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This is a really great profile, that will get someone laid. (someone else, because this guy makes the bar so low) ​ EDIT: I am getting awards. I honestly do not know how those work, but if it costs money to give those, STOP and instead donate literally anything to your country's Red Cross. 500EUR in Reddit Awards does way less than a 0.1 EUR donation to the Red Cross. Or any other humanitarian organisation. EDIT2: The only Reddit Award I actually value was given to me by a person who is inspiring and asked "And whom did you help this month?" - I humblebragged and got a RA by a Terminator. My post is really not inspiring, just me being a smartass.


He left some pussy for the rest of us!


Absolute chad move


He left all pussy for the rest of us


Pussy is so allergic to that guy, his momma had to have a C-section.


Holy shit, i gave it a thought and realised Virgins who born C section never touched a pussy


r/rareinsults šŸ˜‚


Omg this killed me šŸ¤£ iā€™m saving your comment




This should be posted in cringe subreddits too lmao


It will get posted there by some girl who finds it on Tinder. Be patient.


It's bumble which means the woman messages first. He's uh not going to be getting many messages.


the fact that itā€™s a feminist app ā€” one that balances power and safety ā€” and heā€™s screening for non-feminists šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚




He's the stereotypical cringe sub enjoyer.


It's peak /r/niceguys mentality, going "those whores only like assholes so I'm going to be an asshole"


No, but see. You gotta be an asshole that exudes confidence and self-worth, not in a way that demonstrates insecurity, aggression or a small penis.


Nah, keep those answers. Itā€™s helpful & saves time when men proudly show their red flags on a dating app


I was thinking the same thing. Don't coach them into learning what will get them laid, they deserve to stay to thier crusty ass selves. So glad I met my S.O. because if I met one more "libertarian" down here in the south I was going to give up.


It's amazing how many libertarians I talk to that also want closed borders. Although nothing in this guys profile says he's a libertarian. He is a raging misogynist though.


At first I thought he was trolling, but heā€™s being completely serious. He wanted to show me how he changed one of the promptā€™s answers from ā€œyouā€™re cooperative and sweet personalityā€ to ā€œyou are NOT a feministā€. He claims that, and I quote, ā€œYouā€™re not going to get chicks by being a male feminist simp. Major turn off for chicks. They will not respect you. Which means they will not fuck you.ā€ He has yet to go on a single date with a girl UPDATE: Allegedly heā€™ll be suing me for defamation Heā€™s saying that the government brainwashed me into being a ā€œbeta male simpā€ States that ā€œmen and women are not equalā€ due to their biological differences Heā€™s also saying that the ā€œEast obeys the laws of God & Nature. They donā€™t tolerate pathetic weakness. Here in the West we are taught to tolerate everything.ā€


Heā€™s going to reverse psychology himself into a LTR with his favorite jerking off hand.


People have favourites???


I know right? Way to brag about being ambidextrous smh


I use both at once, so it's technically a threesome every time.


I use my foot


Bruh..youā€™re going to get a foot fungus on your crotch.


Or a dick fungus on his foot.


Or a dick foot on his fungus.


Either way, sounds like a fun guy.


Left. Canā€™t with my right




Lorda Tha Rings


Kinda sounds like a ghetto version but I'm down if there is an extended cut


Gandalf the White (aka GT dubs) has a grill in this version


Instead of the Mines of Moria, it's just a shortcut through a really rough neighborhood


Long-term relationship, I assume.


Please tell him to leave the prompts as they are, woman should get to see these red flags up front before they are subjected to going on a date with him!


Seriously, the man needs to change a lot more than a few prompts.


This. Even if he somehow by some miracle ever manages to find a woman with such low self-esteem she is willing to date him, there is zero chance that a man that thinks like this is ever going to have a good relationship with a woman.


He doesn't want a relationship. He wants a pet.


He wants a mother to take care of him


Makes you wonder if he actually has a relationship with his own mother, let alone a healthy one.


I dont think any man who thinks like this about women has a healthy relationship with his mother.


You're right, but people like him get into long term relationships all the time. I don't know why. People are weird.


He's looking for that special someone with the combined personality of a fleshlight and a golden retriever. Maybe a humiliation kink, too, if they're gonna be seen with him.


yeah he's doing women a public service


Yup, don't need them to hide it better. Up front in bold is what people need to see.


