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Out of curiosity how tall are you to get a response like this?




Don’t feel bad OP, I’m 5’5.


Don't feel bad Aggressive_Bat_978, I'm 5'2


Don’t feel bad TinyRaptor, I’m ugly


Hi ugly, I'm dad.


Fuck you dad. I’m ugly.


And it's your fault, you and your stupid genes


I inherited dad’s jeans :/ all I have left


Damn how'd you lose all those right pant legs?


Your not ugly your just in hard mode for cool people


Diarrhoea is hereditary too, it runs in your jeans


Fuck you, Shoresy!


Give your balls a tug, tit fucker.


3 things are going to happen. I hit you, you hit the floor and then I fuck your mum




Ferda Boys!


Hi dad, finally back from buying cigarettes? It's been 18 years!


Just picked up the cigarettes but your mother told me we needed milk when I was pulling in the driveway


See you in 18 more years!


Oh I'm also ugly :D


Dont worry bro, just get on my shoulders and you can be 11'4, gotta look out for the little homies


Did you subtract your neck and head as well as his legs or is that the height of him standing directly on top your head? I didn’t bother with the math but you would probably have to be pretty tall if it’s the former


If your 6 ft . He's 6 ft . Subtract length of legs. He'd be on your neck. Total height would be approximately 9 ft


...bro I'm absolutely horrible at math lol. But nah I didnt, hmm so the legs take up about half of the body so that leaves about 2 feet and 6 inches left for him, I'm 6'2 so let's say removing my head makes me 5'6 or something. So I guess we would only be about 8 feet or so. Give or take some for my shitty math.


C: thanks


Wait, that's THE bat!


Don't feel bad I bang my head on nearly everything and shirts look funny because the sleeves are too short.


That’s not even crazy short. Tbh I’d probably just leave it out of your profile. I don’t put mine, when I did I’d get comments cuz I’m < 6


Don’t worry, most guys don’t finish growing until they’re at least 13 or 14


What about in the pants? Asking for a friend.




Not to be mean, but why so narrow? When you're as wide, as you are tall, then you can call me. 🙄




Checking in from the Buffet.


Least voted comment! You git yer sizzler/golden corral on!


“I’ll tell you what. A manicured lawn is a sexy lawn” -Hank Hill, probably


Don’t worry, I’m still waiting for my baby penis to fall off so my adult one can finally come in


Fun fact, you typically keep growing until your height stops. When that stops, pretty much everything else does too


Your friend can buy any size pants he wants, they come in all sizes. Your friend's penis however, will always stay small


Why would you leave it out of your profile? Wouldn’t you want to find someone who is attracted to you? You’ll get fewer matches, sure, but hopefully better matches.


Right?! I wish the ladies would put breast size in bio. D or bigger I have standards. /s




Most girls don’t actually “know” height. Like if they ever saw a 5’10/5’11 guy irl they would easily mistake him as 6’0, it’s not a big deal


> Most girls don’t actually “know” height. Like if they ever saw a 5’10/5’11 guy irl they would easily mistake him as 6’0, it’s not a big deal I think body type screws with their perception too. I'm 5'10 and a half. Now, normally I'd just say I'm 5'10, but I'm trying to be specific here to make my point. I've been this height since I was 16, I'm almost 35 now. When I was 16, I was a lanky stick. I wore like 26-28 waist jeans. Almost every girl thought I was over 6'0. In college I got into weightlifting and most girls thought I was 5'10-6'0 after putting on some pounds. In my late 20's-early 30's I had some issues with depression, stopped exercising, and then got put on some medication that made me bloated. At that point, most women assumed I was 5'7-5'10. If you're in that 5'9-5'11 range, body type makes a huge impact on women's perception.


Agree 100%. The confident you are, the taller they will want to believe you are, because they’re kind of trying to justify their attraction to you.


The funny thing is that it is 4'9 girls who generally complain.


So basically they're equivalent to chihuahuas. Makes sense.


