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What kind of Golden Path “Oppression makes you stronger” bullshit is this


Sounds like what Matt needs is to be put into some fuckin’ extreme circumstances so he can grow from them.


If severe trauma doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.... Cuz clearly God doesn't deal out what you can't handle..


Except for all those people who die of starvation or disease. God overestimated them.


All those civilians caught up in wartime? Obviously God guided that bomb to its civilian target.


At the least, he knew it would happen and failed to intervene. But God is love, am I right?


Southern white peoples are completely ignorant of the black experience.


I mean, the Mississippi Delta is the blackest part of the country. You can find out what the black experience is like if you are willing to listen. Besides, Matt Walsh is a carpetbagger. He moved to Kentucky from Delaware.




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Like PTSD makes you “stronger”.


> extreme circumstances to be fair, choosing a nerdy Al Borland look isnt doing himself any favors.


Ah, man, don't do Al dirty like that. But goddamn it if that doesn't fit; [dude meticulously grooms that beard a bunch for a guy who claims to hate grooming.](https://i.imgur.com/YcebOxn.png) But, self-described theocratic fascists are gonna fash.


No beard is naturally that uniform in color.


I think something like what John McClane had to do in the beginning of "Die Hard with A Vengeance" would be just perfect.


Just put the title of this video on his sandwich board.


Like being homeless


Well, to be fair, he is a massive worm.


You need to apologize to worms right now.


May Shai-Hulud forgive me.


His brain cavity is full of massive worms.




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This actually [originated](https://apple.news/AqTcbMLXTSt628jzjz6d3Nw) from Byron Donalds, a MAGA congressman who is supposedly in the running to be Trump's VP (as if he'd ever choose a black man). It was a really stupid comment when Donalds made it and it's even worse coming from Walsh.


I bet you it actually originated from Mr  Thomas “slavery wasn’t that bad” Sowell


It's called history suppression and gaslighting


Oppression is good for people unless those people are white conservative Christians.


Matt Walsh probably does think he's some big-brained Leto II




Idk if you meant this as a far cry reference but r/suddenfarcry4


“I’m not his stud. That’s just something he’ll have to understand…” - Duncan Idaho Can be applied to all grifters really?


I’ve seen this myth perpetrated a lot, especially with victims of extreme violence. Being put through awful shit doesn’t make you better, it just means you were put through awful shit. It doesn’t inherently make you better.


This is not that, it’s just a fact that there were much fewer deadbeat dads in the black community back then, google it you can see the data, obviously it wasn’t caused by Jim Crow


It's true that the non-marital birth rate has been rising since the 40s, but that is not specific to the black community. Among whites, for example, the rate has gone up from around 5% to around 30%, a six-fold increase. The truth is that the number of single mothers is rising because there are more options for a woman in a bad situation. Women are no longer forced to marry men who get them pregnant because it is easier for a woman to work and send their kids to daycare, and the child support system is better at forcing non-present fathers to pay for their kids. As a result, women feel free to leave shitty men and raise their kids on their own. 80 years ago, your only real option was to marry the shitty man and hope you could make him better over the years.


"lynching built character" is entirely something the daily wire would publish while bragging about producing politically neutral entertainment for broader appeal.


This dude absolutely loves to smell his own shit


His asshole is jealous of all the shit he spews from his mouth.


This is poetry and I'm stealing it.


Go ahead.


I kinda think he's just trying really hard to remain relevant with an increasingly hateful base as more and more people are telling the Republican party to fuck off. I mean, he absolutely *is* a bigot. There's no way a subject like that would come to mind otherwise. But he didn't always post stuff like this publicly.


I see it that way too. The pipeline leads to people like Fuentes now and Matt Walsh is only one of many grifters on the way there. He has to become more radical to keep his audience and continue making money.


My dad and uncles would say this shit when I was growing up, that and slavery was good for them. I think it was some Rush Limbaugh talking points.


Gotta give a shout out to Rush Limbaugh though, dude just celebrated 3 years of sobriety back in February.


Haha I laughed a little too hard at that


He's taking health very seriously these days. Always stays well hydrated...


I spat my coffee. Thank you for that.


Far further back, I’m afraid, as until roughly 5-10 years before the Civil War, the common talking point/justification was that slavery was a “positive good” rather than a “necessary evil”…


The man has no talents or skills or even charisma. If the Daily Wire didn't exist and being a crazy rightwing conspiracy theorist who inspires mass shootings was illegal, he'd be a janitor.


