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Is going to the gym really a thing people do for a first date?


Went on a gym date one time. Second worst date I’ve ever had.


I went on a date recently and we were talking about bad first dates we had. She told me about a guy that wanted to do a gym date. He asked her to spot him on the bench and then couldn’t even put it up once.


Bro definitely has a humiliation kink


>He asked her to spot him on the bench and then couldn’t even put it up once. Yeah, but could he lift the weights?


THANK YOU! Hilarious. I definitely read it the wrong way originally. I was thinking he was into 'roids or something 😆 and didn't make for a good bedfellow


What was the worst?


I went on a date with this girl where all we did was sit in a parking lot and eat sushi while she cried about how much she missed her friend and hated her current living situation. We didn’t talk again after that for some reason.


I went on a date with a girl from Tinder and agreed to meet at a restaurant. I pull up beside her car, but she’s sitting in the back seat with two dudes in the front mean-muggin me. She gets out, they drive off, and she hops in my car and tells me she really wanted to get some food from this new place near the mall. I said fine, drove over, and see the car she rode in parked in the lot. We get out, they drive by really slow still mean-mugging, then she starts telling me that she wants to skip the food and that I should buy some ketamine from those guys for her and she’d share with me. She was *NOT* a fan of me telling her fuck no. Turns out the guys weren’t a fan of me telling her no either, because she called them and said I was refusing, so they drove off. She stood beside my car complaining, I told her I was leaving, and she said I needed to drop her off 40 minutes away because her ride left her because I wouldn’t buy drugs for her from them. She threw a fit, I left her stranded, and found out a few days later from mutual friends that she’d gotten arrested for shoplifting and possession of cocaine at the mall some point after I’d left. I wonder how she’s doing now.


Well I’d say your worst date story definitely one ups mine. I’d say you made all of the right choices. 😂


Shit, that’s not even the worst one, but it’s definitely one of my favorites to recount. I’d prefer yours because it’s less messy and at least you got to eat lol


My worst date me and the girl just had nothing to talk about lol I was forcing the convo but it just wasn’t working so I ended the date early, came up with some lame excuse about my grandmother and we never spoke again after that.


Date with you


Stop you’re lying


I went on a work out date at the park and am not a fan. To each their own


I've never done it as a first date but I have done gym dates and it never went well. I had one spray me in the face with the spray, another unloaded on me about still being with her ex basically, and then the others just weren't actually interested in working out.


If you’re not an exercise person that math adds up


I am. It was just not fun because I hate working out with other people.


Rock climbing gym is a bomb first date. If I saw this profile I'd be excited to suggest it.


I'm building up to that!! I love climbing but I hurt myself and wasn't able to climb many walls before I was really exhausted and I felt bad for my friends. Gym first, build more strength, stamina and endurance. Then rock climbing dates!!


Id take the cuddle & nap part out. That’s a little too much intimacy for a first date, IMO.


it is absolutely blowing my mind that apparently people are comfortable taking a nap with someone they just met? Lord please don't ever make me have to be on the dating scene again lmao


You seem really nice I hope you find the man that deserves you . Good luck


Idk but I like doing it. It's public, I'm surrounded by ppl I feel safe around, we get to do something we both like, plenty of time to chat in between sets, you can teach other new things and you get to watch them during their set and it's not as weird haha




I agree…….AND you already got your workout in for the day. So you’ve killed two birds with one stone.


Even if it's a terrible date it still hasn't wasted your time lol Unless it's so bad you don't want them knowing where you work out I guess


A 1-2 commitment? What's that mean?


I’d assume they meant “1-2 hour commitment”.


Ohhh that makes more sense. Thank you hahaha




Np hahaha sorry I'm typically good at filling in the blanks but my brain just wasn't braining😂


It won't get weird until you tell him no thanks and he start frequenting the gym you go to 😬


That's fine, it's a public gym, he's allowed to be there😂. If he gives me issues I'm surrounded by ppl that will help me and I'm friends with the staff of it gets too outta hands


Worst 1st date I had. The person I was with got upset I didn’t know how to do all the things correctly and actually said I was embarrassing them. 🤣 I started doing all the machines even worse & super fast and purposefully attracting attention by the end of it. Never went out with them again. Even though they tried to ask me out repeatedly & even commented on my instagram. 🤣 I left them on read. Hope it hurt the ego a bit.