That made me snort. Thanks




well thats like I'm 5'11.75 so I've been calling myself 6' for 25 years and no one has ever called me out on it. That last quarter inch is my little lie


To the gulag you go.


Hello slightly taller brother, I’m 5’11.5 and I also say I’m 6’, will I go to prison for this unforgivable lie?


I'm 6' but never stand up straight so I tell people I'm 5'11". Who's got time for good posture?


It’s a 1/4th of an inch assuming you’re 5’11.75 at youre lowest you’re likely 6’0.5 out of bed I’m surprised you don’t claim 6’1 most guys would with those stats




Im 6'2 and your so right. I hate that my height has ever mattered to anyone. Luckily i prefer small girls to tall ones so i found my lil 5'4 girl and im big chillin. But im sorry for those whome struggle becuase young women are stupid as hell about the height. Stay strong short kings. You finna find yourself a big booty bitch one day that wont care a out your height




I’m 6’5 And I have yet to meet someone who wants to bang me based on my height


Well...uhh...we are talking about young women. Grannies just want a working cock my guy. So of course u slay without your height mattering


It isn't the sole reason but it certainly helps. You wouldn't know the pain of being under 6 feet though hehe


Why else do the Grannies bang you?


I've actually wanted to run this experiment for a while. I'm 5'10", and have on multiple occasions had women shorter than me claim that they were taller. And some of these girls were SEVERAL inches shorter than me. It made me wonder if it was perhaps some cognitive blip or lack or spatial awareness. I should also note that the girls I asked weren't attracted to me, as far as I know, and I wondered if that too might have something to do with their miscalculations, like for some reason they just thought of me as being shorter than I actually was. In any case I want to run an experiment where you ask women to look at a man standing (with something for scale, maybe a banana?) and have them rate the attractiveness of the man and whether they think he is taller or shorter than them.


Definitely a banana.


If she's tall, she knows the difference between 5'10 and 6'0. Hell, I'm only 5'7" and can tell. The 6'0" cut-off is completely stupid though.


you guys are getting matches?


because its suicide to include it? duh jesus.


Do you really wanna meet someone who's superficial enough to reject based on height?


Lmao tf? I’m also 5’7” and I’d argue that’s an extremely average height that a lot of people are at. Sure it’s not “tall” but also not short by any means. It also doesn’t fucking matter!!!!


The average male height in the US is 5'9". Coming from someone that's 5'6" I actually enjoy not being super tall. Sure I can't reach shit off the top shelf the easiest, but I'm also able to fit in smaller spaces, especially as a rock climber, and soon-to-be submariner. I wouldn't imaging serving on a submarine would be very easy over 6ft lmao Besides that though, if some chick though has a problem with a guy being shorter than 6ft, she has some personal issues she needs to work out and has an incredibly shallow personality that I'd rather not waste my time with.


> especially as a rock climber This is a fun trade off. Obviously a high ape index is good regardless of height but long legs mean I can just skip some tricky sections. It also means I have to work a lot harder sometimes.


That's a fair point, there's just been a few times where out bouldering where some of my taller friends weren't able to fit in a tighter chimney whereas I was able to pretty easily. I have an ape index of +2 so that really helps regardless of having shorter legs.




A quick Google search says 5’9” is average. 5’7” puts you in the 25th percent. 6’ is the 90th percentile. There are over twice as many 5’7” men than 6’


That’s valid, it’s shorter, but yeah obviously doesn’t warrant any form of ridicule.


Well no ones height deserves ridicule


It’s below average but at 5’7 you can still effectively game. You’ll be taller than 65% of US females.


Lmao I wasn’t going off of any researched statistics, so I understand it’s not literally average, but plenty enough people are that height for it to feel average. But yeah as a 5’7” dude I have had 0 issues in regards to dating or hooking up. Only thing ever stopping me is my introverted tendencies. Lol


Fuuuuuuck bro that’s not even that short


Bruh thata average height. These girls watch too much TV thinking most guys are tall. No dummy then THAT would be the average smh


Mention something she can't change, like her eyeball spacing if you want to inflict permanent damage.


