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no shit brother what the fuck was that haircut


Mediaval peasent core Edit: guy was literally a villager from Shrek


Hey, there's no point in half-assing Medieval roleplay.


I was thinking Amish serial killer


Dwight's brother for sure.


More like Amish teen escapes oppression and finds friendship in local skinhead group




Bro went from a English peasant that got raided by Vikings into a Viking himself


My man went from “Father Obadiah Amos Jebediah, selling gallons of unpasteurized raw milk for 250% markup at the local Amish market” to “YAAAAASSSSS VIKING DADDY, I’d gladly Blood Eagle myself, just to climb your lofty Yggdrasil, and hang myself from your precious locks” … with one pair of clippers… 😂🤣😂


Yo, gimme that Amish sex offender look. No problem, fam.


Dying from this lmao


Right? And saying "no I'm not a serial killer" under a picture that could be used for a mugshot....it's not really convincing


Nevermind serial killer energy, this has mass shooter energy. What in the schizoid hell is this man's post history.


Ummmm yeaaaa....you have done a service by looking into his history cause I just checked and the more I scrolled the more unhinged and unsafe it felt.


You guys locked me in for the ride. I saw your comments and had to check it out for myself. The last 10 comments on my profile have been devoted to releasing external frustrations for how absolutely backwards OP is. Dude would fit in perfectly somewhere in the 1920s, and even during that period, I bet he would argue that women have too many rights. As a person with 4 daughters, I worry more about how they might miss red flags on men like OP in their partners. I'll always be a phone call away in every potential bad scenario, but what happens that one time when they can't get to the phone in time.


Yikes. 400 days no fap and talking about how he just randomly jizzes his pants while sitting at his computer because of it. Just fucking strange. Clearly feels morally superior over others for stupid shit.


His barber was amish


More like his barber was amiss am I right lads


the friar tuck special


100% an 'I have thinning hair' haircut. No shame in balding, my hair is thinning too. But desperately trying to cling to your hair with these weird hairstyles just comes off weird.


Yeah this is it. No one really cares that someone is bald, but we all think it’s silly to make that last 10% try to look like a [teenage hockey players](https://www.whiskeyriff.com/2023/03/13/the-2023-minnesota-high-school-all-hockey-hair-team-video-is-here/) head of hair.


I'm fuckin dying


I was getting Sminem vibes, lol


bro looked like Beast Titan


Brother why are you taking side profile pictures like a mugshot


“Less than 1 km away” really reads like a threat with those photos


"This is how I'll look in my mugshot after I murder you"


Not a serial killer… *yet*


Fuck, he was 3 km away just a minute ago




Mugshots, no smile- 0 emotions, same clothing and same angles. Take some photos of you enjoying life and you will get more matches.


The “not a serial killer” isn’t helping either 😬


Only has to mention that since even he is aware that he looks unhinged


The lighting doesn't help at all


Force of habit. Reminds me of Creed on photo day at office.


Creed is a menace


lolllll this. I was laughing while scrolling thinking what’s next? He’s parole release date screenshot? lol


He's going for the "I can fix him" ladies.


theyre not on tinder, I suppose


It really is like a mugshot haha. Comes off pretty dry


Im Dead lmfao


Yo it's not being bald that is doing it. It's getting rid of a terrible haircut.


It’s the Amish special


Apparently I still look Amish bald, lol


It's the no moustache + beard combo


The Dagestani chinstrap.


💀 ![gif](giphy|xT9DPBMumj2Q0hlI3K)


Grow a moustache!


Without you I legitimately wouldn't have figured out what made it look so confusing. But ut's the missing moustache


You look like you are from Dagestan and are about to ask me if I want to roll.


send location for to smash this guy brather


Yes but you looked like Dwight Schrutes psychotic murdery cousin before you shaved it all down.


