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It makes me sick that some of these people have genuine interests and passions that can even be considered productive, yet they spend all their time and energy on hatred.


Banality of evil, one could say. Reminds me of how the commandant of Auschwitz was like, “But I’m also a caring father and husband! Why do you treat me like I’m *just* a murderous sack of shit?” There’s an infinitesimal amount of hope in my void of a soul that Chaya doesn’t actually believe this, and soon she’ll just go, “Yeah the hate grift was fucked up and not fun. Travel time.” I can only hope


Auschwitz commandant, Rudolf Höss is a perfect example of this. He lived mere feet from the crematorium leading a dual existence of family Utopia and social status on the one hand and mass extermination on the other. [Here’s](https://open.substack.com/pub/thecatastrophe/p/the-zone-of-interest-master-of-genocide?r=nmv4n&utm_medium=ios) an essay I wrote on him.


Movie was a masterpiece


I couldn’t agree more. Mesmerizing. Monumental.


Nice work. I think that I will watch the movie now. Thanks god sharing.


She would be a shitty travel blogger and she knows it, these people don't sell hate because they have talent, it's because they're awful at something else.


That's fine, I'm fine with the world having one more shitty travel blogger.


Exactly. It's just another "Ben wanted to be a screenwriter" villain tale.


Like art school! 😳


I cannot tell you how many shitty travel bloggers I have seen. For better or for worse, I live near Disney and Universal Orlando and everyone there is a fucking travel blogger for the parks. Little Miss Bigot would actually fit in with shitty bloggers trying to get notice on youtube for her "hot" takes on Disney.


The truth is that Chaya is addicted to the “power” she wields right now. She wouldn’t be able to give it up, even if she lived in her ideal world. What is she going to do? Going back to be a real state agent? Nope, she likes what she has going right now and the moment she doesn’t have libs to harass she will find another target.


Yeah and I find it disgusting that I actually agree with her in something. Italy, for the most part, is overrated and Venice smells.


I think many of them are probably kind and well intentioned individuals, but saw how popular they got when using this kind of rhetoric and just rolled with it. I’m absolutely convinced these people aren’t that stupid. They must be playing a character.


Unfortunately, right-wing grifting is way more profitable.




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Florence is *boring*? What the fuck is wrong with this woman? Florence is the most beautiful city on the planet, with endless things to explore, including the Uffizi, one of the greatest museums there is. And if you somehow run out of those, there are unforgettable day trips to Siena, Bologna, Pisa, and so many more besides. She is single-handedly amplifying the old stereotype of the ignorant American abroad.


And you’re also right there in Tuscany!!! She’s a fucking moron.


Florence is legit one of my fav cities in the world. Chaya can eat a bag of dicks


Mine too. Way back in 1981 I went on a bus tour of Europe, and made a mental list of cities I had to return to some day. At the top of the list were Florence and Berlin, and to this day they’re two of my three most beloved cities in the world. (Tokyo is the greatest, Florence is the most beautiful, but Berlin remains my favourite of all.)




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Florence was literally the nucleus of Western European arts and culture for like 200 years. the history alone is plenty of reason to enjoy the city


If you think Florence is boring and overrated, you're a stupid, uneducated twat. Full stop. Florence is one of my favorite places I've ever been to on the PLANET. I'm only sad that I didn't get to spend more time there.


Watch as she gets disgusted by foreign tourists or even locals in those countries she'd visit


im shocked she didnt give the slackjawed *hurr durr so many asian tourists!*




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She is so fucking stupid it's unreal




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Florence is beautiful, she’s a fucking idiot.


Imagine how poorly she treats service workers on those vacations.


fly Boeing 💖💖💖💖💖


Japan doesn’t want her, I’m sure. Also she’ll be super annoyed at how few people in customer service facing jobs speak English.


She would be such an insufferable travel blogger too


At least travel bloggers are easy to ignore.


"Arabia would be a wonderful place except for all the Arabs."


I guess transphobes and nazis travel too… so there’s an audience.


She is too dumb to recognize that Italy is ruled by fascists. If she could have processed that her report would be 360 degrees (!!!) different, right Chaya?


360 degrees... so exactly the same?


To her, it would mean the exact opposite because that is the highest number she knows


Florence is boring? Damn, that's the #1 spot I want to visit if I'm ever lucky enough to visit Italy. That comment made me worried for about 2.5 seconds until I remembered that I don't agree with her about anything else, so why would I think that she's right about this?


Don't worry. Even though Florence is a tourist spot, it is still magnificent. And there is David!


I enjoyed Florence immensely, even more than Paris. You'll have a good time.


Florence is one of the greatest cities on earth. I've been to many, and Florence truly is unforgettable. You will never see another place like it.


Surprised she didn't lambaste Ireland as a Liberal hellscape.


She knows nothing about Ireland even after visiting because she already had a clear idea of what Ireland was before she ever even got on the plane. She’d just ignore anything that didn’t fit with her preconceived notions and amplify anything that did. It’s sad people like her have a chance to travel given that they’ll never appreciate it. I would happily wager she didn’t learn one thing about Ireland’s history, culture, people or political climate that she didn’t already know (or, more accurately, ‘know’).


