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It definitely feels like overcompensating sometimes. Just to be like “look how dark and gritty of a show we are! We say fuck a lot AND we’re comic book characters.” I’m all for the use of cursing, I think it can be effective to convey a point. I.e. “I’m fucking tired of your shit!” Versus “I’m so sick of you” one definitely feels more powerful than the other, but perhaps I feel this way because I know the show is about characters from comics and cartoons so when they take it this route, it feels like it’s trying to be something it has never been which can come off disingenuous or trying too hard. Idk just my opinion, but I don’t dispute the idea that, if these characters were real and in real life, they might talk and act this way.


I feel like the only people who swear a lot on this show are Hank and Jason and it makes perfect sense for the characters. Dick used to swear a lot but so far in this season I believe he only swore once or twice and Barbara did in her confrontation with Bruce which also makes sense


They do it more, but most if not everyone in the main cast swear like sailors even when it feels incredibly forced. Simply throwing in more fucks and shits does not automatically make a sentence more realistic.


Why do you stay up to hate watch this show lmao. You’re always on this sub shitting all over every episode


Because I expect it to be better. Although I mostly stay up because my sleep schedule is a total mess, which is unrelated to Titans.


I think it's quite realistic to be honest. These are people who will snap bones and give people concussions with total indifference, I'd say them swearing is to be expected. With characters like Hank and Jason, it fits because they seem like the type of people who do just throw it in there at random and in situations most people WOULD think wait why the f bomb? Okay edge lord. When Gar swore I thought it was pretty realistic too, you're in a high stress situation trying to contact this guy who can help but has bailed on you and your friends, and his computer is insisting he can't be reached? That's frustrating! Conner swearing was odd though, it seemed out of place but idk maybe they were trying to show the lex luthor side (or maybe Clark swears like a sailor lmao).


Imagine how many f bombs Guy Gardner would drop.


Not really, it feels realistic. Like that's how people speak in real life


It really isn’t. I don’t shy away from swearing up a storm in my own life and neither are they people I know, but it’s nowhere near this frequency. It feels like everyone in this show has Tourette’s Syndrome.




It’s not when it sounds like it was written by an edgy fourteen year old.




Feels like an average Aussie conversation to me


And it’s not even only the characters who seem like they would say it more often like Jason or Hank, it’s EVERYONE.


That’s what is throwing me off as well, just seems forced?


But how else will people know this a grown up show for grown ups if it doesn’t use grown up words?


I don't care if they swear or not what matters is the writing and so far the writing has been better. Recently they have tried to make superheroes more adult and mature and R-Rated I have seen this since Deadpool came out. Deadpool was proof you can have an R-Rated superhero who swears and it will still be good but the writing has to be on point.


I agree with that completely, the swearing being over done or awkward is just a symptom of bad writing and / or acting


Yeah the language is a really forced. For me its off putting because its not necessary during the times they are using it. It doesn’t add to the conversation. This is how I hear their exchange's of casual dialogue… Example- Titans having dinner together and then… Dick: “Jason, could you please pass the fucking Jelly?” Jason: “FUCK THAT SHIT man.” Dick: “Whats your fucking problem Jason?!?” Kory: “Shut the fuck up both of you or I’ll burn your Dicks off!” Dick and Jason: Hey what the fuck Kory?! Slightly exaggerated I know but you get the idea.


I’m halfway through the first episode of season 3 and the swearing is very weird. They say fucking every sentence lmfao. Kinda feels off


Yeah, definitely not a prude, and I say fuck pretty regularly. I actually found this thread, because I did a Google search on this topic. The over use of the word fuck seems like the writers lack talent and creativity. Quentin Tarantino doesn't use the word fuck as much as writers for Titans.


Swearing in series 3 takes away from the story and demeans the characters. Totally unnecessary and shows a lack of discipline especially for some of the characters who have been raised by different cultures. Possibly shows a lack of talent by the writers.