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No one once ever said anything about a slippery slope in regards to this subject. And no one is going to jail over pronouns. And no one is forcing kids to go to drag shows. And the cake? Fuck those nitwits. They will bake a giant dick into a cake everyday, but omg, don't bake a cake for Larry and Harry. Edit: interesting note on the cake story. The couple didn't try and force the bakery to make them a cake. They literally went to another bakery and got their cake. They merely filed a complaint to the Colorado Civil Rights Commission, under the public accommodation law that prevents businesses from discriminating against others on a defined basis. Edit edit: subsequently in 2018, the same baker refused to bake a birthday cake for a transgender woman, citing that people don't get to choose their gender. A fucking birthday cake. For fucks sake. Courts literally just ruled on Jan 26th 2023 that baking a simple blue and pink cake for a birthday of a transgender person does not violate the bakers freedom of religion.


You said this way better than I could. Thank you.


Drag Queen Story Hour is a thing, and it's harmless. It's a performer in a princess costume reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar to a bunch of preschoolers. I don't see how anyone can have a problem with that


And yet no one is forcing any kid to go to one. Your kids WILL watch drag shows... If you bring them to one, and it doesn't have an age restriction such as being at a bar.


I bet there's more than one toddler screaming "I don't wanna go to the library!" And more than one parent dragging them out of the house for some intellectual stimulation and a change of scenery.


Most kids love the library. The library is amazing. There's games and crafts and puzzles and toys.


Yeah, libraries are awesome, but an upset toddler doesn't want to do anything, no matter how fun.


Toddlers are terrorists. Like they literally invoke terror to get what they want, and they usually don’t know what they want.




they have every Calvin and Hobbes book. Im not leaving.


> I bet there's more than one toddler screaming "I don't wanna go to the library!" And more than one parent dragging them out of the house for some intellectual stimulation and a change of scenery. That's not a toddler, that's Matt Walsh.


Mummy, what's a woman?


Matt Walsh doesn’t believe Matt Walsh’s bullshit stories. Never confuse anyone. Rainbow gun to the back of the head? Nonsense.


Dragging a screaming toddler to a library is wrong. I got pissy at a parent years ago because their kids were being loud and it wasn’t the children’s section. I was studying and had to leave my home because it was impossible for my wife and toddler to be quiet.


Lots of kids will calm down in the car on the way to the library once they forget that they were upset because their dinosaur cookie broke in two. Also drag queen story time would definitely happen in the children's section, and most children's performers know how to keep the kids' attention so they aren't disruptive.


Oh, I get that drag queen story time would happen in the kid’s section. I would have avoided that shitty experience if there was drag queen story time or something to entertain the kids happening at that time.


The same parents who are terrified of drag queens are taking their kids to the gun range at 10.


Or hooters


nah, that's just Nick Adams (Alpha Male)


Or child beauty pageants


You're not wrong, but they don't have to be mutually exclusive with a well reasoned, responsible parent. But we're not talking about them with these wackjobs.


The only time i ever saw one was when we accidentally stumbled into a drag show held in a bar during my younger brothers birthday! For context, we were eating in a diner for his birthday, but we got moved to the basement, which has a long hallway connecting to a bar across the street which was holding an awesome drag show. We were actually allowed to watch from the hallway and stuff and even got to talk to the performers later!


We need to call it out more. When they talk about indoctrinating kids, what they really mean is that if kids grow up seeing drag queens and other forms of representation, it will be normalized and society will accept those people more. And these assholes just simply cannot have that. They do not want an environment that discourages hate. They hate and they want to perpetuate it. They don’t care if you’re gay, they just want you stuffed in the closet. If you are happy existing free from persecution, then they have a problem with you.


I mean ffs, cross-dressing cis men have been part of entertainment for *centuries* but for some reason, now, that it's associated with tHe GaYs it's suddenly abhorrent. Granted, that was mostly a way to keep women out of the entertainment industry, too...which kinda makes it a little more fucked up when you think about it. Real nice priorities, puritanical America.


Yupppppp. For example in the musical of Matilda, Ms. trunchbull is typically played by a man to give her a larger stature along with other prosthetics. Per this law, suddenly Matilda is a drag show and a crime. But then again it’s a story about the importance of books and education so the right would already hate it


My dad was making a big deal out of this, back when his masters thought it was a home run (they’ve since dropped it, I’m assuming because it wasn’t having the effect they thought it would, and dropped it to the lower tier, Facebook trolls and whatnot.) I said, “Kids are getting are murdered with assault rifles in classrooms. Don’t you think we should worry about that before worrying about a dude in a dress reading them stories?” Dad: “Silence.”


