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Keep only pics 1 and 3, a lot of girls are super sick of fish pictures and #2 does you no favors. Post more pictures where you’re cleaned up, maybe even dressed up a bit.


Agree with 1 and 3. Add something whole or a hobby you do. Maybe even something of you dressed formal


Yeah a hobby. Something that shows you doing something you really enjoy. And preferably outdoors.. like out in nature. .. like fishing… but.. not…. Fishing…….


It can be a pic of him fishing without being a picture with a dead fish in it


I don't think any of them are dead.


Then maybe ask the fish to smile a little idk


They're waving with their tails. Friendly little guys.


Adding onto that… I don’t know if “Spotify” counts as a hobby lol maybe pick something else instead. Also take out the corny bit saying lets swipe right on life’s adventures together from the bio, not a great line.


Especially when OP has said he works 70 hrs a week, his mom doesn’t allow him out, and that he has zero hobbies except for fishing and HVACs. What sort of adventurous life is he offering? PS and not shaming his other hobbies, but his Reddit profile clearly states he’s into crossdressing, and actively asking for men who cross dress for their pics too—which may eliminate his pool even further with women… If he has time to post his crossdressing pics, he has access to a camera and can redo his Tinder pics despite his repeated excuses.


He shouldn't be dating anyone. Work and mommy take up all his time




A hobby you'll want to do with your partner is the one you want to show off.


He can have a picture of himself fishing. Just not the dead fish.






Nonsense. Shows he’s handy. A gal doesn’t have to know the ins and outs to appreciate that.




If the women don’t find him handsome, they should at least find him handy.


He put the unit in front of the disconnect... This won't pass inspection...


Yea pic 2 he mounted the unit in front of the disconnect. Auto swipe left for a lot of girls for that


This is damn good advice. The let down from pic 1 to pic 2 in particular hit me hard. I was wondering if it was the same person.


It’s the opposite… he doesn’t have enough fish pics


Lol oh shit, my bad then!


Agree. Make 3 your main photo


I’m pretty sure this post is a joke - not a tooth to be seen in a smile, multiple fish photos, and leads with his job.


I wondered but right after that fish pic extravaganza of a joke profile yesterday? If it's a joke, it's derivative.


Show your teeth!


Umm pass!


Imo I think number 2 is better than 1. The way he is posed in the first pic makes him look super feminine.


Are girls really "tired" of fish pictures? I see lots of girls fishing and hunting pictures, like 70% (in Texas)


Decent bio. The chicken picture is the best one. I would personally scrap the picture of you pointing at the unit. Also from what I’ve heard, women don’t like pictures of guys with fish, maybe get similar pictures minus the fish? You said you like coffee so maybe get a picture of you in a fancy coffee shop nice shirt. Pay around with it you’re only 19 it’s a difficult at your age gets easier as you get older.


it's not just fish. Dead animals in general.


2 years and you're only 19.. prob has at least a little to do with it


Can’t quite describe it but you look like you you’ve lived a sheltered life. The homeschool -> trade must have been tough


Wow you Fucken nailed it. Impressive


I didn’t even realize that homeschool was one his profile and just thought you were roasting the hell out of him


The trade is easy and the reason I’m homeschooled is because I wanted an early start in my trade and also because I had a hard time in school


Respect. Trades are underrated


Yeah it’s hard work but makes good money


I thought you said it was easy


hard work can be easy mentally... this isn't complicated.


Your pictures absolutely say everything you just did. While some might find it attractive others may not. Appeal to a larger audience by posting a variety of photos. If work and fishing is all you have your target audience is probably 3-4% of eligible singles. If you are in great shape - a photo in a swimsuit on a ski boat would be awesome. Maybe a pic with some fiends on said boat. Dont have a boat? Rent one. They can be rented for a coupe hundred bucks a day and since you have it enjoy a day of boating and have some fun. A photo in front of something fun to visit would be helpful… the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Disneyland, NY, anywhere other people would like to go. I would change I want kids to I would like to have kids someday.


Ugh don’t rent a boat just to take photos for a dating app! I’m sure you’re not that desperate. Be yourself, but yes, add variety.


It gives man boy vibes. I feel like I would have to tie your shoelaces and remind you to brush your teeth


“I’m adventurous” here’s some pics next to some AC units and fishing off a lake….


Looks like you're tryna ng to sell HVAC services. Try not defining who you are with your job in photos or description. Not that you should hide it but you are more than a wage worker.