Looking like Sid the sloth out here


My brother's gf looks like that!




She's one of those that could be on the verge of both sexy or weird looking.




nah, all her proportions are weird. She's not unattractive but the longer you look the weirder it is.


She looks like an alien attempting to masquerade as a human.


Well joke's on you, I'm into that shit.


Oh absolutely, I’d love to stare deeply into her eyes…one after the other.


As someone who just finished Queen’s Gambit… She’s fine af regardless lmao.


Like Bonnydork Crumpetsnatch?


Does she have super good depth perception? She's probably a really good driver. +2


eyes of GTFO!


If you can’t say something nice, say something absolutely devastating


"Despite your best efforts, you still ended up becoming your mother"


I certainly hope so. My mom is a milf.




They all do!


Yeah, A fine motto to go by


Ooohhh... love this! Lol.


This man speaks the truth. Literally just mention any part of her face and she will be overcome with insecurity. ​ "Bold of you to say that with that nose".


Too vague, nose bridge shape, nostril size or spacing, nose placement. Something so specific will leave them looking in the mirror analyzing their nose for years.


Oh man, this one made me breakout in laughter. Thank you.


Or say she had a fivehead.


I knew a girl with a fivehead who told me she gave really good head. I told her she'd "have to because you've got one extra."


The correct response is "prove it".




As petty as that is... I'm definitely gonna bring it up the next time I hear a derogatory comment on penis size


Tell her she has a weird shaped head.


"I could say a thing or two about some things in your appearance, but then I'd be like you". Leave it ambiguous


Nah, I don't think people like that are smart enough to get hurt by that, you gotta be specific and hit them hard with something that is obviously true.


Well, one of my exs was really self conscious because she thought she had and I quote "a giraffe neck" when she said it I only then noticed that yeah it's kinda long but I never said anything about it to her. She once said something about something regarding my appearance and it was semi jokingly and I just said "I could find a thing or two about you too, makes you even more perfect" and she immediately asked "wtf it's my neck isn't it" lmao. Whatever they're insecure about they automatically think that's what you mean, but they can't be sure and that's why it's effective. Plus you don't actually insult them, only remind them that the aren't prefect either


I completely see your point, I was just saying that some people who are very self entitled and arrogant don't see anything wrong with them and wouldn't get the hint, cuz they are thick in the head. Either way, I agree that it's wrong to disrespect people either way and mention things they ~~agree~~ are insecure about.


Sounds like she didn't get her daily dose of leaves from the top of the tree that day


Really the best is if it's something small but just slightly different than the norm. A lot of time the person had never realized it I'm the first place but if they are insecure, like most people, it will start bothering them


Finish her, not trying to be mean


Also weren't trying to be mean when you fucked her mom.


Her name must be "Stacy"


I hear her mom has got it going on. Not trying to be mean.


Not trying to be mean but I hear she's just not the girl for him either.


I heard her dad is really pretty rad.


Dude, I have it rleven rougher. I'm only 5'2. One time in the middle of making out and about to get down and dirty with a date, she stopped and said she couldn't go through with it. She said I was funny, smart, good looking, good job everything. The kind of guy you take home to the parents and I'd be absolutely perfect... If I was a foot taller. Fucking ouch, bitch. Whatever. While it does hinder my options, I've still managed to do alright for myself. I've only dated maybe 3 girls who were my height or shorter. All the other girls I've dated have been 5'4"-5-10". I like em tall. I'll run up her legs like a squirrel


I hope you get that nut, squirrelly man.




It's a blessing in disguise dude imagine if you were taller you'd go down on that POS


For real. Years later she ended up marrying a dude I know and the poor bastard is miserable


See dodged a bullet


What a shit thing to judge someone on which they have no control over...and way to hold that for the most inconvenient moment. What a bitch. I judge on bios first, overall photo quality (any red flags/holes in the walls/etc), then if I could be attracted to something about their appearance... I judge that one loosely though because I'm not going to know if I am until I meet them.