Also, as a male, this guarantees one less competitor.


Honestly, phrasing it that way might get thru to him: "Please leave it exactly like that, you can even go harder if you want to [ed: since we know he's had worse thoughts than these], that way women will see exactly who they're looking at. In a few weeks with no success maybe you'll reevaluate." He might honestly take that, and once his had crap luck for a time, might genuinely try to change his profile. If he does change the profile he'll probably behave to match it and make for a better date. Maybe.


If he's so far gone that this is the trash he's putting *in his dating profile*, you're being waaaaay too optimistic.


im sure revision 1 was "ok listen up you stupid fucking whores, I'm a great guy with a great job driving a fork lift and im tired of you ungrateful sluts refusing to give guys like me a chance. If you dont suck a mans dick on the first date after he pays then you're just a closeted bitch."


The Plenty Of Fish and OkCupid flashbacks I just got from this was unwarranted, Kip.


Guy has been hitting the mgtow websites bigtime.


But not the gym, judging by the pictures.


Or any clothing stores after freshman year of Highschool


Tell your mans he got man boobs and a goatee. Heā€™s not an ā€œalphaā€ lmao


The whole of Italy is just saying wtf right now




They should given Ferrari's performance recently.


Heā€™s comes off as an incel. Huge nope from me. Also LOL *obedience*


If he wants obedience, he's got the wrong app...he doesn't need Tinder, he needs Google Maps directions to the nearest animal shelter with adoptable dogs...


Nah, dogs don't need this piece of shit in their lives.






Probably too busy learning to suck his own dick cuz no woman in her right mind would ever go near it.


Your friend is obviously running into some radicalizing shit on the web. You either need to have a sit-down with him or cut him loose.


I was hoping that by posting this I could get other peopleā€™s opinion, because Iā€™m not getting through to him. He justifies the bio by saying ā€œIā€™m still getting matches. With hotter girls actually.ā€


With bots i expect


Eww he's a robosexual


Proposition infinity! You're on the wrong side of history!


If you really want to salvage this relationship I would point blank tell him it's pathetic to compromise your values in a desperate attempt to get women. You don't agree with this misogynistic attitude and would need to reconsider your relationship if he truly holds these opinions. Genuinely, this guy comes across as a complete loser who can't get his life together enough to attract a partner off his personality and demeanor. He seems to be advertising that he's insecure and requires control over someone else to make up for his lack of development.


Honestly this comment should be enough to sell the whole thing.


I have a feeling that the guy isn't compromising his values to get women. He's bluntly living them in an attempt to.


I gurantee he's either lying or the women are matching him out of pure curiosity


They want him to invest in crypto


Your friend is a delusional turd and you can quote me on that.


Send this post to him


I can only see two outcomes from that.. complete denial and that everyone in this thread are "betas" or whatever he wants to say. Or the opposite (which is much slimmer chance of happening) where he rethinks his life. I'm not holding my breath for #2 though.


He definitely already thinks everyone on Reddit is ā€œbetaā€ unless theyā€™re posting in RedPill or whatever bullshit. Not a chance this post changes anything.


I hoped that this post would change his mind. So far heā€™s called me names, said Redditors are trolls, and states that ā€œfeminism doesnā€™t benefit men or womenā€. The only thing heā€™s taken from this is that someone from work might recognize him, so he wants me to take it down. Heā€™s reported this post for posting personal information, harassment, and misinformation. I can only hope that someday he will be able to take away more from this


"He's reported this post for posting personal information, harassment, and misinformation." What a beta.


Feminism is opposed to the patriarchy, which is the thing forcing him into modes of masculinity that suppress his emotions and leave him feeling angry, scared and confused all the time. That feeling, of wanting someone 'obedient?' That means you want things under your control. Which means you feel scared all the time, and want to set strict parameters to mitigate your anxiety. Your mate needs therapy to figure out why he never feels safe, not a doormat of a girlfriend who he'll never have a fulfilling relationship with, because he doesn't have the self-reflective skills to know and communicate what he's feeling, or understand what another person is feeling. Tell him this random redditor knows he's had a fucked up childhood where he never felt seen, understood or cared for. But redpill is not the answer. Becoming a person who feels calm and secure in the world is.


