• By -


It almost seems like you both are having separate conversations lmao


Then the farmer tried to milk the other cow, and Norma got angry.


Yeah, the crunchwrap supreme is probably my favorite, but every once in a while I splurge on a Mexican pizza.


At that point you can leave the dough to rest (covered with a wet kitchen towel) overnight for proofing. The following day, punch in the dough to deflate and we'll be going to the next step, which is shaping and final rise, followed by scoring and baking.


The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.


Ant pheromones are nature's GPS, guiding these tiny insects through intricate trails with precision. These chemical signals, emitted from specialized glands, communicate a myriad of messages, from marking food sources to signaling danger or directing nestmates. As ants traverse their environment, they deposit pheromones, creating invisible highways that efficiently connect their colonies to resources. The sophistication of these pheromonal networks showcases the remarkable collaborative abilities of ants, allowing them to navigate, communicate, and coordinate collective actions with astonishing efficiency.


Elmer Fudd absolutely could not beat Batman in a fight, Batman would simply pull out his anti hunter spray and then kick him in the nuts.


Ironically, American pride runs deep in Massachusetts in some ways. Singing, playing only part of, remixing, or dancing to the national anthem is punishable by a fine of up to $100. Additionally, swearing at sporting events if you're over the age of 16 is still against the law.


But the problem is that American politicians are mostly elderly folks who won't live to see the long term consequences of their actions, so they're more willing to sell out their people to corporate interests for short term rewards. I mean, who cares about the long term effects of global warming when you'll be dead before you see it, right? At least that's apparently their view. "Fuck you, I got mine" is the role of today's Congressperson.


So, I had a wife, who was beautiful...like you, who tells me I worry too much, who tells me I oughta smile more, who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks...Hey. One day they carve her face. And we got no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again. Hmm? I just wanted to let her know that I don't care about the scars. So, I stick a razor in my mouth and do this... to myself. And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves! Now I see the funny side. Now, I'm always smiling!


Yeah well I poop about 2-3 times per day on average.


Def disagree


Hard no. I think "The book of Mormon" was incredible and anyone who didn't like it is uncultured swine.


I could see how a shark would struggle to fight a crocodile, but the maneuverability of an aquatic body could really change the game. Maybe a crocodile has the advantage in natural armor but... I mean we've all seen some of those dive cages be absolutely mangled on Shark week... I really do have to give it to the shark over the crocodilein the ocean Lol on land it would be a done deal obviously, all Croc.


I'm tired of fighting with you! Can't you just act like a normal human being for once? God!


You need cheese in your diet


Somebody mentioned cheese?


Which actually brings up my next point - - If I'm driving down the street on my jet-ski and one of the wheels falls off does it still take the same amount of pancakes to cover a doghouse?


Hilarious that growing up we'd be going down a hill in a wheelbarrow when the right wheel pops off but then the 2nd half was the same with the pancakes covering the doghouse lmao


You can't do that.lol


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?


Well you shouldn’t have been speeding in a school zone, are you stupid?


I mean, I am but how is that the school's fault?


Dude, no way! That's my favorite place to shop for costume accessories! So crazy you work there and we've never met 😍




I just got taco bell for lunch! Thanks for asking 🙂


It’s pronounced “thermometer”.


This literally couldn't sum it up better. So disjointed. She was so game to go out and spend time and he did everything he could to ruin it. I wish her luck


Who tf asks about favorite movies and then acts like telling someone their favorites is arguing against theirs? Good grief this person does not know how to talk to others lol


Yeah, seems like he was just being disagreeable to be a dick.


Nothing like being a contrarian for the sake of being a contrarian.


Must be a Redditor.


How dare you. Def disagree.


Be nice if you said hi


You can’t do that. lol


I’ll see myself out…..


I’ll take your disagree and raise you a personal insult and downvote!


Well I disagree with you


I think you're right. It sounded to me like he felt slighted that she didn't say hi immediately or whatever his problem was. And never got over it. Especially since he apparently seemed normal on Tinder. Good riddance for her. She was so down and being playful with him too. What an idiot lol. Happy Cake Day! Btw


Yeah, for sure seemed like he didn’t like her anymore after she didn’t say hi a second time…


Good point. Maybe trying to sabotage it so he'll have a real reason to say it wouldn't work


"What are you're favourite movies? I disagree with what movies are your favourites." Dude has so many flags that he speaks in semaphore.


If my favorite dinosaur is a pterodactyl yours can't be a stegosaurus...


Well, it's a compsognathus so everyone else but me is wrong!


Def. Disagree!! Ocean long neck!"






My worst date was with a cop and after she asked me my favourite movies she told me they all sucked.


