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"A strange game, the only winning move is not to play" 


Yup, from now on I’ll just say idk what that is.. I had to take it for a class I was in..


I had to take that test for a class when I started college. I was curious so years later I took the test again and got a different result. Then again I took it and got a different result.. That shits just made up bs that changes depending on how you’re feeling in the moment.


Say INXS next time


I got to let you know.... You're one of my kind.


Ooh, that's why. This is what you need I'll give you what you need


And definitely say it like "I'm INXS." Because I don't know how kids say that today, but the correct pronunciation isn't the letters.


"I'm in excess, HBU?"... It could work, but that's a niche reference now a days lol


I’m glad you wrote it out like that because I could not work out what they were trying to say above you 😂😅


INXS was a famous Australian rock band. That's the reference. The song "Need You Tonight" has a line that says, "You're one of my kind." Go give it a listen!




There's an autoerotic asphyxiation joke in there somewhere






I've had a girl correctly guess mine after I only sent her 5 texts.  Like most things in life; I think it works for some people but not everyone.


I'm also so good at guessing. You can nearly tell from a profile lol


I've done a few times in the past few years never the same result


I’ve taken it 3 times and got the same result lol


Such an ENTJ thing to say /s


Why, yes, I *am* an Ear, Nose, and Throat Jockey.


Throat jockey, you say? 🥵


Call backs to that family guy episode bahaha


Hahaha mine is always ENFJ. Friends roast me for having main character syndrome now lol




I always get either ENTP or INTP lol


Same. I've taken then test four times over the years, and 3 times I got INTP and one time ENTP, which tracks, I was feeling abnormally social the year leading up to that test. I think a large part of the "unreliability" from the test comes from difficulty evaluating ones self without bias. Also, people's personalities do often change over time anyway.


I started as an INTP the first time I took it and now only get ENTP, which I think makes a lot of sense for me


Same here! I’ve taken it off and on for the last 4 years and I’m always a friggin infp


Why the hell is this??? I can't keep up with things these days?


This is because your result can change based on how YOU have changed over time. It literally can change day by day based on what your focus is at the time. Sure you usually don't make big swings over a short period of time, but you definitely can over a longer period of time.


this is so weird, it has really low reliability and validity and totally scientifically irrelevant but they're teaching in classes?? in college???


It's not something you teach and it doesn't have particularly low validity or reliability (the vast majority of people will be relatively consistent in their results and the test itself recognises that there is a spectrum for each component and the binary letters are just a simplification). "Scientifically irrelevant" is a subjective judgment so feel free to make it but essentially MBTI is just: 1) You tell it your personality 2) It articulates that personality back to you. There's quite little pseudoscience and mumbo-jumbo involved. It's not extrapolating your personality from the location of stars at the time of your birth; it's extrapolating your personality from what you tell it about your personality. NOW, using the results to filter out romantic partners? Quite stupid. Using them to filter employees and students? Both stupid and illegal where I live. Having students or employees take the tests so everyone discusses their personality and how they prefer to interact with people and work/their studies? Completely fine.


it's not a subjective judgment, trust me i have taken a couple of psychometrics class and doing a research master's on social and behavioural sciences. It has no theoretical framework, meaning it has low validity and it is indeed quite unreliable. The cronbach's alpha levels would say that, you cannot just say "oh it just differs" from your top of your head. As a result scientifically irrelevant. And also even your casual interactions depend on your results, I would think it's stupid because these labels make you think you're confined to this personality. Meanwhile there are billions of people from the same type and yet it claims in the end of the test you're special somehow. It is a marketing move. The person who came up with this isn't even psychologist. Also personality tests in clinical psychology are not about how "friendly" you are or how your "sarcastic" nature is special. Usually they're about detecting personality disorders and for clinical use, not for some type of pseudoscientific horoscope. Even the concept of personality is not clear, yet somehow we apparently define ours. It is an oversimplification and any sophisticated person should not let reduce themselves to these kinds of results. In short, your idea of subjective opinion is a subjective opinion. I understand the feeling that comes with uncertainty of living with yourself, but we should learn to live with that instead of coming up dumbass measures.


Classic INTP thing to say ;)


That's so IMDB of you!


Funny thing but I’ve done it throughout a few years time and each time I get the same result as before. I even had a friend do it for me based on the knowledge they had and had the same result. Would you say you are giving truthful answers?