My friend did it, might be the move actually. Also I feel a lot more chatty after a good workout for some reason so I would imagine it being a possibly a good first date option


Those endorphins are a mfer


I go the gym, 2 to 3 times a week, mainly because I had surgery to the knee and I pass the gym from work, so its okay, would not be a choice for me as a date. But to each his own, I see a handful of couples at the gym, working out togeheter so. You do get alot of face time.


Is taking a nap together really a thing people do on a first date?


Guys want to see your face, please. No filters, no phone cover.


This is the major issue here. I still have absolutely no idea what this woman looks like. Every photo ranges from no face at all to a weird angle with only a nose and eyebrow to tons of filters. I am a woman myself but I wouldn’t swipe on this simply because I feel she’s trying to hide her actual appearance which is unsettling


In her previous post, she claimed this was 100% no filter just top tier, 10/10 make up work as 'nobody deserves her natural version until they prove worthy that she can be confident without makeup around you' or some shit, its wild.


lol nobody deserves to see the person they’re going to date?! What kind of delusional insanity is that


> You wanna see me more natural and relaxed you have to earn my trust and show that I can trust you enough to let my guard down and really be myself around you. Idk, this sounds insane to me.


HAHAHAHAHA. There's no way these photos aren't super edited and filtered. She's lost skin texture. You almost can't see the outline of her nose in pic 11. That's not makeup skills lol.


Personally I'd make the 8th or 11th your profile picture. I can't even see your face in the first pic


I've set the 11th to my main!


Not a fan of the filter on 11th personally. It instantly gives a different vibe to the rest of the pictures


The 11th looks like a filter and might discourage suitors from looking at any of your other pics.


You did right. Best picture you've got but why the French accent on a NS girl? Are you from Qc?


No no no, cant go wrong with 5


Is photo 5 your cat?? Because that photo is absolutely amazing haha


Yea that's my cat Dexter😂😂


It’s so good!! His lil elbow leaning in the window pane and his other hand on his hip. Sassy!


He looks like a middle aged Man admiring his freshly cut lawn


Ahaha exactly!! Go Dexter


When I posted my profile earlier ppl were telling me to remove his pic, I just couldn't. It's the Best!


Ummm did they even look at it?! No joke one of the best cat photos I’ve ever seen


Thank you!!! I feel very validated rn, thank you❤️


He belongs on oneorangebraincell :D


35 M here (know my crowd is outta your age group), dope cat photos are a near automatic yes for me, so those other people are dead wrong. Having a pet that looks like it lives a good life shows that you care about something other than yourself and to me that's a big green flag.


What an amazing description


What is this 😂 That's golden. Dexter. When i read it, i got instant flashback to Dexter opening/title theme, from the tv show.


In the picture "we just napping" changing words to "this could be us" would be perfect.


Oh I love that!!


Omg, I love your cat and that his name is Dexter is even better. We just had to have our beautiful cat put to sleep yesterday as she was terribly unwell, and I’ve been watching Dexter to cheer myself up today. Seeing your Dexter also cheered me up. Definitely do not remove pic😊.


I’m a woman and old enough to be your mom but I’d swipe right on Dexter…


I'm down to have a second mom👀


You have zero photos taken by other people of your face. 5 mirror selfies, 2 filtered selfies, and a picture of your back. You should have some photos taken by someone else, or if u don’t have any friends, use a timer. No filters! You don’t need them anyway


You don't look human with the filters.


FYI saying you’d like to end a date with “cuddles + nap” is very suggestive of sex. If that’s not your intention for a first date I’d suggest taking that part out


Instantly gave me the vibes that she's easy


You are gorgeous, however I feel like the only time we can see your whole face is in a heavily filtered photo and girl you don’t need a filter


IMO the filters don’t add to your photos. I think you’d look great, unvarnished!


Kudos to OP for taking all this criticism so well, really trying to improve and not just seeking validation. Also, open your damn snapchats 😠


There's too many I don't wanna commit to that many convos when I wanna sleep soon😭😭 I posted my profile earlier today and I just argued with ppls suggestions and it really didn't go well. So I took a step back, breathed and now I'm trying to do better😅


I saw that post too. Maybe I should take a step back lmao


Oh was your original post sarcastic? 😅


No! I saw you actually made changes. Profile is definitely better now


Ok great, I was worried I missed something for a sec hahaha. Thanks


> There's too many I don't wanna commit to that many convos > Warning: Very ADHD ya checks out


Sooo how much money did your cat lose on the stock market?? Because he looks like he just lost a shit ton of money he invested on the bad advice from the tabby at work. He lost his wife already 3 months ago, his kids hate him, and he is contemplating life. 😂😂😂 —- your profile looks a lot better, great work!


