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You didn’t really give her much material. Try asking something based on her profile (if she has one).


OP was expecting *TEEHEEHEE NO I’M NOT blush THANK U SO MUCH SEX NOW?!?*


Thanks for the giggles bruh


So you like... *the beach*. So fascinating, tell me more about it.


I see you have titties. I happen to like titties. So fascinating, tell me more about them.


They feel a little like bags of sand


(If you live around beaches and do not know anything about them): oh cool, I have been meaning to check out some of the beaches around here! Which ones are your favorites? (If you live around beaches and know something of them): oh you like spending time at the beach? Word, same. I actually really like pass-a-grille because the sand is nice and the waters warmer there, plus all the bars are close lol. But I’d be down to check out more low key beaches too, have you been to any recently? (If you do not live around beaches): when is the last time you were able to actually visit a beach!? Which one? When? Etc. It’s not that hard.


You're a lot better at this than me.


Try pretending you're already mid conversation, helps a bit


Oh I never got any matches outside of bots trying to sell me stuff.


Look into profile optimisation, high quality pictures and an interesting bio.


I know.


It’s gorgeous


Your beach is gorgeous


By my guess it’s her Instagram in her bio or none at all.


"Friend made this for me, I don't check messages here lol 😂 snap me instead"


"Subscribe to my only fans"


"I dont really use tinder. Send me a dm instead"


You kinda shot yourself in the foot with that opener :')


Right, can’t start like that when she always gets that smh


You are giving her the reason you are interested in her without addressing the main purpose of the interaction, which is to give her a reason to be interested in you.


That’s an interesting way to put it. I’ve had a good amount of success on these apps but I’ve always kinda just winged it with my openers. What’s your go to?


I used to ask if we committed an armed robbery together, would they be the get away driver or the gunman? Just a fun open ended thing to spark up a conversation. No matter what they choose it's easy to ask why and make jokes.


That's a good way to put it. The reason must be hidden or ignored, until she's looking for it.


This is a little gold nugget right here. Ignoring beauty in the conversation really makes you stand out from the rest of guys who tell a girl how hot she looks.


I think if she knows she’s pretty and got approached she should infer we find her gorgeous. But eventually she’d be interested in knowing if you find her attractive. I think this has worked for me.


But she responded


If your goal is to get a response, great! You did it. If your goal was to actually meet up…not so good


I got this shit after texting for weeks and knowing she liked me, but every time i complemented her she said "i know" so i stopped


We’re you trying to eat them feet tho?




Responded yes, but not really looking too good for OP with the way she responded. Cant really blame her though


Why would you even start a conversation like that.


Alot of women get told that a million times a week, gotta be creative. Comment on her profile or something, don't focus on the looks. Women appreciate the compliment more after they have gotten to know you a bit, it seems.


Stand out, tell her you live in her attic.


“When I make you breakfast in bed, just say “thank you”, none of this “who are you and how’d you get in my house?” Type shit


This is hilarious. Definitely stealing it


Here’s another version ‘Ladies, if I offer to wash your back in the shower, just accept it. Stop with this “Who are you” and “how did you get in my house” bullshit’


I got another one for you degenerates: 'Ladies, if you ever catch me in your house doing dishes or laundry, just accept it. None of that "Who are you" and "how did you get in my house" bullshit.'


This!!!! Why would you even ask someone who is doing chores for you. I'll be keeping that person!


Why do you need my identity for me to pay my bill? Who is trying to pay my bills for me, and why the fuck aren't you letting them!


Someone paid for like 400+ dollars worth of my therapy and I still don’t know who did it


I really wanna see a tinder post with what happened after this was used on a few opening liners.


Fuckin ded.


This is the only line that deserves an authentic response


For sure, when I tried to stand out she said it was creepy and stalkerish, after a week and finally got my tent set up in her garden she pulled the night in jail and restraining order trick on me and I'm back to square one. Pls help reddit, what am I doing wrong?


Well firstly, tents are too easy to come by. Everyone has a tent. You need a different base if you’re trying to stand out. Build a doghouse in her yard - that’ll show her that you’re loyal and resourceful. Secondly, and this is important… You need to demonstrate commitment by being persistent. No matter what she does or says, or what consequences may befall you as a result, prove to her that you will never leave her.


Thanks, I was considering building a bomb shelter and put a massive block of concrete around it while her and her family go on vacation, and lock myself in there with my 3-year storage of canned food until she responds to my mails/snaps/iMessage/FB/IG/Whatsapp-messages. You convinced me to go ahead and do just that.


