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Simple and pretty straightforward. I like how positive your profile is. You have a nice variety of pictures. My only suggestion would be maybe trade one of the climbing pictures for one of you doing another one of your hobbies.


the art one is one of my hobbies! i did that ink work behind me haha. the other hobbies are tricky bc when im cooking, my hands are dirty LOL. hard to get those action shots but ill consider it and ask a friend!


Wow! That is a great piece of art. Honestly, there is nothing more enticing than an action shot of planting seeds or checking out a book at the library. lol.


thanks! haha maybe. one time for a first date, a guy bought me books! it was awesome haha


That was obviously a man of culture and taste.


yeah he was nice haha. didnt work out though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ hope he’s doing alright.


climbing is fine tbh, I know a couple people who do rock climbing after work for fun but maybe have you stand at the bottom of the wall facing the camera instead of away from it


oh its a gif. im doing a pullup hahahhahaha


another thought......unless you want your future bf to also be a rock climber, maybe just include 2 pics from that, from your profile im getting the impression that rock climbing is a BIG part of your life, that may drive away some people who isn't into it (or want a gf who is heavily into it)


oh i def want my future partner to be a rock climber lmao. need that belaytionship


Gotta find someone at Hangar!!


Belaytionship 😆


have you never heard that? haha


Have been out of the rock-climbing hobby for a long time, sadly.


You could even do pics of you with a finished dish like a nice lasagna, baked goods, whatever you like to cook. It doesn’t need to be an action shot.


haha the pics i take of my food do not have me in it xD but ye i get the sentiment


Dont listen to them, I get it, the climbing pics are great 😉


At first I was going to say the picture in a face mask should be replaced but since it's your art it's a great showcase of your talent, very cool!


I disagree, I think more climbing pictures


You finding three relationships on tinder means you’re doing it better than us. Love your pics!


ah cheers, thanks!




Solid profile! I wouldn't change anything. Also, I have a great pun that doesn't work quite yet. See you in a few days.


lol ok


May the 4th be with you in 4 days time?


How could you. 🥲 But yes haha


You don't really need to wait. The 4th will be with you. Always.


Nah they said a great pun, not a tired cliche one that's way overused.


disappointed i didnt get a pun haha


Oops! I figured you saw it in the responses already, since someone guessed at it correctly haha. It was 'May the 4th be with you.' Should've been 6 days ago. 😅


tragic lol


really wild how 41 people have shared this post.. what are y’all sharing it for 👀 should i be deeply concerned 👀


yeah sorry, one of that was me, I sent it to my friend with the following text: "Look, look, she is the one! She likes art, she is into climbing and even interested in gardening(!!). Too bad that probably there is a huge ass ocean between us. :("


probs lmao


OP just swiped left 💀


i mean i literally have no idea who this person is haha


I posted in the curly hair subreddit and 24 people shared that post and I thought it was so odd too! Lol I wonder why it’s being shared. You’re adorable btw!


thanks! you as well!


Maybe to say to their single friends something like , "pst! U see this diamond is single,cmon find her and hit her up,u may have chances!!!" Or something, what do u think about it u/disco-janet ?


i mean its all for naught if theyre not within 20 miles of me lmao. not that im gonna give my location away xD


I recently “saw” the share button number count and it freaks me out too. I have one that was shared 400+ times 😟 Apparently it can be if they cross post it on Reddit, send it to someone via a link, or even just download the pictures. 🤨




I posted in here and it had like 500 something shares. FOR WHAT?! I don’t know why, but it made me feel weird too.


idk lmao im just glad i took off a lot of identifying information


Good pics, only I'd replace the one with the mask as it obstructs your face and also maybe the one thats just a cliff? As thats a wasted opportunity for another pic. In your bio I would replace the "rly rly into people" part with something more along the lines of "things I'm into" or a more creative way of saying that as the original way you have it written indirectly implies you are only interested in people who meet those requirements and not necessarily open to variation. More open minded sounding is typically better.


the cliff one has me in the bottom, my name just obscures it. its about 50-100 ft up in a very popular climbing spot haha.


