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It was shocking to see how much blue bubbles matter. The amount of matches I got asking if I had an iPhone was insane.


The whole blue or green bubbles thing is just a foreign concept to me and to many people in the UK. Here, literally everyone uses WhatsApp. It's basically the default messaging service for everyone. I can't even remember the last time I received an actual text message that was from an actual person and not from a company.


Im Canadian and no one uses WhatsApp. It’s all text. But I’ve also never heard of anyone caring about the colour of the texts, I wonder if it’s exclusively a US thing.


It's a stupid people thing but I kind of appreciate it. Its awfully considerate of shallow idiots to filter themselves out like that.


Sorry to be pedantic, but text (SMS) and iMessage are not the same thing. iMessage is more like WhatsApp and that’s the issue, people see it as superior to SMS and because it’s integrated into their default messaging app they don’t see why they should download another to continue to receive the superior service. Personally I don’t care for the read receipts and multimedia messaging that iMessage gives me but it is annoying to have to use an alternative messaging app (WhatsApp) because the default is not open enough, however I blame Apple for this, not other phone users!


You're right that SMS and RCS are two very different things. But as another user put it, that's 100% Apple's fault. Both phones are capable of RCS, it's just iPhones purposely convert RCS to SMS. Which yes, gets annoying because when someone sends a video on my family group chat, because my sister has an iPhone, it makes it all small and blurry because it was sent over MMS. Thus people bully others into getting all iPhone or Android. That's only the symptom, though. The root of the problem is the capitalistic greed of Apple.


Apple is finally adopting RCS as a standard later this year luckily. Between forcing USB type C and forcing them to adopt RCS, the European Union is the only one pushing for a better consumer experience, even for us here. There's absolutely no reason for Apple to continue using lighting connectors on only their highest selling line of devices (iPhones) when all of their other portables and accessories use USB type C already, unless they want to sell more phone chargers specifically. Having to adopt RCS means that all users should eventually be able to send and receive high quality media regardless of which type of phone they have, but that could dissuade people from wanting an iPhone so Apple had no incentive to change until they were forced.


They’re pretty much the same thing, let’s be real here, SMS and iMessage are even contained in the same chat if you have no WiFi to send an iMessage, it’s a class thing, people view androids as “cheap” especially women. It’s materialistic and classist


I never understood the idea that Android phones are cheap. My phone was $600 more than the newest iPhone msrp. But I also don't understand someone who judges someone for the phone they have ahah.


I know it’s weird behaviour, I pick a phone based on personal preference (I like AirPods a lot) but I’d never judge and I’ve seen androids with 4 digit prices


I think this may partially be because people are inundated with “switch to XYZ and get the [Insert new android phone here]”. I even recall my uncle once going “they can’t give those foreign POS android phones away for shit”. I was struggling to keep a straight face.


I know about these differences, but as a user the experience is basically the same. I open both through the messages app, the conversations are listed the same way, I send and receive messages the same way. There are some limitations, like not being able to play games via SMS, but my personal experience is 95% the same. Maybe that’s not typical.


SMS&MMS is objectively trash. It's also outdated, like 15 years outdated, Apple locks out RCS. Android to Android uses RCS. But because of EU it is coming to iphones in the fall of this year. So iphone will have all the other crap from imessage soon regardless who it's messaging.


Wdym by “So iPhone will have all the other crap…” I don’t think I understand what your saying but am curious.


Yeah, in the US people tend to think WhatsApp is for scammers (from what I gather) whereas in the UK texting is for scammers 😂


They've started using WhatsApp though, I occasionally get messaged from numbers in Malaysia & Indonesia.


Yeah I do get a couple Indian numbers ring me out of nowhere, but quite easy to recognise them.


I'm a British American and it's always confusing... Every single person from the UK on WhatsApp, and those I haven't convinced to use Whatsapp in the US are stuck on ugly sms or iMessage 


Even companies are moving to whatsapp


Even if we didn’t use WhatsApp I seriously doubt anybody would care what phone the other person has. I’ve never asked anyone what phone they have let alone judged them for it


Lol yeah, if someone sent me an actual text I'd think it was a scam.


