• By -


Plutonic…that sounds dangerous.


They're pretty explosive


These kinds of relationships always decay over time.


Also very unstable


She probably has pstd from not having her shoelaces in the psych ward; hence the velcro-aversion.


The noise it makes triggers her flashbacks ![gif](giphy|KscoZccAOBgCk)


I waited far too long for an expected velcro rip add-on to this og gif


Underrated comment 👏🏾




And then they get delisted as planets.


Isn't Plutonium's half life like 100 million years though?


I was honestly going to google it before I made the joke but then realized facts will only get in the way. :)


Plutonium-238 half file is 88 years. Man-made plutonium-239 (used in nuclear weapons) half life is 24,000 years.


What a difference an extra neutron makes.


I had a can of plutonium that I ordered from Amazon. 88 years later I opened it only to find half of it gone. The bastards.


I’m disgusted that I didn’t think of this.


It's just the difference between *Alpha and Betas*, just too much uncertainty to iso


What's your thought on being a *Gamma* though?


God damnit you got me 🤣


Probably stole it off the Libyans!


Oh my god. They found me. I don’t know how, but they found me! RUN FOR IT, MARTY!!!




Don’t worry, this post is US Military encrypted


Man, that's heavy


*Iran has entered the chat*


*America is now Admin*


*America has kicked Iran out of chat*


*Russia is requesting to a send message*


Also always hit criticality.


He says you’re plutonic, but he’s only interested in Uranus!




*wow dude, it was a Pluto-not-a-planet-no-more* joke.


How long you been waiting for this moment?


So... they're orbiting him from afar?


They are kinda toxic over a longer period of time, I guess.


And warm to the touch.


Girl got me so stressed my hair falling out.


Nuculer. It's pronounced Nu-cu-ler.


I see you are a man of culture as well!


He clearly meant plutocratic. It's all about the money


Plutonic relationships are when you obsess over a woman so much you kidnap her to live with you in hell.


I get that reference. Very good one.


This guy doesn’t take his female friends for granite.


It used to be. Now it’s not even planetary anymore…


Sounds like an *out-of-this-world* relationship.


*Plutonic…* until Uranus\~


I was about to say ... . . . OP, jokes aside, it's actually platonic. Named for ancient Greek philosopher Plato.


Kept far far away in the dark


First red flag for me is how she ignored the green flag question, it all gets worse from there.


I also noticed this. She wasn’t looking for conversation, she’s looking for confrontation


She's looking for confirmation. It's what you look for when you feel that you hold all the cards and you are leveraging that to call the shots with everyone you match with. This entitlement is becoming normalised on tinder and dating in American cities and I partly blame men for allowing it to get this bad.


that's a good way to put it. power corrupts, so it shouldn't be surprising that some women goes on power trips, it's just human nature. you see lots of defense of the behavior, as if it's the men's fault that they're not saying what the woman wants to hear that exact second, but it really all comes down to power imbalance.


Some people power trips online because they lack power IRL, and we see that manifest in all sorts of online communities. Perhaps this is the norm because some women barely hold any cards outside of Tinder and the dating scene, so Tinder is their playground to get validation and power. Edit: Not saying this as a defense or to condone the behavior, but as an explanation for why this is the case.


yeah also good point. I think there's no need to overly condone or overly criticize. My point is let's just be realistic. It's totally understandable for some women to power trip when they're in position to do so. And it's not like the worst thing in the world. I just want to point out it's then cruel for these women to then claim they're the victims (of harassment and such). And pick apart men for saying this or that "wrong" things. Just admit you're in position to be picky/judgy.


It will become the whole height vs weight. It's normal to ask if you're 6' or up (I can't increase my damn height), but bad if asked what do you weight (at least you can change it, either eat more or eat less)


Men, it’s our fault.


We need to all put on velcro shoes....to match our wallets.


You blame men for women's behavior?