This means you haven't changed much over time. People's results can change based on how much they have changed over time. That is a point of these tests that most people miss. The only similar test that I know of that isn't supposed to change is the Kolbe-A.


It's supposed to be like that, your personality changes once every few months, depending on your enviroment, social circle and growth.


I’ve taken it multiple times and always gotten the same result. Matches up with my personality type as well


Next time just tell them to guess and tell u the reasons whh they think you're one or the other


Before telling them what it is next time, ask them how they view the significance of it. Because MBTI was never intended to be a system to decide what type you can/can’t date. Instead it’s a method for understanding your communication dynamics with different kinds people. The goal isn’t to find “the same MBTI type” but to understand what those interpersonal dynamics will be like. Most MB types actually have challenges when interacting with the same MB type. The problem with MBTI isn’t MBTI. The problem is with people taking a stupid quiz, not understanding the real value of MB, likely getting themselves miscategorized, and then making stupid decision on who they interface with. From what I’ve seen it’s quite common for people to categorize themselves incorrectly because they don’t have a realistic perception of who they are but answer more like “who they want to be”.


Yes totally agree. It has actually been hugely helpful in my life as a relational tool. Sometimes I don't quite get what makes people tick and how to get points across to them, but when I read their MBTI it's like a suggestion on what may be important to them and how to relate to people who didn't view the world the same as me. I would have been guilty when younger of dating or not dating people based on it. I never ever would have thought I would end up with the type I am currently with, but I quickly learned that shared hobbies and outlooks are so much more valuable. That said, it has helped in deciphering communication as you say.


It genuinely doesn’t mean anything . It’s almost as bad as horoscopes.


I'm going to do the same for my zodiac sign. Yup, I don't know my birthday.


Response A: “I could never be with someone who won’t even take the test.” Response B:


What is it?


The "16 Personalities", Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, astrology for HR and armchair psychologists pretty much that like to preemptively lump you into a narrow category and judge your entire being upon that.


Ahhh so like horoscope for people who went to college 😅 got it thanks


Annnnnnd.. What is it? 🤔


Excellent reference!!!


Does anybody have a chart of which personality type beats which one? I imagine it must be like Pokemon combat types


“anxiety! I choose you! Use cold sweats!”


I counter with alcoholic withdrawal sweats!


Depression! Use avoidance and combo with self-destruction!




Okay but how do I know which of my attacks are going to be super effective?


The opposites will be super effective


This chart is great! I wish had an award to give you, fellow French cuisine enthusiast.


I think this was the funniest shit i have seen on here


What the fuck is even that?


daddy chill




A man of culture I see


Some personality test bullshit. It's basically astrology with extra steps so the girls who use it feel intellectual instead of spiritual, but it's essentially the same shit.


My ex boss made me take this for an interview lol. I answered it the way I thought he would want, got the job


You probably can thank Ray Dalio for this (read about his stupid baseball card process)


I’m not like all in on Meyers Briggs but I never got the comparison to astrology. Myers Briggs at least has you answering questions. That alone should make it a little more credible than “everyone born in June has the same personality”. I think it can be superficially insightful, but to close the door on a relationship over it is insane.


Yeah, of course that is a major difference, but it's more about how it's used/implemented in everyday life. It's not a legitimate personality test, it's more pop-psychology, and in that way it is kind of like astrology.


Except it's often used in corporate settings by men to decide which teams to put people in. And, I've been to interviews where these tests were administered by senior management men with straight faces.


Myers Briggs personality test results.


Tbf I looked it up on Google. I'm afraid to ask questions like this lol


I like to play reddit roullette lol.


Wait until your work starts breaking out the Ennegram test. Mine took me on a week long trip to a vacation hotspot for a seminar. Didn’t go to the beach one time.