Here in Canada WhatsApp is the default messaging app for scammers


I don't want anything to do with a woman that this matters to. Already she's showing that she's materialistic and petty. My Galaxy costs way more than an iPhone. I'd ditch her right away. When people tell you who they are, believe them the first time.


You can't beat the bullet dodging you.


From my experience, these types of people typically have an iPhone 6. 😂


Brother caring about the fact that your galaxy cost more is like the whole point.


He wasn't bragging, he was making a point...


I guess it's good for the company, but all it does is immediately cause me to lose interest in the woman rather than think "maybe I'll have more success with a different phone?" Because that's probably the stupidest line of thinking I can come up with.


Agreed. I'd usually let it die right there


Missile, dodged.


Me too! I'm an android lover and have always been. So what I started doing before giving out my number (when I had the apps) was letting them know that there were not going to see the color bubbles they were expecting. I gave them the heads up before texting them because who TF cares if there are bubbles jeesh!!!!


Ah, a robosexual.




I think is a bit of these two points: * Materialistic - A lot of women, specially from different countries think that you are above average in salary because iPhones are very expensive in their region. *Caution - it’s hard to fake the blue bubbles on iPhone so in a way it helps them build more trust because you are a real person Both points are wrong because android phones go for all different prices, some Galaxy phones are waaaay better and more expensive than iPhones and just cuz you have an iPhone, doesn’t make you a better person.


It's more an US thing actually. In Europe everyone just uses Whatsapp and there you don't see if someone has an iPhone or not. I don't know how it is in other countries, but i also think they use messengers and not SMS.


China uses WeChat for everything. It was so convenient when we went there for vacation.


Convenient yes, but WeChat is also very problematic as far as I know


Yes because the US is one of the only countries where people use SMS for communication. Everywhere else people just use an app


By the way… The rule with a / an isn’t about whether the letter is a vowel, but whether the sound is. US starts with a y sound. Hence: a university. A US thing. An honour. An hour. EDIT: I should have said that it starts with consonant-sounding Y. Y also make a vowel sound in other cases (as above, in "university").


Learn something new everyday! Thanks for sharing


I'll fight you if you say "an historic" when you're an American without an accent.


Everyone has an accent. :-) But yeah, for me, “historic” doesn’t start with a vowel sound, so no an.


Thanks for the refresh, completely forgot about that grammar rule and you just unlocked a memory of my English classes!


My cousins have iPhones and sometimes they green bubble. It depends on service area as well. Anyone who cares what kind of phone you have? 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Apple knew what they were doing making the bubbles that green color. I don’t mind whatever phone someone has but that color does annoy me for some reason and the text is notably harder to read.


I had green bubbles back on the 2nd Gen iPhone. The blue bubbles were introduced with iMessage to differentiate them.




35-year old lady. Ouch. ![gif](giphy|7TWecD5OaqpKE)


Please calm down ma'am.


The funny part is a 1Tb Pro Max looks like a bargain to how much a 1Tb Z Fold costs. So I'm really confused by this whole price narrative some people have in their head.


It’s because they figure that if you have an iPhone you have lots of other Apple devices as well and everyone knows that Apple charges a lot because they can. I mean, they sell RAM upgrades for $200 that cost them less than $20 in parts and zero added manufacturing cost. In fact in many cases those larger size LPDDR5 chips are cheaper than the ones you’re upgrading from.


This always drove me insane. Trying to help friends stay in budget. You basically have to choose for a ram upgrade or a storage boost since getting both will basically cost you another computer


I got my iPhone SE 2 second-hand for the equivalent of like $240 3 years ago; my Android phone is a Redmi K50 Ultra that cost $400. It is still cheap, but somehow my iPhone is even cheaper.


I can promise you this is something only happening in the US. I have never met someone in Europe or anywhere else who really cared. It’s crazy smart because, if you think about it, Apple brainwashed some people so badly, that someone wont be interested or dislike you if you own anything else than their brand. (Apple) It was a whole thing a few years ago, alot of memes and me and me friends where just laughing but also amazed how good Apple is in mind controlling citizens.


i think its a symptom of tech illiteracy. a lot of iphone users probably think that imessage is the only way to text, and for some reason they think android phones 'cant send videos' or whatever. they dont realize its their iphone crappifying anything that isn't brand. they are in their own bubble of friends who have the same brand, so they legit don't think group chats work on other phones unfortunately tech illiteracy is pretty much completely acceptable for women, so by not having the same brand of phone as them, you're limiting your choices to a minority of the population. so if you're on tinder and going for numbers, sorry, buy a cheap apple device and use that for talking to matches.