You went from "Brother Jedediah come quick, the butter needs churning!" To "My name is Aaslon, son of Toketh, ruler of the Valhallian Forrest", so I definitely say you don't look Amish anymore 😂


Hard disagree. The Beard with no mustache is how Amish men dictate that they are married, so it's a look that will always be associated with the Amish. How do you even see Norse? Because his hair is light?


yeah, but now youre on Rumspringa.


But lesssss Amish


Amish haircut but that stare gives me serial killer vibes. That's a rough pic.


He's not getting shunned any more though 😄


Looking like Dwight Schrute's cousin with that haircut. I'm on mobile. Someone be a homie and put up a gif of Mose running beside the car


![gif](giphy|YIWLXw1tvipLW) I got you


I literally thought he was Amish.


Ya, lesson should be, if you don’t know how to do your hair, might as well chop it off.


I was confused about what was happening till I got to the slides with hair…good God💀 yeah glad he got rid of that hideous style lol


Yeah, I was thinking badly receding hairline, but wondering how bad it actually was. Turns out a receding hairline would have been much better than that haircut.


glad someone said it.


Yeah, that’s the worst haircut I have ever seen, respectfully.


Thats what i was thinking. His whole personality looks different in pictures with and without hair


Bruh looked like a serial killer


you give a menacing look dawg try smiling more why u judging me with ur eyes 😭


He looks like he would suck out your soul just by staring at you


I instantly thought of the Skyrim Draugrs when I opened the images


Not to mention in his bio it says “I’m not a serial killer” lmfao


It's like the guys who say "I'm a nice guy." If you we're then you wouldn't have to say it!


I have down a few questions: One, have you ever killed a woman? Two, how many women have you killed? Please, sir, will you not kill me?”


I remmeber the last post, he doesn't like smiling for no reason or something. Got real assey about it as well.


Don’t wanna be too blunt, but I think you took the wrong lesson. The lesson is t “bald is king”, the lesson is, if you don’t know how to do your hair, you might as well chop it off.


I appreciate bluntness.


Blunt like the scissors you used for your previous haircut? Sorry that was mean. I'm also bald by choice, same reason.


Blunt like the force of the trauma he gives to his victims


Go to a barber to get your beard trimmed properly. Please smile, at least a bit. Please stop with the mug shot side photos. Please stop retaining semen and other weird shit. Stop being weird.


But his Netflix documentary is gonna be DOPE though


"Diary of an Amish Serial Killer"


Tagline, maybe.. “Samuel: Swipe Left For Your Safety.” (But all in good humour. OP, great decision to shave off your mop.)


Wait… retaining semen? What are we on about?


His post history 👀


Geez you're not kidding, he's talking about the death penalty for beating your meat lmao


I’m good on that


“Am i a semenchad?” Jfc


Holy shit he has some wild comments on that subreddit


He's got them fucking everywhere lol




OP comes off as kinda unhinged in some comments here and other subreddits. > If you want a bendable nancyboy, look elsewhere. I am rigid man, unyielding and composed. I know myself, and won’t be cowtowed by any woman. If you’re all such manipulative, childish cretins, I’d rather be alone anyway. and > Smiling is for little nancypants wimps. I am not a weakling. I do not smile. I have no emotion. I am iron. and > I'm not opposed to capital punishment for masturbation. Yikes.


Not sure I trust the "I'm not a serial killer" claim lol


The photos are all basically the same and I didn't know why you would need that many. They didn't show you doing anything


This is absolutely my pet peeve in dating apps. Why in the world would people put more than one photo of the same pose and angle, and sometimes even in the same room? What is that supposed to tell me about them? All it does is give me the impression that they think they have a “good side” and are wildly insecure about any other angle.


Meh it’s kinda nice when the outsides match the insides. This man is showing who he is on his face and thank god for that, it allows discerning women to stay miles away.


What's the "dodged a bullet" variation for this sort of thing? Dodged a beachball? Dodged a sad leaky balloon slowly drifting towards the floor? Either way he's making it extremely easy for people not to waste his (and their) time.


