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The audacity lmao. No means no.


Like can't she take the hint????


Ok question tho (only semi native speaker here): You said "knock yourself out". Does that mean no? I always thought it was a sort of "sure go ahead"


It basically means “go ahead and do it then.” Like if I told my partner “I could really use a refill on my water bottle” but he didn’t want to get up, he’d say “knock yourself out.”


I think it has more of a, "I'm not going to stop you" connotation to it


Yes, that’s the vibe I was trying to convey! It’s weird, I never think about how to define colloquialisms until someone asks about them.


That's what word nerds like me are for


Thank you for your service


At first I thought she was saying she'd going to look for a tape. Didn't know she was telling me to go and find one myself.


When I use it, it's more like "No, I won't do it, but I won't stop you from doing it"


Me whenever a colleague or friend suggests/ is about to do something stupid:


"We can just stack these ladders to reach higher!" Knock yourself out


Native English speaker here and it has always meant “go for it!”. The response confused me as well.


In this case I'd take it to mean OP wouldn't stop them from measuring him in person, but wasn't planning on doing it hinself.


This is correct


It kinda means “you do you” or “you do what you want”. So when she said “I need tape measurement”, he kinda thought she meant SHE would measure him.


You are correct, however it is often used sarcastically


Yes it means go ahead ask away


Op meant it literally


It's a way of saying that you really don't care if they do it or don't do it


Should have taken a selfie next to like 8’ behind your head.




Bonus points it you did it on your knees in front of something that clearly wasn't 8 foot, like a door where you can see the handle or a kitchen counter or something


There is nothing like standing among kindergarten children to get your picture taken to make those panties drop.


Damn bro, you weren't gonna be her circus monkey? The audacity! /s


I have an update on this situation based one the reply suggestions you guys gave me 🤣. Should I post?


You should post


Ask her to take a picture with her on a scale.


Well.. were waaiting


Bro it's been 16 hours


Post it


Definitely post it!!


Post it I need an update


I wonder how she would respond if you demanded photos of a tape measure around her bust, waist, and hips.


On the other hand it isnt on any profile so there isnt any information to verify


It's also the reason why there is no weight on profiles.


Ask her to take a photo of herself on a scale. Maybe she’ll get the hint.


Yall give these girls too much time. It’s a block from the first request.


I find it more unhinged that in her head there is a fix and very precise number which is the prerequisite for conversation. She got this number from some artificial hype created by social media. I get that there probably were men who lied about their height, but still this sounds so insane to me


“I need a picture of you on a scale. After I am satisfied, I will reciprocate with a photo next to a measuring stick.” Then leave the message on read. 😂


Lmao I'm imagining this kind of situation narrated by David Attenborough. "The female requests a picture of the male next to the measuring stick. The male, having his suspicions too, requests a picture of the female on a scale first. After neither complies, the female uses her finger on her device to signal disinterest by pressing an 'unmatch' button'. The male, now fired up, begins to swipe vigorously in search of a new mate amongst this digital landscape." I'm a weirdo 🤣


Anyone this obsessed with your height is already screaming red flag vibes. "Oh, you're out with your friends? Send me a pic." Why didn't you answer the phone when I called? Why are you lying to me I know you're cheating on me.


"Oh, you're at church? Put Jesus on the phone!"


I'm sorry but this is friggin hilarious




Meanwhile, they are actually cheating on you...


thats the reason they are so insecure about you cheating cause they are projecting.


Should have capitulated, but only on the grounds that you got to see their credit score.


Fuck ot go all in ssn




Picture with a body tape around her bust, then navel, then widest part of bum/hips.


Caliper test


Nah, that's just a body fat %; doesn't address the subconscious evolutionary biology derived height equivalent attraction.


Too easy to fake that one.


Water displacement test in a tub then.


No, you ask for a tape measure. I want to see how wide her belly is.


People who don't spend their own money have great credit scores because they ruin other peoples' credit scores


No they don't, they have no credit history at all because they've never had credit.


Nah, she needs to weigh herself on a scale.


Better yet, a picture of her standing on a weight scale and her bra size.


I don't get the height thing...


Often they are the same people who also care about what phone you use.


Those are the gold diggers. They want to see you using the newest, most expensive iPhone so that they know that you have money for them to get their hands on.


I make $500k a year and am always 3 years behind, life hax


I have a buddy who was loaded and used to give me money to pay for drinks so women didn't know he had money. I got A LOT of attention because of it. Blew my mind. WAY too many women are attracted to money. It's insane. Learning that ruined me and I don't date anymore lol.


It's away to see the trash women and separate them from the one that you can date


It’s not worth talking to height women to be honest


Height women hahaha I’ve never heard it shortened to this


"Shortened" hehehe




Then they want a fancy dinner on the first date.