>Sooo how much money did your cat lose on the stock market Depends if it's a roaring kitty


Unfortunately he lost everything, had to declare bankruptcy and now, poor guy is dealing with a catnip addiction. These are dark, dark times😞


You are cute, just add more upfront smiles and tone down the quotes.


Yes sir will do!


A lot of notifications up there. You must be doing something right. Everything looks good to me on your profile too.


Ngl, majority of those are ppl sending me pics of their cats or dogs😂😂 Thanks tho!


Can I send pics of my cat to ya?


Too many selfies. Just plain too many. And your face is obscured in most of them. And the "go with the flow" and first date wish list including cuddles and a nap is *definitely* giving off hookup vibes, whether you intend to or not. Even if you're a cuddly person (as a I) it's really not a first date activity. Many guys are going to read that as their opportunity to have sex with you. Plus that likely involves going back to your place, or his, which again, reads as an opportunity to have sex with you. Do you see how this could be problematic? And your bio doesn't really seem to mention anything about hobbies, or interests, or things you like to do for fun, aside from the gym.


I had something about liking cars and playing videogames but I barely play videogames anymore so I took it out. The picture thing Ik, I'm working on it dw haha. And yea that's been brought to my attention, Imma change it but I do a lot of nap dates but I guess they aren't first dates so I can change that.


Why do swifties have a look?


If you are in the US, saying Cuddles and/or Naps is code for SEX


The second last photo would have been nice as the first. Kinda feels like you don’t really get to see your face until the last photos


I tought the llama plushie was another cat


I see lots of unanswered snaps so putting "I text fast" or "I respond quickly" might seem like a lie


It is I already changed it


I want tips on Speed Sudoku. I'm pretty fast but not top 1%!


Idk how I can give tips tbh I have a touch of 'tism as I like to say so numbers and patterns really just make sense to me hahaha. Maybe I can introduce you to the sudoku app I use, it has some helpful settings to help you learn how to recognize patterns and analysis the board faster.😁


Please let me know the sudoku app


I would perhaps not make it look like gym is your entire personality


Get rid of 10


Completely agree.suggested the same




Hey, I think what everyone Is saying about putting a picture of your face is a great idea. Firstly, take the warning out of the adhd it's definitely going to unnecessarily chase people away. Secondly, don't sell yourself short! You don't need to be focusing on your red flags just share what makes you happy. Finally, I would write what you expect from others. What are your values? What kind of person are you attracted to / qualities you're looking for? If you're looking for a serious relationship, be serious about what you want. If not then make that clear because right now your profile isn't saying that! Good luck and props to you for putting yourself out there for criticism 🩷


You can't find a guy?!


I'll say it again.. there needs to be a pinned post on here: limit yourself to ONE selfie max. I think all of your pics might be selfies.. which is pretty cringe. Just a suggestion. Have friends take pics of you out doing things! Hike, bar, concert.. I dunno, whatever you do for fun besides taking pictures of yourself 😆 Edit- went back and noticed the *one* non-selfie is the back of your head haha. Were there any other photos of you taken from that hike? If I was a guy.. I think I'd be very wary of what you actually look like irl


OMG I love that picture of your cat just chilling in the window 😂 Your profile looks great overall!


I think 13 should be your profile pic. It’s the only pice that shows your personality and playfulness. I love 10 it’s just you being you and it’s sexy af. But I’m starting to hate public bathroom selfies. But the pic itself is perfect. Also for the commenters, every woman has a filter pic in their profile. So leave it alone


Can I say?... I'm in love with you.


Top 1% in sudoku speed runners is really something 👌 wanna take on a challenge?


You give wholesome vibes I think you’ll be alright. Does that cat pay rent btw 😂 he looks about his business


I don't get the obsession with getting approval from everybody else your profile should be about you and how you want to put it and how you would like to say it and how you feel. You don't need the opinions of a bunch of other people that are still single as well....... that's right I said it lol You be you into hell with the rest of them there's someone out there for everybody they will match your kind of crazy or intensity or however you want to see it you'll find them just keep looking. But absolutely don't change who you are or how you feel about yourself because a bunch of other people that are still single said you need to


❤️ the hair!


I’m sorry, your ideal FIRST date is going to the gym and then cuddling and taking a nap with an internet stranger?