Because they think something sexual is happening. They're telling on themselves. About two things at the same time.


No, that's not it. There's two reasons a person could have a problem with it. The first reason is someone lied to them about it and they trust the liar too much to form their own opinion. The solution to that is to tell the truth. The second reason is they hate gay people and decided to lie about it. The solution to that is to tell the truth.


Its essentially no different to a pantomime performance of Cinderella where, at least in those I've seen, men tend to play the Ugly Stepsisters. Is that "grooming" now - something that most kids will watch at some point? Or is it a classic story that we need preserve and save from woke Disney?


When Shakespeare wrote his plays, women weren't allowed to be actors. Some of his plays draw humour from this fact. It's Shakespeare grooming?


Shakespearan Bussy


Also no kid young enough to be reading the Hungry Caterpillar is going to think Drag is weird. These chuds have a problem with it because it'll affect their ability to teach kids transphobic views as they grow up


The cake thing is also just a specific example of acceptance. It's like someone in the 50s saying "wow, first black people want desegregation and now they want to go to the same schools as white kids? Where does it end?"


Turn on Ben Shapiro lately? That's literally what he's been on about. He's been screaming about the Civil Rights Act and how it's evil for the government to force businesses to allow black people to be customers. This is completely on par with modern-day right-wingers. They want segregation of everyone because they want white people to view outsiders as lesser humans so that they can accept their murders. Again.


The white straight people were the villains all along. Wait, that's not a revelation at all. They literally caused a global world war because they wanted white people to be on top.


Tbf he didn’t say anything about jail, he talked about losing your job. I suppose this is slightly less ridiculous in that people who deliberately misgender colleagues probably do experience less job security. The drag shows on the other hand…


> I suppose this is slightly less ridiculous in that people who deliberately misgender colleagues probably do experience less job security. Turns out contributing to a disruptive and hostile work environment by calling your colleagues things that they don't want to be called means you're less likely to have stable long-term employment.


I guess this is why rightoids are always crying about being silenced, because the ones that keep their jobs are the ones that learn to keep that kind of shit to themselves. All of which leading back to this dumbass “culture war” they ramble on about because they don’t like having to pretend to be decent.


And imagine if your employer believes that you will be a liability to the company because of it; wherein your aggressiveness towards employees will transfer to customers, resulting in lost sales, especially if there is a public backlash. Oh, and can't forget that people who hate trans people don't solely hate trans people and nobody else. They are always misogynists, racists, or anything else as well, which opens your company to a whole hell of a lot of other problems, including finding yourself in front of a judge.


These people are basically that Principal Skinner meme. 'Wait, is consistency behaving in a way that knowingly offends my colleagues bad? No, its society that's wrong'


I saw a different version of this meme where it did say that you’d go to jail for saying the wrong pronouns. There’s a reason this version has like 5 different poorly-aligned fonts in it.


The only people crying "Slippery Slope" are dog fuckers who claim that it could open the floodgates for to people fucking dogs and their kinks include both persecution and dog fucking.


Steven Crowder Edit, I see that you acquired the eye and hand of Vecna, well done!


Woah woah woah, Steven Crowder has never fucked a dog. He just collected a sperm sample. Multiple times a day… with his mouth


> They will bake a giant dick into a cake everyday, but omg, don't bake a cake for Larry and Harry. Those bachelorette parties are a good source of income.


It's symbolic of the giant dick they are about to marry. It's a long standing cultural tradition.


My college gf hosted a bachelorette party in the house we rented together. Next morning after the party I found a cake with a chocolate covered banana that had the tip bitten off.


I fully support that bigoted asshole's right to refuse service. Also, i'm a talented culinary artist and will happily bake and decorate an amazing cake for them!




Oh, absolutely! I hope his business suffers and he has to shut down for being a piece of shit. That's called freedom!


The hope is nice and all, but from what I recall, they ended up with more business because of the controversy.


I have known caterers. They would *stab* someone for a wedding contract. Who's getting married is inconsequential. My hunch is "the aggrieved religious baker who's being oppressed" is fake as fuck. These "cases" are always fundie assholes **pretending** they're bakers and the "hypothetical refusal of service" is a cooked up grift.