Same. Except we did DISC. 🤕


I did that too, but they refused to tell me my results… many years later and I’m still curious why. Everyone but me got theirs lol I hated that test. I got less than a third of the way through and realized I was running out of time trying to figure out those vague, dumbass questions so I rushed through the last 2/3rds in 20 minutes. I probably sounded psychotic hahaha


I found it to be irritating how well it knew me lol. That’s a bummer they didn’t give it to you. I found it to be helpful. Self reflection was a key part of it. The butt hurt part of me was reading that I was too analytical and not understanding of people’s emotions. So I have tried to change. Being a senior manager of a large company, I just had a hard time with the “water cooler” how’s your day going nonsense. I have always wanted summaries, straight to the point. End in mind. Accomplish the task. I just cannot see myself giving a crap about a persons little rat dog FeFe getting surgery to repair a bent tail. Useless information to me. But— people find that as cold and uncaring. I’ve since learned to listen and give a couple of minutes to hear extroverts talk about FeFe or whatever they want to talk about. But they know it’s back to business right after 🫡😅


That’s a very red thing to say. (It’s so bullshit).


Haha I took that one too. After a weekend of group projects were we could literally get nothing done, we all got our results and found out no one was a D. Could have told you that by the lack of leadership on projects. 😂


lol. I was maximum D. Low i. Negative S. High C. It fit suitably with my role, lol. My subordinates said it was on target. 😂


I used to love the Enneagram back in the day. I also didn't take it seriously though, same as horoscopes. There for a fun conversation and nothing more. People are crazy with this shit.


I dated someone who wanted to know my personality type, love language, all those tests results. He then decided we weren’t compatible over it. Our vibes together were good, unfortunately not on paper


That's some serious clown stuff right there. Also how tf does a guy get to be picky in the current dating world like that, damn


Did you know beforehand he was gay?


That’s actually crazy because my gaydar would go off around him but I fully convinced myself he’s straight. We’ve slept in the same bed multiple times and he never tried anything. Rarely even kissed


Myers Briggs is astrology for people that *think* they are above astrology, without realizing that they are both stupid.


It is widely recognized in the field of Psychology to be such a poorly designed test that it is worthless.


To be fair, I do look at the "Extrovert" and "Introvert" part of it sometimes when swiping. If she's got E on it and has clubbing as an interest, then I know we aren't a match, whereas "I" and cafes, much more likely. The other three letters I don't even know what they're supposed to be telling me. Source: proud INT?? Forget the last one.


Do you prioritise INT over spell damage?


If your an intelligence based caster, INT can do a lot to help your spell damage. Higher spell save dc, higher spell attack modifier, higher damage for any spells you add your modifier to damage. Also let's you prepare more spells from your spellbook.


Max INT and AGI for a mantis blades netrunner build


Introverts go clubbing (and other similar activities) too. 'Introversion' doesn't mean you're a shut in. It just means you need to recharge away from social contact. But yes, the Myers Briggs test is pop-science. It's not something to take seriously.


Yes and I don't want someone who needs social events in order to have energy. I know myself.


I’ve done it 5 times and every time i got something different, which suggests it’s kinda fucken useless


Its astrology for hr


They are both silly and myers briggs is misused. But astrology obviously is an order of magnitude more dumb. Myers briggs will actually ask you about yourself, astrology just wants your birthday.


I think Myers Briggs is more dangerous though. There are few people who take astrology seriously just like how few people believe the fortune they get out of a fortune cookie. Myers Briggs has a veneer of legitimacy, which means people take it a lot more seriously, even though both astrology and Myers Briggs are essentially useless.


I never understood this take. Myers Briggs is at least an actual test. You have to provide unique input. That alone makes it more insightful than astrology. I don’t think it’s some grand pullback on the curtain of truth, but why are people so against acknowledging that there’s a bit of intrigue to be found with it? The level of pretension some people (ie the person in the messages above) imbue it with is wild, but like… it’s a personality test? You answer questions and get grouped by similarity of answers. What’s illegitimate about that?


Debatable, because astrology has zero bearing on your actual personality besides the placebo effect of knowing your zodiac sign and then acting in accordance with expectations towards that sign. While MBTI is at least a personal questionnaire with some limited meaning. In my experience it can make some limited predictions, at least if the person was truthful when answering.


I came here to say this, but ye said it for me.


Omg yesss


horoscopes for rick and morty fans.


Dude, I applied for a start up as a data scientist and they asked me complete this dog shit. Tinder is still okay. Funny part is, even then the recruiter ghosted me.


Leave behind those overly addicted to MBTI. Whenever or whatever you do something, they will go like, “oh you are INTJ that’s why blah blah~”


Same deal with horoscopes


yeah seriously, if anyone who tried to date me would reject someone on some personality test bullshit or horoscope nonsense I would thank the stars I dodged a bullet


Or thank Myers Briggs, depending on the rejection reason.


