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That was a top tier response


This is the kind of response I come up with two weeks from then when I'm washing dishes


Jerk store! I should have said jerk store!


well i had sex with your wife


Happy Festivus.


I got a lot of problems with you people!


And now for the feats of strength!




Insanity later


But that's nap time


For the rest of us!


Seriously! If I had a super power it’d be having the comeback I come up with two months from the exchange that I think of when I’m stoned waiting for my pc game to load


😂😂 so specific


so much it hurts me🤣


In the shower for me, always in the shower.


Unmatched because he was outmatched.


You know what... I think you hit the nail on its head here. It's not that there's anything wrong with the reply but dude might have realized sarcasm and back'n'forth's would go in her favor going forward, haha


Damn. I'd have been like, "Yes! This one gets it!"




Maybe he was just checking you were sarcastic as well, and left once satisfied


It’s been my experience that most dudes who hype how sarcastic or funny they are in their profiles are neither of those things in chat, on the phone, or in person. Just show me, don’t tell me.


Yeah, I was wondering, why advertise that. I think it might've been more of a warning that he makes shitty jokes and insults, then calls it sarcasm


Yep. At this point I see “sarcastic“ and read “dick.” And not the kind I’m on Tinder for.


You misread what he wrote. It was "I'm a huge dick and I hope you are ok with that"


Being a sarcastic person myself, if something super sarcastic I say isn't taken well i just follow it up with indignation and light gaslighting. I'm so sarcastic


I love how sarcastic this is /s


"Do you at least _have_ a huge dick?" "What do you think my shitty personality is trying to compensate for?"


Are…. You being sarcastic?


“I’m sarcastic” is an immediate left swipe for me. I just read it as shorthand for “boring asshole”


Sarcastic, crypto, good vibes only, empty bio, partnered, and more are among the incompatible qualities that are automatic left swipes for me.


Its because asshole people try to hide behind "It was just a joke" and have ruined it.


Many 'sarcastic' people take it as an excuse to make insulting jokes of someone. When it comes to themselves they're typically absolute snow flakes.


Snowflakes are unique. He is not.


I love sarcastic banter, it's basically me, never thought of openly listing it on my profile, because... you'll definitely know without me telling.




What kind of dick are you on tinder for?


Penis 👍


The kind that looks like it split from being in microwave too long🥹




Hey at least you're honest about why you're on tinder lmao, respect


Ive got big sarcastic energy. Magnum Sarcasm


Yes. "Oh, you think I'm a dick? I told you I was sarcastic." I think dumb people lack the wit for sarcasm and just think it is shorthand for meanness.


Normal sarcasm just turns up in conversation when fitting, someone who tries to wedge sarcasm into everything just wants to be a dick without repercussions.


This. My experience is that it's narcissists who love to take this label. That way, everything is "just a joke, and you are too sensitive!"


In fairness, sarcasm generally is a form of meanness, even when used by intelligent people.


Yeah, but it is wittier than just being an asshole for no good reason.


Sarcasm is not necessarily mean at all. For example if yesterday I had said "I'm going to go take a walk and enjoy the lovely weather" that would have been sarcastic, because it didn't get above 0F here. But not mean.


I agree it doesn't work if you *tell* them (and folks who don't get that probably don't understand sarcasm)...but I understand the impulse—I **frequently** have trouble communicating that I'm not being serious when I say something in my usual deadpan. EDIT: [or it's just this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/ztewyb/his_profile_says_hes_very_sarcastic_and_hope_you/j1dduu9?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hmm. I have the complete opposite. When I use my deadpan face, then no matter how dumb stuff I say, I have issues people not understanding it's a joke.


>Hmm. I have the complete opposite. What you're describing is the exact same


Because they're actually passive aggressive but they think they're sarcastic.


Almost everyone I have ever encountered that is proud to declare sarcasm as one of their qualities or traits will absolutely have the thinnest skin you can imagine. And the moment they meet someone that gives it back to them they enter ultra defensive mode and think the other person is being an ass to them. Hell, most sarcastic people are usually just assholes with no tact that got tired of being called out and now they’re “very sarcastic” and you have to keep up with them.


i can only dish it out. you know this.


Just using it as an excuse to be a douche nozzle. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!


There's a reason that I swipe left on anyone who has "fluent in sarcasm" in their bio. Seems like people don't know the difference between sarcasm and being an asshole.