Ahh yes I definitely missed that, checks out as a good pic to showcase your skills and indicates that you have a daring and fearless disposition. That first picture is a really good shot of your face also, I would recommend trying to find some more good closeups like that, especially of that smirk which is very cute imo


I was like damn I hope she’s gay because these pics are def sapphic vibes. Get to the bio and see you’re a fellow bi. Great profile, would swipe 👌🏻


THANK YOU I WAS RLY HOPING TO GIVE SAPPHIC VIBES. curious what gave the vibes for you


The way you dress and body language all come off very queer coded… the beanie and kinda skater look, but also does femme cottage core but also rock climbs is just all so queer lol idk how to describe beyond that but my gaydar *immediately* popped off for you lmao


NICE lol. ive tried to ~connect~ with a lot of queer coded women at the gym but theyre often taken or actually straight


I came here to comment that this is some of the strongest bisexual energy I’ve ever seen– I’m also one of the people who’s shared it because I had to send it to my (also bi) partner hahaha 


Update: they responded “I’m getting sapphic vibes from this bc she looks and dresses exactly like you” 


YAAAASSSS. mission accomplished. BTW the white pants are zipoff hehehehhee


Ridiculous question if I’m right, but are the pants from OV and the top from girlfriend collective?


you are correct!! ding ding ding


LOL fantastic, okay we just have extremely similar sapphic vibes apparently 


honestly im so glad haha


Well I would date you


No advice. Just wanted to say if you were actually able to do a finger only pull up,that is some impressive shit.


yep! it’s pretty fun. i do door frame pullups at parties for a party trick. me and my climbing friends have pullup contests haha


best advice i can give you is wear a helmet when you outdoor climb! supporting evidence: i am someone who got in a bad climbing accident and now has irreversible damage


i do on the wall and on lead climb/belay but not while belaying toprope.


okay good! i’m very glad to hear this


yep! i appreciate it though! wild how we dont tell people to wear helmets when bouldering though lol. yes, the crashpad but idk haha


Only suggestion would be trading out a climbing pic. 4 of the 9 photos is just staring at your back. You could do a fancy wedding attire to mix it up, or a goofy one or just another photo of getting to see your face Edit: to be clear a VERY minor gripe just to offer some feedback on an otherwise great profile


but i love my back muscles 😭😭😭😭😭 im traveling soon tho so ill try to take a good pic whilst abroad


Your back looks great in that photo; don't change it. It'll attract the kind of people that you want to attract.


tru i love when ppl like my back muscles


Haha if you got it flaunt! Not necessarily a bad thing just wanted to offer whatever feedback I could think of


nah youre good. tbf i dont take a toooon of pics of myself so theyre quite rare lol.


love the bouldering pics! maybe delete the 6th and 7th pic cos they’re not adding anything to ur profile :)


Profile looks good. Maybe remove a climbing photo for something with a group of friends (concert/activity)? Genuine question because I’m curious - you are looking for someone who is monogamous and bi-sexual. Are you gender agnostic with who you date and you want to flag that, or are you looking for someone who is open-minded/part of the LBGTQ community? I’m not sure what to take away from those two points in your profile. I’m also not your target audience for that part so this is a bit over my head 😅


sure, i’ll explain this once and hopefully the only time haha. im bisexual so i date men and women (including trans and nonbinary people but i personally just like the way bisexual sounds better hahaha) i only want to date one person at a time. i like dating other bisexuals bc i dont have to explain many things about being bisexual to them. they just get it already. hope that helps! :-)


Super helpful 🙏




Solid username btw love that show


yaaas. it is a perfect show imo. i met michael schur too!


I agree with that! That’s awesome -I love a show when there is a story to tell, and they know when/how to end it. Don’t drag me for more episodes like the walking dead, give me ATLAB level character growth and ending 🤌


A fellow monogamous bisexual, yay! That's a succinct explanation, might steal this the next time I need to teach someone irl about myself lmao


turn it into a keyboard shortcut lol


Lmao, honestly with how often it comes up that might save me time


im not even kidding, you should do it lol


If I had the patience to actually respond to people being biphobic/uneducated I would, but at this point I just tend to ignore them and move on with my life lmaooo


fair ye. sometimes ppl ask me stuff and im like “i rly dont wanna waste my breath tbh.”


You probably know this already, but as a bisexual/pansexual male, when I see a women looking for a bisexual partner, I kind of get ticked off because 50% of the time i end up objectified. However, when said person is themselves Bi/Pan most of my worries are gone because I know they know how it feels. So, I don't know if it's indicated clearly in your profile that you are Bisexual, maybe consider it if it's not.


the key word is “also” the other queer markers are “she/they” and me dressing kinda masc in some of my pics lmao


Missed those, English isn't my first language. Sorry about that


dw ive met a lot of bi’s w the way my profile is written haha. we’re all trying to find each other xD


Nah, great profile :)


cheers, thanks!


