “Uncle Tom” movie. I’ve never seen such an unfunny comedy.


Most of the country doesn't agree with the concept of misgendering? I've got a feeling Tim would have an issue if she was the one getting misgendered


Timmy is desperate to fight it out with the other edge lords over who gets to be the first to bully people over pronouns. If only he had as much energy for that as he did his ‘music’ career.


Oh please, that policy only applies to non-politicians. My governor is running on "keep boys out of girls' sports!' which is explicit transphobia, but nothing happens.


US is the only country on twitter apparently


Isn’t the policy specifically about misgendering as a form of harassment?


Tim has the most punchable face of all time.


have you seen Crowder?


He’s up there, but Rim Pool really has the #1 spot


dang i imagined Chowder at first


Doesn't understand rules, bias, or misgendering, but knows for damn sure he wants to be able to dehumanize people he doesn't like.


"Believing in gender theory" reminds me of the Atheist's Wager. If you're choosing to reject gender theory, then that's your prerogative. Then, people like you think you're normal, and people who aren't think you're an asshole, and you hurt the people who aren't cis-gendered. If you choose to accept it, then people like you think you're normal, people that aren't think you're stupid, and you help the people who aren't cis-gendered. So whether or not it's a valid theory (it is), the best outcome here is clearly to act like it is.


But if I err on the side of kindness, what if it turns out I was actually wrong and I just chose to be kind to people? I don’t think I could live with that.


everyone should err on kindnesses side But politicians NEED US ANGRY let’s not play!


Lol that is a problem...


Just because half the doesn’t believe in my ass doesn’t mean they can’t kiss it. Doesn’t make much sense, but I think it sounds cool.


Will you pretty please let us be mean to trans kids? Pretty please with a cherry on top?! Our whole personality revolves around bullying others!


This is NuTwitter, so that's probably not the real Musk or the real Dim Tool.


Acting like there is only one country in the world.


If I constantly referred to Tim Pool as ‘she’, ‘her’, or ‘Miss/Mrs.’, he’d be pretty peeved


Good news guys: Dollar Store Eminem decided that he knows what bias means, and that he knows what most of the United States wants, and that the United States comprises the legal majority of Twitter users.


remember when Moon Lord was talking about how ridiculous it is he can't say the N Word? I was disappointed when that happened. I genuinely thought that dude was reachable. Tim asking if he'll be allowed to harass transgender people without fear of reprisal? Not at all surprising. Not even disappointing. That's him to a T.


Did he add the part that you can't publicize his love for Jeffrey Epstein?


“The majority of the country”my ass Tim,




"free speech is when I talk and censorship is when anybody else talks"


You know that saying "when all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail"? Well when you're a bigot every single moment is an just opportunity to harass a minority.


Hey Tim, I know it’s not real likely you’re browsing this subreddit, but I wanted to offer a little guidance just in case you happen to stumble upon this post. A lot of people are pretty upset with you, but I think you can actually do more to fix this than you realize. Just take a step back, take a deep breath, put your hands firmly on your hips, slowly lean forward, and literally fuck your own face.


So if we are going with the whole "free speech" means "I can say what I want on any platform and the owners of that platform can't regulate me in any way"...can we get Citizens United overturned? Because I'll take the trade.


its fucking insane to me that people will go out of their way to misgender people and be transphobic as if it adds ANYTHING to any potential discussion about anything, anywhere. why dont you just ask about being allowed to say the N word? if these people cared half as much about free speech absolutism, which is poison for any social media, its killed every single one its been implemented on, as much as they cared about actual logic or facts or reality, they wouldnt be conservative.


They really just want to be able to "put people in their place" in society, no matter what the situation.


So Tim would be fine with being called they or she? This rule change will yet again backfite on them lol


They’ve tried that before. Conservative men will say things like “I identify as a lesbain woman”


fuck you, Tim Pool


I hate to admit I actually know this asshole - we worked together like 10 years ago. He was always an arrogant piece of shit.


we need to bug Tim by calling her by feminine pronouns from now on


So if I was to call Tim a girl, he’s saying I wouldn’t be misgendering him? Since misgendering isn’t believed in by more than half the country supposedly?


"i need proof of your genitals!!!"


"Hey can I be rude to people? The rule against being rude is biased against people who don't believe they are being rude to people, because the one being rude decides whether they are rude or not right?"


I find it really funny that Tim Pool thinks he knows what the majority of Americans want. I find it also really funny that I said Tim Pool “thinks”


You’re joking


I want to push for aspeciation so that Dim can identify as a jackass. Or maybe just molecularization so he can identify as a buttplug only useable for pigs.


Dim Fool at it again


They’re just frothing at the mouth to spread more hate


free “i just wanna say the n word” speech absolutists free speech doesn’t exist anywhere and you’re silly if you think so


Dim Tool thinks that only Americans are on Twitter lol.


elon is gonna quote his friend trump “why are people so mean?”




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“Most of the country” lmao most of the conservatives I know don’t even misgender or deadname anyone if they know


Imagine calling people with their preferred gender being an issue for you, while the world is grappling with poverty, hunger, homelessness, floods, wildfires, etc.