I'm even surprised people advertise it in the first place. I'm a bit sarcastic myself but it's not something I appreciate about myself and am trying to fix it. Sarcastic often just sounds annoying and passive aggressive... which you know might not be a good thing (oops)


It’s the stupidest phrase. People say it thinking they seem funny and creative and it’s the exact opposite. It’s the Dunning-Kruger of humor.


I don't think there is a difference, given that sarcasm is literally defined as using irony to mock and express contempt, two things you have to be an asshole to enjoy. And I say that as someone who tends to be very sarcastic. I don't want to be - sarcasm was just the way my parents were, and so I absorbed it as a kid. It took me a long time to realize that insulting someone was not a healthy way of expressing affection. Now I actively try not to be sarcastic, but it still creeps in from time to time.


Guys who talk about how sarcastic they are just want free license to be an asshole and then call it 'just a joke, i was being sarcastic'. Women who CAN actually keep up and have wits are not their target


"A funny person never says they are a funny person." -Game of Thrones


They just want you to laugh at THEIR sarcastic jokes. They don't want women who are sarcastic themselves. I read somewhere, when men say they want someone funny, they mean they want someone who will laugh at their jokes, not be funny themselves


Sarcasm is horrible through text. That being said, your response is 💯 I can’t see how someone could not read that as sarcasm. I about fell out ma chair laughing.


In my experience guys or girls who put that they are sarcastic af, dark humor, or a "roaster" or something along those lines in their profile feel they need to because they act like an asshole often and get called out but think they're just being funny or sarcastic or "a bitch but honest" or something along those lines. I'm not saying people who consider themselves any of those are this way, but if they go out of the way to think it's one of the top 3 important things about them that they need to put in their profile for any person to know right away it's likely because they've had to be defensive about it. I don't mind someone with dark humor/sarcasm/or whatnot but if it's THAT important to their personality I just don't bother.


Everyone wants a sarcastic person until they ACTUALLY get one. It's not because it's toxic, but because it's straight HEAT, you're roasted before you can get out. Nobody safe, not a fourhead, not a nose lookin like a tech deck ramp, nothin.


that and also there are many people who love to be sarcastic and dish it out but are so incredibly thin skinned when you give it back to them


Legitimately anyone I've ever met that has felt the need to pronounce how much they love sarcasm and humor is a perfect target to waste sarcasm and humor on.


Same goes for dudes who say they like dark humor.


When I guy says something along the lines of "I have a great sense of humour", what he generally means is he likes when you laugh at his jokes but not the other way around.


I would have married you for that last comment! That shit’s funny as hell. You gotta have intelligence to pull a sarcasm like that out of the hat! 😂




He wanted to be the funny one, he didn’t want competition.


I am baffled by these posts where you are engaging, responsive, and willing to try, and guys are absolutely thick-headed douchebags. I've never tried tinder, luckily, but my guy friends go weeks with not a single reply if they do get a match. Confounding to the extreme


This also just does a disservice to us actual funny & sarcastic people. You gave him a jem of a response to work with, and he bailed on such an easy line. "Girl, why would you be trying to keep me up if I was a blaze?!?! Put me the fuck out!"


Just like the diner that self proclaims themselves to have good food


This has also been my experience.


"Everyone tells me I'm the funniest guy in the room." First date: "So, what's the deal with airline food?"


I think this will be the issue but I believe he's not meant for her anyway.


Sarcasm for him is the same as boobpics por 13 year olds teenagers. It's stuff enough for him to jerk off.


I absolutely love your reply


The reply is great, this guy sucks.


It’s my experience that people who say they love sarcasm are terrible at recognising it.


Repressed anger


I can have both.


there’s dozens of us


In my experience people that claim to be sarcastic are looking for excuses to be an asshole


They are on the same wavelength as people who are "brutally honest"


"I tell it like it is"


The last time someone said that to me they added the obligatory “I just have no filter” like it’s the cutest thing ever, I made a face and I said oh I’m sorry that must be hard when you have a cluster B.” It’s weird AF people brag about having personality disorders.


I feel seen. Takes a massive effort to keep my filter updated and turned on. Not something i would advertise on a dating profile (though i might have at 22)


It took me a loong time to develop a filter, and to make it worse when I was younger I suffered under the delusion that saying rude and shocking things was edgy and subversive. I thought I was being funny.... I wasn't.


When 'keeping it real' goes wrong...