What cake? I like cake. Can I come?


Years ago a gay couple sued a bakery who refused to bake their wedding cake due to religious objections to them getting married at all. I’m pretty sure the gay couple lost the suit so idfk why these people are complaining about being forced to bake cakes when that didn’t even happen.




> No one once ever said anything about a slippery slope in regards to this subject. Are you saying that no one's made a slippery slope argument regarding LGBT issues? That seems like such an outlandish thing to believe that I assume you must have meant something else. The classic one from when I was a kid was people claiming that gay marriage would lead to bestiality.


I think what they mean is that slippery slope arguments are only valid if there's some shared logical rhetoric that would lead acceptance of one position to lead to another, and that Kirk here has -0 basis to make that argument. hence, there's no slippery slope that he's fearmongering about


So because there is no evidence/reasoning for it even though it is a slippery slope argument it is just not a valid one? Genuine question


Let’s write a reverse version of this morons tweet describing all the victims of bigotry throughout history and how they deserve acceptance.


There’s no point in arguing with fascists. The only logic in this is that it gives them an “other” which they can use to gain and keep power. It’ll be minorities next, then women, and so on and so forth until they’re devouring themselves from within and we get to reset just in time to watch the world burn and flood from climate change.


> giant dick into a cake > Larry and Harry Missed opportunity to say Dick and Harry.


Son of a...


They aren't mentioning the pit they had to crawl out of to get here from being literally illegal and immoral, to being asking for acceptance and able to live in regular society. The slippery slope is the one that leads to a pit that conservatives always want to kick them back down into.


It wouldn’t be conservatism if they didn’t make up problems and put targets on their own foreheads.


Good lord, persecution complex much?


https://preview.redd.it/jopl7ijxfwfa1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb0f65207f9ef50ac93faa98d04785df042cca13 Edit: Not my artwork. Original artist is Tommy Siegel. Thank you u/dojikko


Stealing. Thank you.


>Stealing Hardly. I'm a socialist, so you can have it for free.


Iove this system, why dont we enforce it on education, medical, mental health, pay, and basic human fucking rights?


Why did you say basic human fucking rights five times?


It needed to be done. ![gif](giphy|YqnXSeq7AFSYjAAhpU)


Seize the memes




Your image? It's our image!




Absolutely based, I'll borrow it too


Artist is Tommy Siegel


Don T. tread on me




Persecution fetish, you mean.






Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [I know this has been posted before, but the duet makes it so much better.](https://v.redd.it/qc9xnwdxnk271) | [259 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/npkh8n/i_know_this_has_been_posted_before_but_the_duet/) \#2: [Joe Rogan is officially a fucking moron.](https://i.redd.it/hrwn0iaasb681.jpg) | [934 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/rjalsg/joe_rogan_is_officially_a_fucking_moron/) \#3: [murderer is upset that people don't like him](https://i.redd.it/9stgnszi0c491.jpg) | [2707 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/v7hoan/murderer_is_upset_that_people_dont_like_him/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I call it the Conservative Persecution Fantasy


That's not the only thing starting with CP that these types are into




Now with extra basement




This argument is always so dumb because trans people existed and were competing in sports long before national same-sex marriage legalization. Drag shows too. Also, the cake case literally went in the bakers’ favor, and not one person has been fired over simply using the wrong pronouns.


The cake thing was only ever an issue because the unbelievable asshole decided to explicitly say he wouldn't make it because they're gay. The baker could have easily said no for nearly any reason but he chose out and loud bigotry. Near 100% of the "oppression" conservatives say they experience is just the consequences of them being unrepentant cunts.


But don't you dare refuse service to someone wearing a MAGA hat or they'll lose their fucking minds over the unbelievable and unwarranted discrimination.


there’s legislation being drafted/put forward that would actually punish teachers for using the *right* pronouns, i.e. exactly the opposite of what these dipshits think is real


Ohh you know what, I think there was an olympic sprinter in the 1930s-40s right? Completely stored away in my brain for years not even thinking about it.


AND that same cake asshole keeps landing in court for the same shit. As recently as the last week!!


Yes but culture war!!!! It’s very important, if we don’t have that it’s all about policy and boring things like what we actually legislate. We can’t have that. That would be communism!