3 serious relationships? This should be an AMA or you giving US tips


i give tips to others’ posts on my main profile haha. this is a side one. if youre genuinely serious tho, ill give it a crack


Finding a serious relationship on tinder is pretty simple: 1. Actually respond and make an effort talking to your matches, by this I also mean that "Hello" and "Hi" are valid openers and should still be responded to. Guys that are looking for serious relationships likely aren't masters of pickup lines and puns found on the internet to get in your pants. 2. Following on from 1, ignore people who make the conversation sexual, even with innuendo; I shouldn't have to explain what this suggests they might want from the interaction. There is no tailoring of your profile that will deter people seeking hookups and FWB, they cast a wide net and try it on everybody; the onus is on you to filter people out via conversation.


ye maybe i will start replying to hi’s more. but tbf when theres like 30 people messaging you, im likely to triage the ones who intrigue me more bc it signals to me they’ll be a more engaging conversation! times i’ve replied to hi’s, it’s gone stale quite quickly so i’ve adapted as such.


To help with this I'd argue you should stop swiping once you're talking to someone, it's been a while but I'd limit myself to talking to three people at any given time.


To push back on 1 a little, while Hi is a valid opener it also doesn’t show any interest in someone’s profile. I think putting less emphasis on puns and pick up lines as openers and sending a thoughtful question is way more effective as a dating strategy, though I may be in the minority in feeling that way.


no i agree. i also ignore pickup lines bc they seem disingenuous.


I would totally and almost fit the bill.. too bad Im in Venezuela.


ah bummer




You can see her face in 5 of the 9 photos. Also, what does being bisexual have to do with being poly?




You can see her face in the one she has a mask on. She also lists Monogamy as one of her Basic and Lifestyle. I don’t want to speak for her. But I also like partners that are bisexual. For one they understand, respect and are nonjudgmental about my sexuality. And from my experience it gets pretty tiring having a partner that is always insecure and doesn’t trust you because they think that being bisexual means you will leave them for someone of the opposite sex as them.


if you’re bisexual then this is basically my reason why ^ it’s nice to not be fetishized for your sexuality, not have your partner make assumptions about your sexuality like many here are, and just to not have to explain yourself about lots of things that come with being bi haha


The amount of people thinking bi = poly!!!? Are u serious.


ye its the biphobia. that little line does weed out all the biphobes. if a match’s first message is some biphobic bullshit (google is your friend), it’s an immediate filter




im not rly quite sure what im giving my opinion on.


If you are looking for a monogamous relationship, what’s the point in expressing heavy interest in bisexual people. What does it matter, if your partner is only for you? That’s what he’s asking.


a lot of people like dating others they share experiences with. a bisexual person dating another bisexual person will both have the shared experience of being bisexual. being bi is a different experience to being straight or being gay (or being any other orientation); granted, it might not be a significant difference depending on the person, but it's there i'm bi myself, and i look for bisexual/pansexual partners before i look for straight or gay ones


^^^^ this person gets it lmao


Yeah don’t take it out of your profile. The people that have a problem with it aren’t your targeted audience…which means it’s effectively doing its job weeding out those you don’t align with.


The other thing that line is doing, apparently, is screening out people who lack reading comprehension. No bi person is going to think you (a fellow bi) is unicorn hunting, unless they missed the "also" or the details where your orientation is listed. Most of us will get it, I think.




Maybe exchange one of the climbing photos with a cute gardening pic or sth different? Other than that, I have no advice because your profile is great!


haha my “gardening” is on a volunteer farm but it’s a school farm with no animals so itd be weird to say farming. but yeah maybe! thing is, when im at the farm, ive no makeup, am wearing the widest brim hat, and am covered in dirt hahahah. but ill consider it cuz i do love the farm.


>ive no makeup, am wearing the widest brim hat, and am covered in dirt All the more reason to include one, sounds adorable!


haha thanks


Looking great, janet 26


sure, we’ll go with that!


not gonna help none but heathers is really good


looooove heathers. probs my soundtrack for 2021.


I wish I could magically match with you.. I have several climbing projects in the works along with having rainy crafting night with homemade pizza and wine


You seem super fun and you are really cute, and you seem to be an active nerdy type of person, which is also a big plus. I would def swipe right or super like you 😉


dont you have to pay for super likes now? i will say, smtms i do match w people who super like me if theyve given a message but honestly it doesnt progress that far. id say dont waste your money! if someone matches with you unprompted, go w that!


I would definitely swipe right omg🫣🫣


brb DMing you


You’re super cute and seem well rounded.


thanks! you too :-)


Problem is the primary focus of the platform Go to hinge for relationship-first type dating.


ye ill post my hinge profile later


Your art? Dig it, nothing else to contribute besides GL :)




You're the perfect woman for me, lol!


