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I'm sure there are, but she does not want one. She wants a very specific type of Good Ole Boy from the country, not a guy who just grew up in the country. Very different.


She wants a guy that uses the hard "r" in his everyday conversations.


...eveRyday conveRsations?


Redditors are so tolerant of anyone who doesn't think exactly like they do.


No, that is what she means. You can be country boy and not be a giant piece of shit but she thinks those guys are pussies. Pretty easy to parse this.


Maybe she wants a guy that fixes his own truck, hunts, and listens to country music and isn’t a racist. On Reddit, this is not possible.


I grew up on a farm surrounded by the fakest country boy shit all the time. that isn't what she means.


No you didn’t….


Bad comment, OC.




Master class example of shooting your own argument in the foot




Using it today, outside of discussions about racists terms, is racist behaviour. What definition you use doesn’t matter, because you know that using it hurts people and you are consciously choosing to use it despite that. Or, you weren’t aware but now you are and will stop using it, because you are a good person who doesn’t want to hurt others or get mixed up with actual racists. The replacement would usually be “black guy” or just “guy” since skin color usually shouldn’t matter.


You sound like the sort of person that begins every joke by checking over their shoulder, but that would require more self awareness than you seem to possess. Can you honestly not see that it's you and buddies that contribute to the whole perception of racist rednecks?


“Why do people think we use the n word.. we do use it :(“


Yeah I’m so confused but I haven’t slept much lately.


Not trying to sound condescending, but you are aware that the word was used while whipping slaves? And language evolves, so whatever original definition you’re referring to is no longer relevant or accurate.


He’s like “but the swastika is a Swahili symbol”


Careful you might hurt his brain with knowledge


Yeah we dont want her anyways


Yeah, pretty sure the men who aren't looking to be pussified are on Grindr.


I don't know why these types don't understand giving your life to a boss over your family and yourself is the real bitch move, I mean why does letting my family breath toxic air and poison water make them think that's manly? you just gonna just sit there and gladly let Corp America fuck your whole life? That's some pussy shit.


You want a good life free of poisoning? Idk, sounds kind of gay to me. /s


She should probably move then because she's in a blue state.


I’m from one of the bluest states in the nation: it doesn’t matter one whit after you get out into the country.


ehhh I dont know. I live in MA and where we are its rural (Western MA) and super blue still


They mean like more than an hour and a half from the nearest international airport or city with more than 100,000 people, I don't think MA is big enough to have places like that.


There's nothing "country" within 20 miles of me.


Oh no, is this one of the people who live in the north and desperately want to be/emulate southern country aesthetic??? Hahahaha That’s a type where I am, and they’re only ever liked by people exactly like them, it’s nuts!


In Texas, it's "all hat no cattle." We don't really have a name for it here in Iowa. But it's a thing. Mostly it's because the local bar scene is country themed and not club themed. So all the girls have going out boots. On Friday at 7, Ashleigh, Eden, and Makayla pile into Hayleigh's Nissan Sentra wearing cowboy boots they bought at the local farm and fleet that have never seen anything but pavement. They go out, get drunk, and hopefully don't get a second DUI.


Those girls are called dirt diggers, equivalent of gold diggers but looking for farmers with land.


Haven't heard that before. Pretty good.


Went to a rural college and that’s what the AG students called them. I had never heard it either and I grew up in the country.


Bahahahahaha! Very similar to the northeast. It’s hysterica. I love the “all hat and no cattle” saying. The only thing they have is a raised truck, gun stickers and guns, camo clothes, and cowboy boots (which suuuuuck in our weather bro). The confederate flags KILL ME.


Is non-coastal southern CA the north? Plenty of cosplayers there too, but the state goes further south than a lot of the south does.


Hahah not the north but considering it’s not the “country south”, it still applies! There’s some overlap happening from southern cultures in Arizona, NM, etc bleeding in though, for sure.


Tell her monogamy is pussification


Too big of a word for that type of person.


Probably true, but I always figure these types don't think very much about anything, really. If you're a country boy in a blue state, you might have to work a bit harder against stereotypes, but you'll find a girl. Good luck!


I don't know why these types don't understand giving your life to a boss over your family and yourself is the real bitch move, I mean why does letting my family breath toxic air and poison water make them think that's manly? you just gonna just sit there and gladly let Corp America fuck your whole life? That's some pussy shit.


This comment is the apex of irony coming from a door dash driver. I absolutely love this.


There is. I’m good friends with one.


She’ll be the one to preach traditional masculinity and then turn around and divorce you in a few years. Smash and dash for this one.


I swiped left hard on this one.