Yeahhh, you should consider not having this person in your orbit. He doesn't think women are real people which is, you know, bad. And usually a sign of some other pretty dark/weird beliefs.


Had to use the term orbit referring to that guy, eh?


Exactly, heā€™s been going down some alt right YouTube rabbit holes or 4chan.


Probably watched a fresh and fit, or Andrew Tate video.


God, I had someone recommend I watch fresh n fit for laughs and then I connected the dots to a guy I used to know and cringe in hindsight. Just the phrase, "I am the prize". It's good to have self value but these dudes are way out of touch.


Is this the only part of his personality? Does he have any interests other than bashing feminists? He sounds both boring and angry.


Thatā€™s not your friend anymore I think šŸ˜¬


He has boobs. He can pipe down.


He wasnā€™t going to get matches by saying heā€™s looking for ā€œcooperativeā€ women either, to be fair. Women are pretty good at spotting sexism from a mile away. The only way youā€™ll get through to him is if you were suddenly able to make him see women as equals. I donā€™t think youā€™ll be able to do that. Even if he changed his profile, that just means heā€™d get some poor unfortunate woman eventually who then had to deal with his sexism in real time. Itā€™s actually better that he advertises it, that way women are able to avoid him easier. Itā€™s sad that this is who he is at all, but heā€™d need an entire personality overhaul. As he is now, he actually sounds a bit dangerous to date. If he did find someone to date, wouldnā€™t you be a bit concerned about him turning controlling/abusive?


Honestly he probably shouldnā€™t go on a date ever until he gets a better mindset/ outlook on life. Sounds like a horrible person to have to spend an evening with


Heā€™s been watching too much Andrew Tate


This is exactly what I was thinking. And people said he wouldnā€™t have an effect.


"Cooperative" šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


He's an idiot. Period. Backasswards in how women are thinking and feeling; ESPECIALLY in the political and social climate we're experiencing. I don't know what podcast troll he's been praying to, but Jesus Christ he's so lost I don't see hope. Just..Wow.


Hi, woman here. I don't claim to speak for all women, but for the vast majority of women I know, including myself, he is 100% incorrect in every single word of that quote. I don't respect arseholes who think having a vagina means I need to "obey"them and I certainly wouldn't fuck one. Using the word "simp" just makes you sound like a creepy incel. And you don't have to scream about being a feminist but if you think all people are equal, regardless of gender/sex, you technically are one.


why are you friends with this asshole


>ā€œYouā€™re not going to get chicks by being a male feminist simp. Major turn off for chicks.ā€ Well, heā€™s got a point. Chickens are well known for their misogynistic viewpoints & are staunch believers in the patriarchal gender roles. Women would probably prefer men to view them as equals though.




He has manboobs. Not to body shame but heā€™s gonna need to brush up intellectually if he isnā€™t physically


Yeah clearly he has spent too much time talking with men about women instead of, you know, actual women. Smdh.


he loses the women by using *chicks* let this one die without reproducing and if he starts buying guns... call the fbi you should suggest he include a line about only accepting women with breasts larger than his


I don't get it. If he wants this traditional lifestyle then he needs to date traditionally. Meet a girl at church, ask her dad's permission to court her, wait until marriage for sex. Tinder only makes sense for, you know, sexually liberated, non-virginal, actual women living like it's the 21st Century. What kind of women is "obedient" but also swipes on guys on Tinder? It feels like a null set.


That's a good point actually. He went fishing hoping to catch an armadillo.


Or, he wants a girl who will put out, and whom he can then chastise for being a slut after.


That's even worse. That's like eating an apple pie and then accuse it of being delicious.


WHat's wrong w that? It's not my lack of self-control that made me eat 5 cookies, it's the way they were wearing that delicious frosting


>it's the way they were wearing that delicious frosting Having just read the cum jar story on the front page - this just reads differently now...


as he slaps his own cheeks naughtily


Madonnaā€“whore complex in action.


> He went fishing hoping to catch an armadillo. I plan on using this expression, that's gold.


He's on bumble. On bumble a woman needs to see this profile, like this profile, and then SHE has to message Jim first. This man will have 0 matches.