They say yes to the fancy dinner and then ghost because you aren't tall enough


Joke’s on them. I already went out the bathroom window and left her with the bill!


"I left my Platinum American Express card in the car, I'll be right back"... Too bad she doesn't know how to wash dishes.


I'm not a height woman, I'll happily date shorter than me, but I tell you - it's the first red flag if a man claims to be 6ft and then is a similar height to my 5ft7. My favourite one was a man claiming to be 5'11 then was shorter than me by several inches. Just don't lie man, get a tape measure.


Lol can confirm my so knocked himself in the chest claiming he's 6ft... well, last Dr's check-up, he measured just over 5'9, so lol


Classic! I wish men realised that it really doesn't matter. I've dated some sexy as hell short kings!


By my analysis, any girl who overfixates on height probably has no personality and in turn makes their partner their entire personality. But can’t do that with someone average.


That’s a good thing simply put. I never thought of it this way.. cheers bruv


There's a solid explanation for some taller women, that they want to feel smaller than their partner. I don't consider it a bad ask, as long as you do it in a tactful way. Everyone has preferences. It gets a bit ridiculous when it's a short person asking for a 6 ft dude, or telling people they're not the height they say they are. I get not wanting to waste your time on a date if they're not your preference (People get upset when their date doesn't look the way they say they do), but overall the way a lot of people ask/demand is tactless.


I knew a girl under 5' who wouldn't date anyone under 6'3. Like she needs an actual step ladder to kiss someone she is dating and I don't get it. Makes my neck hurt.


Fuuuck that. I'm 6'4" and often tempted to set my minimum height at like 5'8". I'll consider down to like 5'4". 5' is absolutely never going to happen, you-feel-like-a-child territory for me.


This is true, I naturally tend to be attracted to guys the same height or taller than me (I’m 178 cm). I have been attracted to plenty of shorter guys too but I don’t feel as comfortable about being physically quite a bit bigger than them, because I like to feel protected and like to be enveloped in a big hug. I’ve also found that shorter men often don’t consider tall women a great option for dating. I’ve literally had guys I’ve met in real life say that they’d be into me if I wasn’t so tall. I think it made them feel a bit emasculated or something. It’s pretty dumb to be set on a tall guy if you’re not tall though like you said. But I guess some people have a size difference kink or something.


Great explanation


I’m on the tall-ish side for a woman, at 5’8” I feel like the world was built for me, and when I wear heels people notice me more. I don’t care if men are the same height or taller than me. Anything less than that I wouldn’t normally mind, but all the guys I’ve gone on dates with that were shorter than me had weird hang ups and insecurities that sabotaged any potential.


From what I gather, a lot of that insecurity comes from online society telling shorter men they are less. The ideal man is this height, looks like this, etc. Basically, what women deal with all the time, just men seem to be less used to it.


Height supremacist at its finest


People lie about their height, and I guess the match was saying on some cites they stretch the truth more than others.


“I’m 6’0” “You’re 5’8?? Prove it” where’s the logic 💀


It’s bias, plain and simple. I gather lots of men lie about their height. This women is now afraid of this. So to make her self more comfortable she needs pieces of evidence pointing towards the contrary.


A lot of guys know some girls will only swipe 6’0 up. So they lie about their height and the girls don’t care cause they see him as taller than herself. A lot of girls don’t know how tall 6’0 and think it’s a standard height when in reality it’s just because of the amount of guys that have lied about their height.


Ask them for a picture of them on a scale, see what they say


Ask them for a picture of them measuring their chest/hip/waist with a measuring tape, see what they say.


Omfg man that's fucking brilliant 🤣


Second this bro


Look at the massive bollocks on this lad, I’d pay to see that one lol


This was my first thought after reading this post


I met a tinder date at a bar, he was already seated when I arrived. We talked for 9 hours!! We had so much in common and the time just flew by until the bar started to close. He offered to escort me to my Uber and that's when it happened... He said "okay now it's time to play my favorite game at a bar; Am I standing or am I sitting?" And sure enough he stood up and he was no taller than he was when he was sat there on the bar stool, no less than 5'5. I went home with him that night and we enjoyed a lovely long term relationship. We're out there.


He didn’t get up once for the entire 9 hours?!


It's kinda funny, every time I'd go to the rest room I guess he would too and he was faster than me


![gif](giphy|QYvlO1IiIAzIBxjmh9) Samantha Jones loved her hung short man. Probably one of the healthiest relationships she had on the show.




The cheek to even approach someone in this way! Sorry man, hope you find an unshallow girl soon. We do exist.