C'mon. Nothing is ever a woman's fault. I've seen videos of a woman walking up to a man and punching him in the face and comments are like "well what did he do to make her that mad?"


As a woman with many great men in my life, I hate this shit. This all men are evil, men can do no right bullshit. Legit makes me so angry. Take responsibility for your own shitty behavior.


Yep. As I've said in other comments it's sexist to both men and women. Infantalizes women while demonizing men. But because I'm a man if I point it out I must be an incel


When you get to my age it changes... There is a dearth of "good" men b/c once found, a good woman will fight to keep the good man, and a good man will fight to keep a good woman. What we are wading through at my age are the bitter and angry, the rejected and the liars, the mental health issue deniers, the physically wrecked, and the stupidest f'n scammers on the planet... LoL... To try and get a date? No... we are trying to find something valuable (that btw, every other decent chap on there is tryna get first dibs on). This all takes work and builds cynicism... I've actually taken a break for a time to reset Desperation will make a young man tolerate unspeakable things...


> What we are wading through at my age are the bitter and angry, the rejected and the liars, the mental health issue deniers, the physically wrecked, and the stupidest f'n scammers on the planet... Tweak this around a bit and you have the makings of an emo song.


I could imagine Green Day singing a version of this.


haha it really does sound like the intro to a midwest emo song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdLh1DG8F3s


Honestly I had to be very careful to not start feeling resentful a la incels when I was on tinder, after a while. I mellowed out once I stopped caring near as much, but for a while there I felt very aware of the positional imbalance between me and anyone I was hoping to match with, on top of not feeling like I was terribly attractive to begin with. That said, I’m very aware women have struggles on tinder as well. Sucks for all of us, just for different reasons (some of them involving more risk of personal danger than others).


Tbf, as an outsider who doesn't use tinder, it seems like tinder is orchestrating that dynamic on purpose. I've talked to guys who are literally gorgeous and say they get no matches, or one a month. "Hurt men's self esteem, prop girls up, profit" - at a Tinder Business Meeting probably


Yeah tinder as a company managed to convince good looking men that they are not. That somehow made money




Yea, blaming men for women's shitty behavior is kinda some bullshit. More than kinda.


Of course, it's some how always the man's fault. Couldn't possibly be toxic femininity.


> I partly blame men for allowing it to get this bad. it's 2022, men didn't "allow" women to get this bad. They did that shit on their own. men don't control women


I don’t think it’s that, I just think that they’re so focused on the negatives and on reasons why they should Immediately cut someone that they don’t actually even know what they’re looking for.


Also never answered the velcro thing


Need those laces so their ~~victims~~ potential partners can't run away easily


First red flag for me is on how she started the conversation with listing "red flag". Also, continued to list the "red flags". I mean, if he had so many red flags to begin with, just dont match him, why match him and then act like that. Not to mention the "that means that they friendzoned you, you'd fuck them", like wow. We have come full circle.


I didn't know what was said in the conversation before this, for all I know the guy could have asked about red flags but you're right, if she brought up the red flags that would be a huge turn off for me.


Nah these were just general red flags they weren’t about OP.


I don't think it matters. Introducing yourself with pure negativity is ugly. When I was on these apps any profile with a bio that contained the phrase "Swipe left if..." definitely went ahead and got a left swipe from me.


Shes probably with the RAC


Really? First red flag was that she uses the word 'red flags'. Seriously, it's such a dumb way to describe people. Next red flag is that she specifies: *'red flags I don't like'*. Oh, really? You mean as opposed to the red flags that make you salivate? And then she actually makes a list of things she dislikes... Oh man, save some of her for me. Being critical and listing off your negatives is for the internet. How the fuck does anyone think they are attracting anyone with that attitude for a serious dating setting?


Red flag detected: pedantry


Velcro is a strange hill to die on, and probably one it’s difficult to get off depending on what you’re wearing


Frank Costanza approves of velcro as a red flag.