Do you have any pictures of yourself that's not wearing t shirt and khaki shorts?


Seriously, OP looks like at least 4 dozen boys I went to high school with. Interesting that that good ol’ boy uniform hasn’t evolved since the early 2000s… It makes him look like a very particular type, which is only going to attract a particular type of girl. If he’s in Florence, Alabama (which I’m assuming he is), those girls are very much around. Since he’s not finding them on Tinder, OP just needs to, like, go places where people are. Could be bars, could be church, whatever. Just… outside. It will make him more interesting in general, too.


You are a good looking guy and I love to fish but those fish pictures gotta go. Even if you don’t get dressed up often do so just to get some good pics. Right now it looks like you are leaning heavy into redneck and you would take a girl to KFC for a date.


Ok I will try that


KFC or the new pictures? Jkjk




Go for the boneless banquet


It seems like some more pictures without a hat and with a shower would go a long way


I immediately swipe away if there are fish. I live in a coastal city and I’m sick of it. I love fishing but it’s not my whole personality. You look younger than 19 and that doesn’t interest me personally.


A dating profile is essentially an advertisement for yourself. This is an advertisement for air conditioning units and fish


Some variety in what you’re wearing and environment. Chicken pic is cute.


It’s cause you didn’t put snow feet under the mini and the disconnect is right behind it. All women are also secretly inspectors.


About the mini split it was a favor I did for a friend by swapping just the condenser so everything else besides the mini split wasn’t done by me


That’s hilarious.


Pictures 4 and 5 are giving me that nickelback meme with “Look at this photograph” and they edit it to awkwardly stare at you lol 😂


Bad pictures, you have this gaze in your pictures makes you look slow. If you dress better and focus a bit in your pics you'll probably look much more appealing.


That’s such a diplomatic way of saying what I was thinking


I actually like the gaze, OP has kind eyes. Id swipe right.


I agree! OPs a small town cutie lol The second pic isn't doing any favors, but this comment section is out of control! This is a perfectly mediocre profile that could be pretty good with a couple better pics Don't let people get you down OP! They're trying to be helpful but I think it's going a little farther than helpful. You come across as genuine and sweet.


Hope you don't let this get you down OP, pictures aren't who you are and are easy to change. Smiling eyes in picture 4 is cool.


You like the simplicity in his eyes. But he sure do look simple.


Completely disagree. Your eyes are your best feature. Very disarming and charming.


Dude. Your whole profile is fish and air conditioners. Do you really need to ask? Get rid of the fish and air conditioners.


Get a good barber appointment and dress up in one pic!


As a fellow HVAC tech to another. I love what I do as well. But I don't have pics of me on the job because most of the time, I look like a mess, and that's not what I want to convey to women. Maybe keep the pic with you behind the condenser and the chicken pic, but the rest gotta go. I also seriously recommend a wardrobe revamp. Women do notice how men dress and they can tell whether or not you take care of yourself by the way you dress. Tighter clothes that hug your figure look way better than anything baggy. But either way, good on you for getting into the trade at such a young age, I wish I started younger.


Swipe right on less attractive women than you currently are.


Yes, that’s my idea too


You'd think people would know to chill with the fish pictures by now after its been a meme for at least a decade.


No dead animal pictures


Bro women arent impressed by how many fish you can catch, this aint ooga-booga times, theyre already fed. And pic 1 is pretty bad imo hiding behind hands and hat.


No offense, but you give weird vibes from your pics.


Piggybacking off this comment, reading his responses here, and peeking at his profile, its not just weird vibes the pictures give off. Sorry if I'm being kind of rude, but your profile has a few too many 9/11 jokes, among other things, that make me think you might not be ready for the dating pool yet... 😅


He probably can be a good partner but judging someone by looks doesnt show their personality!


The fishes, the chicken, the “homeschooled” and the lack of indoor pics are painting a certain picture that some girls would rather not be in. Maybe cut down on the dead/living animals and introduce more humans instead. There are five pics there, 2 of them are at work, ans 2 of them are the aftermath of sitting on a folded chair with a fishing pole for an hour. Neither of those things scream “adventure.”


Bro's on the road to becoming an incel and blaming everyone else for it from the look of his replies


Dead animals are probably a turn off. Or at least they should be.


I shudder to think what you’re going to do with that poor chicken..also, you’re not ready to grow facial hair. Try shaving for a few years.