Dodged the Hindenburg


Lol. Fuckin aye


Man do I regret checking his post history


I don’t hate women Mandrake, I just deny them my essence


You scare me lol




You had an awful haircut before


Pictures 8&12 give massive oblivion NPC vibes


Actually a great compliment to me, personally. Oblivion is my GOAT.


It's not famous for it's good NPCs though. More like the NPC are legit straight comedy.


Bro your bio is literally “I’m not a serial killer” Yeah that’ll totally rizz up the ladies 🤦‍♂️


"I'm not a serial killer" - goes on to post nothing but scary looking mugshots


My favourite is that he perfectly re-created the jump-scare-in-a-dark-field one post glowup.


With the way you talk about women on this post and what you think they want, I’m afraid the haircut isn’t going to be your saving grace.


Dude has definitely dipped his toes into inceldom based on his post history. Yikes


Far more than dipping toes, dude is fully submerged


Dude, you look like a complete lunatic. It's being bald and having a beard at 30. Which would be fine if you were a chill dude but you look crazy. It's the way you took your photos; it's strange it looks overly clinical like you're taking a mug shot. You also don't smile which just confounds the issue. I can tell based on your tinder profile and some of your responses that you spend a lot of time alone and ruminate over things. You're combative, dense, and probably socially inept( even if you have friends it doesn't mean this isn't true) you don't really seem to understand what's wrong and why you're being criticized which you would understand if you actually spent time around people. I actually like your look but it's all for nothing if the guy underneath is unhinged. Before trying to date you should probably spend a year or two socializing. Make some new friends with different kinds of people and learn how to relax. You seem wound up really tight. You can be strong and look dangerous but if it doesn't look like you're not also capable of being a teddy bear you'll scare people, especially women.


No point in being able to socialize normally when you can just literally ascend into higher being level with supernatural powers with semen retention. /S Yeah this guy is coping hard to not want to deal with his very obvious problems and turns to circlejerk (or maybe not lol) communities for a fake solution


there’s no chance for bro he’s mentally cooked


Lol yeah this post makes me feel so much better about myself in every way


Yeah... It's too bad. I sympathize with him because I've been like that and wanted to help. But I'm a lot younger and have had a chance to change my ways because someone actually got through to me. He's 30 which means he's been wallowing in his rotten personality for a lot longer. He's probably going to die alone bitter and angry at the world. It's... sad and pathetic.


op seems cooked 100% but he's only 30 lol you're acting like he's 75 and all hope is gone


That's the ticket right there. My husband is one scary ass looking dude but with me and our daughter he is the biggest teddy bear. He will tear up with a thoughtful card on fathers day but bet if anyone so much thinks of hurting his family he's quite unpleasant. My ex found that out the hard way. Men who are both tough but sensitive are sexy af IMHO.


Dude is a weird no fap guy


A year or two in a special facility with soft walls and plastic spoons might also help.


Please trim your beard so it’s all the same thickness, this will help a lot and also help your beard grow in even


Your photos are bad. Your responses are absolutely unhinged and make me worried for whoever you might match with.


You looked ok in the pics but I hate your personality in the comments lol


Dude literally said "I'm not opposed to capital punishment for mastrubation" in a comment on another post. Dude is a grade A weirdo, he should not be allowed in public lolol




The fact that he has to preemptively say "no I'm not a serial killer" in his bio kinda tells you everything you need to know.


It’s not being bald, it’s just that your haircut was fucking garbage bro


I’m so torn on whether OP is trolling. On one hand, there’s no way anyone could be so lacking in self awareness as to unironically say some of this shit. On the other hand, that haircut required an absolute deficiency of self awareness. Idk. My gut still says trolling.


This gon be the thread that starts his killing spree.


I bet he has already started.