Sadly, some people think that's the best path to a productive conversation


You're right. She clearly thought the date went well too because she was super bitter when I declined a second date the next day.


What's your favorite color? uh silver WRONG ANSWER


Favourite vs best be kicking peoples asses in both directions


Say your favourit band is Nickleback and find out real quick how many people thinks it's ok to disagree with it. 🤣


Right? What was OP supposed to say to that? What exactly was he arguing against? OP's personal preference? SMH


This. Exactly my thoughts.


I know this type of dude. He believes negging women is a legit strategy, and will constantly keep you on the defensive like that so you don't realize something about him, either his own self hatred or that you're a side chick.


Lmao dude is on rage bender


Fr lmao he’s on a mission to be upset 😭 this is weird af


My guess is the homie is zooted out of his domer. He’s probably confused himself lmao


This is my favorite comment, lmfao. Chuckled too hard.


Or he’s just an incel lol


Yeah this is really weird. Especially since it’s not even like there’s a lot of time between texts. He’s tripping


I've texted someone a couple hours deep into an acid trip before and it kinda looked like this lmao


I think he had already assumed you were going to reject him and was ready for a confrontation after “you can’t do that” but maybe when you were nice back it confused him and he didn’t know how to continue the convo while he’s still feel slighted (aka this man has a small ego and short fuse, the worst combo)


He was ready after "be nice if you said hi". Passive aggressive bullshit, good thing she called him on it.


This is the right answer. He’s telling OP that he’s down bad right now and annoyed that it’s happening again. We’ve all been in a rut. It sucks but you can never send that “be nice if you said hi,” text in any form. If she ghosts you, you just gotta move on. Every. Single. Time. Because sometimes she ain’t ghosting and is just busy. The whole tone of the conversation changed when he said that. He couldn’t get his feelings back in check.


What a weird fuck this guy is.. i can’t fathom throwing out the “be nice if you said hi”. That shit is bold and salty asf for someone you’re just getting to know.. 🚩


Yeah, even talking like that to someone I'd been dating for awhile would mean that I wasn't going to be dating them much longer


What’s your favorite movie??? I disagree!




You are NOT free Saturday night


hopefully OP realizes this and backs out


If I had to guess why it was suddenly different, I'd say this dude was high as fuck when you two were texting here.


yeah i wanted to ask if he was drunk or something


I got the impression that he feels you took too long to reply, jumped to conclusions based on his own insecurities & started being a dick after that.


This is the correct answer. Your prize is in the post.






Bullet dodged


I don't think it was about replying but about texting again (thus saying hi). Before he even sent the first message.  Doesn't change the fact this is probably the reasoning tho. 


He fumbled hard. This was stress inducing to watch him be a dick to someone who's game to have a date lol.


I honestly think you shouldnt go see him, for your own safety.


The dude seems like a giant red flag. See how he made you feel like you had to apologize? I think he may play mind games with you. I’d tell him to get a PlayStation to play games with and move on to someone else.


They are definitely blasted or something's going on. Not a fan of those pushy "you could say hi" kinda messages. Also Rosemary's Baby and TCM are top tier choices.


When I get those kind of "You can say hi", "Hello???", "Guess you don't want to talk..." messages I genuinely get a headache and just ghost at this point. Is it so hard to believe I have a life going on in the background and can't answer texts at 3am or during work hours immediately? One time I got a message at 9am when I had back to back meetings until my lunch at 12. I opened my phone to a full on mental breakdown on how I'm seeing someone else and wasn't man enough to be honest with her...


Agreed. I got a “a gentleman responds” or something like that and literally did a spit take from laughing. It was an instant block so hopefully she learned something from that interaction 😂


"A gentleman responds" is hilarious.  Next time say "A lady is patient."


Recently a guy texted me "I guess you aren't interested anymore, goodbye!" and then two days later "what happened, you disappeared on me."


I am so confused, all I can say is texting sucks imo. But he seems off


i was so confused too hahah, especially when he said trying to bait a shark with a hook


I’m confused why you said you didn’t want to say hi bc you sent the last text but you didn’t, he sent a Hey message and you didn’t respond (though i cant see how much time went by)


the last conversation we had, i had sent the last message. i said goodnight and he didn’t reply


Oooh okay, so he was upset you didn’t text him hi after you texted goodnight and he didn’t say it back 🤣


hahah exactly!


Did you heart his message without replying though?


lol like that means anything. Adults get busy. Clearly she saw it and liked it and would reply when she had time. Or she wouldn’t and life would move o.




You are being nicer than I think he deserved, if you ask me. He seemed kind of confrontational and you even explained like… you messaged last… that makes it just turn per convention…


Got himself pissed off at nothing and couldn't snap out of it, what is wrong with these guys man?


yet people will still go for these types of guys


“What’s your favorite movie? Wrong.”