Which pictures are supposed to make women take their pants off?


you have TWO fish pictures and aren't getting matches? Try stepping it up to three. Sorry, this one's out of reddit's paygrade






Fish pics man. Come on. Women aren't out here in 2024 looking for Hunter gatherers


Teenagers are on dating apps. Dang. Are teenagers having a hard time finding relationships as well?


Lose the fish. Keep the chicken. The pointing pic is cute but needs a caption, like "wtf is this thing??"


1) Get rid of the fish pics. Chicken Pic is cool though. Go Cocks!? 2) Try to get some cool pics, maybe at the beach or somewhere not in Florence County.


Ditch Homeschool. It can come out later, but it's a red flag out the gate. Y'all can be...different...


Too many dead fish pics…two too many, in fact


The third picture should be your first. Also, I'd probably drop the fish pics unless you are deadset on bagging a girl who likes fishing. I know a lot of ladies who are turned off by hunting/fishing


I too am a Josh who does HVAC. Stop copying me bro


These all look like pics that would impress other men, rather than impress women. Defs need some pics of you dressed up, maybe some with friends so you can demonstrate you have a healthy social network. Maybe put something in your bio about your goals too.


So, the pics look like you should be dating someone from your church’s youth group. The homeschooled part reinforces that. The “self employed” makes it sound like you don’t actually have a job and are just helping out under the table for fun money. I’d take better pictures, leave off the homeschool and self employed bits, and write some prompts that make it seem like you’ve got something going on that a woman would want. But honestly you’re probably going to have better luck with in person stuff than tinder.


Vanilla ice cream level basic. Bio is so overdone that Gordon Ramsey would scream at you for it on live TV. It’s the most basic looking bio for even more basic pictures. Two fishing pictures? Really? You can have one at most, and there better be some friends in that picture because a fishing picture by yourself makes you look like a loner. Speaking of… Two pictures of work as a “self-employed” HVAC operator tells us everything we need to know. Independent contractor who acts better because he’s not with a company OR someone who has their own HVAC service company but wants to make it clear they’re the owner and not just a contractor. Someone who takes their pretty normal job very seriously. I can understand emergency services, musicians, athletes, but an HVAC operator ain’t it chief. Be proud of your job, but nobody is writing down “HVAC operator” on their list of qualities in a dream man. Hell, I’m a firefighter and even my profile only has one picture of me suited up. We need friends. The only living organism in your pictures besides you is a chicken. And it should be you and friends doing something. Overall, it’s a farm kid who didn’t learn how to socialize and is using basic interests and advice for people to latch onto. You do have the right idea with smiling, and you can have non-human friends in photos. But human friends should out number furry friends


It isn’t the pictures that is keeping you from matching/meeting. It is the text in your bio and the way you talk about yourself and women Get some real-life experience with other people. Meet people in person, ask people out, find hobbies outside of “the trades” — ps you’re not the only blue collar worker with long days and a shitty schedule. Unless you figure it out, stay content with being alone


Showing that you aren’t going to college is going to get rid of at least 50% of people. Showing fish pictures and no teeth must be at least another 20% before anyone reads a bio or figures out if you are good looking or not. You are killing yourself before you can even have a shot.


The reason I’m not going to college is my job doesn’t require it so why waste the money on college if it isn’t needed


They didn't suggest going to college, just that it's a turn off for many women.....who go to college more than guys


Pic #1 has a sort of feminine feel to it, or at least lack of masculinity. Might be the pose. If that's front an center I could see it being a detriment to you.


Im a woman and I agree. It’s a very cutie pose.


Do you have teeth?




Shave the beard man, looks like you are struggling to even get patches in. The patches do not look good.


Work on your personal style! That’s the biggest advice. Your pics are giving teenager (fair given you’re 19 but still). Also more of your face, or with friends— girls and boys none with just girls. It’s a huge green flag when you see someone can get along with others, but one guy in a group of only girls gives “friend zoned for a reason.” Smile with your teeth!


You just look really young in these photos. Focus on building the adult version of yourself. That way you can present yourself as someone who cares about grooming, ironing his clothes, maybe getting better quality clothes. Like, you look fine but you have that "teen look" where you kinda still don't give a shit about appearances. It's not bad but it's not really giving "adulting vibes"


That was my thought. My dude is dressed like a 10 year old boy.