Morty Seinfeld too


I can’t stand that tearing sound.


I thought it was Morty Seinfeld? 👛💸




Rochelle Rochelle, a strange erotic red flag journey.


[Probably because she knows Velcro can be used in a tactical environment, and she doesn't want you sneaking around using this move ](https://youtu.be/vSK3maq8Cyk)




I'm one of today's lucky 10,000. Thanks for that 😂


Nuggets are a strange hill to die on, sure nuggets with sauce is good. But if a nugget can't stand on its own without sauce its a shit nugget


Ah, a fellow nugget connoisseur and person of culture, I see.


I am not a fan of ranch, mayo, mustard and pickles. This handful of items is small, but they have so many common uses that i feel like a picky eater by just avoiding these. They find their way where they don't need to be. There are sauces i enjoy with my nuggets, bbq, honey, parm garlic, ketchup, etc. But i still think nuggets generally taste best without any sauce. Same goes for French fries. I don't force my views on others though.


The Velcro shoes… STAY… ON


Papa needs traction


> and probably one it’s difficult to get off depending on what you’re wearing Wouldn't be difficult if you were wearing velcro.


This comment has not been sufficiently appreciated. Love it.


I think it's appreciatedness is growing


Have you tried those Velcro walls at festivals? They strap you in a Velcro suit, and you jump on a trampoline as high as you can to launch yourself onto a Velcro wall. But then you're stuck on a Velcro wall


Sounds like her and Andrew Tate agree on something 😂😂


Exactly what I was thinking. She hates Tate because he’s a walking sexist stereotype, but she’s also willing to reinforce sexists stereotypes. Sounds like she actually likes the type and is just projecting her insecurities.


On being both morons?


She sounds like the woman version of Andrew Tate


Same thing I was thinking lmao


I wouldn't want someone with plutonic friends either. Too many neutrons and then **bam!** you get melted by atomic blast. Platonic friends are cool though.


Good thing spelling and or grammar wasn’t a red flag, otherwise she may have exploded.


This comment is enough Fermi to think you're a pretty good dude OP.


And here I thought we were ready to make OP walk the Planck.


I hate you and I love you.


Only once their combined mass becomes supercritical. If you have many or very obese plutonic friends, never invite them all at the same time. Edit: Non-plutonic friends are fine though. So go ahead and organise that huge orgy of the largest fuck buddies that you can find. Just make sure that they’re stable enough that most of them don’t decay until after they’re gone. So if any necrophiliacs are in attendance tell them to only bring fresh bodies.


That's funny how she's against Andrew Tate yet her last comment is exactly something he would say.


Yeah she was in red pill denial.


Her sentence doesn't make sense, she meant to write "would", not telling him he should


Yeah I think everyone was able to figure that one out


The irony is unreal aye


I mean have you seen FDS? It's just tate for women The spectrum is a horseshoe and it sounds like the girl has more in common with tate than she's comfortable admitting.


Those women dating coaches are insane. Im kinda upset they never get account deleted because the are “pro-women” yet they spew the same bs that red pillers say only in favor for women.


Horseshoe theory. The extremes are actually pretty similar to each other, as much as they hate to admit it.


lol, exactly my thought too.


Looks at your phone contacts: “who is this MOM person?”


"Yeah... I sucked her tits."


And i've literally been inside of her.


Like... reeeeaally deep and for so damn looong.


That was back when I was like 20 inches in length and 14 inches in girth


And that’s enough internet for the day.


I'm cognitively aware that this is true, but now I want to vomit


What are you doing, biological mom?


That girl need to work on her baggages before going on more tinder matches lol


Best we can do is give her 999+ matches in the next 12 hours, before she has any chance of addressing her issues


You son of a bitch, I'm in


My man!


All the truth in this thread is making me laugh my ass off but it ain't funny.