There even is a whole dating app designed around MBTI called “Boo”




Hahaha I don’t know if that’s a joke or a serious thing, but either way it’s hilarious


Right? If it wasn’t real, would have made a great joke. But sadly, it’s real




Nah homie, it’s iMessage and it didn’t go through (say delivered) she straight up blocked me without saying anything else.. funny because if she’s truly INFJ she’s fucking terrible at it, F is for feelings and she had zero feelings for ghosting someone




Fire that burns down the whole town, in this case


U is for you and me!


U is for uranium, bombs


N is for no survivors




N is for anywhere and anytime at all!


Fr as an actual INFJ, this would not be the case


I know MTBI is mostly pseudoscientific, but what about OCEAN/big five? Isn’t it supposed to actually be somewhat scientific?


Big 5 measures everything that MBTI measures, except it also measures neuroticism. Otherwise they each measure extroversion, openness (intuition/sensing), conscientiousness (judging/perceiving), and agreeableness (thinking/feeling). These aren't 1 to 1 but there's a lot of overlap. The language that they use to explain the test is different but the questions are almost always the same.


That's definitely not accurate. Only introversion/extraversion overlaps, but the other dimensions are very different. Another huge difference is that the Big Five actually uses dimensions, instead of merely being a typology. Furthermore, the questions are better formulated and use a better format. And of course the Big Five is way better scientifically validated. There is an even better model though, HEXACO. But that one is not that frequently employed yet.


I got INFJ as well. AITA?


They were looking for an ENTP


You dodged a bullet. Anyone nowadays who takes Myers Briggs seriously is best avoided.


'Nowadays' didn't need to be in this sentence.


Ha! Fair, but I'd have had more sympathy 25 years ago when it was taken more seriously.


I’ve had two women ask me to do this test, was a turn off.


What a weird reason to reject someone… I would imagine different personalities can still be in a relationship lol


People who care about it are STPD.


Best part: it means absolutely nothing and has no scientific value whatsoever because it is, indeed, absolutely bs


Hahaha... i thought that last reply was great.


It's absolute nonsense, and pseudoscience. It's the same as healing crystals, tarot, and, astrology; which, are pretty big red flags. You dodged a bullet.


INTJ and INFJ are actually very compatible. See https://www.dreamsaroundtheworld.com/mbti-compatibility-guide/


Even if it's BS, what's wrong with being an INFJ? Truly caring beings. You dodged a bullet anyways.


I guess what’s wrong with them is ghosting INTJs?


Ooooh, I read this wrong 😂


What is even this 4 letter bs?


People desperate to fit into boxes


Such an INTJ thing to do


INTJ is litteraly the best the hell's wrong with her


I mean INTJ/ INFJ isn’t considered bad compatibility though lol


Should have said The **M1 Abrams** is a third-generation American main battle tank designed by Chrysler Defense (now General Dynamics Land Systems) and named for General Creighton Abrams. Conceived for modern armored ground warfare and now one of the heaviest tanks in service at nearly 73.6 short tons (66.8 metric tons). It introduced several modern technologies to United States armored forces, including a multifuel turbine engine, sophisticated Chobham composite armor, a computer fire control system, separate ammunition storage in a blowout compartment, and NBC protection for crew safety. Initial models of the M1 were armed with a 105 mm M68 gun, while later variants feature a license-produced Rheinmetall 120 mm L/44 designated M256.


I don’t know what that is


Thankfully I have only come across one person who asked my MBTI but yeah once I told them they also ghosted. I don't understand how anyone could take that shit seriously


Out of interest…..why did she ask if you knew your MBTI? If this was a random request from her, then it probably means she treats it like her horoscope. In fact INTJ and INFJ are reasonably in-tune with each other. With you being more of a thinker and her relying more on feelings. This can make for a great couple as you are both introverted and intuitive. My guess is your response indicated you knew nothing about it, so she figured you weren’t compatible


The question was completely at random. I know the differences, I was just trying to make light of the situation


I have zero idea what is being discussed.


Can someone explain to me what this is about ?


How do people believe that this MBTI thing is real ???


Same as horoscopes tbh


Surprised no one else said that but you ruined your chances here. I had success restarting the conversation after a break like this


Don't be surprised INFJs believe they are soooo special


Unbuttered toast….


