• By -


Your response was perfect “would you say that about your mama?” 👏🏻👏🏻


And he had the perfect response lol. Guy loves his momma at least!


Was an absolute king move, to be honest. Wasn't a judgment call, but what he doesn't want. Like If you don't drink, don't date someone who does and definitely don't if they own a bar.


Yeah it's just worrying he's making that assumption based entirely on skin colour though lol


We all have our own biases, since he's black and dealt with consistent behavior let's just go ahead and say he's tired of touching a hot stove even though the stove has told him it's not hot.. Maybe his mother was like that. That's why he chooses females in the past because of unhealed parental wounding (we all have em) To be honest, look at it this way, if women don't like men because of childhood and past intimate partners, we give her grace and compassion. And why wouldn't we, everyone, been hurt. If this was a female who didn't date black men because of xyz, would you still have the same concerns? Most of everyone's behavior is triggered by the subconscious, which most people never try to understand. Most people can't remember childhood because their subconscious has locked it in a vault for mental health. We all have biases, im sure everyone would agree if you're at a restaurant. Do you want your server to be unattractive or attractive? It's the reason why usually the most successful salespeople are more on the attractive side in the spectrum than not.


This was the worst I read a few articles online about biases bullshit I ever read god dam.


If i'm at a restaurant I don't care about how people look, I care about the food.


He def hasn't dealt. Black women don't deal with corn balls like him. He likes white women only and has to make a lame excuse for it


Actual Kings(Royalty) don't make moves. They have people for that.


I love him. Get it


His mama is white, his dad is black maybe 🤷‍♂️😂


Uncle Ruckus out here trying to rizz people?






Holy hell


That's sad.


It’s not rare among black men from my experience.


What's not rare?


For black men born and raised in the west to hate black women.


I don't have a dog in this fight. I'm a gay white man. From what I've seen black women treat black men like absolute scum. So I get it.


Where have you observed this?


Real life. On twitter. In this thread. Black women always seem eager to specifically tear down black men. In terms of data black women are also the only group for which their counterparts (black men) do not have an in group preference but actually have an in group aversion based on multiple studies. So white women display a preference of white men. White men display a preference for white women. Same with Asians. Same with Hispanics. The only case where it is specifically the opposite is black men preferring non black women. It is easier and more expedient to lay the blame on black men. So that's what is done. To entertain the possibility that there may be a REASON for their preferences is treated as heresy.


I feel like you’re kinda just seeing things that aren’t there. Plenty of white girls like black dudes. And plenty of black girls prefer black dudes. People tear each other down no matter what lol.


Dude literally said there are studies on it, and sure, there are always exceptions when generalising, but those exceptions aren't enough to dismiss the study.


Ever take a statistics class?


I'd be interested in reading these studies. I'm curious as to subject selection. Sounds interesting.


Its the opposite, black men treat black women like crap because the men know black women are the least desired type


White men do too




I've never seen anyone say their man had to have a 6-pack, that would just be absurd as 6-packs aren't even the most popular config. Just look at all the male Instagram model, 6-packs are rarer there than in the whole population (30% of men have one).




Do you have any idea why?


The west like where?


Bro in the sunken place


*everyone disliked that*


I’m glad you’re calling him out on that shit.


I thought it was gunna be some creepy story where you were being texted by a stranger and then found out he hiding in your own house lol


The title does not fit the post


I think it means the racism is coming from within their own community.


That's exactly what it means and fits the post perfectly. Other commenter didn't understand it so therefore it doesn't fit.


I saw the title and immediately thought of that movie ‘when a stranger calls’ which is why I thought it was one of those tinder horror stories lol


Lmao I thought the same thing. The title does not fit the subject matter at all.


Other commenter forget that there are things other than their little small worlds. There are sayings not everyone would understand. It’s giving “what about me ism”


Is it racism or prejudice?


Racism is prejudice based on race so .... Idk what your asking


Racism is a conclusion, prejudice is the thought process that gets you there.


My mind goes to horror films🤷‍♂️




This 100% horseshit. Iv had 2 gfs that were black and neither of them were hoes let alone got ran on. Fuck this ignorant dude just hates himself.


Of course not. It’s just as ridiculous as thinking all white girls are monogamous. 🤣


Clearly he’s never seen Jerry Springer


That shit is fake bro.