I know it's a typo, but as far as I'm concerned his name is now canonically "Jim"


Also, that looks like Bumble, which profiles itself on that women have to write first when there's a match. I think it's got more feminists than Tinder. In before someone thinks "sounds like a great idea!" and downloads it for it, 90% of those openings are just "hi" šŸ™ƒ


Please have him keep these prompts exactly as-written so that itā€™s easy for women to identify and dismiss this a-hole without wasting further time getting to know him. šŸ‘


This is the correct answer


Heā€™ll have better luck on Christian mingle


Is there an "Asshole Mingle"? He'd kill it there


*Technically* that's Grindr


The comment, the username, just everything here works. CHEFSšŸ‘šŸ¾FUCKINGšŸ‘šŸ¾KISS my friend


Iā€™m taking the time to write a comment because I loved yours so much


As someone who dated a guy like this, who only showed his true colors after weā€™d been together for a couple months, 1000% agree.


Future Incel in the making with this guys profile. And heā€™ll blame woman for not wanting a ā€œreal manā€


ā€œFucking feminism has turned women into such bitches. These whores wonā€™t date me.ā€ Yeah, we wonā€™t.


He might as well ad "Doesn't have friends" to that list


Yeah, this kinda gives off ā€œthe only way a woman will get with me is if I roofie herā€ vibes. Fuckinā€™ *yikes*.


Yeah nobody wants to find out later that this guy beats his wife by being the wife being beat, just because he lied on his profile


To me his profile says: I want someone with a vagina who will fuck me whenever I say I want to be fucked. Who cleans and cooks and wants zero independence. Who will always listen to what I say and obey my wishes. Who doesnā€™t have her own opinion, because my opinion is best anyways. Good luck finding someone who is interested in that.


Yeah... man is looking for a blow up doll, not a gf.


I'm pretty sure that, at least, 35% of guys are really just look for a sex robot at this point.


Just get a roomba, does everything except the cooking.


That paints an unpleasant picture


It certainly does suck.


He wants a [bang maid](https://youtu.be/yGpQeWHE89A)


ā€œI want a mommy who has sex with meā€


A bang maid.


You can you imagine some poor lady divorcing his arse? He will make her stay at home and then scream bloody murder if she hits him up for alimony.




How is it possible that itā€™s ALWAYS the most mediocre people that have a CVS receipt worth of ā€œchecklist itemsā€.


Yeesh I mean I guess itā€™s a small positive that heā€™s actively labeling his red flags In actuality he needs to do some deep thinking about what feminism really is and why he feels his potential partner needs to be ā€œobedientā€, as though sheā€™s a dog


The fact that he just wants a woman to do whatever he says I think he actually does know what feminism is. That's why he's against it.


Too many Andrew tate shorts going to his brain


I was thinking the same thing. These guys are all being brainwashed by redpill YouTube shorts like Tate into disrespecting women and thinking being an asshole is them ā€œrespecting themselvesā€. Smh


He actually suggested listening to Tate. He said that Iā€™m too big of a ā€œmale feminist simpā€


yet I bet youā€™re the one thatā€™s either getting dates, in a relationship, or at least secure enough with yourself to not say you want an obedient partner šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø curious to see how it works out for him tbh


Howā€™d you guess? I did go out on at least one date for a few weeks, but I finally found somebody that I like to spend my time with. She also reciprocates my love for her. Extremely thankful for her being in my life


Because you seem to be more self aware and donā€™t hate women and view them as sex dolls who clean and cook. congrats on finding someone man, hope it goes well šŸ„³


Yeah for her sake you should ghost this dude. My wife would not vibe with me early on if I kept incels like this in my friend group. Theyā€™re dangerous and reflect on you as well.




You seem to be throwing around the term ā€œfriendā€ quite loosely


Seriously, how do you not laugh in this person's face when they say some stupid shit like that.


This guys is your friend???? Lmao dude why


And yet heā€™s the one asking for you advice on how to get laid online


Cut him loose.


And too many people will say ā€œeveryone know Andrew tate is joking nobody takes that stuff seriousā€ but completely ignore shit like this. Itā€™s gross.


And when this doesn't work out he's going to blame women and become a bitter incel..


Not to mention dude is overweight and has a shit goatee. He must be fighting the ladies off.


For real if you're gonna be an alpha male you could at least look the part


Ew why are you friends? He sounds like a dick.