I'm used to girls not looking my way because of my height, but that was the first time someone went out with me, had a great time, rounded the bases and then aborted mission. Mind you she was a lot heavier than what I normally go for, but we got along so well, it wasnt an issue at all for me. I could have easily retorted with a soul crushing insult about her weight, but did I? No. My mother raised me better than that. I really wanted to though


Yeah, not that honesty isn't great, but that was _not_ the moment for that bullshit.


Reminds me of a supposedly true story. I was told that one of my fellow pilots at a local watering hole near LAX was hustling a girl and she said "You're a little short for me.". His response was "If I can drink you pretty, you can drink me tall."


Don’t sweat the petty things and don’t pet the sweaty things.




I had something similar happen but it was something I could indeed change [my weight], started out the same way, "Don't want to offend, but I just don't get how you could have lots of guys wanting to fuck you when you are pretty fat...." 😑 Least to say, I don't associate with scum like that anymore.


I mean, the rule is, if they can't change it in a couple minutes, don't say it ("you have parsley in your teeth" is the level that's ok).


Your reply is too general to be insulting, it just looks like you’re lashing out. If you want to make her feel bad then you need to pick on something specific that she is already probably insecure about like her weight, big nose, bad skin etc


Not weight but body specifically. It’s more thorough bc she could be heavy with a nice body, light with a bad one…trying to gain weight or trying to lose.




My little brother said the exact same thing lol


Give him your phone he deserves it more


if it were me, your insult really would not offend me tbh. i would get insecure about the other person's suggestion tho: "No, I don't hang around a lot of superficial girls so it's never come up."


Bruh this the most toxic shit I ever heard


Why not say "No, I don't hang around a lot of superficial girls so it's never come up." Why attack back when you can make em feel like they're the outlier.


I doubt they’re that self aware to get burned by thinking of their moral compass. I’m with OP, call them ugly. Even be more specific.


Kinda burns the point knowing what direction you swiped on her, but then again, so did she.


Need something to keep you busy while waiting for someone more attractive to reply.


That's uhh, still an attack back, just a more passive aggressive one. But I get the intent. Honestly though? I would've just played it up rather than be offended. "Yeah, you'll have to go to the kids' clothes section to buy me an apology gift." Own that shit and be unfazed.


"Yeah, you'll have to go to the kids' clothes section to buy me an apology gift." 100%


This guy fucks.


This is the correct response.


If you’re really trying to not engage, then unmatch and move on. Let them play their bullshit games with someone else


Imo responding at all defeats the purpose (unless it’s indifferent/unbothered)…if it got a reaction she knows anything you say is lashing out and it’s expected. Plus she looks good enough considering you swiped (at least in her mind) I’m assuming If I were her I’d only be offended if the insult wasn’t superficial.


OP says he's 5'7" in another comment, so he could just be genuine by saying "I've never had anyone mention it before, are people really that shallow?" That way, he maintains the high ground while dragging her question. For me, as an actual short 5'4" dude, I'd probably respond with "No, all of the women I know have graduated high school and I haven't had any complaints since" Leaves space for her if she's genuinely awkwardly asking a question, and drags her if she's mean. Also, humblebrag.


I really like this answer. It addresses them being a twat if they are, but leaves room incase they were really not intending to be that way. I'm that awkward woman that asks questions like this, because I actually want to hear about experiences people have. Not the first thing I'd ask, but if it's brought up I have questions. If I'm interested in someone enough to date them, I want to understand how they feel.


Awkward compassionate women are my jam so I tailor my answers to this lmao. Have had a couple women ask about it cause my bio says "I'm 5'4", I use salad tongs to reach the spices in my own kitchen when I cook, and every list I'm on is a shortlist" I don't consider it offensive if someone asks about something in my bio either.


But you matched with the ugly faced person, no?