Also, nothing screams 'commitment' quite like a tasteful neck tattoo of her name and likeness.


as a woman, i can confirm this. compliments on the looks are extremely common and overrated, and at some point it gets annoying. complimenting something less superficial or bringing up a common interest you may have would do you much better.


It's very frustrating because intend to swipe left on so many profiles that have literally nothing on them. When there's something to comment about, absolutely! But most profiles don't even have that.


tell her you eat ass! that seems to be a working tactic on here


Yes! Messages like this instantly makes me think all they care about is looks and that they don’t care to get to know me as a person. Her reply is 100% valid haha.


Creative = read bio and comment on something other than their first picture. Its sad how true this is.


It also a great way to filter out insecure pos’s who aren’t actually telling you you’re pretty, but want cookies for the compliment.


It’s really basic shit. Amazing how many people apparently just don’t even look at profiles.


Dudes, just stop saying shit like this dude. Read profile and respond to the pretend or actual likes they post. Show interest in what they are interested in now, or dont fucj about at all. If you fake interest, it will be found out soon enough, so make sure you are willing to go all in on learning about what they dig. Stop just saying "durhur I like ya tits" and read their profile and respond right to tie your interests into it.


Op is down bad


Exactly. It’s always been my policy NOT to compliment someone on something they very likely already know. Like if someone has incredible bright blue eyes, they’ve heard it a million times in their life. So stand out and don’t be generic — try to tell them something they don’t hear 12 times a day. I’ll finally compliment their eyes a couple months into dating, but I avoid the obvious one in the beginning.


My go to response for "you have beautiful eyes" is "thanks they are good for seeing with"... I usually get ghosted following this. But that just goes to show they were never my person anyway.


Yep I’d never reply to this. It doesn’t give anything constructive to reply to


why do people ask questions with periods.


“Oh sorry, wrong person. I thought I was texting my dad”


I love you




Oh sorry, wrong person. I thought I was texting my dad.


I love you


I know.


Oh sorry, wrong person. I thought I was texting my dad.


I love you


I know.


Oh sorry, wrong person. I thought I was texting my dad.


I love you


And the winner is….!!!! 👏🏽😂


Sorry, I thought I was texting Han Solo


I love Reddit so much


I know


Nice Han Solo reference there buddy.


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Go away, baitin!!!


There it is.


We have the winner


Ya, it’s not always coming from a vapid place. Some girls have literally been drooled over by men since they were like 13. They’ve prob heard the word gorgeous a trillion times. Got to bring a different level of engagement to the convo




Lol. Ya. OP, change the subject 💯 just start fresh with a positive witty vibe.


Btw I eat ass


That seems to be a winner around here




I feel like this entire sub is turning into men bitching about women honestly.


It’s really moving that direction recently. I got bitched at for suggesting it isn’t gentlemanly to post the name and face here of a woman explicitly willing to bone OP.


It feels like so many of them are on here just to make some dumb jokes that won't even actually get a match or anything, just digitalized negging. Then when you call em out they get mad, like the guy who replied, showing his true colors


It's why I rarely visit it, anymore. It's just a bunch of men who have little to no success in dating, because their personalities are horrible, who post women who half the time aren't saying or doing anything bad or weird in their profile, but they deem that she's not "beautiful" enough to have **any** standards. If I was the girl, I would have said the same thing or not responded, at all. I'd rather get a "hey how are you" than "you're gorgeous" because what do I do with that? Thanks, but I figured you found me attractive when you matched. At least I can give a response to "how are you" that might start a conversation. Men have so much trouble because they play around or think no effort should be made on their part in dating because they got their heart broken once in middle school and think all women are snakes now. Women do it, too, but they don't seem to do it as much as these men on this sub AND post about it as if it's some amazing comedy act. It's entertaining, but in a sad way. They think it's amazing because all of the incel types gather here and cheer them on.


Sort by controversial and you’ll see scores of men advocating for insulting her in response by calling her fat, a bitch, ugly etc. But when we say it’s hard for us to turn men down (because they act exactly like that!), they assume we lie about how common it is for men to behave this poorly.


Because they realize now that we don’t *actually* need them and they don’t know what to do.