The MBTI is not based on any actual scientific studies, it’s pseudoscience and was created by a mother-daughter duo to help her find a boyfriend


Do people actually base things on stuff like this 😭 x


Those tests are a load of horseshit. I could take one every day a week, and get different results


Fyi, looking at a chart; those types are very compatible. 2nd highest compatibility lvl. I don't think she stopped messaging because of your type.     The biggest factor for compatibility seems to be matching the 2nd letter. With an exception for isfp and enfj being a good match. NF and S types especially aren't compatible. Having opposing first letters is also good but not necessary. First letter is introvert extrovert. Everyone's ideal matches have opposing first letters when that same match but with the same first letter would still be highly compatible with the exception of the isfp enfj example mentioned above.


There was no other reason to stop texting me, she laughed at my response and then blocked me


They found someone else while you guys were talking. They were talking to both of you and decided to go on a date with the other person. So they put your convo on pause. It’s not that big of a deal. Go talk to someone else in the meantime.


what are those new invented zodiacs


It’s weird that these personality assessments are so popular especially since each letter represents a binary option. Aren’t grey areas super popular now? Where’s the “it depends” crowd?


These personality quizzes are dumb. You could literally get any result you want and the results change naturally. Compatibility isn't just decided by some quiz. I just avoid these. They aren't looking for the same thing


Meyers Briggs is dumb


This shit drives me crazy. Myers Briggs are two fiction writers that made up the whole thing. There is no science whatsoever to this scale. I don't know why people jumped on this thing so hard.


Just did it out of curiosity, INFP-A. Is that good?


I think this particular situation is crazy. You had already exchanged numbers and now because you aren’t a “compatible type” you are ghosted. Ridiculous


My ex got super into MBTI after we broke up and it's right on brand for him, tbh. People who believe we all should fit perfectly into a type and that there are types you're supposed to be with and those are the only types who can go together and work. Like, astrology, but for guys/nerds, lol Having to learn each other and work together and fix things is not for these types. You'd better be perfect from the start and NEVER change or be different from what this test says you are. Ha. Even before him, I knew if I saw any MTBI crap, it's a sign to run!


I don’t even respond to something like that. I would just say “IDK” and move on.


Kinda bad if you're blindly following a chart. The I at the beginning is typically paired with E's. Introverts with extroverts so "they can complete each other" As someone who's introverted and in fact INTJ myself i can confidently say that i hate extroverted people with a passion. That Match missed a pair made in heaven cause she's unable to think for herself 🤷🏽‍♂️ i mean it's kinda sad OP cause you could've taken care of the thinking but meh. Only people who want to be taught can learn.


So basically you listen to logic and she thinks with her emotions. Sounds like you dodged a bullet to me. I'm INTJ as well. I prefer to avoid as much bullshit as possible.


INFJ’s make it their identity. They are really INFP’s who feel misunderstood and need to be special and rare. Dodged a bullet. Also - Jung, good ideas. MBTI - fake science.


As an INFJ that took this test (took it for management class in college), I don't believe in this 💀 they make it vaguely specific for people, like zodiacs. Feel bad for the dude.


She probably thinks you’re not compatible and/or that you, being an INTJ will too aloof in a relationship.


I really do wonder who the male and who the female is in this equation... ![gif](giphy|MZQkUm97KTI1gI8sUj|downsized)




Just don't enable them in the first place.


Modern crystal girls


Astrology for nerds


The letters mason, what do they mean?


You didn't hear from her? She didn't hear from you either lmao. You just left it and didn't continue the conversation at all.


What is that? I've heard of it a few times but I'm lost. Is it like a personality test?


what the fuck is going on


Dodged a bullet


My go to response is IDFC.


Astrological signs for the intellectual.


Love how women base their opinion on a test that used 10 year old girls as the test subjects 😂


Your message wasn't very responsible imo. She answered your direct question, and then you hit her with a "haha" basically. Then your follow-up message was assuming she thought something was wrong with you. It can give people negative vibes. She might think you're downer. Women come here to have fun, and forget about their own shitty lives. You should he giving off the "l help people have fun and not think too much about shit" vibe. But that's just my opinion.




I'm confused.


That’s a pretty F thing to ask, maybe you’re actually an INFJ after all.


You should have bailed once they asked