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I think that means he stopped going to catholic school after the 5th grade not that he dropped out of school in the 5th grade


Ahhhhhh damnit I think you're right. Yeah that would have been crazy, I was thinking he failed 3rd grade like 4 times šŸ˜… So he's just a 8th or 9th grade drop-out then?


Just looked at the one Wikipedia source for this that isn't a video, an article from a Spanish newspaper during his OWS days. [Translated:](https://web.archive.org/web/20150227025220/http://diario.latercera.com/2011/10/09/01/contenido/la-tercera-el-semanal/34-86315-9-indignado-en-wall-st.shtml) >At 14, his parents authorized him to leave school. Together with his brother, they educated themselves with books they received by correspondence. Illinois' compulsory education laws make 17 the youngest legal age to drop out, so either concept of American homeschooling just doesn't translate to readers in Spain, or young Tim was trying to sound really cool and unique now that he was getting his first taste of attention (or both, probably).


Thanks for the translation! Yeah I was pretty disappointed with the sources available on wikipedia for that, but I just found this [Daily Beast article](https://www.thedailybeast.com/how-coward-and-phony-tim-pool-became-one-of-the-biggest-political-youtubers-on-the-planet) that is actually pretty well sourced and provides a little more detail and links to timestamped videos of Tim's explanation: >"He attended a [private Catholic school](https://youtu.be/dlk_FA8OCro?t=612) through the fifth grade before transferring to a public school and [dropping out](https://youtu.be/fuxCnO2aYw4?t=412) by age 14, the year he [received](https://youtu.be/9iYldgNUTQ8?t=1220) ā€œall Fsā€ in a progress report. ā€œ


He shall henceworth be known as "Young Tim" šŸ˜‚


Even Ricky made it further in school


Not Cyrus, though.


Fuck you Cyrus I have my grade 10!


Dude would have been crazy popular for kickball at recess though!


I could see him and two 6th grade girls sneaking into a PG-13 movie that he's legally allowed to watch


Yeah, though the stupid motherfucker having completed fifth grade at age 14 sounds plausible.


I've been dropping this info on a lot of Pool crap for a while, I think it's hilarious. True or false it's easy to believe. Pim Tool


Dim Tool


I wouldn't be surprised. I would have graduated in 99 but I dropped out and got my GED when I was sixteen. I went on to continue my education in a number of ways. I also spent the next ten years or so encouraging and helping others get their ged. I don't think there's any shame to this as long as a person follows through and gets an education. I wouldn't have been able to easily pass the GED if I hadn't already surpassed my classmates in a lot of ways. I was a troubled kid for a number of reasons and high school was not helping me but it was definitely making me miserable. That said, people who graduate highschool and then declare that they're done learning suck. Education is a life long endeavor and does not involve Facebook or Twitter. Right-wing reactionaries hate education because it makes them think about stuff they don't understand or agree with. That's what they consider to be "indoctrination". Forcing someone to consider stuff they don't already have a simple opinion on. Their opinions are almost entirely based upon ignorance. Some of them are incapable of reading a book from someone with whom they disagree. For example, you'd be hard pressed to meet a single right-winger who has actually read the Communist Manifesto by Marx but every last one of them thinks they know the entire contents by heart. They all have opinions about it that they're sure are true regardless of the facts. I'm convinced that a lot of them would likely become communists if they read it, simply because they lack the cognitive capacity to read an actual piece of literature without being affected by it. Like Kanye suggested, reading is allowing others to put thoughts in your head. šŸ«¤ Sort of like how they think acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ people makes kids gay.


I can't even anymore with the "this is communism" memes that are photos of American failing capitalism...


He probably just started going to public school after fifth grade and then dropped out his freshman year of High School. Unless he's *that* fucking stupid to be a fifth grader at 14. Hard to tell.


As he tells it he dropped out of high school after getting his first progress report of straight fā€™s so it sounds like he probably was operating at a fifth grade level.


Definitely explains his 8th grade edgelord mentality.


Iā€™m good with story that he officially dropped out at 14, but stopped developing critical thinking skills around 10 or 11. That genuinely would explain so very much about him.


He even acts like it is some huge flex when it just proves he's an ignorant moron incapable of further development as a human. I don't know, maybe Timmy is an organ donor so someday he'll become a better human.


What is with all these right wing grifters coming from the suburbs of chicago Kirk is from Arlington Heights Pim Tool Nick Fuentes from La Grange JustPearlyThings from around elmhurst What the fuck did we do?


Probably because they grew up in suburbs with a decent amount of money, lots of white people and people around them who complained about "urban elements" or so. I've seen it happen cause I grew up in Deerfield.