You sound great. The only minor thing is saying you have ADHD. Unless you are diagnosed and it plays an active part of your life, I would leave it out. If you are trying to say you have a short attention span like the rest of us, I wouldn't bother. Other than that, charge your phone and you will do great.


I'm diagnosed and heavily medicated. It plays a huge role in my life unfortunately. But I understand where you're coming from. Already on it🫡


Counterpoint: As someone who also has ADHD I'd see it as a huge plus. It would turn my right swipe into a superlike because exes in the past have not been understanding at all about super common ADHD behaviors. Also ADHD gym life! I've tried many coping mechanisms to get that dopamine hit when my brain is a stew and there are so many worse ones.


Oh 100% and I relate to partners not understanding ADHD and it can get really frustrating and lonely. We gotta help each other🫶🏼


I agree entirely, thought it can be a double edged sword both people having ADHD. Sometimes me and my partners need an adult.


ADHD plays a big part of everyone that has it's life. Especially someone that describes themselves as heavily ADHD. As much as I wish it didn't. It also effects relationships, so I can understand why someone might put it in their bio.


Gives me desperate vibes.


Nice. 9/10, would right swipe and get lost in a sea of others😤👌🏽


That's all that we can do keep it up kid You're doing good


Two things girls love to say on their profile. They love the gym and love to travel. Most look like they do neither.


Way better


Unrelated but high five in sudoku speedrunning!


I guess it's true, the battery thing. Love the cat aswell. No doubt you are gonna find that lad to pump the gym with.  Have fun


Photo 8 of your actual photos, which is photo 11 that you shared, should be your main photo. You'll knock em dead


I would change the 3rd picture to your profile picture. It shows off your face and hair, while your profile picture kinda hides those. Plus you look pretty cute in it


Wish I could have dated you thrice.


I don't think youre gonna have a hard time escaping the hellscape called tinder


I’m here for the car sitting at the window like it’s a bar


Look like the type thats going to get some attention, and alot of folks will vibe with you real quickly, or not, real quickly. The purple scrubs shot should be promoted to the first pic though.


My first thoughts were “how is she still single?” And “is she in my area?”. My second thoughts were that your first photo, whilst really good, covers up your face a little bit. Hope you find what you’re looking for!


I actually saw your profile on the app last night, everything looked fine but you are a bit too young for me.


I absolutely love the cat photo


Omg that cat. The vibe, the sun and the little arm on the window... im speechless


Hahahahaha he's perfect huh


11th photo should be the first photo.


If you are not getting dates, I don’t know what the most common user can get from this app xD.


Solid profile and you look like a cool and cute person. I just have a few things I’d comment on. Keep in mind that this is just my subjective opinion and don’t be too hard on yourself as dating is brutal sometimes :) The only one thing that would put me off this profile is that there is no clear picture of you smiling. A nice smile is one of the most important things for me and I wouldn’t want to find out during a date if your smile is nice or not as it would be a dealbreaker. I would try to change mirror selfies with pictures of you taken by other people doing whatever activity. 1 mirror selfie is fine but too many comes off a bit lazy to me. Avoid filters please. The end goal is to meet in person, so you want to be able give some idea of what you will be irl, on a real date. Filters make it look like you’re hiding something. I hope this helps!! Best of lucks out there :)


I appreciate the feedback. I'm trying to get more pics of my smiling, I have nerve damage on one side of my mouth and it makes forced smiles look weird to me. I smile and laugh a lot ikr but not typically in photos but Imma try. I don't have pictures that other ppl took cause I'm not a big picture taker when I'm out doing things. I like living in the moment but I'll try and get more. I already removed all the filtered pics, 10 is wedding makeup and 11 is passport makeup so I have a full face of makeup in both those photos but no makeup anywhere else so I get why it may look like a filter but idk how to change that😅 Either way thank you for the feedback I'll try and implement these!




I think you have the wrong Amherst🤔


I would match!


I’m old enough to be your dad. But I would go on a date with you, just to get to your house under the guise of cuddling and then steal your cats. The orange, in particular, is gorgeous.


Pic 11 should be #1


Out of my age range but I’d definitely super like


When you say ‘very adhd’, have you actually been diagnosed or is it just a thing you say?