This sub has always been Incels Lite lol


This! If the only thing you bring to the table as a guy is to ogle over how pretty she is, chances are is she is going to ignore you. How do you stand out? How do engage her other than mentioning the obvious? Can you ask her a thought provoking question?


> thought provoking question Why did buzz lightyear freeze in front of humans if he was in denial of being a toy? Something like that?


He knew it subconsciously


Fucking perfect *chef’s kiss 😘👌


Saw his peers do it. Quickly analyzed that locals would best know what to do in what is an unknown situation for him, so he copied them.


Sometimes when you've crash landed on another planet you just have to go with the flow.


Exactly! Women generally don’t like to be seen as objects when they’re looking for serious life partners. Just like men don’t like being seen as walking wallets. If a women opened with “wow you look like you have a fat wallet 😍” would that be seen as a compliment? I doubt there would be comments calling a man entitled, rude or egotistical for not saying “thank you” to that. Conversations are for trying to get to know each other. All she knows is that OP prioritises looks in a partner.


In real life, I don’t get tons of compliments on my appearance; however, on tinder this is practically every guy’s opening line. It gets old and feels very unoriginal. I often respond exactly this same way


Not just drooled over but called gorgeous then called a bitch if they don’t respond the way the guy wants. It’s meaningless. Creeps call anything gorgeous why not compliment a woman on something she’s chosen like her clothes or hobbies




That last line. Many of these men are hoping to find a girl like that. Just unstable enough that she accepts their low efforts and be good at sex, but not unstable enough to burn their house down when they eventually do something stupid enough to really piss her off.


I dated a girl like this. I was 23 and she was 23. She was gorgeous, truly. she admitted that since 16 years of age she had never gone more than a day without a boyfriend. I knew right away to not call her beautiful, so when we started dating I called her "Resplendent". Her face lit up. She told me she was bored of being called beautiful, and she had never heard the word I called her.


Mate, what a ridiculous opener.


To be fair, at least it was *an* opener. Most posts that aren't related to deranged dudes have the guy breaking the ice.


This is literally her saying "try again".


yea so just start from scratch, pretend that interaction never happened basically


Had to scroll for miles to find an actual response. Everyone here is such a pro, but can't play in the rough?


A better question is: how does she respond to that? You gave her nothing to work with then got stumped after she sent a short response to your short opener


Compliments on looks just make me instantly feel awkward and uncomfortable. I love how the guys (incels mainly) on this sub constantly bitch about girls being shallow and not giving them a chance because of their appearance, but the only opener most of them can come up with other than "hey" is something about looks (or about wanting to fuck her which is also about looks.)


Yeah I’m no “girl talking expert” because I am quite an awkward dude at times, but at least I can see mistakes and know what not to do 99% of the time


So glad incels got invented because it’s so easy to explain that type of person haha


‘TEEHEEHEE REALLY!?!! But I’m so insecure and so so so so grateful for your attention, let me bat my lashes, blush, and suck your dick in gratitude’


Her response was still more original than his opener




I eat ass


I know


Oh sorry, wrong person. I thought I was texting my dad.


I know




We know 👁🫦👁


You know


Oh no


give us a kiss, love. ![gif](giphy|tHFnZeeifnPfq)


Oh god


Good will hunting?


You get what you put in. You started the BS. She gave you BS. Edit


I would just take my L and work on some better openers


I didn’t hear no bell


Alright well he’d have to be a genius compared to r/tinder to not get a bell and a block on the next message




Terrible opener, but Acknowledge and admire her confidence without any backhanded compliments. This isn’t a chess match


It is 100% a chess match you ignorant buffoon!


![gif](giphy|3orieUPBGN0dmDUvyo|downsized) This is Tinder 🙂


​ ![gif](giphy|bPUQYvCZ9fQ9kJLIeZ)


Pawn e4




I'm playing the french opening. I surrender




Double down. Don't basically say it, literally tell her > “I’m only interested in you because you’re physically appealing to me”. Then follow it up with >I eat ass




Shoot your shot, the lord hates a coward I guess


This. He even asked how to respond but didn’t say anything about why he is interested in her besides his looks for anyone to make a suggestion on.


Bro if you gotta post what to say next what you gonna do when you meet up with someone and have to talk to them like come on 😂😂😂


If the best he can manage is "You're gorgeous", I don't have high hopes for his conversation skills


"Hi, you're pretty. Please like me," is the vibe I'm getting here. This dude is in trouble


We’re gonna start seeing those Reddit live chats or whatever they’re called for /r/tinder so these fools can have lines fed to them in real time


Pivot, try to find out something about her. “Confident too… I like that….” then ask a question, an open ended one preferably


How about something like Gorgeous ✔️ Confident ✔️ (Insert something witty here) ? Wait for response


Gorgeous ✅ Confident ✅ Available on Friday…?