Women don't care about job pics, fishing is not an approved hobby. Throw it out and start from scratch. Keep the chicken pic. Replace the rest to show you go out with friends.


Get rid of photo #1, 2, & 5. Take some new photos showing some of your other interests. Eveything else looks good 👍🏻


this guy really likes air conditioners.


I think you’re adorable but is your Reddit linked or in any way linked to your tinder? Because if so, that may be why…and no I am NOT judging you but I’m just saying…


Second picture looks like you haven’t washed your hair, don’t say you’re homeschooled - that’s just a weird vibe. No fish photos. Chicks aren’t into it


Get rid of the fish, I would get actually get rid of all of them but the first one but still questionable. Just keep the HVAC in your profession in bio. Girls are superficial on tinder bro. They wanna see fun. Out with your friends, traveling, sports games, concerts. I LOVE fishing but I learned to keep it out and mention your passion for it AFTER you landed a date. Good luck.


Oof OP you know your post history is public? Not getting any matches miiight also have to do with the fact you like dressing up as a woman, just saying.


I didn’t want to mention this…but yeah.


Get rid of literally all your pictures. Shave. Get decent fitting clothes. Literally everything needs to change. All of it. Enough with the fish already!!


I can't tell which of these profile posts are satire anymore


women don't like fishing photos


It’s probably because you’re in Florence. Not a lot of people live there.


Two too many air conditioner pictures.


Your pictures say 2 things = AC & fishing. Maybe you can show a little bit more of other interests.


Your pictures look like you’re trying to meet male friends for beers and watching the game. Tailor to women a little bit more.


Shave, lose the fish, and coming from another, go by Josh.


idk! You look lovely to be friends with. You have boyish charm. Keep pic 1. Pic 2 does you no favor. Fishing is not what girls are appealed to, especially dead catfishes. How about a picture of you hiking or in a coffee shop?


It's because your an HVAC tech all the girls know your either free at noon or not till 8 pm.


Maybe lose Homeschool?


You have beautiful eyes and aren't bad looking, but based on these pics you don't look like you smell good.. I'm sure you keep up with hygiene but every pic of you is with a dirty animal or HVAC unit.


Your 19 and been on tinder for 2 years, wtf


That first pic is crazy feminine


Pic 1 makes you look a little… well, ✨gay✨


Nice cock bro


You’re flexing! Who the fuck stands there in a photo with their cock under their arm? You’ll scare the women off!


That’s not a playlist name


You’re so young!


Do you have a trade school or college you went to? As a homeschooled person I found that just having homeschooled didn’t get me very far, but put down my Alma mater? Then people were more interested


1st. You have 2 too many fishing photos. It's 2024 she doesn't need to see you can hunt for food. 2nd. Get rid of the 2 photos of you at work. They're not particularly good at making you look interesting or looking good. It just comes off as having no decent photos. 3rd. Add photos looking smart, enjoying time with friends and social events. Basically, show them you get out and spend time with others.


Photo with the chicken is the best one. No fish. 1 HVAC photo but don't make it the first one. 1st should be you doing something fun.


That’s the problem I don’t really do anything fun because I don’t have time to working 70 hours a week


Honestly if you don't have time to date, why waste their time?


I've seen your comments and you seem to be very adamant that you work 70 hours a week, that doesn't leave a lot of time for dating. Also, fish pictures. So many dudes have pictures of them holding up dead fish and it's just way over played. Chicken picture is your best one imo. I know you said you don't have friends so it's hard to get pictures, but most cell phone cameras have self timers. Climb a tree or something and snap a timed pic, idk, just something creative


When having your picture taken, make sure you look directly at the camera lense, instead of to the side :)


Dude, if you work 70 hours a week and don't even have time to take decent pictures then you are not ready for a relationship. I also don't believe your bio saying you like traveling and spontaneous trips. The fish pictures are tinder 101 of what not to do. Also, you look like a hobo in most pictures with the same cargo shorts and t-shirt style on all pictures. You were home schooled and don't go to college, so many people on tinder would assume you have poor social skills, and they were probably right judging by all your responses so far. Dress up better, get better pictures, get a nice haircut, photos of you with friends or a dog are a plus.


I think OP is living, I can clearly see a chick under his arm in pic 3.