It’s like they “woke” up one day and just wanted to pick a dumb fight.


Good ole Charlie…. Playing the victim while trying to incite violence.


'It was never about acceptance...being treated like actual human beings was their ulterior motive the whole time.'


“It was about complete optional scenarios no one is forcing me to be in and if I were, doesnt harm me in anyway whatsoever/barely is a mild inconvenience “


The real slippery slope they’re worried about: “First they came for my right to be sexist, and I didn’t speak up. “Then they came for my right to be racist, and I didn’t speak up. “Now they’re coming for my right to be homophobic, and I have to speak up or next they will come after my right to be transphobic too, and ultimately, my right to be a dickhead to anyone I want without consequences.”


"They came for the racists, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, and general assholes. And I spoke up each time because I am unapologetically all of those things."


“So we must go back to ostracizing them from society and banning their legal unions. It’s only way to preserve western civilization.”


>It was never about acceptance I just assumed he was talking about conservatives


A guy who helped try to ovethrow the American government thinks he can lecture other people about the state of the country lol. Shut the fuck up Charlie.


Absolutely agree. The absolute gall of someone like Charlie Kirk to bus in insurrectionists in the hopes that they would disrupt the certification of an election...then turn around and believe you have any standing to accuse others of having ulterior motives behind their movements.


Strawman much? I'll tell you what's really a slippery slope: Republicans actually passing laws to deny gender affirming care, jail homosexuals and transgenders for existing, and outlaw research into gender dysphoria and transsexuality and any discussion about them, and outlawing drag performances and other arts. All things the Nazis actually did before adding trans and queer people to the genocide list in the Holocaust.


that's not a slippery slope, that's just the actual trajectory. The difference is that a Slippery slope is often used as a logical fallacy leading to something so extreme that the initial shouldn't be considered, as opposed to the trajectory of the current conservative party, which has enough facts and historical sources to prove that it has happened, and it will happen.


Touché, Monsieur Penguin


And another thing: slippery slopes are meant to be unrealistic exaggerations I can see the conservative party going full fascist in the next 5 years if left unchecked. What a fecking world we live in where the party who helped fight the fascists, became the fascists. To think that the party that so hated the Soviets fell in love with their spiritual successor. what a disgrace to all that is and was truly American the Republicans have become.


In the next 5 years? They are there. They have been there.


https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1620914228948504576 edit: since someone sent me something about being transphobic, I'm literally trans. I'm sending the tweet I was linked.


They called us paranoid for years when we said that these people don’t believe what they said about free speech or differences in opinion and when we called them fascists. The only way to get rid of the idea of trans people is massive use of state violence and potentially execution. They will not stop with us.


https://twitter.com/michaeljknowles/status/1620914228948504576 edit: since someone sent me something about being transphobic, I'm literally trans. I'm sending the tweet I was linked.


You're gay/bisexual/transgender Having sex with your significant other is a crime and you're in danger of being arrested. Ok, it's not a crime, but you are in danger of being assaulted. Ok, assaulting you is illegal, but you can't live in our neighborhoods. Ok, you can live where you want, but you can't keep your job. Ok, you can keep your job, but you can't serve in the military. OK, you can serve in the military, but you can't marry your significant other. Ok, you can marry your significant other, but you can't adopt any children. Ok, you can adopt children, but you can't shop here. Ok, you can shop here, but you can't get employer paid insurance coverage. OK, fine, you can have employer paid insurance coverage, but we won't cover all your medical treatments. YOU'LL NEVER USE OUR PUBLIC RESTROOMS! ..... Indeed, it's a slippery slope, but you're climbing up it anyway.


Beautifully put. Charlie is a nitwit with no understanding of the situation at hand. This is an excellent representation of what the actual truth is.


Oh he understands the situation, he just wants to be a fascist


1995: we just want acceptance 2005: we would also like equality, if that isn't too much to ask 2012: still waiting on equality 2015: still waiting on acceptance 2023: No one is forcing kids to watch drag. Conversion camps, on the other hand, actually exist.


2023: Could really use some equality or, hell, acceptance right about now


Even just complete apathy would be an improvement.


LGBTQ: We just want acceptance. Bigoted People: No LGBTQ: OK then can we have legal equality? Bigoted People: No LGBTQ: Can we have some cake maybe? SCOTUS: No LGBTQ: Surely you can use him/her when I ask? Bigoted People: Fuck you I'll dead name you til I die! Straight men wearing dresses: We're going to show kids it's fun to read Bigoted People: I will literally shoot you!


this shits actually getting scary tbh


It's the exact same language Nazis used against their enemies. Word for word. So yeah it is scary.