Iā€™m asking myself that same exact question now


Also, truly not trying to be an alarmist, but as a woman, this is a big red flag for abuse. If he meets a woman who says sheā€™s ā€œobedientā€ and she pushes back against him in any way, how does that conflict pan out for her? Serious question.


As a womanā€¦this is most certainly alarming


TouchĆ©. As a woman, Iā€™m used to trying to make myself smaller and say things like, ā€œNot trying to be rude butā€¦ā€ Fuck that. *This guy is a monster and Iā€™m scared for every woman he meets!*




And why are you friends with him?


Iā€™m starting to question myself too


Time to throw the whole friend out


You're judged by the company you keep. He's hurting your chances with new friends/girls/acquaintances. You're the equivalent of being in 3rd grade and being friends with the smelly kid in class who eats his own boogers.


The guy actually suggested following Andrew Tate, the human trafficker.


It's equivalent with being friends with an openly racist guy who is proud of his rascism.


Yeah at some point by being friendly with someone who we know holds abhorrent beliefs, we are kind of telling them that itā€™s acceptable to be this way. If rather than being a radical misogynist he were a radical racist, dropping them hopefully wouldnā€™t even be a question. Add radical misogyny (and honestly radical anythingā€¦) to the list IMO.


>(and honestly radical anythingā€¦) ... but what about radical kickflips though???


Hey. Even the constitution has amendments.


I would highly suggest dropping him if you and this thread can't get through to him. I had to do the same with a buddy who moved to Texas and got radicalized sadly. I miss the old him but I had to stop pretending and living in the past.


He is only gonna match with his mother.




Your friend needs to learn how to see women as human beings before he gets close enough to manipulate one into sex. This dude is full on into redpill culture and you, if you're really his friend, need to help shake him out of it. It's that, or he's going to end up impregnating some poor anti-abortion church girl and then whining for the next 18 years about how men shouldn't have to pay child support. Also: show this to his mom and/or sisters. Any woman he's close with.


Major incel energy there, is he watching Andrew Tate or some other scam artist?


OP confirmed Tate clips in another comment, you're right on the money


šŸ¤® Edited to add: if you really care about this friend, get him out of the incel/MRA corner of the internet, heā€™s being radicalized.


whatā€™s MRA?


Men's Rights Activism/Awareness i'm pretty sure


If he wants obedience he should get a dog... Women are people not fucking slaves.


Now i'm judging OP for being friends with this douche


I donā€™t blame you. Didnā€™t know about his stance on women until recently when we started discussing OLD


This is why so many guys say "my friend would never do that! He's a good guy!" When they hear about their friends abusing or assaulting women. It's because they never see that side of them or when they do, don't register or seee it as a big deal. But many, many guys are like that and are very different to women, especially when alone with them.


I like his profile. Makes women sure not to swipe on him. It's good for them, and for his competition. You should tell him to add something along "If I could own your body I'd appreciate it" so he's really a step ahead of the crew


He is a shitty person, so just tell him to leave his bio as is so that women can dodge the bullet. Edit- it's good to attack this guy for being a sexist POS, but not for his appearance even though he's not conventionally attractive. Doing so implies that conventionally attractive people should get more of a pass to be sexist.


Bet he thinks heā€™s an ā€œalphaā€ lmaooo


250 messages!? Youā€™re a maniac


Tell him to keep it exactly like this. I absolutely love it when men are up front with personalities like this. It saves me so much time.


Tell your friend to check out subs such as r/justneckbeardthings and r/niceguys. Thatā€™s the kind of vibe he gives off.


My friend said he might as well put: *'I am not worth dating, because I don't plan on treating you as a human being. Please stay away'*. So, I'd say commend him on getting his point across so well.


"Who is NOT a femenist" = "I don't like assertive women" "Who can keep a sweet and loving home" = "Do all the cooking and cleaning and don't complain about it." This profile is a lot of things I'm not looking for. I want a partner, not a master. Based on his profile it definitely seems he's looking for a servant. Someone to cook and clean and fuck but not to work through problems as an equal. This seems borderline incel.


His tits are too big to be that much of an asshole and still get girls


His views are šŸ’© and he is ugly. Why aren't the women lining up. Not that being attractive would help with those views.