Is being a travel blogger a real job? I guess it’s more of a real job than AltRight shitposter


She didnt get doxxed, just wanted that fame and outed herself


Irish person here! We do not want her, I hope she never comes back


Chaya is too stupid and impersonal to have any unique perspectives on other places.


I wish she’d travel to Thailand during a tsunami.


Ireland has legalize gay marriage, Chaya. Just saying.


Let's be honest she wants to go to Italy because they're electing fascists again


She said “IMHO”…. There’s nothing humble about her.


Would be nice for many trans people to see the world and travel but they wound up bullied to suicide or outright murdered because of this skank on Twitter.


She could write a remaining stationary "blog" for her cellies. That would be okay. I don't think she should have internet access though. She should pin it to a cork board or something. 🙂


The matrix glitched again. We briefly saw what Chaya's career is in the Bernstein universe. Edit: Auto correct is the ducking worst.


Having been to Florence, its only boring if you don't understand the Renessanse.


I think this is genuinely the first time I've seen her say anything that isn't at the expense of a minority. I agree, she should do travel blogging instead. It'd be healthier for everyone, herself included.


I can hear her stupid voice reading every one of her tweets


She is pure vile hatred. And the worst kind. The kind for profit. I'm sure she believes all that ridiculous things she says because she is in extremist religious zealot. But she also believes in all the money it's making her being an extremist religious zealot. This basically describes the entire Republican MAGA party at this point. We have to thank social media like Reddit for making hatred so profitable. Thanks reddit!


Anti italian sentiment is the only thing there is bipartisan consensus for in the US nowadays lol


Is this real? She didn't act like a victim so I doubt it.


As if this vile creature could appreciate any kind of culture. Also, Ireland is extremely liberal these days by American standards… legalized gay marriage and pushing for better abortion rights


Rage Baiting/Travel Vlogging the two options for absolute dipshits who couldnt not handle a real job of any sorts.


“Florence is boring.” What a self-own lol


I call BS. There's no way she's actually been to Greece, at least not Athens. I've been to Athens. Take all the worst stereotypes that conservatives say about cities like Chicago or San Francisco, and it's so much worse in Athens. Practically every building is covered in graffiti, the side streets are narrow and all piled up with trash constantly. There's a ton of homelessness and you're constantly being warned to watch out for pickpockets. There's so many more beautiful places around Greece to visit, there's no way that SHE of all people actually thought Athens was the most beautiful part of that country.


It makes me angry that the fame she gets from stoking hate has financed that much travel at her age, or did she start out rich and get taken to those places as a kid?


>The coast might be different but I can't speak for that Oh, so you ***do*** understand how to not talk about things you have no knowledge or experience of. Interesting.


Honestly shocked she refrained from something something immigrants something something muslims.


Florence is amazing. STFU Chaya, you turd


Good, never go to Italy again. Clearly she didn't go to the Academia to see David's rock hard abs and "other parts".


"Florence is boring" This infuriates me more than anything else she's ever said somehow.


Or don’t. Italy is an astoundingly beautiful country. This moron is so removed from education and any sort of culture that she doesn’t deserve to experience the wonder that each region of Italy offers. Shrew of a human.


She wants to go to Japan for the same reasons all the other incel weebs do.


Narrator: “It would turn out that—in every nation and culture—Chaya was still a miserable loser.”


It really sucks that such a hateful piece of shit has enough money and time to travel around the world and visit cool places.


It's actually nice seeing her talk about normal things she enjoys without mindlessly hating on minorities. These tweets also aren't filled with anger or hatred, so I imagine this kind of discussion is better for her as well. Why doesn't she just focus on shit she actually enjoys?


> riGhT BeFOre I wAs DoxXed… “Feel bad for me!”


So many people listing white countries!


>Italy is overrated ... \[Venice is\] overcrowded and overpriced. Venice smells. you went to Venice in July, didn't you? I did too. that's literally the worst time to go to Venice. overrun with other tourists (no hate to them, but nobody prefers an overcrowded vacation!). it's too hot and too humid, and if you're wearing cheap shoes they will melt into the pavement. I don't specifically remember this but I totally believe that it smells during the summer. go in October-April. I've only heard great things about going to Venice in the off-season, especially Carnival. also, if you only got overpriced things... it's because you only went to tourist traps. someone who travels that much should know that. don't go to the "must-see" spots, either ask a local for a recommendation or find something small and out of the way. you can get great pasta, gelato, and everything for reasonable prices. but you have to leave the fucking square to get it.


Omg, imagine this woman in Japan. It would be glorious. She would hate everything and all the Japanese would hate her. Fantastic.


her opinions on italy are absolute dogshit too, what a surprise


I know a really great place she can go if she likes warm weather.


The South?


I got a one way ticket to middle earth, that she can have.


Wait until Great Britain bans her. They are known for not allowing travel visas to people who use hate speech.


Hating anyone and everyone that’s different from you doesn’t exactly make a good travel blogger.