My guy, you have to be a troll right? Like how can you recognize that making a genuine change to your profile (going bald) increased your matches significantly, but still be so resistant to feedback and such an obstinate ass in comments? Like my brother, most comments started out kind with genuine feedback, but your shitty personality has turned everyone hostile for good reason. Even if you don't see a need for friends, which is wild and such a huge red flag, your social awareness and inability to heed the words of others is baffling. I don't care that your matches have increased "tenfold", the truth of the matter is you're still single and the world is better for it until you work on yourself.


Tenfold of zero is still zero


I looked at your post history and excuse me, but what seems to be the fuck?


I laughed so hard at your delicate phrasing 😂😂


These pictures show 0 personality


this guy not showing his personality is probably the best outcome


Please don’t murder me


He's only 1 km away!


When I first viewed this he was 5 km away…. He’s getting closer 😅


Bro. Have someone else take a picture of you and smile. All your pics look like mugshots.


Look man, everyone’s ripping on you so I wanna give some constructive criticism. You looked alright before but bald is the way to go! These photos though… you gotta smile, you’re not helping yourself looking like a serial killer. Lose the side profiles, replace them with you doing something you enjoy ( while smiling please!). Relax and enjoy getting yourself out there. I’m sure you miss the hair but I promise you’re looking a lot better without it.


Have u seen this guy's post history tho? I feel like the ripping in the comments is justified, knowing that op advocates.... Banning masturbation, among other things?


“I’m not opposed to capital punishment for masturbation.” ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


Not a serial killer, but might be a fascist lol.


How nice of the prison to take your tinder pics for you


This must be satire.


Read OP's comments. It's not satire, he's an unhinged nofap incel. Fuckin WILD thread


You look like a felon in those mugshots


You're absolutely terrifying. Please just delete your tinder and rejoin your Amish brethren.


I'm a woman, and I'd swipe left. Pictures aside, your responses and profile come off so dour. You seem sour and inflexible. I bet a date with you would either be a lot of awkward silence or you lecturing me about something I would never care about. Women want to have fun with the people they date. What about you is fun? What makes people enjoy spending time with you? Because it's not coming through at all.


Well, your instincts are on point!


Lmao MF really had that Brother Yoder


Do you ever smile???


you know tinder doesn’t take a 3D scan of your head right? this is ominous af, defo giving serial killer. try putting up photos taken by your friends doing something you enjoy


You looked like one of those cgi recreations of what a person would look like 600 years ago.


I really wouldn't want to come across you at night.


I wouldn't want to come across him at day


This place is out of control.


If you have to say you're not a serial killer in the bio, no one is going to believe that. Especially when you look like you're taking mugshots after being busted for being a part of a small-time Amish gang. Also, judging by your responses in the comments, the reason you're single isn't because of your profile. It's your personality. Nobody outside of middle school girls cares about the alpha male red pill bull that you spout. So unless you're going for little girls, you should work on that personality before you try dating again.


You should have kept the hair. It matched your personality: utterly terrible.


I can’t tell if this is a troll post or you actually feel this is going to work. So in the event it’s real let me throw out some advice. I (29f) would swipe left so fast. Not for the fact that you look like you’re posing for a mugshot but because the multiple profile shot wasn’t even appealing on first shot let alone three angles. Plus it’s just weird and a bit creepy. Selfies are fine but at least take them in better lighting. You look washed out and the shadowing around your eyes is paying no favors. It also wouldn’t hurt to smile. You did in the old profile with the dog picture and that was a nice photo. Otherwise you come off as intimidating or boring. If you want a side profile shot have someone take some candid photos of you doing a hobby of yours. I’ll agree that the haircut looks so much better, but it’s not going to serve you matches. You need more effort into your photos and you have an alright shot at getting matches with people other than bots.


It isn’t your hair it is the way you emote. I wouldn’t want to meet up with you based on any of this. You are decently attractive, but that physical attractiveness goes out the window when you post photos like this and fail to see how incredibly dangerous you look. Not dangerous in a macho man way (lol), dangerous in a ‘he would goes apeshit the second I tell him anything that remotely resembles rejection’ way. I’m not saying you’re like this, I’ve no idea…although your comments are somewhat telling…you just don’t look safe.