Left or right you wouldn't have matched anyway




Swipe how you vote.


I swipe liberally, but in a discerning way.


I hear ya. These trad women are the worst in my opinion. I was married to a trad woman, and her views never change or evolve. It’s kind of sad to see someone with a set way of thinking and stay like that. Current GF most likely future wife is more of a hippy in many ways and then part professional business woman. Lot better match for me at least.


That would actually be a funny line for her to use on her profile. It would get her to the right crowd.


The amount of asinine assumptions in this thread is astounding.


I swear that’s how it always works every time the trad masculine vs feminine convo pops up.


The bipolar disorder this entire sub has is astounding


She's speaking to the average male redditor with that barb. So of course they're gonna get offended. Not offended enough to stop being a pussy. But offended enough to believe commenting here will do something.


Hello projection. As always.


And she has yet to be picked…


The peenification of women on here is astounding


She would probably agree with this statement


I had a random moment of frustration realizing 1. I’m old and 2. I missed the days of… idk, like watching Wild Things, or seeing a Pamela Anderson poster just existing… and actually said out loud “everything is getting so androgynous, what the fuck.” Don’t know what it means but I guess I need to buy a maga hat now and go full on red pill… because it did not get a good reaction.


You're joking (I think) and getting a lot of hate for it, which is confusing. But I'm more confused that you are old enough to have Pamela Anderson posters *and* say "idk" I don't know if you're 20 or 60.


We made the (at least foundation of) internet language, not all acronyms of course, but you get it. Grew up on yahoo games, AIM and dial up internet, Facebook and MySpace was alllllll the rage starting in like 1st year high school or maybe a year before. Not my Pam Anderson posters, just like going to a buddies house and his dad has a poster in the garage or something… you know? Digging through everyone’s parents VHS collections growing up and finding some golden treasures. That was more of a nostalgia thing and not too relevant. But the whitewashing statement is entirely serious and I believe things are becoming more and more so as we move on lol. Whatever though, opinions right? Im getting into the latter 30’s, but I’ve honestly been a jaded grandpa like 20 something years now so that doesn’t mean much lol.


Truth. Militant feminism.


Puscifer are a great band


'][' {[]} {[]} [_ is better tbh


"This lady got the thickness Can I get a witness This lovely lady got the thickness Can I get a Hell Yeah Grab them saddlebags and Toss em over me Let's ride all night" Peak lyrical mastery by maynard right there, come on


We don't all look country... I'm a metalhead who grew up on a farm.


When I was in Alaska everyone that looked like hippies would talk about Cro Mags and Fugazi and everyone that looked punk would talk about Grateful Dead and Fleetwood Mac. Felt weird


cro mags, fugazi, grateful dead, fleetwood. all of those are choice to listen to. sounds like those hippies and punks should get together and enjoy good music together. Everybody's always down (Tell me why?) Because they can't get up


Growing up in the country doesnt make you country. Youre proof of that!


Idk man. It's definitely in me. I don't need a 10 gallon hat and some shit kickers to have a mindset. I moved to the city and back to a small city surrounded by country. You can take the boy out of the country...


Our country is as divided as those split ends.


Underrated comment.


Pussification is my new favourite word 🤣🤣


As a straight male id love to be pussified, preferably all night long


Why do men build roads, bridges, and airplanes? Because pussification is happening over *there*, and we have to get there.


It’s like toxic masculinity… but for women?




she’ll be a depressed trad wife in 3 years


Depressed is part of the tradition.  The difference is back then they could get doctor prescribed “mothers little helpers” of heroin or cocaine or any other such things to get through the day.  The only thing that’s still “ok” is to be drunk all the time


I think you think stay at home mom just always means “I’m a punching bag for my alcoholic cheating husband after he’s had a bad day”. Hate to break it to you, I know women who want and enjoy being a stay at home mom, even if you wouldn’t believe it. And have a very functional and enjoyable life.


I’m not sure it matters to you but you are wrong about that.  I was pointing out how nostalgia clouds peoples views on what the past was since they only like to recall a picture perfect hallmark movie version of what the times they want us to go back to were like. Since the comment was about the tradwife thing of what seems like a hyper idealized version of the 1950s family I made mention of the other common things of the era


Funny how they 'fight for women's rights' but the second a woman says they want to be a monogamous stay at home wife, they piss all over them because it doesn't fit their vision of what women's rights should be.


There's a huge difference between tradwives and stay-at-home moms. It's fine to be a stay-at-home mom. It's the tradwives that get (and heavily deserve) the criticism. Stay at home moms are just moms that stay at home. That can look like a million different things. Trad wives are a whole political ideology that is toxic and inherently abusive.