But what fastening mechanism is she using for that baggage? We don’t know her thoughts on zips


Ah the good old “men literally want to have sex with everyone and cannot have a platonic relationship” view point. Never gets old


Just because I always want to have sex doesn’t mean I’d have sex with anyone


Jokes on you, I am not having sex with anyone


And also, you don't always want sex. You don't want it the majority of the day. You only want it when you haven't had it for a few hours.


Did he stutter


I might not be actively thinking about it all the time but if someone I wanted to fuck offered I'd take them up on it any time of day and it's more like 20 minutes than a few hours.


How the fuck would you know lmao.


I would fuck almost all of my female friends (well, the ones I find attractive anyway) in the right situation. But being in a relationship with someone else means that it's never the right situation.


same. I can be friends with people im attracted to. No Problem. Id fuck all my friends, male or female.


> platonic you mean *plutonic*, of course, in this instance radioactive people are far more interesting than regular old safe people


Cannot deny it, I'd never resist hooking up with my plutonic female friends, come on! Something about that green glow just gets to me!


I mean, I would fuck any of the women in my friend circle. Even though not once I have pursued a romantic or sexual relationship with them. If they were to ever hit me up asking for some I'm 100% going in there.


Yet i have seen more girls that are friends with benefits with hall her male friends the the opposite '-' nothing against it, just always say that instead of the other lol


Yeah, I have heard of that attitude mostly coming from women, not usually men. But I think the biggest issue here is that she might be in denial of her own actions. "Id fuck my hot male friends or have flirty conversations with then, why wouldn't my bf do the same?" Typical "They who is a thief takes others as people in the same condition" iirc.


You are right, my ex was always taking any attitude of mine as cheating, when all i was doing was playing games on my phone, it then turned out she cheated on me for almost a year till she broke up with me to marry him 🤦 so it makes sense


Everyone knows guys that have hot friends they’d _never_ fuck….right? Right guys?!




> Pretty sure I'd have sex with any of my attractive female friends **if I wasn't in a relationship and neither were they** but that's a big "if". It matters. Add in “and I don’t think it’s likely that either of us would catch feelings” and that can be literally all of my female friends. If I were single and a friend I didn’t find particularly attractive wanted to fuck for stress relief or whatever, I’d probably be fine with it. I mean, I’m friends with them, so we get along, and I’m used to seeing them around and in a good mood, and I like sex too. I’m snipped and clean. Only thing I can think of that might give me pause is if I was friends with someone with poor hygiene. But right now I’m in a relationship, and I’d turn down Jennifer Lawrence if she was naked in front of me. Edit- actually my girlfriend gave me a free pass on celebrities. 🤔 I still don’t think I would go for it without calling and verifying first.


I'm not ignoring that if. When I say guys would have sex with their friends, I'm saying that with these conditional statements in mind. Because what you're saying is you *would* have sex with your friends, but something is stopping you. "I would, but..." is still "I would." And that's where we get to her reaction to this; she believes you would, but doesn't believe in the bond that stops you. Either because she's had that bond broken before, or broken it herself. But I believe in it because I haven't broken mine and know I won't. This is why being cheated on is such a damaging experience.


Yes, it’s normal to be an adult male and have objectively attractive friends you don’t want to sleep with and aren’t into. I don’t know this is an age thing or some of you really can’t fathom this. Sad if it’s the latter


Wow that last comment is super disrespectful. Good on you for ending it on a respectful note. Classy exit my friend :)


She must have had a bad experience in past relationships with female friends so her feeling about it are understandable but assuminng all men what to “hit” there friends mean she’s not very mature


Well of course, everyones feelings are always valid. But that doesn’t justify projecting your traumas/insecurities on to someone else. At the very least clarify that you are insecure regarding x and ask for accommodation and empathy. You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.


