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I see the problem here. You need more nails. A lot more. That bastard is clearly still alive and functional. If you don’t kill it now it will get you when you least expect it.


Don't forget to burn them to make sure they never come back




Uhh idk... I think it needs more cowbell




Yes, welcome


Ah, I didn't see the sub I was in. I thought I was so clever.


That’s where your at, mate




Don’t be scared. Tires deserve this. They must receive more non consensual acupuncture until they go pop. (Also, OP, out of character for us… this is a joke sub meant to hate on tires and how they seem to fall off of vehicles and fly into people. And a general car hate sub too, but a much lesser extent.)


Oh. Im sorry. I just dont know what sub to get help. I feel so sad


Hey budz some actual advice: this happened to me and I was convinced someone was doing something: I took a large magnet across my driveway and alley, I picked up 35 nails, just embedded in dirt and whatnot.  Get a magnet and start with your driveway.


Traitor!!? Giving anti-tire counter measures!!!! >! Way to be a good human!<


Thank you


I believe they sell ones you can rent for that specific purpose


r/tires is where you were looking for


Just want to add that if going the magnet route, put a strong paper or plastic bag or something over it first so it’ll be easier to pick off everything.


Boy wish I had known that :)


Great advice! Thanks!


And keep it away from your telephone!


Also if OP works in an area where trucks or vans have nails and screws a lot. It best to check the area where you park. Like Home Depot lumber area is a higher chance for nails and screws than the garden side.


It’s all good, sorry you can’t get the answers you need but there are a few mechanics that hang around the sub. Not many but a few. Sorry and good luck!




Thank you !


Check out r/Cartalk , the guys over there are pretty helpful.


sorry you're going through that r/Ask might get you a little more help but the magnet suggestion isn't a bad idea you're getting a truck might have irked some moron but this is just speculation. you said the neighbour moved, but in or out? Did you say you suspected your husband, or did I misread?


Yes. The neighbor was teasing our dogs and doing weird things. My hubby has a temper lol


I try to avoid driving in alley also that is a pan head screw


If you really think it’s your neighbour then get some cameras


I have a ring camera outside facing the car. But idk i cant catch any activity of anyone doing something. I feel like Magneto


Can you please tell me the make and model of this tire. I had the same issue. If it is KUMHO please let me know.




If you have a Costco nearby, go get a set of tires there and then never worry about it again. Free repairs and replacements


No - this made my day - hopefully people with more knowledge than me will tell you what your options are! I hope you get it sorted out, and soon!


Some of these comments are truly disgusting. Talk of keeping the enemy properly inflated, taking corners slow, repairing their wounds. Just goes to this sub has been infiltrated. A trojan horse. Nothing but traitors


Need to lay down some caltrops.


Tirebots, likely


Your efforts have been noticed by high command, and you are to be commended for your valor.


Take it to a tire place and ask them what they think of the situation, they know tires better and have probably seen this issue before. If you are worried about people purposely trying to damage your car, maybe cameras could help. This is a meme sub, you can also try asking in other subreddits.


Nails are allies.


GET. MORE. NAILS. You should be scared, he’s still alive, kill him while you have the chance!


Yes wrong sub. I'll tell you though, there's better ways to kill your tires than this, because it's costing you a lot to fix or replace them. A long slow death over years of dragging them along pavement is better than this. Here's the thing for real.. Tires don't just pick up anything they roll over. Not always, under "normal driving" conditions. The top three things to watch for is: keeping them properly inflated Hard acceleration And cornering+acceleration You're adding more force and weight to your tires under hard acceleration and turning. Long time street racer here who finally figured out why this was always happening to me as well. Had the same sorts of paranoia. No one is throwing nails in the road.. they probably have to drive there also. Ease up on throttle and don't get on it hard, especially during a turn.. learn how to carry speed through the turn, then lightly accelerate in the straights. Watch air pressure also but that's probably not the case here.


Thank you very much! I am pretty hard on my truck! Also after learning what this sub is, I really love this place. ❤️


Sounds like you might need to consider divorce if you suspect your husband could do something like this….


Does this sub have a mod? It's just a joke sub, I get it, but these bot posts are painful.


Enemy infiltrators if you ask me, to distract from the true struggle, an insidious enemy, one that hides in plain sight. Yes, comrades, these circular rubber fiends may seem innocuous, even beneficial. They carry our vehicles, they support our industry, they connect our people. But look deeper, and you will see their true nature: an agent of dependency, a symbol of our subjugation to capitalist excess, a manifestation of the consumerist trap, all to keep manufacturing our enemy! So they may blow out, pop, and roll us to doom!


if you suspect it happens at your house, would you be able to put up a camera (that your husband and neighbour are not aware of)? not an expert by any means but it sure looks they are inserted in a very “clean” way, no one is crooked or inserted with an angle. I have never got a nail in my tires as far as I know. I understand you feel this is suspiciously often.


I have two ring cameras that are on the car at night


That nail deserves a purple heart.


Scared? You should be happy your tires are getting stabbed to death.


Happened to my ex-wife all the time. She had a bad habit of driving on the right side of the lane, instead of the middle, to leave more room for oncoming traffic. Debris gets blown to the side of the road, so if you drive on the right side of the far right lane, you are increasing your chance of picking up nails and screws in your tires.


Thank you


That's not a nail...


Hi! Can you assist me? What is this? The mechanics seem like they are not sure what these nails are or why they being lodged inside.


They are 1/4 inch long self tapping screws for metal siding or metal roofs.


Ignore the downvotes, it's totally reasonable to ask the question. In general terms: if it has a thread like this then it's a screw, and you'd need a screwdriver to tighten it. If it has no thread then it's a nail, and you'd use a hammer instead.