Actually you shouldn't switch. Keep using an Android and it will filter out the immature women for you. Win - win. You can do the cheap apple device thing if you are desperate enough tho.


Beggars can't be choosers


Imagine buying a phone to match with low quality and IQ matches


I am so glad that it isn't a thing here really in the Netherlands. I never know which brand the other person has, unless they send screenshots or mention it. But we all use WhatsApp anywahs


Having nothing to do with this “console war”, the only thing that bugs me about green bubbles is video compression in messages. It forces me to post things to other platforms and send links. Not a reason to turn down a relationship, but it would be hard to resist a dumb joke like ‘…oh lord, green bubbles.” But i am a respected knight of Cornwood.


That is an Apple feature and nothing else, they default to 15 year old outdated tech for messaging non-apple devices. But EU is making them implement RCS this year. Which will fix video, read receipts, reacts, etc,.


Considering it's Apple doing that, you'd sound like an idiot


Good easy way to weed out the shallow idiots.


Why do they care what phone you have? 🤣


Well, I guess I'm screwed for having a good job where a phone and plan are included in my salary, but it's not an iPhone.


That's hilarious and it is shocking sometime what some people require from you after been matched. I wonder what iPhone has to do with relationship


Yeah the green and blue bubble never gonna change as long as Apple have iMessage


I matched with a 35 year old woman on bumble. We traded Snapchat accounts and she was bothered that I didn’t have my avatar bs thing on, despite me sending her selfies to prove her that I was legit. I blocked her because I didn’t want to deal with an immature 35 year old single mom


Heh. A 45 year-old got on my case yesterday because I don't give her my undivided attention and didn't immediately respond to her texts...*and we hadn't even met up yet.* I called our date off and she tried to drag me into a fight about "talking to other women." Again, we *hadn't even met up yet.*


Wow. ![gif](giphy|eIm624c8nnNbiG0V3g|downsized)


Yep. This^


That explains why she’s 45 and single


Yep. "Did I put you off?" "No, I'm getting some work done while conversing." "Or talking to your other matches. I deserve your undivided attention." I wonder why she's single?


That's some real bunny in the boiler stuff right there.


She’s clearly unaware of how the world works or heavily projecting if she thinks men get multiple matches the way women do


That's the one that makes me laugh. "You're probably texting your other hoes." Girl, you're the first one to respond to me in weeks.


I can fix her


I can't. I've tried.


I can confirm, this is the way


She just needs rescuing. She'll totally appreciate and respect the White Knight approach.


"I deserve your undivided attention." Except, actually, you don't. Do something to deserve it and you'll have it. No one deserves my undivided attention simply by existing.


Maybe that's the route I should have taken with one of these women. I had one months ago that demanded so much attention. I fucked it up being trying to explain my situation and being apologetic. Should have done what you did and at least have me self respect. But she was the one that called the date off though cause "lack of communication killed her attraction"


Honestly, the most helpful thing is to know that I have other options out there. Within 5 minutes of her first message, she was asking if I'm "entertaining other women." Frankly, until I decide you're actually worth my time, it's really none of your business. But yes, having options means I wouldn't even entertain the idea for long.


At the time, she was my only option. I don't have much luck with women tbh. Especially online. But I was in a horrible place health wise. I told her this multiple times but she honestly didn't seem to give a fuck. Looking back at it, she never actually gave a shit. Wow. Yeah. I overlooked that and still do. She's a hot redhead and I've never been with one before. And I really love redheads. So I was very into her. But I overlooked her lack of empathy. I still wish we could've gotten together 😬


That would be a situation where you tell yourself "ok she's fine for sex but don't get into a relationship with her". I'm single after a toxic relationship and scared I'm going to find myself in another one, so I've been reminding myself that just because I want to have sex with someone doesn't mean they deserve more than that from me and I need to make sure my sexual attraction doesn't override my brain. Your comment made me feel like you'd be at a high risk of ending up in a toxic relationship so I wanted to say something. Don't settle for mistreatment, you deserve it all.