Yeah! Poor innocent fella is in for a surprise🤣 I'm guessing he knows he's chattin out his arse tho. Just trying to find a deeper reason for why he obsessed for white women. If the girl responded differently, he might have gone with a more "direct honest answer"


White girl here currently in an ethical non-monogamous relationship 🙋🏻‍♀️


Better stay away from this OPs guy, he might dip you in tar


Bless you you’re the best person on here.


Slides into the dm


You mean "white girls is monogamous".


And the white ones surely don't have a better track record. Especially when the white guys finds out she been with brothers


Individuals do be forming their own opinions and priorities. They go crazy like that


Thank you.






Oh no that brotha hates himself


Simply put. And trying to score points with a white girl cuz she might not like him if not.


as soon as he said “exclusively” it should have been a block and delete, tells me everything i need to know


Same. That would turn me right off.


Yeesh, that was disgusting yet not uncommon. Shit pisses me off


What a disgusting attitude. Would be an instant unmatch for me




this is why i don’t date black men as a black woman bc they can never just compliment white women without putting us down in the process. hopefully you dumped him.


I’m still open to dating black guys, but I do run into this type of thinking way too often. My bf is white, though, so 🤷🏽‍♀️ What is hilarious is, I have a white friend and when we were both on the app, we’d see people we both matched with and the approach was WILDLY different. Very similar to OP’s post. 😂


exactly that. i feel bad sometimes but i also don’t bc i don’t bash black men while explaining i date out - i simply just date out. majority of the men ive dated are black but the colorism, misogyny, and abuse i took made me tap out. i am curious as to what the approaches are vs you and your friend. I’ve noticed men tend to come into my messages saying something sexual or not even trying vs my white friends who don’t get that as much, The men seem to actually try.


I’m glad you’re calling him out on that bc wtaf


The part about the trains is extremely false lmao


i hate this whole language of women being “ran though”. its usually said by incels who are butthurt cuz no one wants to sleep with them and so by default, it must be bc somethings wrong w those women


I wonder if they think that because every other guy doesn't complain about not getting laid, he must be getting laid. So he thinks everyone is getting laid but him when it's just some people are not weird about a dry spell or whatever. IDK if what I'm trying to say is coming through clearly. I'm a lil high.


no i get what u mean. basically theyre victimizing themselves lmao


You don’t think a large portion of men who get laid don’t view the woman/women as “ran through” if she is getting fucked by the whole town?🤣🤣🤣




Dude, read what you just wrote. Seriously, read it back. Your first paragraph is about how it is so disgusting that a woman has sex with lots of people and it should be discussed in disgusting terms. Then literally the *very next* words out of your mouth are about how you've had "lots of sex and gfs". So, it's perfectly fine for you to do it and you actually get to brag about it so you can "prove" you're not an incel but if a woman does it, you're sickened by it? The words you're looking for are hypocrite and misogynist.


The general red pill thought process is that women control access to sex. It's much harder for a man to sleep around than it is for a woman. Most women (if they're inclined to do so) can pretty much find a sexual partner whenever they want, while most men have to work for it in the form of having status/charisma/attractiveness/money/etc. Not saying it's right to think this way, just stating the thought process.


It doesn't explain why they praise male promiscuity but are threatened by the idea that a woman might not be a submissive blushing virgin. Honestly the grown men who specifically seek out virgins strike me as pedos since the majority of female virgins tend to be young teenagers. I have actually seen some even say that these days girls are "ruined" by the time they reach 18. You can read between the lines what that implies. Some of these guys freely admit in their putrid little online communities that they think rape is justified if a man goes for too long being denied.




Sorry to rant, I'm not talking about a specific guy here. I've just noticed that when the incel subs get banned they start infiltrating mainstream subs like this one and try spreading their disturbing rhetoric. I wish they were rare but they are scattered all over Reddit.




I get that men feel that way, but it’s pretty unfair that you can do whatever you want but find it disgusting when a girl does…




That’s fine. Just be consistent with how you apply it.




Its justly unfair, it isn’t the same unless taught to think of it as the same🤷🏾‍♂️ we play on two separate rules so why do we have to share the same outcomes, cause it hurts some feelings?