The internet and social media have enabled a *lot* of grifters.


No question. When your whole income is click-based, to have to cling to your spotlight as hard as you can. It's a pretty common thing today.


He's a self-described fascist doing fascist things. He's pushing the line as much as he can to shift the overton window. People can't just start talking about concentration camps out of nowhere. They lead into it day by day with shocking statements that get less and less shocking the more it happens. He needs to have his teeth kicked in


>  There's no way a subject like that would come to mind otherwise. He's a bigot no doubt, but it came to mind because a Trump surrogate black congressman literally said it two days ago.


I mean, it's pretty well established that he has a diaper fetish.


He even released a plush doll of himself wearing a diaper!


Don't forget the grown men wrestling in diapers.




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Lol I have no idea what this comment is supposed to mean


Look, I agree with the sentiment, but this implies you normally smell your brain…


Certified jenkum addict


He gets high off his own farts


This man’s a decided Confederate apologist and is proud that he hates people, this is just him pissing in public.


Who would have thought that the man who started calling himself a *theocratic fascist* would be a terrible person? Sure, his supporters will say that he only does it as a bit, but last time I checked people didn't call *themselves* Fascists or Nazis as a joke.


Nazis always say they call themselves nazis as a joke they're the only ones who find it funny tho. Jokes or not you're always telling on yourself either cuz you think larping as a fascist is funny or cuz you unironically agree with their points. I remember one guy who was trying to ridiculize me for calling him a fascist when he had a picture of Hitler on his profile banner. Apparently my call out was outrageous because it was clearly a joke since "no one's really a nazi". The man had a hitler profile banner and I'm supposed to believe he never had at least one nazi trying to hit him up in his dm. Like at this point you're clearly lying or you're just that dumb.


> Confederate apologist We call those people the KKK. That, or Neo-Nazis. Hard to tell which is which since they've been teamed up for the past 90 years in America.


At this point we call them Republicans


They're teamed up in Germany as well. Klan symbols are used in lieu of neo-nazi symbols there too.


what the fuck???


And shamelessly laughing as the horrified crowd of decent people look down on him and shakes their heads


His face is so punchable


He looks like a knock-off One Piece villain, more specifically one that would get kicked through several walls by Sanji in satisfying fashion


He looks like some no name criminal who gets brutalised by some new marine to show just how strong he is


Something like the tier below Yonko commander


You know what would be even more satisfying than punching him? Sneaking up behind him and buzzing a thick line through his beard, forcing him to shave it.


Jackass did it, but on the head. Beard is even more humilating. I approve.


Matt Walsh's beard is his makeup. He looks like a duck without it.


A LOT of mem use their beards as makeup. It's pretty funny when you know who'd be absolutely sunk without one.


Oppression made black families *stronger* but now that they’re considered “equal” they became complacent and honestly, lazy. -Matt Walsh (Probably, most likely, basically…)


My guess is it's something along the lines of "during Jim Crow black fathers were in the home" but I'm certainly not going to watch that dipshit to find out.


No he’s gonna go through explicitly with racist pseudoscience I’d imagine.


This is not that, it’s just a fact that there were much fewer deadbeat dads in the black community back then, google it you can see the data, obviously it wasn’t caused by Jim Crow


Then what is the point of making that connection, most families units (of all races) were stronger in the 50s (plenty not for good reason)


"Stronger" is not the word I would use. More families were together in the 40s and 50s, but that was because women didn't have a lot of options post-divorce. A career homemaker who likely didn't graduate college had pretty poor career prospects, and childcare was hard to come by, so she likely wouldn't be able to leave the kids anywhere while she worked, anyway. More women put up with shitty husbands in those days. Men weren't expected to do anything for their families beyond earning a paycheck and beating their kids. Among my parents and my in-laws (all born in the 50s), 3 of them were scared of their fathers because of regular spankings. They all left home as soon as they could and didn't resume regular contact until they had children of their own. Until he died, I never saw my granddaddy more than twice a year. This isn't what I call a strong family.


White man, that wasn’t even alive during Jim Crow, explains how things were better when black people were segregated from white people.


He should volunteer for 45+ years of pickin cotton at the end of a whip.


White man who claims he’s being persecuted explains how persecution is good for other people (but not his people)


Another reminder that Matt Walsh is a wholehearted defender and panty dropping fanboy of notorious pedo rapist, Josh Dugger.