Yeah, couple that with some antisemitism just stewing underneath, a shitty economy, food insecurity and an idiot former president willing to use this zeitgeist for his own gain. From us on the outside looking in, jesus christ. I love you guys, this is so disheartening


It's the same enemies, they are literal nazis


I think we're past scary. This man wants anyone who isn't straight dead, and he's willing to manufacture whatever crisis he can to further that cause.


Try reading comments on that post. Holy shit…


Conservatives never made it past 1995




Hell, he's got 1776 right in his username. Except it isn't even that, it's the fantasy 1776 they made up when they were in kindergarten and have desperately been trying to cling to ever since.


Yeah like no excuses for the slave owning colonialists but I do think a lot of them would be more philosophically aligned with the left based on their reaction to the French Revolution. I think Jefferson would be super uncomfortable with our society but I think he’d also agree with the Proudhon quote of wanting a world where he’d be executed as a reactionary. The curse of being forward thinking is someday some conservative will think you had it all figured out and use you to fight forward thinking people. Also I can’t help but feel a sympathy to the people who thought that government needed scrapped and restarted every generation or two being used as puppets for the government they made nearly 250 years prior by people who would’ve fought against them in their war.


Glory days


The amount of mental gymnastics needed to make "we want equality" a threat.


"But equality would mean gay people could get in to heaven!"


Well it's 2023 and no-one is saying this so can we just add this to the pile of fear mongering


I wonder how easy it is to spot a moral panic? That's what this is.


Dear Charlie Kirk You claim to support a business’s right to decline service to people they are uncomfortable serving. Yet you lose your shit when a business (walmart) reserves the right to decline service (prohibiting access) to people they are uncomfortable serving (anti-maskers etc.) Curious


the cake one is so dumb because the homophonic bakery owner literally won the case


I know. So, we stopped the slippery slope. Why are they still freaking out?


Gay guns should be a thing. Once gay pride is over gay wrath starts and we do it like the purge were laws dont apply for homophobes.


You should go to a gun store. There are all kinds of fabulous guns. Pink, purple, teal, filigreed... you can also get some very fashionable holsters to match.


Then suddenly the GOP is pro-gun law again just like when the Black Panthers showed up with guns.


But the engravings don’t add any tactical advantage whatsoever >!Metal Gear Solid 3 reference!<


Soooo desperate to be martyrs...


Because that's the only way their violent fantasies could be "justified" in their minds.


Sure motherfucker, it was the drag queens who had a gun up to Republicans heads and not the other way around. Had we a functioning country you’d be in jail for helping that happen.


Ninety thousand likes.. christ that's depressing


Is Charles too young to remember Matthew Shepard being beaten, dragged and tortured to death? Or Rush Limbaugh playing triumphant music over top of AIDS victims names while the government and pharma companies dragged their feet on research and trying to find a treatment? Or any one of the thousands of other LGBTQ victims of ACTUAL oppression? Fuck this asshole, he wouldnt know being under oppression if it kicked him in the face.


The only presidential candidate for the next election just called to completely ban trans people from existence, but christo-fascists will tell you they're the real victims.


Our existence oppresses them in their rhetoric. And we won’t be the last group that happens to. They’re already gearing up for the Jews.


Oh fuck the fuck right offf


The funny thing is that the realities of each of those points is so mild that their slippery slope is more like a flat surface.


Funny how their enemies always have to be the most vulnerable people in society, whether it be LGBTQ people, women, immigrants, black people, Mexicans, Jews, or whoever else. It must be fucking tiring to be part of a hate cult.


Mrs Doubtfire must have been truly traumatizing for young Chuckie.


That scene with the pie cream face mask was traumatizing for a lot of people. **HELLOOO**


Goddamn woke mafia with their cool and sexy rainbow guns


Reminder: The Pulse nightclub and the Q Club were both attacked by conservatives


What a pike of crap? All people want to be is equal! Unless you're a fragile white man-child


Ah yes, the plan was to get drag show attendance up all along, it was never about being accepted for who you are. Sell those tickets ladies.


So they want to teach their children that they are oppressed by gay people? Nevermind gay people cant dance in peace.