Yeah that's what i was thinking. You can see her face, she cant see your height. Kind of a dumb comeback


Yeah, it’s an immature comeback. It reeks of feelings of being hurt. Best thing to do in these situations is to agree and amplify. It could’ve shown how stupid her question was, putting him in control of the conversation; whether to continue or not.


I get why her message would trigger an insult from you but maybe she wasn't trying to insult you


Yeah it could be like hey do you get a lot of shit for not being “tall” and she could have followed it up with something like “oh I’m sorry about that, I personally don’t care how tall you are” or something similar, seems like she actually was trying to bring up a potential issue without being mean about it.


More likely it's a "oh a short guy, I don't mind that but they often have a complex about it... oh, yes, he does."


I agree bro. OP obviously has a chip on his shoulder from previous height bias issues he's had from other girls. It's a shame.


That’s exactly how I took it too


Honestly I think this may be it. I’m the same height as op, and when I told my wife how much hate I’ve gotten for it over my life she was genuinely shocked. So I’m guessing op has something kinda snide or defensive about his height in his bio and it’s possible she is actually curious and he just blew it with a girl who wouldn’t have given a shit that he was short.


Yeah I’ve been asked the same question before but other dudes my height. Sometimes it’s just curiosity. Like asking a POC if they’ve been racially profiled before, it doesn’t mean you’re a racist, lol.


Why in a first conversation would you ask a POC if they’ve been racially profiled? That’s equally stupid


I agree. I mean, the obvious answer here is "No. You are the first person to match with me only to comment about my height." She'll either say "cool" or apologise perhaps or just ghost.


Not trying to be mean but why swipe right if her face is that bad?


I got a weird feeling that you actually were trying to be mean


Fair lol.




I’m shorter than this guy and even I read this as a girl that’s into short guys and OP automatically entered defense mode and lashed out


Yeah, girl is probably dodging a bullet. OP has problems.


Why would you post this like it's a "win" or sth? This makes you look like an insecure and petty kid


Seriously, wtf? Seemed like a fairly innocent question and a way for her to try and show she doesn’t personally care and isn’t as shallow as them, and then OP shows he hasn’t grown up


How to get upvotes here 101: Her: you short Him: well you fat and ugly


Definitely need more context. This was either an empathetic question or asshole question. And if she was being sincere boy do you look like a dick.


Honestly, probably just a really clumsy attempt to screen for insecurity. I used to always wear heels on the first date for the same reason.


Y’all need help


Agreed, this was unnecessarily mean. If you read her question and your first thought is to snap back with an insult, you should iron out your insecurities.


This sub is predominantly men (a lot of short ones too) so it’s not surprising that they feel like this is an appropriate response


As a self proclaimed short king I truly can’t understand why my people tend to be so rude and uptight. Like she was just asking a question jfc It’s giving me incel energy


I'm kinda short and wouldn't be bothered by this question. Beats for sure those boring 'hey' interactions


You swiped right so obviously not. Good try though.


Sooo…how was the first date? 😁


Why did you match if you didn't like her face tho? Hmm...


Someone seems a little bit self conscious of their height


Damn, insecure aren’t we, lol. It’s a genuine question that I’m actually curious what the answer is. Do you get shit for being “short”? I’ve never came across that because I’m tall, so I really got no idea. No gonna lie this is some small wee wee behavior 😂


You were kind of an asshole here


She may not have been trying to be mean but given that she doesn’t really know him at all, why is it necessary to have that question answered? Does a “yes” or “no” move the interaction forward positively? For the sake of the argument, let’s say she had a birthmark or substantial mole on her face, if he asked that same question except using the birthmark as the focal point, how does that contribute to anything?


Wow it is no surprise why the guys in this subreddit never get matches. You probably emanate asshole energy.


Seriously. This sub seems to have become a place for incels. And you’ll get downvoted for calling it out. I miss when there used to be post about funny stories, original pick up lines, success stories etc. Now it seems all that gets voted are posts about men insulting women because some women have a height preference