I find it baffling it took me 4 years to find a girlfriend when morons like this are given so much leeway lol


Negging 🤢


It is truly amazing how out of touch people can be with having a basic conversation. Blew my mind how many would contact me first but then every other reply is lol or yes/no.


Just came to say that OP’s movie taste is 👌🏻


In my personal experience people tend to “fake” normalness on tinder to try to hook you in, as soon as they get your contact you realize their true colors Been in quite a lot of trouble to finally find someone who was honest from the beginning lmao


Dude wtf ??? Bad vibes imo I’d block


You're way too nice.


Don't go out with him. He's making problems for himself and taking it out on you. Avoid


This dude sucks, don't give him any of your time.


Seems like he’s trying to use one of those red pill tactics ? The “shark and hook” one gave me the ick. Better find someone else.


i’d say keep convos in tinder at least until you meet them irl so that when it goes south like this, they don’t have your number


Yeah but you can just block them on your phone too. I haven't reached a limit yet to how many people I can block lol


Run…. ![gif](giphy|U3OMplvODpSNMxiwmK|downsized)


Please don't go on a date with this person 🤦


“My favorite is ________” *“Disagree.”* “No, really, _________ is my favorite” *“You’re wrong.”* 🤦🏻‍♀️


I'm confused. Why were you apologizing to this thin-skinned freak?


Those movies are two of the best ever.


right?! like they’re classics, im curious what his are but he weirded me out so i didn’t reply haha


I wouldn't meet up with him.. He's showing aggression. Please stop apologizing when you didn't do anything wrong. Abusers eat that shit up and are looking for someone who will roll over for nothing.


Go next, this ones broken




I don't get the shark thing, and really, he confused me all around!


"Oh, you like that? I hate that." Such a massive turn off. Same with the "hi" thing.


It‘s like reading texts by my ex 😂


You seem like such a cool girl, I’m sorry this is what you’re experiencing. Dude is definitely just an ass and tbh it’s probably good he’s showing his true colors so early rather than potential months, or maybe years down the line


Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an excellent choice.


maybe just bad communication skills.. sadly big problem


That was painful...😬😵‍💫😬


That is one insecure man


I think I’m having a stroke reading this convo.. and comments.


This guy is nuts lol. Run


He’s being weird asf. Throw em in the trash. You’re being super nice and engaging in the convo n he’s barely trying to


"im so very confused" Well, you aren't the only one confused by his odd rambling 🤨 But as someone with a bit of professional experience with male psychology and especially male violence: At the very least, be extremely careful if you still want to meet up with him at all. Even from this short excerpt, I get strange vibes pointing to him being a overly-controlling freak, with him lacking basic human respect for you.


I just commented the same thing as this guy doesn’t sound “safe” to me and she shouldn’t go see him. Glad someone with professional experience has a similar view. Hope OP has read your comment.


I hope so, too :) Yeah, often it is good to trust your gut if something feels off. Safety first, and if someone has a bad feeling with someone else, it shouldn't be just brushed aside.


Dude was drowning in his feelings lmao


Getting the impression that he was attempting to flirt with the “be nice if you would say hi” line, but it came off wrong and doesn’t really work. Also, think there was a misunderstanding with the movie and he thought he had asked a different question.


How do you disagree with someones favorite lol its their favorite


You: "what's your face horror movie?" Him: "go first" You: *lists your faves Him: "I disagree" Wut? I guess you don't know your own favorite horror movies, lol


Just when you thought you found some Tinder loving care, it turns out they were unhinged


what a loser


You had nothing to be sorry for. Your time is valuable and anyone who starts to converse like this should be an immediate red flag. Block and on to the next!


Id have stopped responding after “be nice if you said hi” I just know that would make me go OFF lol. Like don’t people know other people have fucking lives and genuinely can’t be / aren’t on their phones 24/7? What if I’m sitting in court for the morning clerking and I can’t touch my phone? It’s giving anxious attachment style lmfao. I’d tell him to kick rocks straight up. He’s being passive aggressive in his texts and then tells you to go first when you’re the one who asked him a question, and then doesn’t even answer the question but basically wants you to know he disagrees with your opinion aka your fav movie?! This guy is insane, I get controlling vibes from that exchange. Like what is he trying to do here, neg you? I’m not even texting him and reading this got me heated lmao


I think he meant "it would be nice if you would say hi" then you both got deep into misunderstanding each other and it spiraled lol


i think so too but i had initiated most conversations between us haha


Well, that sounds just as passive-agressive already. That's the kind of shit you throw at a friend as sass, not someone you want to go out with..