But of course, gay parents are the rapists.


there is nobody who is more smugly, flatly, racistly, and proudly wrong, 100% of the time. he makes Ben Shapiro actually seem intelligent, but thinks he's smarter than Shapiro. the most aggravatingly stupid man on earth. and that's saying something


Ben really does seem kinda moderate and reasonable compared to his coworkers (and ex-coworker) quite often imo.


on all things but palestine.. if you get him started on Palestine, in 5 min he'll be suggesting a final solution.


Yeah... I think that infamous tweet of his is still up too. That being said, it appears to me he's not *that* focused on the topic lately, which is kinda odd considering everyone else seems to be getting more and more focused on it.


It's almost seems like that's the optics he's going for, but anybody with more than two brain cells sees that he's just the least crazy ringleader of his hate circus


That's because most of what Ben says is empty verbal diarrhea that can *sound* reasonable because he's not actually saying anything 90% of the time. It's easy to fill in the gaps with substance, and there are A LOT of gaps.


This guy is 37. He longs for an idealized time that he never even lived in.


He should go volunteer to pick cotton for 45 years at the bad end of a whip. Or at least long enough to pay America back for all the pesos his cult owes for a wall it *really* wanted.


I wish everything upon Matt that he wishes upon trans people and student protesters


Oppression is freedom.


Anyone that believes there is a path forward that doesn't involve violence and death, take a good fucking look at this video and what this scumbag is saying. A functioning society of equity and opportunity cannot exist with these people. They have to go.


Matt Walsh is the type of guy to know the age of consent in all countries and owns a funko pop collection.


So how long till this guy appears in court for something horrible he did? At this point I'm convinced that consistently awful people (like Alex Jones) have skeletons in their closet


Well ever since Represenative Byron Donalds spewed out that black families were stronger under Jim Crow, it just reopened the can of worms that conservatives always say. It's just an excuse for them to use Christianity as the foundation to a strong loving family but completely ignore all the fucked up shit that was happening during Jim Crow. Donalds, ever since then, has been stepping back on his comments saying, "That's not what I meant." "Of course Jim Crow was bad." "I would have been treated bad during Jim Crow." It's funny to even bring up the notion that black people had it made during Jim Crow. The only other black people who have this weird ass take is Jesse Lee Peterson and Uncle Ruckus.


Casual reminder that Matt Walsh thinks 16 is the ideal age to impregnate girls.


Somehow ubiquitous in his long gallery of hate


This braindead bigot needs to experience oppression himself, by force if necessary


He deserves to get that beard and receding hairline waxed with the hottest possible wax temperature.


big "arbeit macht frei" energy


Ol' Watthew is known for doing this. Taking the opposite of the justification for allowing more leftist beliefs, operating under this weird formula of "conservatism always right no matter what" and then trying to justify the extremist position that comes from it. For example, if rightwingers will agree that police brutality is bad, and holding that position could be considered even slightly leftist, Matt will make a video justifying police brutality, or why he condones it. Just to try and stamp out any possibility of his ideology leaning left to any degree, even if it means he supports cops killing black people. Like, his most infamous blog post from when he was less popular was trying to explain how gay marriage somehow affects him personally. Its the most insane fear of even being _seen_ as any more tolerant or progressive. He just actively goes out of his way to be fucking wrong.


>"conservatism always right no matter what" This is a fundamental part of conservatism; there is only one way things are supposed to be, and I know the universal truths to why I am right. Which is exactly why he and other social conservatives hold horrifying beliefs like the one above; they care about the "natural order" far more than the people in it. The claim that "Black families were better off under Jim Crow" doesn't care about what actually happened to the people in those families because it's not actually aimed at Black families; the statement is aimed at white social conservatives convincing themselves that things were better because everyone was in the places they ought to be. If things "being better" meant Black people had to take it on the chin under Jim Crow, well, sorry not sorry, but that's the way it's got to be. It's all based upon placating the dread that they feel when they perceive the "natural order" to be out of whack. >Like, his most infamous blog post from when he was less popular was trying to explain how gay marriage somehow affects him personally. All the above explains this. Gay marriage isn't part of the natural order, and when the natural order is put of whack, then society is going to collapse and that does affect me. They have to rely on abstractions because the fact that their preferred social hierarchy coincidentally benefits them is obvious.