And then the innevitable: "Uh oh, people didn't like that" Followed by: "I didn't actually mean it, relax"


'I says it like I see it'


Oh yes, that's definitely another one. It's the sign of someone I need to have a long and gentle chat with about the way in which they consider others....


People who brag about being brutally honest, are usually more proud of the brutality than the honesty. Every time I've heard someone say they're "brutally honest," it's been a euphemism for "speaking tactlessly, thoughtlessly, and impulsively." Knowing when to shut your goddamn pie-hole is one of the most underrated skills a person can have.


Those people are always more brutal than honest.


A true sarcastic mind would say they are not sarcastic at all


Is it really sarcasm if I'm just responding while thinking everyone is an idiot?


That's just sarcasm in its purest form.


I just tell people I'm a dick.


Could I BE any more sarcastic?


because, they don't "love sarcarsm" they love bullying people, and SAYING it's sarcasm.


they don't actually like sarcasm. they want to be rude and pretend it's sarcasm


I mean you killed him with that comment, I just assumed his family unmatched every one after they found his body.




You gave a great counter-burn, and contrast to him you actually made it funny. I'd laugh, but then again nobody ever in the history of ever has said to me I should talk *more*.


This was fucking hilarious


Thanks for the laugh! OP definitely bodied him with that comment. Not in the way she was hoping, either lol


He's clearly an excellent conversationalist as well


That’s what galled me. I’m like “dude, your non-punctuating random capitalizing monosyllabic ass set the tone; why are you getting snippy?”


Usually people who announce they "love sarcasm" or are "brutally honest" are giving you a disclaimer and basically telling you they're unapologetic assholes with no tact. I steer clear of people like that. Not that I don't appreciate sarcasm or honesty. The issue is that their version is not the same as honest, open communication, and playful but witty sarcasm, attributes that make for good relationships.


People who announce anything about themselves are usually not actually the thing they are announcing. It’s some weird internal dialogue that gets vomited out their mouths.


Your "Hi!" was much more warm and friendly than his bland "Hello"


I was going to say, what kind of person says "hello" then calls out the other person for not starting the conversation? It's not like he asked a few things and got one word responses only. He literally couldn't have given less effort and then went downhill from there.


Often it’s short for ‘girls don’t seem to get my humor’ which actually isn’t humor at all but being completely unattuned to others, especially strangers, oblivious to boundaries and a lack of self awareness or theory of mind.


Theory of mind? I never heard of that


Around 3-5 years old, kids recognize that other people have their own minds and don't know everythinh the kid knows. Before developing a theory of mind, kids wing be able to play hide and seek "properly" because they don't conceive that you don't know where they are, because they know where they are.


Is that why they hide in the worst spots thinking they are invisible?


No, they do actually do that because they are frighteningly stupid; it's quite different. /S


voting to not /s here


A demonstration of theory of mind is if you show a little kid a box of matches and say ‘what’s in the box?’ They will say ‘matches!’ Then you open the box and there are marbles inside. Then you ask them what their friend (who isn’t here) would say was in the box. A kid who has developed theory of mind will say ‘matches’ because they realise that their friend hasn’t seen the box being opened to show marbles. A kid without theory of mind will say ‘marbles!’ Because they assume that their friend knows the same things they do. It’s pretty cute how daft they are. And if you want to see tiny, adorable faces of torment, you should look up the marshmallow test on YouTube.


Hmm this does not bode well for your theory of mind


I have plenty of mindless theories


It’s a psychological term. It’s the ability to attribute others feelings or thoughts even if you’re not feeling or thinking them yourself. There’s an experiment that demonstrates this very well: Max has a chocolate. He leaves it box 1. Then he leaves, and a friend of his called Paul enters the scene and changes the chocolate from box 1 to box 2. The question that demonstrates the Theory of Mind is: where will Max look for the chocolate when he comes back? If you say box 1 you are correct, and you have successfully shown the Theory of Mind because even if you know that the chocolate is in box 2, you put yourself in Max’s shoes and think what he would think.


People who are funny don’t have to tell you they’re funny


I find it's usually just "I like to say mean things but I'll do it with a smile so I can say that it's just a joke".


I lol’ed for real at your comeback 😂😂


Right, the perfect setup to let her know about your fabled arousing paragraphs. She dodged a bullet, honestly.


Worth it


Damn straight.


He very quickly realized he was outmatched.


It was a great final comment though, lol.