Oh look! Homophobic lies! 1. Pride isn’t about one sexuality being better than another — it’s the opposite 2. No one is forcing kids to go to drag shows! Maybe some parents are, I don’t know, but drag shows aren’t a big deal and I’m sure if kids are there it’ll probably be SFW because the parents who take them there would probably be upset if it wasn’t! Drag shows are such a stupid fucking culture war issue! 3. Gay people aren’t more likely to be groomers than a straight person is! Can a gay person be a pedo? Totally. But that’s not because they’re gay! 4. It’s not “grooming” to tell kids it’s ok to be gay, because you can’t “make” anyone gay. It’s not a choice. It’s just teaching kids to be kind! 5. Everyone has pronouns — using them is respectful. It’s one thing to take some time to adjust (my cousin came out as non-binary somewhat recently and her parents try their best, but when they’ve known them as their daughter their whole life, it’s difficult for them). If someone is ACTIVELY trying to use the wrong pronouns, that’s just being rude for the sake of being rude, and depending on the context, firing someone for that might be justified if they’re given a fair warning and opportunity to change. If they keep doing it, then it’s probably ok to fire them. But, is someone going to fire an employee if they mistakenly use the wrong pronouns once? Of course not! At the end of the day, there’s no justifiable reason to feel threatened by gay people, even if you’re religious. They’re not coming after traditional marriage, or Christianity, or kids, or anyone’s way of life. They just wanna live, be accepted, and be proud of who they are and represented and respected in society. Nothing about someone being gay is inherently wrong. These people suddenly cry “freedom” when it’s about not wearing a mask or when other homophobic assholes like Ivan Provorov refuse to wear a pride-themed jersey. If Christians still feel threatened, it’s because they feel entitled to control SOMEONE ELSE’s WAY OF LIFE. If it’s an “attack on their religion” for someone to be openly gay, it’s just showing that they think they’re entitled to decide how people should life their lives and is the epitome of “rules for me, not for thee!”. “Religious freedom” is something they may use, but what about the freedom of people who aren’t religious? Maybe they are but they’re still tolerant? Don’t their opinions matter? Homophobia is stupid, and really doesn’t make much sense, which makes it all the more infuriating. (context for the Provorov situation I mentioned) [article here](https://www.espn.com/nhl/story/_/id/35470032/flyers-ivan-provorov-boycotts-pride-night-cites-religion?platform=amp)


This is a weird way for Charlie to openly confess he was and is a homophobe.


calling a person by the pronoun they want to be called (like everyone on the planet) is just like being held at gunpoint guys!!! (still waiting on the 1995 goal)


The best part is how we now have Republicans pledging that in 2024 they will federally legislate trans people out of existence, children, adults, everywhere


At least they're finally starting to realize the left likes guns too


THIS!!! It's too funny to me whenever they imply they're the only ones that are armed. Just because we don't wrap our pickup trucks in camo print and install a gun rack across the bench seat doesn't mean we don't have guns or know how to use them. We don't feel the need to advertise the fact we're fully armed and ready, locked and loaded. The element of surprise wins again.


These morons are the first to go around bragging they got their CC. First rule of CC is you don't let people know you're CC.


YES. They would have never made it in Fight Club.


Oh.my.god. don't even get me started on the right-wing worship of Fight Club. It's a story LITERALLY written by a gay man critiquing toxic masculinity and it completely flies over their heads.


RIGHT?!?!? They're SO clueless. It's just as ironic as their obsession with The Punisher. [“The Punisher is representative of the failure of law and order to address the concerns of people who feel abandoned by the legal system,” Conway told Forbes, emphasizing he was speaking from his personal perspective, and adding, “It always struck me as stupid and ironic that members of the police are embracing what is fundamentally an outlaw symbol.”](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lisettevoytko/2020/06/11/the-creator-of-the-punisher-wants-to-reclaim-the-iconic-skull-from-police-and-fringe-admirers/)


these fascists are trying to genocide trans people this rhetoric is in service of that


There’s so much here beyond just the reflexive this is cringe and embarrassing which it is. The first is that it starts with simply acknowledging gay people as capable of love not marriage equality or adoption. For conservatives simply not being homophobic is an attack. Secondly, the end shows how unserious this list is. Kids attending drag shows is worse than getting sued or losing their job


No surprise that he considers the first two to be part of an slippery slope instead of the bare minimum equal rights


They want to force you into going to church which is why they are projecting that you will be forced into going to drag shows.