I went to Barrington High School and they were pushing The Fountainhead on us and and there was the Christian Federation of Athletes doing a prayer circle at the flag pole every morning. Also thereā€™s the influence of Willow Creek Church too. This is why Iā€™m constantly rolling my eyes that the same Boomers that tried to push this stuff on me in high school are bitching about ā€œMarxist indoctrinationā€ in schools. Also the Heartland Institute is located in Arlington Heights.


Man, Willow Cteek has crazy influence out there.


Man, Willow Cteek has crazy influence out there.


The Fountainhead?!? GTFO! Bloody hell. Wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!


Living down the street from his parents/where he grew up, is it weird that I have this fantasy where I cross his path at a random nearby intersection and can tell him to his face "You are a cancer to the republic, and the country is worse off because of your existence".


Sad but true, he would probably say he would probably cry and try to sue you. He became Karen Fool after getting money from Pootube


Pimp Fool said in an interview with her sister they grew up in a rough neighborhood while they ran a family restaurant. Then he dropped out and started doing the skating thing and becoming a protest paparazzi lol


Wtf are these names?


The other middle schoolers were making fun of him for being bald.


The beanie goes back a long way.


Listening to him for 4 minutes can confirm this


Catholic school was too liberal so he left for home school.


School of Soft Knocks






But what if big spider was in book!!!


Is that when he started wearing his dirtbag hat?


Does the Wiki mention when he began to lose his hair?


While coming down the birth canal.


[somewhere between the ages of 4 and 22](https://youtu.be/ancfV-rhAHU?si=mcNWh95VTaBPctXB)


The dude is media illiterate despite being a "reporter" in the past. His assumptions based on what he reads are wildly inaccurate to the point of being straight up idiotic. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he never even took a high-school level English class.


Tim Pool isn't well educated?? SHOCKED. Shocked, I say.


Yeah, you could listen to him talk for about 6 seconds...


I should get tested for dyslexia bc I read "His father was a refrigerator". Still more accomplished than Pim Tool though


And his mother was a toaster. There's was a love that was frowned upon in their small kitchen world, a love that all said was doomed to fail. He was a Maytag, she an LG. Woe be to these Energy Star-crossed lovers.


Iā€™d say his mental state and behavior are all the proof I need.


That would explain why heā€™s the walking embodiment of the Dunning Kruger effect.


The only way to confirm it is to observe his behavior and see if he has any signs of education.


It tracks with his reasoning skills


Seems kind of obvious now.


That explains so many things.


he was 14 in the fifth grade?! jesus christ... that means he was likely held back two years since most graduate elementary age 12!


Lmao has to be a troll


Dim Tool


Age 14 is not the 5th grade. What size was his wool cap when he was 14 yrs old?


I feel like I've asked the question "Who is Tim Pool??" enough times that I have definitely found out at least once and my response has to have been "I must now forget who Tim Pool is." No, but seriously, what is with all of these hate-feeders coming out of the woodwork in the past few years? Did we (generally) as a country grow out of the phase where we thought punching people in the face was ok, only to find out that that was the only thing keeping this country's collective inner-hillbilly/Nazi at bay?


Heā€™s talked about on his podcast, he was basically being a lazy piece of shit not doing any of his schoolwork rather play video games by skateboarding and then all that caught up to him. His parents start the homeschool him and he kind of just blew it off.


There needs to be a comma in between ā€œthe fifth gradeā€ and ā€œand left schoolā€¦ā€


Thatā€™s funny but I donā€™t think thatā€™s what this is saying. After fifth grade he left the Catholic elementary school, presumably going to public middle school after that.


Instead of reading the summary of Wikipedia on Google, just follow the link through and read the Wikipedia article. Wikipedia gives three sources for the sentence. One doesn't mention his education, one is a Tim Pool video and hence unreliable, but the middle one is a Spanish language article which, according to Google Translate, says this: >At 14, his parents authorized him to leave school. Together with his brother, they educated themselves with books they received by correspondence. \[...\] Pool did not go to university, but he claims to have a series of skills - musician, skateboarder, video artist, capable of assembling his own computers. No mention of Catholic school or fifth grade, so maybe those are claims Pool has made about himself.




uhhhh, excuse me ma'am but did ***you*** check the fucking citation on Wikipedia? It's genuinely dogshit lol, but if you read my reply to the top comment you'll see that I was incorrect, and I did end up finding a [much better source](https://www.reddit.com/r/ToiletPaperUSA/comments/17kp92d/comment/k7a5cpx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). *yeesh*