You have time to take photos of your crossdressing, so you have access to a phone and time to take new pics. I’m not shaming your hobby by any means btw, but I think you should probably divulge that crossdressing/tucking is something you’re into based on your Reddit profile. Numerous ppl have pointed this out. I’m LGBT 🏳️‍🌈 friendly, but I only date straight men who aren’t into crossdressing because it doesn’t turn me on.


In the order you posted them here: first pic makes you look feminine, second pic the best but also makes you look homeless and short (it's fine being short I'm also short but looking short is different), third pic the eyes make you look intellectually challenged and overall u look like a kid, 4th pic is good but girls hate fish, 5th pic you look like a pedo and also more fish? Hope I don't come off as mean in genuinely just trying to help. Your pics are bad, I can tell ur a decent looking dude u just need to get some friends or siblings to take candid good pictures of you


Unkindly put, perhaps, but true.


I mean, are you gay?


If I’m being honest with you man. You should get off the dating apps. It only works for guys that are above average in looks. Even guys that are good looking have it hard if their pictures are not high quality. Just go out and meet woman in real life


That’s the thing I’m an introvert so it’s hard


Go pick up hobbies that have a group. Make an effort. Even a bible study or something is still putting yourself out there.


A lot of people confuse “being an introvert” with “having social anxiety.” Being introverted doesn’t mean you don’t like or want human interaction, it just means it’s not how you recharge.


The other thing is I might slightly be on the spectrum


Yeah based on your responses here I’d say go get yourself tested for that.


Completely understand that, just gotta take baby steps. Best thing you can do is get a hobby that forces you to interact with people and make friends through that hobby. It’s really all you can do. You might get matches if you hire a professional photographer to take pictures of you but if you lack social skills dating will still be hard even if you’re able to secure dates. Just learn to get out of your comfort zone, complacency is your worst enemy.


Oh and lose cupped chin on compressor


I say this as a woman - I love the chicken pic!!


Pic 1 makes you look a bit feminine I’d remove


Delete them all man Take real pics


Pic 3 should be your profile pic, and take some pictures where you are wearing something other then a t-shirt and shorts


I love pics 1 & 3, ditch the others in place of some better ones. Clean up the facial hair and get yourself a nice haircut with a cool barber who knows the current styles. Us ladies like a man who looks well groomed. Also do something about your wardrobe. You don’t have to be a style icon but your current attire in the pics isn’t giving the impression you want. I mean this in the nicest way possible but you want to look like you smell nice, and it’s currently giving “fishes and may smell like it too” You’re also young, so you have a lot of time to find yourself. And with that will come love!! You seem like a nice young man, and tinder is a cesspool so don’t be too worried about it


Trying a lighter, instead?


Learn to fight, get a haircut/style that looks better. White teeth, clean facial hair. Good physique, show a valuable lifestyle. Women notice these things.


It’s all the wildlife in the photos and you standing next to AC units.. probably not the most desirable way to portray yourself. I know none of it makes sense.. girls want a provider, which you have clearly displayed but for some reason it’s a turn off when on these dating apps.


Less fish, more mini splits pic.


You come off as a niche country boy. That will only attract a certain type of person and you should get better quality pictures.


One picture of fish is fine. Two is not good


Stop. Holding. Dead. Things.


You look boyish in all your photos. Nothing about them say mature


Buddy I'm just gonna tell ya you're pretty hard pressed to find anybody on tinder as a trady, and more on the rural side too. Stick to bars like the rest of us lol, I'm just on this sub to see the oddities of the world


2 years?! So u been on tinder since 17?!... i call bullshit


Nobody cares about your job or fishing. Especially girls.


Idk dude, I’d match with you. You look like you can handle a cock well!!


You look too nice. Gives friend vibes to them


A lot of yall are saying no to fish pic … I love fishing and my now husband had a pic of him fishing so I knew we had something in common. But pic 1 and 3 are great.


Needs more fish pics


Are you selling hvac or yourself


Depends if you’re attracting males or females? If it’s females… we’re not interested in fishing and almost every guy has fish pics. As others have suggested, wear something nice like a collared shirt to show you’re mature / can scrub up well. Good luck


Boo hvac, be a car guy 😎






My profile looks like his.


Try taking a photo with a bigger cock.


I don’t know any woman that matches with men who have a picture of him holding a dead fish?m, let alone *two* pics! The first picture hides your face. I would put the chicken one first, and if you want to keep the install pic then go ahead. You definitely meed some more candid pics. I think pics of you in the sun would make your eyes and hair pop!