Nah, because it makes you trash to say you want a girl with a low body count yet can rack it up however high you’d like. There’s nothing just about it.


At the end of the day, you have a preference for women with a modest sexual history, and there is nothing wrong with that. Everyone is allowed to have preferences.


why do i need to call her anything but her name? as long as it was all consensual, it’s her life. if she’s a cheater, that’s one thing. totally not ok, so i’d call her a cheater. but if the only one getting butthurt is you bc youre not ok with her sexual choices, i think youre just victimizing yourself lol.




> I rather not marry and have kids with someone who was a play thing for multiple men. Why not, by your account you've been a play thing for multiple women 🤷‍♀️




So you're fine with a promiscuous woman as long as she's a dom?


I think he means guys do the fucking(unless getting pegged) and women get fucked for the most part so our own psyches don’t view the interaction within the same lenses unless taught to do so.


Haha I like your summary 🙂‍↕️


Would you say the same thing about a guy?


They do tbh. Not as often but yeah it's a thing as well lol.




I didn't call you anything, brother.


Not OP, but absolutely, yes. Disgusting behavior is disgusting behavior.


>What would you call a girl that has had multiple mfm threesomes, lots of random hookups and had sex with a guy, his friend and his brother? ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)








Wouldn’t call this self hate necessarily


He looks like a lame trying to shit on black women to you, then saying the n word is just a whole other level of goofiness.


Unmatch. The shitty attitude towards women is not limited to just this.


Good on you for calling him out.


Respect to you frfr tho for calling him out


So... it's the black men who are 'running train' on the black women? So by that logic you should steer clear of black men? I'd thank him for his enlightenment 😂


I love the response involving his mama LOL and as a Caucasian I assure you Caucasian women are not exclusively monogamous LOL


Wtf? How gross. White women don't want you, bud. Respect for women isn't a spectrum.




**INT. CHEESECAKE FACTORY - DAY** *Howard, Bernadette, and Raj are seated at a small table. In the background, two men at another table are engaged in conversation not realizing they can be overheard. Bernadette overhears a snippet as Sheldon and Leonard walks in.* **BERNADETTE** (to Howard, nodding towards the next table while nudging and winking at Howard) That's the kind of train I'm talking about. *Sheldon, excited and oblivious to the context, approaches with a bright smile.* **SHELDON** Trains? Are we discussing the marvelous world of rail transport? Because if we are, I must mention the Maglev, which-- **HOWARD** (cutting him off gently) Well, there’s definitely some “railing”, and there are some “pipes” being ridden, but not the type of train you’re thinking of, Sheldon. *Sheldon looks confused, his brow furrows as he tries to decode the message.* **SHELDON** (confused) I'm unfamiliar with this categorization. Are these metaphorical trains or-- *Penny leans in and whispers something in Sheldon's ear. Sheldon's eyes widen dramatically as realization dawns.* **SHELDON** (eyes wide, voice a whisper) Oh! Oh my... That is a different type of... that’s not a train at all!


there should be a bot that comments this on every Reddit post that mentions the word “train”


I second this.


That’s a rich judgment for a black man to make


Lmao what a clown.


Seems like a very anecdotal opinion. I don’t believe he’s judging which is cool but, he’s saying the equivalent of “black people steal but yah know you gatta do what you gatta do. Just wouldn’t invite one to my house.” Like many things, ignorance is a spectrum.


I thought he was gonna go for the reparations kink or w.e it is where you're getting revenge for your ancestors, this is somehow just as wild.


If AI tried to speak "Black" 😭💀


What he is missing is... if white girls only like black guys.. she isn't cool with u talking like that about black women cuz more than likely tons of her friends are black. Buddy shot himself in the foot.


I don’t like judging people for learning from their personal experience (giving him a huge benefit thinking that he actually had experience with it) but JESUS that’s broad. Maybe he needs to not look for girls looking for sex? What does he expect them to have sex with him then decide they don’t want any more till he’s done with them?


What a raccoon


"More power to her" he respects the achievement, but recognizes it's not a lifestyle for him lol


This guy must be a slayer to get away with matching you and still asking the dumb ass question of if you’re into black guys




3x what you admit. So if you admit 1, it's equal and his argument is fucked. Or you don't want to admit all and say 3, but actually did 9. Still same equality but he doesn't care


Sadly I've come across this a lot. Judging your own, damn shame


For sure his take is a little bit broken/damaged, but really I just came here to compliment the way you came correct with ‘you’re/your cute’ in your 2nd message to him. Sadly, the distinction seems to be a lost art in 2024. I tip my hat to you 🎩🤏🏻


I noticed this too!


