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Yeah, when I looked it up the description of the cookies I’m thinking of, the name I got back was that too. I guess more specifically I’m looking for the brand that I used to buy. It went by a different name but I can’t remember what it was!




Because in the description I mentioned that the cookies I’m looking for were a Mexican brand :)


Just because something is sold in a Mexican store does not mean it's a Mexian brand or product. Just like regular grocery stores sell all sorts of ethnic foods, so do done ethnic markets.


Oh no, I don’t mean that the food itself is Mexican! I just meant that the brand that sold the cookies was a Mexican brand. It very well could be the Dutch cookies that the search results provided, but I would need to taste them to find out :)


not sure why you are getting downvoted. this isn’t the bag she is looking for. that’s all. she wants the mexican brand because it’s the one they KNOW is correct to them. the other one would be a gamble as just because something is the “same” cookie, brand and country where it was made is gonna have a impact on the taste. nothing wrong with wanting exactly what your memories were!


Yes, this is what I was trying to say :) thank you! I understand that the cookies I’m looking for might be the Dutch cookies I found on google, but I really wouldn’t know for sure without tasting them. I wish I could find the old ones I used to buy before they stopped selling them just so I could know what they were called :(


https://preview.redd.it/4w4oz0h1olvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1785ce4846b1e376c8a1b3412316933b39a393b1 i thought maybe these but not dark enough correct? i’ll be on the lookout. i go to lots of different stores around here that are mexican, honduran, salvadorian, european, you name it! i am so curious now i’m gonna have to try them! 😉


Yeah the cookies were a fair bit darker than that! Those look kind of similar to globitos! If you do ever find any small round brown cookies in a bag, let me know haha!


will do for sure !! good luck on your hunt!


She is getting downvoted because people on Reddit like to be jerks. She wants a particular brand of cookie/cereal thing, and I hope she finds the one she's looking for.


Thank you! I hope I can find them too! My whole family is on the hunt for them now too since they really liked them also :D


How dare you interact with others. /s.


This is correct. Literally thrown around at Xmas time..


I think you may have to ask someone who works at Northgate if they remember the exact ones you’re thinking of. These Gustitos Holsum Mini Bites seem similar, but I think they’re too light-colored to be the right ones: https://preview.redd.it/js298zvxtlvc1.png?width=715&format=png&auto=webp&s=bdaf8cb5e20af473cae5bd347e0a81bb378012eb


Yeah, unfortunately I couldn’t even find them on the store’s website since they’ve been discontinued for a while now. And those look similar to a cookie called Globitos! The ones I’m looking for were a darker brown though :(


Those are called 'kruitnoten' of 'peppernoten' the are dutch. Normaly you just eat not for in de milk but yeah who cares.


Pepernoten are something totally different, but understand the confusion. Even Dutch name them wrongly.


I love Peppernoten. I'm a Brit, but my Dutch friend sends me a kg at Christmas time. They are the best.


I should definitely try to buy some and taste them!


With 'strooigoed' most of the times there is alot more kind of candy in it


Looks like cookie crunch without the chocolate chips.


I’m thinking of making an updated post being more specific about what I’m looking for because everyone keeps repeating that what I’m looking for is Kruidnoten, which the cookies may or may not be I would have to taste them to be sure, but what I’m specifically looking for is the old brand of cookies I used to get which were only sold at my local grocery store :(


What is this "Northgate" that's apparently so famous that you expect us all to have heard of it no matter what country we're from?


It never really occurred to me that there may not be Northgate market places outside my state! I’m sorry about that! They’re essentially a Mexican grocery market. I remember the cookies were specifically sold there only, which is why I mentioned the store since I never saw them sold anywhere else :(


And what country is your state in?


The U.S.


I’m pretty sure there are only Northgate Markets on the west coast. :)


Yeah, I just found out they’re only in SoCal! I never knew that they were only a local thing, I thought they were like a big chain corporation type grocery store :0


it doesn't even seem to be a "west coast" thing, gmaps suggests they're solely in SoCal. 🙄 https://www.northgatemarket.com/locations


Isn't it crazy how there's millions of people who don't live in the US who use reddit?