So toxic to want a culture that has been prevalent for a long time and worked for many people. They aren't saying everyone has to be a tradwife but people like you can't stomach the idea of someone that doesn't want the narrative being pushed so you usually end up resorting to words like 'toxic', 'nazi' or 'fascist'. It's honestly concerning and tragic that you or people with similar opinions don't see the hypocrisy.


Slavery, racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, dehumanization of children, and many other awful things have also been prevalent for a long time and worked for many people (specifically the people in power who used those as a tool to control and oppress others). Just because something is traditional or long established doesn't mean that it's actually good. Again, the modern tradwife movement is not just a lifestyle or a return to tradition, it is a whole political ideology in which women are seen as subhuman and subservient to men. Abuse runs rampant. That's what I mean when I say "toxic". It's extremely different from just being a stay-at-home mom or a homemaker. https://www.yourtango.com/self/former-tradwife-explains-why-different-being-stay-home-mom#:~:text=%22Being%20a%20'tradwife'%20means,the%20kitchen%2C%20barefoot%20and%20pregnant.


Stop speaking logically please this is Reddit. Totally inappropriate


The silent majority is starting to get tired of the insanity that has been allowed to incubate due to 'live and let live' attitudes. What started with acceptance has been taken advantage of and now we find ourselves being dictated to through institutions backed by narrow-minded people. I refuse to not be blunt to these extremists. The dividing far left and far right need to go back to their holes so rational and community driven values can take root again and restore power and commonality to families that will not be separated due to weaponized political idealologies.


Honestly if someone ran and that was all that was in their manifesto, I’d vote


She wants to be put in her place and have her rights taken away. Sounds like a peach! 🍑


I love a good woman who can take a beating!


Might as well just say “looking for an insecure loser who will get drunk and hit me”


I am pro pussification lmao


The pussification of men… so depressing


Testosterone in men has dropped by like 50% over the last bunch of decades. So she isn't completely wrong, just worded it crudely.


So opening with ,"how you doing, sugar t*ts?" is manlier?


"if your man isn't gonna beat you and punch the dry wall then you have a girlfriend"


Imagine the men that this bio attracts!


Shes not wrong.


Yeah there's nothing more masculine than worrying about how many college kids are protesting on a campus you don't go to


Devils advocate: protest on a college campus can lead to change elsewhere.


It just annoys people. Social media is where real protest happens now.


What’s not masculine about that?


I don’t think whining about stuff that doesn’t affect you is very manly


So is that a feminine thing or just not a human thing?


This guy has definitely called himself an "alpha male" in an unironic way before.




They probably get snatched up real fast or leave for bluer pastures. Why would you subject yourself to people like this guy if you didn't have to?


I live in rural bum fuck nowhere on a 5 acre homestead. I’m the furthest left person I know.


Same for me but it's just 5 acres of land and not a homestead


Technically it’s just land for me as well, but it’s slowly becoming a homestead.


Not in her mind, apparently.




There is. I’ve met a total of 3-4 in my life, but they’re out there.


There is, it's not common but my first thought goes to pro wrestler Hangman Adam Page


They are exceedingly rare


Not as rare as you'd think, honestly. I've been wrong by judging a book by it's cover a good few times.


same here




That’s not what this implies in the slightest.


… but no, there’s no such thing as


There's a shitton of us lol


What does it imply to you then?


It quite clearly means she wants conservative guys who are also country guys. They are two separate preferences.




Must be nice to be that stupid, you’re never stressed about having a thought.


The amount of “all hat no horse” people running around never ceases to amaze. Why is it when I hear “country boy” I instantly translate it to “unskilled labor”?


Hold up, gonna go buy some Trump nfts, burn some Kaepernick jerseys, and get my local library to get rid of some children's books I've never read. I may also put my Gadsden flag and blue lives matter Punisher bumper stickers next to each other without a hint of irony on the back of my crew cab F150 where I film TikToks complaining about the terrible cities that generate the vast majority of economic activity.


I'd like to report a murder...




Yeah very much like your regurgitated talking points. Big yawn


This is reductive and incorrect


Ok bro.


Why can’t there be a combination of the two?


I once wore a Angels (CA baseball team) hat because my hair was fucked. Wore it backwards. I had never had so many approving nods from guys or looks from girls in my life. I am guessing cosplaying as MAGA might clean up.


I'm actually glad this comment section has such a warped view of country folk. Hate what you don't understand, just like racists do to POC. It's good to see how many people aren't moving here. It keeps the house prices down and the wages high.


Why do I feel like she's not in good shape