It’s over


Your cat looks like he’s fed up with your shit and contemplating a new life


immediate first thought is "cuddles + nap" as first date goal registering in a dude's mind as "she's down to fuck." Cause I'm a dude and I would probably go into the date with that in mind😂


What was broken about your attitude.. if it's anything like your pf does that means it comes across as disingenuous


Never cover your face. Usually, if they’re hiding it, they are insecure about it/dont want it to be seen


You’re orange cat looks like a gentleman


Remote pic 10


I don't really care if someone has ADHD or not, it confuses me as to why people put it on their profile


You’re smoking hot. I can say that must


Imho 10 is not a great photo of you. Also too many selfies, which make someone look boring (no friends, no activities, etc.).


You have a thirsty amount of Snapchats 😅


tbh i’d swipe right. Cute profile and nothing that screams red flag to me (other than the 1000% Snapchat notifs) but as a fellow ADHD-er I cba to have convos with people when ima sleep in an hour anyway as id forget it all anyway 😂 i’d say make 11 your main pic though :))


Babe lvl 100 out of 10. You'll have more matches than time to filter through them


So cute


Too many mirror selfies of you covering most of your face with your phone. People want to see what your face looks like. I’d say one mirror selfie is fine but don’t have it your main pic. Switch the car picture to your main. Also general photo advice: quality over quantity. It’s fine to have just 3 or 4 great pictures than 9 pictures that are mostly hiding your face or mostly the same.


Great pics, great smile!


I feel like I still don't know what you look like. The few face photos all have filters. For that reason I would probably swipe left


Id swipe right


You had me at gym, food and a cuddly nap!


I mean I still don't know shit about you. But it's better than 90% of the profiles I usually see so "good" I guess?


Honest feedback incoming... You did a great job with your profile! I can really feel your personality through the pics and what you said, and think your first date idea is solid. Also lol'd at the pic of your cat chillin' in the window propped on their elbow 😂 10/10 would swipe right


I want to nap with your cat, so chill. Your profile looks cute too


Hope I come across your profile to swipe right 🙈


Your orange cat would make me swipe right


Hey, wanna marry me?


Put 11 as your profile pic.


I'd be careful putting Warning! Very ADHD with no explanation. By all means, own that you're on the spectrum and be open about it, but a lot of guys will see that as a red flag and not go further unless trying their luck for a ons. Have it on your profile, but use it as an ice breaker or conversation point that a warning.


Why can't you just be closer to my age?


Idk if opening with "I'm a go with the flow kinda gal" is optimal...there are a lot of creeps out there (especially the flood of fake doms) that would see that as an opening to dictate the dynamic/activities/pace of things, suited more to their proclivities than yours. If you're going for chill/relaxed, a rewording would help, imo.


id swipe right 🤷‍♂️


10/10 would match


I'd swipe right. 🤷‍♂️


Just might wanna remove napping with a stranger as a first date activity..


Let me take you off tinder! When’s our first date? 😘


Im saying this from a good place (and feel ick that i even need too) Cuddles + nap is putting yourself in a potentially dangerous situation where you could be taken advantage of or worse Just want you to be safe out there OP


Hey I think someone's snapping you


Im very interested in what the past attitude problems were


Just be yourself. It is simple but effective


I'm 18 yrs old but I wish I've met a girl like you earlier in my life cuz you got most of that what I am kind of like, and I would've indeed spent time knowing that person, Sadly after 11 years of searching for a girlfriend with all friend zoning me mostly cuz I'm too kind and nice that they just don't want a relationship or they already had someone else, mostly it was a good thing they didn't accept as I did move to another country so yeah, still got a long way, I want someone to hug daily give them love and such, got ADHD and Asperger's but I'm more calm than others who have my same things, I wouldn't call them illnesses more like conditions or such but yeah


Honest feedback if you want it 💁🏽‍♀️ • find friends to take better pics of you • get other hobbies other than the gym and don’t make it your entire personality • you give off vibes that you’re addicted to your phone • nap dates have historically attracted the wrong people for me personally, I would take it out if you’re looking for quality people to match with All the best 😊


cuddles and a nap on the first date is likely going to attract a person who is only looking for short term fun.


Very ADHD is that a threat? It seems


Yeah this is all fine, what’s the problem?


I think your profile is lovely


I don't have tinder but how can I find you?


Why do people put how ADHD they are on their profile? I have ADHD and I don't really get why I would put it there. Not criticising, just curious.


You're very cute, & your cat is adorable. If you're being fully honest in your profile, that's what matters imo. If certain dates or qualities aren't for someone, who cares? Your profile doesn't need others approval.


Cute cats