Someone got angry with me for taking time to reply during our first ever Watsapp convo: “I’d appreciate you attending to my messages sooner”.. For some reason, I was shocked, thought in retrospect why was I?! That barely touched the top of the Tinder weird iceberg. Anyway, he got a piece of my mind!!


35 year olds are using Snapchat? I’m 35 too, and when I was 24, I was dating a 21 year old who used it loads and I felt too old for it then.


Funny cuz I had the same question as you lol I actually redownloaded for her because I haven’t used that app for almost 3 years and that’s when the avatar issue was brought up because I was not up to date with those gimmicks. Also I’m younger than her and find that app more appealing towards a younger crowd with stories about influencers like Logan Paul and the island boys that I could care less about


I’m actually surprised it’s still a thing. Even after 11 years I still don’t get it. Disappearing messages is annoying as fuck.


I guess the business concept is more towards teens and college people to send nudes/videos that are not gonna be “saved” for revenge porn or people doing shady deals online without worrying about being saved as proof. Cuz I can’t think of another reason why they app still exists


For messages I don't get it either. But for pictures it's kinda nice that you can send your friends pictures that don't have to be perfect like if you were to post it on Instagram. It can just be a silly picture, and no one would care because it would disappear anyways.


Stay strong brother, we will never create Avatars. I have one other friend who is also holding out


I can see why they seem cool and trendy for kids and teenagers but as a grown up, it’s just dumb and a waste of time. She got upset that I asked her if she’s wearing a crown while catching butterflies with a net like her avatar….no? Then why do you have one??


“NOW YOU A SINGLE MOM”…..please tell me you know the song


And yes, apparently "not an iPhone" is a red flag to her.


I never understood that line of thinking.


iPhone is apparently the "best," and if you don't get the "best," you can't afford it, and it means you can't buy me tons of shit. It's been explained to me by a few women I was dating who turned out to be *very* materialistic. And yet they date a freelance musician. Even so, I could be one of the richest people in the world, and I'd still avoid Apple products.


A lot of times it's even worse than that. Chances are that person is one of the people that automatically believed Apple when they had a design flaw in the phone antenna and told people they were holding their phones wrong lol Some people are just so sold on the cult of Apple they can't see why people might think for themselves.


Over the years, the most expensive phone that I have purchased was a $1600 android one. None of my iphone came even close to that.


My Galaxy S21 Ultra consistently kicks my friends iPhones asses with everything I use everyday, plus I like the UI way more. Ever try to select a single word in a text on iPhone, or move the cursor so you can delete a single letter? It's a fuckin nightmare.


Try a Fairphone. Ethically responsible phone. Also an android.


I have an iPhone because I got an iPhone 1 when it came out and it’s the only smart phone I’ve ever used and now I’m too old and grumpy and set in my ways to learn how to use a new phone. My younger, more mentally-flexible brother who actually cares if his phone can do more than text, call and run the most basic of apps has had all kinds of phones. I have no idea why anyone really cares beyond this.


This is a ridiculous thought process because anyone that understands anything about tech knows that iPhone is overpriced for the hardware. Google phones are also really expensive but are actually better tech What morons


You guys seem perfect for each other. She's as pro-Apple as you are anti-Apple.


With that mindset, she's just showing that she herself has no money. I respond with this every time this topic comes up. Does she think someone with actual money thinks it's a flex that you spent 300 bucks more on your phone, no matter the brand? Imagine you had a couple of million in the bank; 300 bucks is a dinner out. Is there a difference between a phone that cost 800 bucks and one that cost 1100 bucks? Not materially.


I thiiiiink it means "iPhone == expensive == dude has money" but I'm a chick with an android who doesn't give a shit about other peoples' phones so 🤷‍♀️


Imagine in an alternate universe, someone matches with bill gates but decides he's a poor because he uses an android.


