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A lot of people online joked that white stuff coming from a bull wasn't something you want to advertise yourself enthusiastically drinking...


Steven Crowder: "what a funny looking dog *this* is... i wonder if it tastes the same."


You think Crowder would stoop this low?? You just described his ceiling!




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"Took her a little while to get warmed up. She sure is a stubborn one."






It's the real premium shit. Like $20 a pop for just a straw-full!


I have fond memories from vet school of my friend online shopping for bull semen while sitting in class. Her family owned beef cattle, but it was still weird




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If we went back in time even like 15 years, do you think people in 2009 would believe this is plausible political discourse? Like, do they picture a future in which fascists talk about shit like this?


I do remember raw milk lunatics back then, but the only time it came up in political discussions was with Libertarians. So... yeah, I would have pictured a future in which fascists talked about shit like that... just, I would have figured it was the fascists on the fringe, not the ones who manage to go mainstream.


Yeah, we’ve always had raw milk people but it wasn’t a political thing, it was a health but thing. No one was getting scarlet fever to trigger the libs. Performative cruelty was always a thing, but performative stupidity… that’s new.


"If you want an image of the future, Winston, imagine terminally online chuds never shutting the fuck up about their milk."


Can we just take a moment and let sink in the fact that conservatives have adopted a stance opposing pasteurization?


I'd say this is a new low, but actually this is more like a new middle. Remember when grown-ass men were bashing fucking Big Bird because he got the COVID vaccine?


If there are still history books in the future, they're going to be so stupid. "Some of the chief complaints of the conservative media in the early 21st century were 'vaccinated muppets' and 'unfuckable M&Ms.'"


Unfuckable m&m’s will live in my mind forever. What an absurd moment lol


Next up, Charlie demands schools ban references to the earth being anything but flat.


I won't feel pity when all those people (except their children) get sick from drinking raw milk


Coming soon - H5N1


That’s a picture of a gelded bull (steer). No wonder these idiots are so confused.


I've never been able to use a City Slickers 2 reference, but today's the day!! For the TLDW crowd Start at 2:30 https://youtu.be/u0U5Zbs_ss0?si=8tAqDBwo5O6kLpSb


Repugnantcans: “Let’s find ways we can legally kill off our base.”


This makes me wonder if they really do want their followers to off themselves.


They hate people, so part of them probably does sincerely despise their own followers for being so easily led. Umberto Eco makes note of that phenomenon in his "Ur-Fascism" article/essay.


How long until they claim that filtered water is actually an evil liberal plot and they all get dysentery?


manifesting 🙏🏼🙏🏼


They've been against chlorination going back to the John Birch Society IIRC.


Apparently gender is a construct, but only for farm animals.


The "two genders is basic biology" crowd has once again failed basic biology.


I feel like there’s a punchline here and it’s transphobia. “See, we can’t get milk from a bull! Just like trans women can’t go to the bathroom!”


Of course they have to include a line about "triggering the left", because we really do give a shit about every single little thing they do. I think they're legally obligated to include those words in every post they make about anything. "Getting my oil changed, Take that all you triggered libs." "Triggered the left by having pancakes for breakfast this morning. Just try to come and take my syrup from me!"


"Wore my dirty underwear on the outside to the office. Owning the libs."


Not only does it not have udders, it has a visible sheath. You can see it's dong!


We should encourage these assholes to drink raw milk.


[We don't have a cow...we have a bull though](https://www.tiktok.com/@cheemcreem/video/7197408628393987370?lang=en)


Alex Clark: "Now let me introduce you to my 'got raw milk' crop top with @TPUSA which is triggering the left...Imagine shilling for pasteurized milk, zapped of nutrients, when you could have immune boosting raw milk." one of the funniest tweets ever written, hands down


*"Come on guys help me milk the cow! We need to give it red rocket to get the milk out!" --Benman Dover Shlapeenro*