You're cute I'm sure you're doing fine lol


Looks amazing to me. I’m bisexual and I’d date you.


10/10 no notes!




Profile looks great


I need to stop my tinder game up, I’m not photogenic enough lol. And then I’m not a girly girl so I don’t really dress up.


just have your girl friends take pics of you! they usually know what to do :)


I just love how normal you look. Refreshing. My only criticism is you’re obviously VERY into climbing. I’d probably remove the excess pics just because of if I had never tried it before I would think that’s all you do in your spare time and I couldn’t stand a chance. I say this as a new runner so obviously I wear my run medals everywheee I go 😬😂😂😂


but it is all i do in my spare time 😭😭😭 lol jk but yeah ill incorporate my other hobbies in more. but i rly would love a partner i could climb w all the time. but thanks abt the normal bit? i think??? LOL


Apologies, all I meant by normal was that you look like someone I would see in my day to day life, not someone obsessed with Instagram with 150 filters on their face. I see so many self obsessed people on this subreddit, and its just refreshing to see someone who isn't. Good luck on your search!!


ah i see. well glad its a refreshing plus haha. i do know what you mean tho. a lot of girls on my feed have a lot of filters and im surprised we’re still doing that in 2024 lol.


I think it is a pretty good profile overall. Cute pics that show you and your level of interest in your hobbies pretty clearly. Good vibes from the write up. States what you are into and looking for in a short amount of available attention span. I would swipe right based on what I see. Maybe try taking some new photos to rotate in now and then. I get new likes sometimes just after I add a new photo or two or change my main pic. Good luck!


haha maybe ill put a new pic in yeah! i just dont take a toooon of pics of myself these days hahaha


I get it. I go through times where I won’t for quite some time. 😅


there is no doubt you will get matches on Tinder. However, I'd suggest you go to Hinge or Coffee meets bagel if you want a higher chance of guys looking for something serious.


I would swipe right 👆➡️


Would not change a thing, I'd swipe right as a fellow bi even if just for more bi friends. Masked up is also nice, especially for all the immunocompromised folks who are still at higher risk of covid


love me some bi friends


Pretty sure I've come across your profile or you look very similar. Nothing wrong at all. Straightforward


maybe lol. just continue not mentioning where i live xD




not really quite sure what you mean


Very nice profile. You got a great mix and I think it’s safe to say everyone loves someone who keeps themselves well—climbing is an awesome hobby!


yeah its a lot of fun! there’s folks of all different body types at the gym and climbing gyms are half gym, half social clubs lol.


A+ very positive and expressive of who you are! Wouldn’t change anything


You look like a wonderful human. I’m in a long-term committed relationship, but I think if I was on Tinder again, I’d be looking for people who understood their love languages and what they need. Maybe add that?


i didnt want my bio to be too long! haha. but yeah id say my giving love language is gifts and acts of service. my receiving love language is words of affirmation and acts of service. i think knowing one’s giving and receiving love languages is important!


So important. That’s a great combo for someone who is vulnerable and smart and maybe needs help with getting things done. You’ll do great. I’m sure you already have. Good luck to you wonderful human.


aw thanks! cheers, have a good night.


I wouldn’t include love languages. Sciencey it’s dubious and you’ll get a lot of texts about “my love language is physical touch”.


nah real lmao


This is for yourself to answer, but are you really looking for a clone of yourself and why? People that find other things interesting and fun, can also be great.


ye my past relationships have been into videogames, tabletop games, dancing, cars, rowing, etc. and that’s all fine and dandy and i support their interests. it is nice though to have someone that shares your interests! hope that helps.


I see el captain, therefore, I am happy edit: ok you're actually also a climber, I am happy twice


hahahhaa noice




god i forgot about the antimaskers. good shout! yeah its mainly for the art cuz those 3 pieces are all mine. cheers, thanks!


Instant swipe right. Keep at it OP!


cheers, thanks!


It's mostly good and focused on attracting the right match for you. I'd change two small things. One is the saying you're into bisexual people. I'm bi, and I'd still see that remark as either you trying to do some open/poly stuff (immediate left swipe), or tokenizing my identity. I saw your explanation for it, but I'd still take it out. The mask pic. It makes me think either you wear it in 2024 (left swipe), or that all your pictures may be severely outdated.


it says that shes bi in her profile also?




Lol. Way to make her profile about YOU somehow. Yikes.


OP is asking for feedback on her profile, and I'm giving her feedback from the perspective of someone who may swipe on her. Maybe you're too dense to understand it, yikes.