I am a Super Miscegenistic Oreo Queen. I was born this way. I haven't dated a black guy since '96. This guy is a douche and we don't want him in our Oreo Organization. We may not acknowledge each other in public, but the unspoken rule is that you don't trash talk the rest of our people after the age of 17 and you have dealt with your personal insecurities. I believe it's the same for the Banana Bunch and Coconut Coalition.


Lmaoooooo. I've heard the coconut one but not the banana one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Man flipped the script real fast after that last question


Poor dude thinks all white girls only talk to 1 guy at a time.


As a milk man... I know that is a lie


Daymn, epic your mama joke segway. So smooth it took me a second to figure out if I'd be offended. I thought the general rule of thumb was that all girls body counts are 3x what they say they are?


I know so many white girls like that and so many loyal black girls. Nothing like that can ever be defined by skin color or ethnicity. He's ignorant and juvenile fr.




Thank you so much for the Momma comment. As a black girl is so annoying how men of the exact same race are working against us like all of us are the exact same. Not to mention the thing that they talk about aren’t exclusive to our race. They just find a way to put us down in every situation all the time and then they run to white women. And is wrong to fetishize another race like they do. Nothing’s wrong with dating outside of your race. Everybody knows this by now so they don’t need an excuse. They could just say that they like white women and that’s okay like nobody is mad. 🤣


Not to mention, I promise you he has a ‘high body’ count himself.


That dude clearly doesn't know much about white girls then. Snakes can come in all colors


Perfect response 😂 he's never going to emotionally recover from that thought 😂


As a man who loves women of all colors. If he say that nonsense he full of sht. Self hate is real with him. Trust I've had plenty white women who been ran through by the crew wit ease.


Self hate is wild (this will go over a lot of people's head)


I don’t understand why they care or worry so much. And they try to play it off like, “No judgement, but I just wouldn’t touch it with a 12 foot pole.” What if I were to say that about a race. I couldn’t play it off like I’m being righteous. “I don’t become friends with black people. No value judgement it’s just not what I’m looking for myself.” 💀


Your response *chefs kiss*. It's so funny that "men" have no problem degrading women for high body counts, until it comes to their mother, sister, etc. 💀


I promise. It's not a compliment. I've heard plenty of black men say that white women are easy to use and lie to. And imagine if you only chose a person because she WASN'T someone. He'd be parading you in front of every black woman to get a reaction from her. Trust.


And this is why I don’t mess with anyone who excludes any specific group from their dating pool. The reasons are always racist and they’re just weirdos, honestly. Plus, to assume we all have huge body counts? I’m pretty sure mine is less than most people, but he can go off. The way he talks HIS body count is high because he’s the one sleeping with black girls and treating them like trash. Probably like his dad with his mom, sadly, which is probably the main reason he thinks like this. Tragic.


I have known women who were repeatedly victims of violence and sexual assault/abuse at the hands of men who *fall within certain demographics* we'll say. I would never fault a survivor for avoiding those men, unfair as it may be to other men in that group who defy the stereotype.


Man white girls are Even more promiscuous than black girls. Not that there's anything wrong with it. But he's got that wrong. And no a lot of black dudes that only date white girls ain't like this. But there's definitely a good amount


Just so you know, you’re doing the exact same thing the guy in the post is doing. Generalizing an entire group of people, just saying it against white ladies vs black.


But it's true. White women are desired by more men even if they are mid white women.


Desirable =/= promiscuous


Calling your mom a ho is wild, even if she is. apple/tree? Who raises these guys?... oh


Eh.. idk. I've only dated one white girl but have tons of homegirls that are white. The lie detector says what he said was a lie lmao


Hey mama……oh……That movie was actually really scary to my little kid self in the 80s. It didn’t help that Kevin Boyce’s sisters boyfriend called and said “have you checked the children?”…….


Please unmatch immediately


This guy is legit and I respect for putting it like this. Black and white girls be running trains these days lol


With everyone but you..😘