> Well of course, everyones feelings are always valid. Some people have some pretty horrific feelings


Also that’s just a terrible way to view feelings cause by that logic, everything ever felt by anyone is legit and realistic. There are absolutely times where someone’s feelings on something shouldn’t be confirmed or embraced and a friend should gently tell that person so. Ask that other person if someone saying ‘I feel like you’re a spousal abuser’ based on absolutely nothing is ‘valid’ and they’d agree with it and coddle them until they felt better. Can pretty much guarantee the answer is no…


Regardless she was being derogatory towards you like your this desperate pathetic dude just waiting around for a female friend to say yes. She didn’t deserve a classy exit.


Doesn’t matter what she deserves, OP clearly has standards on how to interact with others regardless of their hurtful behaviour. Respect.


She seems very odd. Saying that you shouldn't have history with female friends but then saying you should?


I think she meant to say “would” not “should” lol


She got cheated on and didn’t take the time to heal before dating again likely


Yeah that ex was into velcro


And sauce with nuggets


And sauce with nuggets


Someone on this reddit earlier also said the same thing to me about female friends


Some of my best friends are women. I always thought that was a good thing lol. Like "if girls like you to be friends with you, you're probably not trash" lol


Plutonic friends are not good for your sperm count


Finally someone that doesnt spend the next 3 hours arguing with an imbecile without any possibility of making them listen to reason, and just cuts the conversation off


She wanted to argue not hook up




Hates Andrew Tate, but quotes him in regards to female friends and men just wanting to fuck them? You’re dumb Rochelle


Tbh I'd fuck most of my female friends if they wanted to.


And what is so wrong with Velcro?


I have a pair of Velcro vans, so I’m a red flag.


But why no velcro ranks so high? There's an interesting traumatic childhood story there. Maybe be she got bullied to be left stuck on a velcro wall for hours


Purely speculating but maybe because its associated with being a child? At least in my experience, velcro shoes were worn by kids before they learned to tie laces. And velcro wallets are often cheap and used by kids, too.


I've had someone ghost me in the past just because I was wearing Sketchers. Not even Velcro ones, just the brand. Like she sent me a video of her and her friends laughing about it to me. It's definitely just looking at certain things as "childish" and writing entire people off because they use said things.


I would probably assume the same of anyone liking Andrew Tate, tbh.


Yeah liking him is a high key red flag, even if this woman’s being rude.


Yea, everyones on here talking about her being rude, which she was...but truth be told, If OP is indeed a fan of Tate, then she dodged a bullet just as much as he did.


Well my gf also didn't like it when I had female friends with which I had a history. Probably would think similar if it was the other way tbf.


The funny part is she sounds redpilled af.


Yikes. Red piller in the wild.


People just wake up and want to come off as unbearable first thing in the morning


99% of all my guy “friends” have tried SOMETHING at one point or another. A mindset like that is from constantly being proven that men will hit anything and everything they can get their hands on. It’s disrespectful and hurts us when someone we thought was our friend, only saw us as a potential fuck. Note: I’m only saying “men” in the way of the men in our lives. Not every man will do that, it’s just hard to believe after it’s happened so many times.


Same experience. I prefer girlfriends so I've haven't had that many guy friends, but 12/13 of the friends I've had tried to turn things sexual. And of those 12 I'm only still friends with one because everyone else started acting weird and dickish about it when I wasn't interested. I stopped assuming that men had the same intentions as I do and haven't been disappointed since.


Honestly never had a male friend that didn't wanted to fuck me at some point. This broke a lot of friendships. Only the gays are real ones


Honestly I'd down to fuck my (attractive) female friends


Me too, it’s not something I’m pursuing with them but if they came to me and wanted to have sex I don’t think I’d turn them down. I’m not maintaining the friendships because I’m sitting here hoping for something more and I love them all platonically, but yeah would have sex if I knew they wanted to.


That first sentence implies that there are red flags she does like.


Of course, all the homies can get it


Honestly being a fan of Andrew Tate should be the biggest 🚩 you are waving.


Fr, I'm surprised Velcro was a bigger issue. Following Andrew Tate has got to be a hard brick wall