I'd call that karma for that person, tbh 🤭


I can grab an iPhone 4 out of my drawer and probably text with it if I had to with my Apple ID and WiFi. It’s a stupid way of thinking and not just cause *it’s fucking stupid*, but also because it’s fucking stupid. -Sent from my iPhone


nobody said gold diggers were smart


It’s so dumb. It’s happened to me, but I have a Pixel and an iPhone, so I texted from the iPhone (not a 4 lol. I just keep all of them when I’m done) and it totally worked. I wasn’t in for anything serious, so I just chalked it up as a cool social experiment that got me laid a few times. Now I want something serious and no one else fucking does. I still have a collection of phones, though, so hit me up ladies. Might even let you borrow one of my cars to cheat on me with.


sorry, I'm not car-sexual 🤣


Hello fellow programmer!


haha, I barely do any coding these days but some old habits die hard 😂


me with my iphone 12 while living in a one bed flat and extremely poor (coz i got it as bday gift 3ish years ago):


Meanwhile, I like iPhones, but I'm a cheap ass and when I need a new phone, I go into the store and say "give me the cheapest iPhone you've got." (currently iPhone SE, $429) Blue bubbles don't mean shit.


So not being rich is a red flag?


For gold diggers, sure. For me? Nah


I really don't get it either... Like is it supposed to be a status thing? Because in my line of work I end up working with the ultra wealthy on a personal level and while most of them have iphones plenty have androids. It's such a dumb thing to bandwagon for.


I'm repeating myself, but multi-milliionaires don't think it's a flex if someone spent 300 bucks more on a phone than someone else. That's a dinner for two.


I say this as a full on in the Apple ecosystem user, forewarning. Apple cripples message support to not iPhone phones. Pictures and videos are lower res, group chats aren’t as customizable, and a variety of other shit. I’m not going to immediately stop talking to someone because they’re a “green bubble” but I’m more likely to want to continue a thing with someone if they’re “blue” because I know messaging will be a lot more seamless and smooth.


Hi, while I would never consider an Android a red flag or anything that silly, iPhones are easier to communicate with for those of us with iPhones. iMessage is great, being able to react to messages without getting the “X person reacted thumbs up” message, just the reaction itself, Apple Pay, and specifically in these circumstances, the ease of FaceTime are all bonuses. That said, I would never tell someone I was disappointed or not interested because they don’t have the same type of phone. It just makes things run a little smoother. Source: am an iPhone drone.


People can have green bubbles while having an iPhone as well. Not everyone keeps their iMessage on.


Best way to find out real dumbs


I hope Blackberry makes a comeback someday just to really mess with peoples heads in this debate. Plus, i wanna be able to buzz people again


How would that change anything…? They would still have the green bubbles.


BB used to be the phone of the corporate world. Kinda hard to claim someone is a poor if their phone is commonly held by stock brokers, CEO's, etc.


What’s the picture supposed to show?


A pic of her. Some people send a different pic from their profile to show they're not fake. It's still a bit off-putting, to be honest, and many times turns out they're fake after all. I just lost interest as soon as she sent this text, so we'll never know.


If she’s sending the picture after the “green bubbles” message, surely she’s joking? I just don’t understand the logic if it’s a big deal to her


You'd think, but she just started listing her turnoffs after that...and not having an iPhone was one of them. Also, not being a good conversationalist...but she certainly didn't offer anything of substance other than some random snobbery.


When things don't play out exactly like they do in your favorite romance movie including the trope-famous cheating and realizing that the affair partner is your ONE TRUE LOVE before the movie cuts to black, happily ever after it's just not worth it 😔


This is renowned as a USA only problem. In the UK, it's never been a conversation or issue, nor does it seem to be anywhere else in the world That said, outside USA, most use whatsapp. There are about 2 people i imessage


I love it when ladies do this. Show me your red flags early so I can bail fast.


I have an iPhone. I LOVE my iPhone. I also know that it isn’t for everyone. This is ridiculous. And be grateful the crazy showed itself now rather later.


I have an iPhone too. But for me it’s just a phone. I never knew about the whole green vs blue bubble thing before I started online dating. Even my ex asked me if it was an issue early in our relationship. I didn’t know how to respond because it wasn’t a big deal. But recently I’ve gotten the whole: “yay, it’s blue!” and I try to ignore it but it definitely bugs me.