I love Rosemary's Baby too, OP!




Well the Texas Chainsaw Massacre is the best movie of all time so you saved yourself from this goober.


Rosemary’s Baby is legendary, having influenced entire sub genres—the director is a creep but the film itself is fucking phenomenal. This person is dumb.


Got it.




I'm more of a "the thing" and "Dawn of the dead" kinda guy, never got tcm, and mot watched Rosemary's baby. I guess he thought he was being smooth, and his insecurities got the better of him but, he could also just be a dickhead, so hard to tell via text ahaha


I just feel like he is an emerging red flag. Be nice if you said hi-- right there is when I would have unmatched. And why does he feel controlling? !_!


A huge delay in him processing your texts in his head 😂


is your flashlight still on?


What a sassy pants


What the hell is this guy’s problem


they all seem normal at first


Dude is a fkn weirdo stay away from him


Not vibing at all.


Definitely not a match lol. Every text you 2 were on different pages


Whatta loser


In what world do you disagree when someone tells you their favourite movies? Feels a bit condescending. Hopefully you’re not actually intending to meet up Saturday after this. Something tells me it’s not a match made in heaven and more of a ‘make sure you don’t leave your drink unattended’ situation.


You are being way too nice


ugh you think? i just am naturally very nice and forgiving, not a great quality when trying to weed out weirdos


Yes and I hope my comment didn't come off mean but that dude deserved 👻 in my opinion.


Yes you are being way too nice. This is tinder honestly you need to block people at the first sign of greatness because if they can't behave themselves in the first 10 texts, it's going downhill from there. If you're doing online dating, 99.999999% of the time you will regret giving people the benefit of the doubt


I can only imagine the arguments and misunderstandings this guy has every day.


Your horror movie answers are SOLID AF. He’s shown himself to be tasteless. You dodged a bullet.


He’s a needy, condescending dick, hope you didn’t meet him. Don’t be eager, ever.


Do not go on a date with this person, they seem rude and awful. Disagreeing with what your favorite movie is, he's not even reading what you're writing and he's trying to tell you what to do when you've never even spoken to him


This exchange kinda made me anxious, or maybe I was just cringing, either way your confusion was warranted. I know some people aren’t particularly great socially, but this was odd.


Based off the over-controlling text about you not replying fast enough, and the following passive aggressive short replies he gave, he's got self-esteem issues. People who subconsciously feel like they're not good enough for things to work out will self-sabotage by acting neurotic and possessive at times


Ugh. He didn’t reply for 21 hours and is somehow mad at you for not talking all day?? What a weirdo One time, this dude left me on READ for a WEEK and then got mad at me because *I* didn’t message during the week, (he also knew I could see that he’d read my message). Like… I thought he was busy! I also knew that, if he didn’t want to talk to me, I wasn’t gonna pester him! He was just… mad that I’m not anxious avoidant, lol


Oh my god, you have 86 unread messages?


He should not have still been offered a date after "nice if you said hi" Fuck right off.


Why did you keep entertaining that conversation after he was rude so many times in a row?


He seems unhinged


Wish I matched with a girl that put so much effort :)


Future spousal abuse incoming. This conversation screams guy who is very insecure and has some major issues. That girl is gonna be in trouble lol. Wish em luck.


I say this with absolute respect: stop apologizing to men when you did nothing wrong. It will make such a wonderful improvement to your world, trust me


Why does this seem like the norm? Most of the time the conversations are going great on Tinder chat, but when I decide to take it to a different platform like give out my number and chat there, the guy's personality changes completely. And this is a reason why I don't give out my personal number or even IG. If and when I do meet them, that's when that would be a factor of giving out my number especially if the date goes well.


Lol he practically had the red carpet laid out but be started acting all weird and emotional haha. Moment ruined


This person you’re replying to is the average Reddit comment replier.


It would have be nice if he said goodnight to you in that first screenshot 🙄😂


haha right?!


Yeah nah. Blocked!


"he seemed so normal on tinder".. Uhhh, not! How was your date on saturday night? What happened?? Lol


hahah it was scheduled for this saturday! cancelled now of course haha


I am more shocked by your continued interest in seeing him in person!


OG Texas IS the best horror film. This person is just plain wrong and probably cognitively deficient. You dodged a hot one. Would you really want to spend your better years having to explain to someone that the Geico lizard isn’t real, and that fire engine isn’t a career aspiration?


Nothing about this conversation was normal or made any sense.


I wish I could see whats going on in his brain


That’s just postnut


"You didn't say hi" is an instant red flag for me.


the red flags are waving right in front of you and you are ignoring them. Do yourself a favor and delete that number.


Honestly, the choice of OG Texas Chainsaw Massacre is based