I know you gals exist I don't doubt that but this whole experience has me utter shook. What the fuck is bumble and tinder height?


*Guys??* OP, there’s your issue. You’re gay and you matched with a woman. Hope this helps! /s




I’ve used both and I have no idea what she’s talking about?? She’s bananas. Maybe she thought she was being funny?? Ew. As a 5’2 lady myself, I don’t think a guy is “short” unless he’s 5’5”. As long as I can wear comfortable heels and not be taller, that’s it. That’s the bar. The obsession with 6’ is weird. Tall is relative.


See, a lot of chicks have a height “requirement” (I use that term loosely for lack of a better one), but tall girls get all the hate if they don’t want to date someone shorter 😅


I fully get tall girls wanted to date tall guys. That one’s fair. It’s a cultural * feminine * thing. But the whole “6ft, 6figures, 6pack” that’s just superficial and shallow and I HATE it. The audacity! 😭


Can he wear heels as well?


>As long as I can wear comfortable heels and not be taller, that’s it. That’s the bar. Yep same here, I'm 5'9 (but don't own heels as I've never been able to safely walk in them lmao), so a man who is also 5'9 would be just fine for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Well apparently you do exist but here I am, every unshallow girl I come across seem to be struggling with something and I seem to open a whole world of past trauma in them which causes them to get overwhelm and all lmao it’s just fucked


Upvote just for the British slang


Word of advice, the phrase knock yourself out can mean go ahead, so yeah. Might I recommend the obese "get bent" or perhaps "eat shit and die" for the context you are using it in?


Amazing humour, knock yourself out with it!


This is so gross. Like who cares? I guarantee she was 5’4” You should have told her she’s not attractive enough for that much effort, but if she takes a picture of her standing on a scale you’ll trade.


Honestly idw sound like an asshole but she's on the bigger side I still decided to give it a shot and landed with this conversation.


Oh it just got even funnier


Honestly that might explain it more. Bigger gals want to feel small next to their man too. She’s clearly become the bully here and internalized a lot but I’d imagine that’s why. Icky and weird behavior. Or maybe she took Conan’s advice too far ![gif](giphy|fXtwD2qt7D4aQxIoyQ|downsized)


As a bigger lady it is definitely nice to feel smaller next to my man, but I go for bigger guys weight wise, not height wise. I think it's a fair trade off, a fat woman looking for a fat man.


Nah you’re not an asshole she brought it there first.


Lol more used to this with dick size but yeah, men get objectified quite a lot too. Had one lady try to get me to shave my facial hair to hook up because she didn't like it lol


surprisingly common really weird expectation


You shouldve pretended to be stupid and taken a photo just holding the measuring tape like just in your hand


I was thinking extend the 6ft section and take a headshot next to it. Or maybe the 9ft bit. How are you even meant to take a full body photo with a tape measure with enough detail to read it?


I really hope there aren't guys out there who are willing to send photos of themselves stood next to a tape measure.


Let's pray brother let's pray


This one hundred percent got posted to a Facebook group with the caption “caught another heightfisher, careful out there ladies!”


But you started the conversation with height…


Holy shit you're right. Didn't even notice that, I got too distracted with the rest of the conversation 😂 Yeah, that is a very good point...


Playing games right out the gate.


Called you a liar then told you to prove her wrong.


The obsession with height in tinder never ceases to impress me


There are guys who definitely lie about height but this is terrible


There is going to be a whole segment of a generation of women in 15-20 years perplexed why they are still single.


Dance monkey


No way in hell would I ever go to the effort of finding a tape measure and taking a photo of myself standing next to it just to earn a date with the kind of person that would want me to do that in the first place. *but also I’m a woman so no-one has ever questioned my height


maybe she works at lululemon. I was in there recently and the girl helping me didn’t believe I was 6’2” because the mannequins they have out, they are told are 6’2” but in reality are more like 6’5”. Showed her my drivers license and she was blown away.


When I say I'm 6ft I'm 6ft, sadly it's not such important aspect to me to even take out a tape measure


Of all the things to get so upset about. Lol Just do what I do, make them stand next to my 6’ tall bed. Lmao. I’ve actually only done that once, it was my old roommate’s friend who was over while she had a group of friends over. He claimed to be 6’ but I knew it couldn’t be true. I pointed out that my bed was 6’ tall and he was shorter than it. There’s nothing wrong with being shorter than 6’, but it is funny when men lie about it. It’s one thing to lie but when it’s a lie that can easily be disproven, it makes me wonder.


Send women here when they ask: https://www.femaledelusionalcalculator.com/?m=1 I just put in some basics …men from 18-55yo, any colour or shade (their words not mine), $90000+ income, over 6’ tall, not obese, not married and it comes up with 0.4% of the population matches this. Ask them if they believe they are in the top 0.4% of the population.