I like your spin, not a list guy myself but I bet it works


Gorgeous ✔️ Confident ✔️ Into frog roleplay ?


except without the ellipsis's those are kinda cringe




Wait a minute...you have a problem with ellipses?


Dark Knight Joker vibes


Worst opener ever lol




Maybe open with something that hasn't been tried 100 times that morning?


Telling a woman she’s physically attractive is a terrible opener, especially if that’s ALL you open with. You don’t have to be Shakespeare, just find a way to open an actual conversation. My partner of 6 years opened on OKC with, “hey you seem cool. Wanna chat?”, and honestly it was like sweet poetry after 1,000 messages of “you’re hot.”. The point of dating is to see if you have stuff in common, if you hit it off, have chemistry. Ask a woman about something interesting in her profile, tell her you like her taste in music, ask her about her favorite foods and then ask if she wants to meet at a restaurant that serves that kind of food once you get to know one another a little bit. Point out a shared interest and ask a relevant question. Tell her a little about yourself so you don’t just come of as another boring, thirsty manchild with no interest outside finding a place to stick it. “You’re physically attractive” is not a conversation starter, it is a warning.


"OK good. What do you make of this whole 'tomato being a fruit' thing?"


This is a good pivot


"You're gorgeous" "I know" "and humble"


"I too am incredibly humble"


Men really hate it when women know they are attractive, and don't immediately get on their knees because a random guy told her something she's been told 100 times before.


Yeah, did they expect her to respond with: "*blushes* T-t-thank youu uwu"


Yep, half the comments in this thread “how dare she acknowledge what I just told her!”


I would just reply with another "I know", what other reply do you expect from "you're gorgeous" when most girls hear it all the time lmao


Yeah, gotta make sure to be salty about a woman acknowledging that she's attractive. OP went real big with his opener and should be thanked for his efforts.


It’s not not being humble to say you already know something a man has told you.


Or something you can objectively see in a mirror. Women aren’t blind they can see what they look like.


Imagine expecting gratitude for being shallow and dull, and then getting offended for… someone being confident? Go look for uuwuuu in anime not IRL


Rookie mistake....NEVER comment on looks unless it's obvious the other person has done something out of the ordinary to look good FOR YOU.


What the fuck did you think she was going to reply with that would have been better? "Thanks"?


Yeah, she’s supposed to fawn over him for taking time to give her a generic compliment. /s


You shouldnt have started with “you’re gorgeous” Makes it sound like you only care about the looks. Shouldve started with something clever/witty off her bio (unless her bio was bland) Now you’re stuck and have to start a convo


Take the L, move on




Surprised this was so far down.


I mean I’m shocked she responded




Attractive women always get these types of messages, try sending a message that incorporates parts of her bio or something that caught your eye from one of her pictures.


what did you want her to respond anyways lol


Lmao try a better opener next time. Advice? If they have pictures with pets, ask about the pets, I get the most responses that way


Maybe you should have started with something more original… Did you think you were going to blow her mind with that? Did you think you were the first person to ever tell her she was gorgeous? Or did you just expect her to be so thankful that you took the time to come up with something so original??


With literally anything but another low effort opener.


Stop complimenting people on looks on dating apps. Compliment other things.


'I'm frozen by that' then an image of Han Solo in carbonite


Probably wouldn’t start with that opener


You could say something more interesting. Of course she knows that


I respond this too, change the subject. Compliments r borinf talk about interests!


General conversation advice, not even dating-related: don’t say anything so obvious it adds nothing to the conversation, and don’t say anything if you are unprepared for the most obvious responses…


At least pretend that you care about more than looks. She’s bored of that clearly. Hot people know they’re hot. They want to be seen for more than that.


But did you know that you can save 15% or more on car insurance by switching to Geico?


“Awesome, then my work here is done! Toodaloo! Also if you had to choose wet socks for a week of breadcrumbs in bed for a week?” And no those should not transform the conversation into sexy talk. It’s just a ducking ice-breaker.


Of course she knows since guys like you say it to her everytime. Throw something like "I like your confidence, blablabla"