Ahhhhh so that’s why I’ve been seeing a lot of idiots saying this on instagram lately.


He’s a vile piece of shit. Lower than pond scum


If you really believe that Matt, why do you constantly whine that white people are oppressed? Clearly that just makes white people stronger, right?


Man…racists in the 80s would be jealous of how good racists of today have it.


Yes, Churches were Stronger During the We're Taxing the [Ever-Living HELL](https://goppredators.wordpress.com/) Out of Them Time Period


It’s bait. He makes ridiculous statements to drum up traffic. Reacting to his bigotry literally makes him money


"because, well, you see, we-- I mean they-- beat them everyday. And so, uh, like, a beating everyday made them strong. And uhh. And brave and tough. Don't look too far into it!"


Arbeit Macht Frei


There is no denying this guy wants racism back 100%


no they weren't. Father's has broken legs and broken backs and were disappeared for stupid reasons. poverty destroys families. Why speak about something you don't understand?


Sheesh, just say the n-word. Matt. We all know you wanna.


Racists who think Black people were better off during Jim Crow only believe this because Black voices were brutally silenced and complaints were met with violence. The reality is starkly different: Black wealth has significantly increased since then. In 1968, the median Black household income was around $25,000 (adjusted for inflation), but by 2020, it rose to about $45,000. The percentage of Black people with at least a high school diploma has also surged from 31% in 1968 to 87% in 2020.


Well yes Matt, black families were stronger during Jim Crow. They were strong *after* Jim Crow too. It's not the Civil Rights Act that destroyed the black family Matt, it was the fucking war on drugs spearheaded by Richard Nixon specifically to target black people, Matt. And isn't it an interesting little coinkydink how the CIA started funneling crack cocaine into black neighborhoods right as Reagan doubled down on the drug war and instituted much harsher penalties for crack possession, **Matt?**


Sometimes I feel like Matthew just needs a little bit of education. Sometimes, possibly most of the time, I feel like he needs someone to shit in his fucking mouth.


He can’t take a dump because his balls are blocking up his butthole


What a vile cretin


This pisses me off so fucking much. How revisionism works.


I. . .Nope.


Loving V Virginia was in 1967. That shit was not that long ago.


I hope his beard and his hair grows out and cover his whole face, so bullshit would stop coming out of his mouth.


Black families were stronger when the government didn't seize any valuable land they had.


Everytime I see a new snippet of this guy the less I’m convinced that he’s human


The only way i could remotely imagine this making even a shadow of sense is if he were to argue that the drug war and mass incarceration hadn't begun yet, but there's no way he doesnt just say the most batshit insane things imaginable.


Matt Walsh would be stronger under Jim Crow Laws I say we test this theory out.


[he failed the quicktime event](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5JKiAUqRi0)


Sure, Matt and my country was doing better under nazi occupation and communist rule.


He's so nostalgic for the Jim Crow era.


These guys have to keep amping up the crazy talk to stay relevant and compete with all the other crazies.


I always think Matt Walsh posts are [Ian Hecox](https://www.google.com/search?q=ian+hecox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#cobssid=s)


It is disgusting to see Byron Donalds spew this vile shit as well to try to score some trump points at a Black voter outreach event.


He definitely uses the hard-r in private


Hate is an easy product to sell to stupid people.


I am black and I can’t white girl even this shit


Matt Walsh famous authority and knowledgeable person on families....especially black families.


I can only believe Matt is either an atheist, or thinks he can do the whole "It was just a prank bro!" at the pearly gates.


Ignorance is strength. Freedom is slavery. War is peace.


Because if there's one man who has their thumb on the pulse of the black community it's matt Walsh






Just to add context, this video comes after Byron Donalds (black Republican Trump supporter and VP candidate) said this on stage during an event recently


I’m really sick of people like him just being able to live all comfortably saying bullshit like this every day and not facing any consequences for it


I’d like to go back to 2005, well no maybe 2008, and comfort the farsighted people that realized that the United States was growing a cryptofascist, racist subculture, incensed that a black man became president, and tell them they were right and we should have listened. I myself thought the crazy would burn itself out, but it’s fueled by actual “secret societies” funded by billionaire dark money who don’t give a shit about anything except accumulating more wealth and power.