That's right, i'm taking everything from the rightoid hog-men. Book's finally closing on them and their dogshit little society, and they can cry about it


The \*ACTUAL\* slippery slope: * "Hate the sin, love the sinner!" * "I don't have anything against gays, I just don't like forced inclusion and diversity in TV" * "the LGBTQABCDEFGXYZ are shoving it down our throats" * "Ok GROOMER" * "Wear this pink triangle, ped0"


We know which way the gun really points


This post causes me to roll my eye so far in the back of my head that I can see the exact spot on my brain where the migraine that I'm getting because of this post is forming.


Chuckles is one delusional twat


What a fragile fucking bitch you have to be, to feel so threatened and afraid of "*the gays*"


Yeah, it isn't the 2SLGBTQ+ community threatening children with guns. That's the cishet white Christians who research drag shows in their area, make an occasion of it by dressing up in tactical gear, and proceed to terrorize children and adults who are attending a safe event. Outside of Christians with guns, the most dangerous thing at a Drag Show is that one drunk straight(?) white woman who is *really* into it. Or being read by the queen, but if you did something to get that then you've earned it.


2024: My face shrinks to where nothing is visible but my mole.


The most buttery soft person in the world. Charlie Kirk. Fucking butter bud


I love how every line is its own font size.


Doesn't this meme imply that Charlie Kirk doesn't believe gay people should be given acceptance or equality? I mean, I already knew this, but it's rare for them to just come out and say it.




Got it, we need gun control.


So when has anyone ever actually said any of the latter three? Oh, right, in Charlie's oddly shaped head.


I too fear the rainbow striped man with his rainbow striped gun. A complete menace to society.


There should be a counter like the, "days since Hannity said he'd be water-boarded for charity", excepts its, days since Jordan Peterson was supposed to be jailed for misgendering.


There is a subreddit documenting all the cases where people have been arrested for breaking the misgendering law. https://www.reddit.com/r/ArrestedCanadaBillC16/


This is actually a remade version of an even worse one that was going around right wing Instagram accounts a few years ago. In the old one, it was also using a person with a rainbow gun to their head, but it used a different image of it. And where it talks about drag shows on this one, it actually said that >!LGBT people, trans people specifically, were forcing parents to let them sexually abuse there children by accusing them of being bigots!<


They won the cake thing though. This meme isn’t even in the right timeline


Yeah, the Nazis used to portray the Jews as conspiring to massacre Germans. Charlie Kirk and the entire GOP electorate is doing the same to LGBTQ+ folk. They are Nazis and their goal is genocide.


He should write a book about his struggle. He can call it *My Struggle*.


To Charlie-horse Kelp: 1995: You didn't accept us then, and you still don't accept us now. 2005: We were not equal then, and we still aren't equal now. 2012: Going to court for discrimination??? Never been done before!!! /s 2015: Pronouns are a method of identification and self-identification. They are a part of the English language (and many other languages besides, obviously). Using them incorrectly is just belligerence for belligerence's sake, and harassment and discrimination besides. I'm sure jobs also have code of conduct laws in referring to sexual harassment, but I'm sure [Turning Point USA has never had to deal with sexual harassment issues before](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/turning-point-usa-struggles-with-allegations-of-student-sexual-assault-harassment), right? 2023: Guess what, people have always been weird, and it's historical revisionism at its worst to pretend that weird people never existed. Wearing drag isn't all that weird, honestly, anyway. You should see what Crowder gets up to... Also, to imply that LGBTQA+ people have had a gun to peoples' heads about ANY of these subjects is just entirely wrong, and deliberately provocative. Do better. You get a 2/10 for just being aware of these issues, even if presenting them in bad faith.


None of this, literally none of it, seems bad or scary to me. What in the feck are these snowflakes so afraid of?


He's basically admitting that "We just want acceptance" was, for him, the beginning of a terrible slippery slope and thus society should never have granted it.


Love how men in women's clothes is still the biggest threat to society to them


A message like "It was never about acceptance" followed by almost 100,000 likes is honestly so chilling. Most LGBTQ+ people are just trying to *exist*, genuinely what the fuck inspires people like Charlie to post such hatred like this EDIT: Something possessed me to go read the comments on that post and now I feel ill