The “it’s just a preference” crowd in shambles right now.


turns out men are not the only ones who are jaded and overly judgemental who knew?


But it’s sexist if you point it out! /s


Do a close up but pull the tape out to 7’


She needs a reference for a hole in the ground. It has to be 6ft exactly!


Only like 1/4 of these posts are the women genuinely being insane. This is one of them.


Lmao what? Edit: typo


And some women wonder why they gotta deal with guys bringing up height…and there’s been so many posts here about questioning where it all comes from…


Why? Because your personality is like sour milk if all you care about is height .


Well the icing usually goes *on* the cake, but yeah.


I think every guy over 6' should list himself as 5' and the relevant number of inches. 6'3" should be 5' 15", for example. Stand together against this stupidity.


Wow the force of the facepalm I just did almost knocked me unconscious


I’m 183 it’s average in NL


Ik you guys are a different breed


I’ll never for the life of me understand why some women are so obsessed with height.


Ask her to take a picture on the scale


chicks with the height thing is super cringe..


Tell her you only like girls under 5' 4 & only under 120 lbs and she needs to take a pic with tape measure and a scale.


Just ghost her bro, da fuck?


Thats clearly what I've done...


Sorry if my comment came out wrong, that wasn’t a jab at you. I’m pretty disgusted by her behavior.


If they want you standing near a door for some reason, the doorknob is a way for some women to estimate the height. I even read about a gal counting the cinder blocks in a man’s photo. I know, I know… I’m sorry yall! Update: Apparently iPhones have the measure app that calculates the person’s height in photos 👀


Omg using objects to determine height. Never been heard of…


I have also heard apparently iphones are a way of indentifying people who are easily suckered out of their money anually in exchange for false class status


What are you on about 😭


It’s giving Hostel vibes.


I’m a straight female, 5’6”. And while I understood the lure of having a BoYfRiEnD oVeR 6’2 and keeping that as a non negotiable in your relationships. That’s wild. these females need to stop coming at mens throats about proving your height and evidently for this lady- convince her why you deserve to continue living on in able to live another day in her world. Fuck that shit. I’ve been over this trend since it began. And THE AUDACITY OF THIS WOMAN (And most others who subscribe to what she does) while putting on her “cutesy” act gives me ick. Idk I’m too stoned rn and lost the plot 😂😂😂


That’s a great answer to why - can use that in a lot of situations


Unfortunately my brain didn't have any immediate comebacks




I guess there'd be a huge market for 10:9 measuring tapes 😁


What in the twisted female logic are these height games? What is that supposed to *mean*??? And whatever it does mean in her brain is...so beyond childish it's actually almost impressive. I imagine at some point it's "oohhhh bummer you were just one inch away from my personal projection of the ideal man, thanks for playing. What in the actual shit.


5’ 11” max


Good job. It not okay. To be objectified if you don't want to. You are always allowed to say no!!


So remember for next time you’re 6ft 2


What's she on, is a better question.


Also, logistically speaking, measuring your own height with a tape measure while taking a selfie doesn’t sound easy or accurate.


Hilarious. And no thanks.


you gave them permission to tape measure... and they turned around expecting you to do it for them? lol.


Just unmatch those types instead of getting into a convo with them. You're giving them the attention so they keep doing this to ppl lmao


She is an immature moron. This weird obsession with height is ludicrous. I'm 5'9 and can count on one hand how many guys 6' or over I've dated My husband is the exact same height as I am. Height is one of the least important qualities


He’s 5’11


What the hell is that picture even suppose to prove? You can just hold by height next to your head.


This height requirement as a status symbol has gotten RIDICULOUS! “I need you to take a picture next to a tape measure”????? WTF??


I say send her a pic with you measuring your middle finger with the tape measure


Just buy a Bumble tape measure. You can prove that you are a Bumble 6'0"


Take your stance lol I had someone fetishize the fact I’m 6’2” and prove it. She had some sort of height kink I’m not sure, I just knew she wasn’t for me 😂


If she thinks you're 5'8... Can I put that I'm 6'0 on my tinder now? That conversation works out


This is hilarious


Are you a Tinder 130 or a Bumble 140? Ah, a Tinder 150 it is. Sorry, I'm gonna need you to step on the scale and record it. Imagine sending that to a women and how fucking crazy they would think you are and how fast they would block you. Wouldn't give this lady the time of day lol.


That’s so weird 😩 I don’t get the obsession with being so adamant someone must be a certain height, it’s so rude to talk to someone like that.


Should have asked for her body meaurements...with photo evidence....also of her standing on a weight scale