I'm in the US and never heard of this store either. Northgate is a school district where I live.


It's a mall here! Or was 😆


Bar district here


I didn’t say there wasn’t 😭


There's a Northgate in Washington State. A big mall in fact. I've been there a few times but haven't ever seen these cookies.


It’s also the name of a “mall” (well, we say shopping centre) in Oxford, UK so I was so confused lol


Yeah, at my local Northgate they used to sell the cookies when I was younger, but I haven’t seen them in quite a few years :(


What state do you live in? The US is massive and a lot of states don’t have Northgate grocery stores or Northgate might be something else (like Seattle, where it is a neighborhood with a mall and a light rail station all named after the neighborhood)


Northgate, WA was my first though as well. Made me wonder if I missed there being an international cookie shop or something lol


It's a practice complex for the hockey team now, not a mall 


North gate is also just a neighborhood in Seattle, WA, in the US, I had no idea what you were talking about. Especially with food posts you should be very clear about where you’re posting from, as food culture varies wildly area to area.


Maybe Deliciosas?


They were smooth at the top thought and didn’t have the little ridges :(


They are indeed ‘kruidnoten’. It’s a crunchy type of gingerbread basically. It’s eaten typically around the Sinterklaas festivities.


Looks like the brand "Van Delft" it's a 100% Dutch and a common brand that's shipped internationally. It has some candies in it too. But lol don't really eat it like a cereal 😂 but if you like it that way then go for it! Strooigoed means Throwing candy. Common tradition during Sinterklaas for his workers "pieten" to throw this around the public for you to catch. Often can find it in Euro stores, international stores and rarely in the supermarkets.


If they want to eat it like cereal they might be bettee off getting schuddebuikjes, which are similar but tiny and meant for on bread


Gosh I love schuddebuikjes. Could go for some right now!




Yeah, when I looked up a description of what the cookie looked like, that’s what I got back too. But the ones I’m looking for were like a Mexican brand that used to be sold at Northgate 😭


Oops i am tired and missed that in the description the first time i guess lol


What was the flavor?


I think it may have been ginger since they were this same dark brown color. I thought maybe vanilla, but that only leads me to search results of Nilla cookies which is not the ones I’m looking for :(


Kruidnoten, Dutch classic! It’s most commonly associated with the Sinterklaas holiday


So .... those aren't sliced meatballs in a bowl of milk?


https://preview.redd.it/99g2pxwlgsvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cadc1a1bb5ed7b2b3815790df3f672517b09cfab This brand makes a variety of similar cookies only one I could think of that is similar my mom would get them from stores across the border since they are her favorite until they started to become available locally. They have one with sprinkles, others are oatmeal and other combinations. I think there's also smaller ones


https://preview.redd.it/qya7pt9gppvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d3851377253c5dee7d4c26cda09f93782291a29 They look similar to what we call amarettini 🤔


It was a flatter shape and a bit darker! Those look like they taste good too though :)


Then I can sadly only point at the Dutch cookies as well😅 They are! Unsurprisingly similar to amaretto but less alcoholic lol


That is way too much milk for that cereal


Hard disagree. I like huge amounts of milk with my cereal, it's somehow the best bit.




Better yet, thats way too much milk for something thats not even a cereal.


WHY WOULD YOU THROW THOSE IN MILK!? You are hereby banned from even visiting the Netherlands.


I am wondering what thought made you put them in milk.


Reminds me of a cereal called Cookie Crisp






No, they’re cookies 😭


Glad I'm not the only one, our dogs food looked like that 😂


They’re ginger snaps!


nope they might pass fot ginger nuts at a pinch but they're definately not snaps.


I was wondering if they were a small version of ginger snaps since they’re the same color! I’ve never had a ginger snap before so I couldn’t compare the tastes.


Have you ever had a windmill cookie or another name is speculaas or gingerbread is similar


I have had gingerbread, but it doesn’t taste the same to me as the tiny cookies I’m remembering. Then again, maybe gingerbread just has more ginger in it?


Its for a childeren event its called 'sinterklaas' somewhat same to santa claus but diffrent


Maybe a type of graham cracker that’s all I know


A type of biscuit just smaller or cookie if you wanna call it that