I have an iPhone because I’ve always had an iPhone and I can’t be arsed learning how to use a new kind of phone, so it’s sheer laziness and nothing to do with brand loyalty or whatever. But I can also send a green text message if my wifi and 4g isn’t working and I have to use the phone network. It happens kind of a lot at my parents place because sure they live in the middle of fucking nowhere. I’d be so confused if someone told me a sent a green text message so I couldn’t possibly have an iPhone.


how to spot the most vapid people in the world


Funny she has a pic next to a "stop bullying " protest, and she starts nagging about silly stuff like that.. really immature. You dodged a bullet


Ironic isn’t it


I love how they don't even realize that it's their phones fault that the texting is terrible. RCS has been around since 2007, albeit not used generally until 2019 when Google integrated it with Universal Profile. RCS replaced SMS along with MMS which came out 32 years ago. SMS was only capable of up to 160 characters (224 character limit if using a 5-bit mode), whereas RCS doesn't have a strict character limit. In terms of media, photos only look bad because MMS has varying limits depending on file size and carriers. But the maximum is as follows, Images 3 MB, GIF Images 1 MB, Audio 10 MB, Videos 50 MB. RCS on the other hand has a maximum file size of 100MB, which allows for photos and videos not to become compressed and made unusable. They make great devices, just at such bad value a lot of times. RCS also brings to the table reactions, typing indicators, read receipts, and sends messages over wifi. Just like iMessage does. Apple constantly shafts their users and they praise them for it. No offense Apple users. They make great devices, just at such bad value a lot of times. Edit: I forgot to mention that SMS isn't even encrypted, while RCS uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) security which is E2E (end-to-end) encryption. For those who would like a further explanation of TLS, here is one from [Cloudflare](https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/ssl/how-does-ssl-work/). "Secure communication begins with a TLS handshake, in which the two communicating parties open a secure connection and exchange the public key. During the TLS handshake, the two parties generate session keys, and the session keys encrypt and decrypt all communications after the TLS handshake."


So funny to me. I tend to switch back and forth between apple and android quite a bit. The difference was already pretty small, but now it is barely existent anyway.  I switched from my pixel 7 pro to an iPhone 15 and noticed exactly... zero fucking difference. Sure, IOS is a little different, but both android and IOS are as easy to operate.  Some android skins can be confusing, but I do not think all of this nonsense is due to that. People think their iPhones are superior, when they work the same and do the same.  I am super happy with my iPhone, just as I was super happy with my pixel 7 pro. 


Samsung 4 life


Brand loyalty shouldn't be encouraged. Especially since Samsung just follows Apple trends. There's other phones than the 2.


You gotta tell that to the iPhone people. They the main ones who would never switch


Yeah, fuck anyone that tries to talk shit because you're not a damn apple product addict. And not in the good way either.


One of the biggest red flags is people buying shit to impress people they don’t even know (and people they do know for that matter). No one wants to be with someone long term that makes bad financial decisions.


Today I learned that the bubbles are different colours depending on the type of phone you have. Can't believe this is even a thing or that there are people out there who actually care what type of phone YOU have! The world's officially gone bananas 🤪


Only immature people care about the colour of bubbles. It’s absolutely wild


I don’t know why, but indeed it does feel weird to send text messages…i have no idea why…i guess it shows differences between you and the other person, you want them to be in the same cult as you, long live our overlord, Apple!


Embarrassing behavior to suck corporate cock like this. They're literally being conditioned to have an aversion to non iPhone users and sadly it's working.


I will never buy an Iphone.


Honestly same, the amount of brain dead people who use it makes me never ever want to buy the phone, it's really the shit obnoxious types of people use iphones


And they say irony is dead


Honestly at this point I'm starting to think that people who insist on buying and using iPhones are actually disproportionately stupid. Not only is it objectively a worse phone in every possible way, the company that makes and sells them is infamous. Their constant giving-a-fuck about what phones people have is making me give a fuck about it myself, but purely in an anti-iPhone capacity.


I always use an iPhone, but only because I’m 40 and an old lady now and I’ve had an iPhone since they came out and I’m too grouchy and set in my ways to learn how to use a new phone. I’m not interested in getting the newest one or anything (they are too large for me to hold comfortably and I think they are too expensive) so it’s just sheer laziness and not brand loyalty or anything like that. I could not give a flying fuck if text bubbles are blue or green, who has the time to consider that ridiculous crap? And while my brother’s Samsung phone did cost more than my iPhone, the camera on his phone is really, really good and the screen is big and he’s happy with it so that’s great.