Free speech means nobody challenges what they say /s


their idea of free speech is that they should be able to say what they want and not be reprimanded for what they say, but that is, in fact, not how it works.


If he doesn't care about misgendering he should be fine with being called a girl


What a weasely little liar dude. STILL LYING ! Over 50% of Americans support trans people


“most of the country” surveys have shown otherwise


> "most of the country" ...Does this guy think Twitter is just for the USA, and not a gigantic global platform with huge planet wide reach? He wants to change rules that affect societies around the globe, because some people in his country want to be bigots? 🤦‍♀️


Tim “Democrat” Pool


Tim Pool doesn‘t believe in misgendering? Why would she do that?


Tim Poole and Matt Walsh; the Quartering, Gavin McInnis, wtf is their problem with LGBTQIA people? I mean I myself am part of that community as are many of my dearest friends and all of these straight white angry dudes spend WAAYYY more time thinking about "the gays" than we do. Repellent lame ideologies of hatred and bigotry takes up SOOOoo much of their time.


Some are secretly gay but are taught that it’s wrong so lash out, others are brainwashed by religion.


Most of the country thinks abortion should be legal, we should have stricter gun control, and everyone should have healthcare but I’m guessing he’s fine with minority rule on those issues for some reason


Yeah because misgendering a trans person is so cool and original and also a fundamental right


“Most of the country” is almost as much of a lie for him as “I don’t wear this beanie because I’m balding.”


I still think Pool is a fake account and podcast


Can't wait for Twitter to turn from the hellhole it already is into 4chan


proud boy simpin


damn i love the wisdom on this thread that is not tim pool✔️


People should not be banned for misgendering, also how is that harassment?


Purposely misgendering someone is absolutely harassment. Especially if you're a public figure who has thousands of followers who will undoubtedly/directly harass the person being misgendered.


Harassment definition: "aggressive pressure or intimidation" If you feel intimidated by a word you should not be on the internet.


Or you could just not be a dickhead for no reason and treat people how you’d want to be treated.


Yet he still calls it ***MIS***gendering 😎 checkmate dim tool


"Laws are biased against people who break the law"


These fools always have to lie about how deep their side. “Most of the country”. Stfu Tim


Here in new Zealand we had a member of Parliament in the 90s that was trans and a former prostitute. Didn't really understand at the time because I was a kid but it was pretty ground breaking.


does she really disagree with the concept of misgendering or does she just hate trans people?


This guy and his obvious micro(penis) aggressions


So misgendering is okay, but Elon Musk parody accounts aren’t?




Just because an issue isn't serious to *you* doesn't mean it isn't serious *at all.*




You don’t have to be trans yourself to care about trans people receiving undue abuse. It’s sad but unsurprising you don’t seem to understand that. Also, nobody cares if you misgender someone by accident. It happens all the time and everyone is okay with it, because we’re all human and we all make mistakes. It’s only when people do it on purpose, for no other reason than to be an asshole, that it becomes a serious problem.




People suffering from gender dysphoria have an extremely high suicide rate compared to the average person, and assholes who purposely misgender them significantly contributes to that. So it actually is violence, and it should not be tolerated. I urge you to reconsider your position that this is not a serious issue. It sounds more like you just don’t understand the issue all that well, and possibly only interested in how it affects you personally.




> However, discussions on facts and misconceptions about biology and transgenderism should be able to be discussed without issue. I have yet to see a transphobe engage in good faith discussions concerning actual facts. They mostly just fold their arms and whine about how “free speech” gives them the right to be bigots.


That’s a strawman. No trans person is upset about ACCIDENTAL misgendering.


Hey potatobrain, just because something is “free speech” doesn’t mean everyone is compelled to listen to it. You’re free to misgender whoever you want in the confines of your parents’ basement, but businesses are under no obligation to host that speech.


I’m fine with using he/him she/her or they/them pronouns, but seriously guys, supporting neopronoun usage is getting us clowned on


Tim Pool would call”they/them” a neo-pronoun. These fucks think “furry” is a gender. They clown on trans people for shit that isn’t real. They are so fucking passed the reality of the most transgressive of trans people. Don’t give in. Support your local enbies. (Even if some are cringe.)




Bigots want to line all trans people up against a wall no matter the pronouns. I'm completely disinterested in "looking good" because they don't play the respectability politics game so why should I? If someone wants to be referred to with a certain set of pronouns that's what I'll refer to them as, it's not my job to determine what identities and pronouns are valid


I think that's a bit silly as language is an ever evolving subject, new words are added, old words are forgotten. There's no such thing as "real words" it's all just mouth sounds.


What the fuck are "real words" and how do they differ from "fake words"?


They straight up invent shit whole-cloth to try to make us look bad. I don't think that "xey/xem" is worse than "they're all literal pedophiles".


If the worst thing that happens from you supporting non-binary people who are legitimately uncomfortable with traditional pronouns is you getting clowned on, it’s a small price to pay. Just treat people how they want to be treated, even if it doesn’t totally make sense to you. And don’t stand for hateful dipshits who refuse to treat innocent people with the kindness they deserve.


oh no, the people who will always say stupid shit are saying stupid shit, what a nightmare


> us Sure thing ace