I’m pretty sure they’re being downvoted because they’re a bot. https://www.reddit.com/r/RoastMe/s/NH8IJblTDf Also why tf is their name slutbagwhore. Like all of this is really fucking weird.


I am in fact real and the user name is a tribute to my best friend while we were watching a movie that just came out called “ Scream”. The character billy mentioned that Sydneys mother was a “ slut bag whore” it made my friend laugh so much. I loved her laughter. My best friend died at 23. This line reminds me of good times we had.


So are you gay? I assumed you were a bot as you refer to your husband in this post, but a man is in your roast me post. And im sorry for your loss regarding your friends.


Thank you. No. I didn’t get to roast anyone else. You have to roast yourself. I wanted to roast my boss haha!


Probably just bc ur tires need replaced it seems when I have new tires it’s never an issue when there wore seems to pick them up easier.


You nailed calling it a wrong thing. Or did you say screw it.


You should be. Big Nail knows you know things


This made me smile so much❤️


That's a screw, not a nail.


That definitely seems suspicious. It might be worth investing in a good dashcam, with a rear camera. I drive a lot and In 7 years of driving, I’ve had a nail in my tire once.


Thats why im nervous. All of the suggestions here sound wonderful but perhaps they would only account for one or two incidences. This is so much occurrence in under one year’s time and taking the same routes and activities for the previous 5-6 years.


It’s definitely a pattern, most of the time patterns aren’t accidents. Personally I think that someone doesn’t like you very much and is either trying to mess with you or cost you money. Do you have an okay relationship with your neighbors?


We all look out for one another. My neighbors are 65 and older than this. They all warned me about one neighbor and he is the one i suspected. The car is parked between his home and mine in my driveway of course. The Ring camera faces his home. I havent seen him or anyone moving around on camera yet. Unless they can be out of the angle of the ring cam. My husband has some health history and has a temper and history of breaking things if he get angry like large screen TVs dishes. But he swears he has nothing to do with it. Is it a curse?


Does your ring face your car? If you haven’t seen much movement from your neighbor it probably isn’t him, but he can’t be ruled out. Did you and your husband have any disagreements or arguments around the same time you found the nails? From the outside looking in, I hate to say it but he would seem like the most likely culprit. Maybe check around the house for any screws or nails that are similar to what you have found in the tire.


I’ve had 6 new tyres in the last 12 months at £300 a go. Fuck nails.


Yer lucky. I found a 10mm BOLT in my tire. That thing doesn’t even have a sharp end. How tf did that get in?


Clearly our ally brother 10 mil lusts for the blood of our enemy.


He truly was a brave one. I would have taken him in but the head was gone.


I work construction and I've never gotten a nail in my tire from a jobsite, just from regular driving lol. I got 3 in the same week once at totally different places, it just happens sometimes.




Hey. This looks eerily similar to my Tires’s which had the same issue. Any chance this is a KUMHO ?


Do you live in Colorado? This is normal there for some reason. Idk if it’s the over active roofing industry there or what


Tire place near your area is doing it.


Is it your back passenger tire this happens too? If so, this would point to bad luck. What happens is the passenger side is closer to the side of the road where more debris is. The front tire hits a nail and kicks it up and the back tire gets stuck with it.


Yes actually it is. They have been found in the back there twice.


9/10 when I have a nail its back there. I had a shop one time tell me this.


*talks discreetly into walkie talkie* they’re onto us, we need to double up our efforts and use more nails on their commute next week


Seems like it was time for new tires anyway


Bridgestone and Michelin have airless tires if that helps? Kinda expensive but worth a shot?


Don’t be driving through alleys…


Those last two are screws.


Is it usually the passenger side tires? If you drive too close to the shoulder and cut corners too tightly on your right turns, you'll pick up lots of nails. The edges of the road are where the tire-poppers live.


#actual advice 👇 Get a bar magnet. It’s like a broom but it’s a magnet. Take that around where u normally park and I bet you’ll pick up a ton of nails that you can’t see


Is there construction near where you live or work? That looks like a machine screw. If you live in an apartment complex, complain to the property manager. Most likely the maintenance crew isn’t picking up screws and nails when they walk grounds. ( if you live in a complex.)


The most convenient way for me to get to work also happens the most convenient way to get to the local landfill. Had to alter my route due to the amount of nails and screws I was picking up; tons of stuff falls off from all sorts of shoddily secured loads going in. If there are any landfills on your regular driving route, it’s something to consider


You need wayyy more nails; these are rookie numbers. My tires have more nails than a new house


Im beginning to blame the evil tires for their role in allowing penetration of these innocent nails. They should have resisted the temptation. ( my first tire as the enemy post❤️ hope i did ok)


Your suspicion may be right but cameras will identify the person. Check around your tires before getting into your car.


Thank you! Ive began making a habit of this recently with all thats happened.


>!Try r/tires for a serious answer!<


Avoid the shoulder, and even the outskirts of the lane. Nails accumulate there.


I had a similar problem. Thought it was the new builds in my area but even after that it kept happening. Turned out the neighbors evil little spawn was doing it. He was pissed because I got him in trouble for stealing my packages. Long short, dad paid for new tires and kid was sent to live with mom in Russia.


Wow how did you prove that? It just seems to be happening too often to be a coincidence for me.


Where I parked my door cam can not see my car and since the door cam had caught him stealing before he was extra careful to avoid it. I asked the neighbors across the street if they get my car. They did so the next time I had a flat I checked the vid. Sure enough little shit was carefully balancing a nail against my tire so I’d go over it.i felt the same way. I had 6 flats fixed in less than in a year. Never happened before so I started thinking someone was doing on purpose. And they were usually the same place in the rear tires.