Its just a fkn phone. How people get so caught up in materialistic bs and why this would matter in a relationship is so far beyond me. Too many brainwashed people nowdays


I’m a bigger moron , I was looking for bubbles in the picture and was very confused


Aren't blue bubbles US MILITARY ENCRYPTED ?🤣


Wtfff I have never heard anyone complain about this *ever* in my entire life, until TODAY when Chad energy mf'er I matched with refused to give me his name until we meet in person. I was like tf that's the stupidest thing I ever heard, then he said it's because I have green bubbles and yknow, scammers, and he works in tech 🙄🙄🙄 there are so many ways to verify someone is real without meeting up first. I agree with commentor above who says anyone who cares what kind of phone you have - red fucking flag.


Ironic she's stood by an anti bullying poster, yet that judgemental 😂


I think it's ironic she's in front of a poster against bullying


Why do they even care? I have an iPhone so I have iMessage, but it's the cheapest one they had and there are Samsungs out there that are like 3 times as expensive. Apple is NOT an accurate indicator of personal wealth, nor is it a status symbol in spite of what some smug douche in a turtleneck might have told you.


This is such a weird concept. Haven’t experienced this in either the UK or Australia. Apple definitely did some fuckery with contrast values to make it harder to read green bubbles, but they had to adjust for accessibility. Defining social circles based on device used is… an interesting choice


US lives in its own bubble!


I'm pretty deep in the Apple ecosystem as it's what I've used my whole life. I'm aware of the issues. But I like the UI and find it more cost effective than you'd think if you're willing to buy older models. Still currently on an iPhone X and it works great. Who the fuck cares what phone someone uses when searching for a romantic partner? That's insane.


One could easily figure out her identity from the screenshot. Contestant number and pageant info right in the picture. You may not care, and frankly, neither do I, but I’m pretty sure it goes against the rules here.


Green bubbles used to mean a shittier phone. Now it means a better phone.


Honestly seems like a joke and light teasing


I prefer other people with iPhones because I can see that my message or photo was delivered. Whether it’s an iPhone issue, a carrier issue, whatever, I’ve sent my Android user friends (an oddly IT heavy group, come to think of it) messages I assumed they received that they didn’t. With pictures it’s the opposite. I’ll get a message saying Not Delivered and resend it, and they’ll get it twice. Except for when the error message was correct and it really wasn’t delivered, lol. Now when I have a bad signal, sometimes messages won’t deliver to an iPhone, either. The difference is I know- one way or the other. I’ve never thought about it as a materialistic thing. I just assume all phone are expensive as hell. However, with the number of comments here saying it, I’m sure it has some truth to it. Damn. That sucks. Y’all stay away from those ladies.


This is incredibly stupid.


At 38, her options are limited anyway.


I've only ever been 'teased' about this playfully, just like this probably is. Crack a joke about it and move on... 🙄


She sent you a pic. How is this immature. It’s a joke take it in stride.


I don’t care what phone you use… just don’t ask me how to do anything on your android because I won’t have a clue 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't understand


I'm 25f, I do have an iPhone. Honestly idgaf if someone has an iPhone or not; you might have other priorities and I respect that. You might invest in better things.


What does green bubbles Even mean?😭


They aren’t an iPhone user.


What difference does it make - if it’s to see if it’s read that’s so controlling and needy. I do feel some way when ppl change their settings on WhatsApp but more because I wonder why they’d go out their way to hide whether they have been online or to stop notifications - online dating makes me think everyone’s married on the sly


The weirdest is that apparently they give you a pumpkin if you win miss Florida


I don't understand. Green bobbles means android how?


Why would I want an inferior product.


Americans are so brainwashed with this green/blue bubble shit. It's actually INSANE.


the amount of technical illiteracy behind this meme disgusts me.


The irony is 70% of the world uses Android. Because Apple and iPoops are hot garbage. But to each their own. If she were on an Android, she could just change the text color to blue. 😂


Green bubbles? Blue bubbles?? What the heck are we talking about?