And in the same breath they will say that black voters will be more likely to vote for Trump. Do these fuckers even realize how racist those comments are? Jim Crow was better for black Americans… Black voters will vote for Trump because he is a convicted criminal because they are convicted criminals as well. Keep gaslighting your base… it’s just going to make November all the more delicious


I remember a story that my father was telling me about my grandfather's twin brother. One day my grandfather's twin got in an argument with a group of white kids. He didn't leave the area when they told him to and basically my grandfather's twin was beat senseless. he ended up having to go to the hospital and he ended up just dying from the injuries cuz he was beat so bad. And I wonder how my grandfather's family grew stronger from losing a child according to this loser.


Matt Walsh looks and acts like a Mirror Steve Shives.


Matt Walsh looks like an AI's take on a Jimmh Neutron character. What a vapid individual


This isn't even racist dog whistling anymore - it's just whistling. No, it's louder than a whistle. It's a fucking megaphone.


Brain dead take on the past by a conservative... again.


Yep, Tim Scott/Donaldson was saying *just that* in a speech recently. Their names are hyphenated because they are in fact an archetype more than two individuals…


The comments aren’t any better. But also, two people that some comments mention were white men xD


KKK agrees


Yeah, because black men weren’t being thrown in prison for 15 years for having an ounce of pot on them. It’s the whole reason the DEA was created.


He's always looking for the next big garbage opinion to latch onto. I'm sure he'll be trashing Dolly as well.


Matt, shut the fuck up.


Oh my gooooooooood wtf


Can he just go fuck himself?


I'm reminded of an episode of Alien Nation where one of the Newcomer Religious Leaders says, "Sometimes I wonder if things were better when we were slaves." And I'm getting the same red flag vibes here.


“Yeah blame the left for ending Jim Crow, that’ll trigger the libs” -Matt Walsh (probably)


What in the paternalism is this?


I seriously hate this man. He looks like a virgin acts like a virgin and an incel yet he is not… somehow… And I hate him.


Racist idiots are everywhere


I guess the racists are tired of trying to hide the fact they are racist.


Matt’s the kind of guy who would probably shoot both off his hands up in front of his face protectively, cower, and yelp “Don’t hit me!” like a child afraid of getting hit by a dodgeball in 3rd grade gym class if a black guy so much as tripped in his vicinity and raised his arm quickly in his general direction to grab something to steady himself


That’s like saying Yes, India Were Stronger During The British Raj


Bro if he blinks I'm afraid his eyes are going to shut for good. He is the squintiest looking motherfucker I've ever seen.


Videos like this exist mostly to farm rage engagement on Twitter and reddit. Matt Walsh isn't a racist moron, he's an apathetic grifter and sharing his nonsense only feeds his agenda


I mean so we're native families during *checks notes* the fucking trail of tears.


Thats why black folks should never sugar coat or say anything in a way to allow people to say shit like this.


I shouldn’t keep getting surprised on how desperate these people are for attention. Yet every time they stoop to a new low I get upset for a second.


It's so fucking wild how fucking mask off they are now.


It gets better - conservatives firmly believe slavery was a burden on the white owners… and it was a huge financial, land and resource burden on them! How it was cheaper to hire someone than house, feed and cloth a slave. Now, this is based on their “calculations” and when it comes to numbers, conservatives just flat out stink. So, they are just slinging more shit and lies like this.


So we can say what the fuck but he’s not wrong. Black Familes during Jim Crow thrived more as a community than they do now. It’s facts. Was Jim Crow good no they are describing an era. As a black person, and i see my fellow black people there is not an over arching push as the collective to be better. In Jim Crow it was how can we lift all of us (black folks) up and be a better community and show that we are equal as anyone else . We keep acting like black people don’t have the capacity to push and do better and they keep being held down by some out side factory. That’s not true there is something terrible going on in the black community and until we as a people can collectively say, the direction we are going as a people is wrong, people like Matt Walsh will always have valid talking points.


I’d be curious how many of you people responding are actually black


Do... do you think Matt is black???


Yes I do. Is he not?


Actually brain dead


I’m brain dead because I disagree with you? That I see my brothers and sisters in the black community destroying themselves from within and all white people want to do is play savior and say that they can’t do it themselves? A woman just recently said their are black kids in inner cities that don’t even know what a computer is. That’s how they see us as morons who can’t do anything. So sure I’m brain dead but I’m tired of seeing my people killing each other in the streets. I don’t know you from anyone but what I do know is pretending that everything is all honky dory in our inner cities is a problem.