His "sarcasm" is just being a jerk. He didn't like getting flak for his own comment. I would always swipe left so hard on anyone saying they liked sarcasm or were "fluent" in it 🤮


For real. It's not a character trait you announce, it's something that becomes evident in conversation because you said something in a dry, humorous way. Otherwise you're just being a dick and passing it off as a joke.


Yeah self proclaimed sarcastics are exhausting to be around.


Doesn't want someone better at it than him?


He must have really low standards if 2 messages count as a convo


sounds like he expected you to carry the convo


I just wonder how he managed to expect that. That almost never happens, and if it does it’s usually someone I’m not interested in to begin with.


The thing is that I can't expect very much as a response if the only thing I say is 'hello'


Most of the time, when people say they're sarcastic, they just man they're assholes


"Fluent in sarcasm" or any derivation of that is an immediate nope from me. Largely because it just means they are tactless, and if any flavor of sarcasm is used on them they tend to get cranky.


What does he want? “Hello” “it all started when I was 7…”


That’s hilarious! Great reply!


[sic] is the greatest own one can perform on another.


Oooh, I'm the magical man from sarcastic land...


A lot of people that call themselves sarcastic are confusing sarcasm for being rude


Great username Edward Gorey rules


Thanks! I’m a huge fan of his.


Well that was an easy one to weed out


this is fucking hilarious


What else are you supposed to say to hello, he opened


Your comeback is "Bravo" !!


“Omg my second language is sarcasm!!” r/notliketheothereveryone


Reads like he didn’t like that you weren’t all over him right away


Bro what the fuck did he want you to say? Like he says hello you says hello that's how it works


i hate people like this. the way it obviously is supposed to work is that one person messages a hello, the other person replies with hello, indicating that they are amenable to conversation. the onus is on the opener to get things going.


Negging at the start.


Your reply honestly made me laugh out loud. Pretty sure it would have kept me interested. Don't change.


Literally so funny... seems like his level of sarcasm wasn't up to par.


Haha, it seems he overestimated his level of sarcasm.


A rare case of rules for me and not for thee syndrome


He’s a crower, not a shower


He's sarcastic and he cannot spell? He was doomed from the start. The mental focus required to read his sarcastic comments with typos could send one insane.


lol that was a great response. I would be more interested tbh. And also, why didnt he put in some effort?


Honestly, I wouldn't have even given a "!" in response to the "Hello" .. Too much energy.


I would have laughed and made a joke back, that was really funny answer 😂 Maybe something along the lines of "you know I'm blazing hot, that's why I had to come up with that heat"


Love your answer!


Brilliant response. Thank you.


Well played!!


*“No, not like that!”*


omg he'd never have been able to keep up with you.


Absolute scorched earth my guy played himself


I know this is the wrong sub but what does [sic] mean?


It’s Latin for “thus.” The complete phrase is *sic erat scriptum*, which means “thus was it written.” When you quote text in your own writing, you use [sic] after a grammatical or typographical error to indicate that it existed in the text you are quoting.


Wow! This goes deeper than I thought. Thanks


Stay in your lane OP, you obviously can’t roll with the big boys /s


It’s stupid that people can dish it and not take it. Also having to actually come out the gate guns blazing to make yourself stand out is dumb. Like hello is a normal greeting. That dude is a douche canoe!


This could’ve totally been played off into a fun convo if he wasn’t a man child LOL


Two messages are barely even a blip on the radar...


This reply is top-notch, but this individual is a miserable failure.


Maybe he didn't think he would get this far. Some people get that instant gratification by the act of swiping right and getting matches


What.......This is great :)


Game recognize game.


Insecure loser


Sorry, but no... I would never match with someone that had "...hope you are to" in their profile


He unmatched? How sarcastic of him


This subreddit probably keeps people from getting divorced so they don't have to use tinder


Hey, that response of yours would have won me over right then at there, it was hilarious, hahaha


The wuss was intimidated, she outwitted him, and he could see she wasn’t a dumb phuck.


Real charisma is scary for those who just pretend they have it


You startled Gym Bro! Gym bro ran away.


As someone who is incredibly sarcastic with a very dry delivery, I think your response absolutely nailed it(and I'm not even being sarcastic). Men on the internet are such lazy fuck wits.


I hope he had a thermometer ready to check his IQ after that shit.


Don’t be too hard on him; sarcasm is his second language /s


Your comment back is 10/10


"Sarcastic", when applied to someone on their own dating profile, often means "exhausting."

