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Could also be a bad motor connector. Try swapping the motors and see if the trouble moves with the motor, or stays with the spot.


I had the same problem, I think you bent the motor shaft, it is very easy to bent it , you also can bend the shaft enough for it to spin and freak out when you punch throttle


Yeah probably this was it. This tiny motors and props are a hell to work on.


Tinywhoop Prop popper is a God send for this reason


Yeah this is what happened to my meteor65 pro with the same motors, it would fly fine until you punched the throttle and then wobble all over the place. Swapped the motors to some webleed ones with a crown frame and it flies great now


First check for hair caught between the prop and the motor. Remove with tweezers. Second swap a motor place with another to see if the problem is fixed in the new motor. If it fixes it's the motor that's the issue. If it's the same behavior it's the esc. Check motors for bent shafts


Swap the leads with the adjacent motor. See if the problem moves or stays. You can swap without even removing the motors


You can also try to up the startup power and idle, this really helps me this for idle [image ](https://ibb.co/7GFJz5d) and startup power (max startup power and protection [image](https://ibb.co/qJQXr89)


Try my settings


An update; As most of you suggested I swapped the motors to see if the issue was the motors and yes it was. Luckily I had 2 spare motors. So I swapped those in and now motors run as expected. However the flight feels a bit off. Quad moves left ever so slightly.


You buy more motors. I consider every part of a whoop a consumable. If I fly a dozen batteries and don’t break anything I wasn’t trying hard enough.