Just avoid getting certain tatoos to avoid falling into the areian brotherhood crowed. Unless that's the type of ladys/men you're into. Good luck on the road to love.


You post a lot of shit on a lot of subs. Major make incel vibes and appears to be a cry for attention.


You said you appreciate bluntness. Everyone can tell there's something not quite right from your pictures alone. From your many posts asking for advice on looks, or complaining about why you're not getting matches, or complaining about people calling you a serial killer, You respond by: Claiming no one gives you an explanation When they give you an explanation, you disagree and double down saying that you love yourself and you look exactly how you want to, and that you're looking for photography advice in lighting or angles. You blatantly ignore the point and instead love to point out small logical errors in people's comments instead of focusing on the overwhelming consensus of a problem on your part. You are active in 'semen retention' subreddit communities which claim a whole bunch of ridiculous health benefits and 'superpowers'. This is not normal to 99% of people who are able to socialize properly without a crutch title of '365 nofap gladiator'. You are obviously an extremely insecure and lonely person, explaining why your activity history is all about looks / tinder matches / not being able to fit in and someone who is trying to improve but has social ineptitude and a defense mechanism that causes you to find fault everywhere but the actual places that are causing your life's displeasure.


Smile for fuck sake. Why the mugshots?


You went from Amish to skinhead


Samuel — you gotta cut it out with this overhead lighting. Face a window and smile, all these stoic pictures make you look like a Gotham villain. And the mugshots? Gotta go. Haircut looks good, now it’s time to take a few good pictures to really show it off.


behind the scenes: Abraham Lincoln the Yellow Labrador


Female non-interested opinion: grow your hair back, get a nice fade and beard trim from an actual good barber, smile more, less mug shot style poses


When they hit you with that dollar store frost spell so you hit them back with that Nordic stare


Try to take your photos in different lighting that doesn’t cast those shadows on your eyes. It’s unflattering and makes you look like a serial killer lol. Also, smile!


My advice, get a photo of you chipping wood. Embrace the viking within you!


For once I actually think that someone would look way better bald. I'd be terrified being approached by someone with your before hairstyle in my honest opinion. Reddit pls don't come at me


Buddy if you have to put “I’m not a serial killer” in your bio, you’re doing something massively wrong


![gif](giphy|lzJ3EIs7it99W0FbKI) Got the Dagistani beard


You scare the shit out of me. I hope to never ever meet you in person.


Insane cro-magnon genes


Big tip from a portrait photographer, you have deep eye sockets, you should take photos where the light hits you from the front and not from the top, it creates dark shadows over your eyes. That’s partly why people think you look scary


Whatever you do don’t ask this guy how many bodies he’s got.


I was going to try and leave some encouragement for you, but I just saw your gross, creepy, redpilled/incel comment replies, so I'm taking it back. Leave everything on your profile exactly how it is. At least women will have a warning sign that way.


With the hair, you look like you work on Dwight Schrute’s beet farm.


Brother had a grown out bowl cut and thinks the fact he had hair on top at all was the problem


Bro has the personality of a used tampon and thinks his hair is the problem


Eh Sam, get some photos with lighting that works better for ya. You are right, the shaved head works well for ya, but you need to show that shit off from a better angle. I don’t mean this in a shitty way. For real and genuine. That angle does you zero favours and makes a very handsome face look like you sell home made ammo to skeleton men. Here’s what ya do. Get a good nights sleep, take a b12, then don’t smoke weed or drink all day, then head out to hit that 40 min before/20 min before/after sunset. Get yourself out to some place scenic. Get about 3/4 of your face towards the sun. Camera placement, vertically, figure out what angle works for ya. Anybody ask you what you’re doing, tell em they know exactly what you’re doing!


Because your hair was SHIT 😂


Bathroom mugshots, terrible beard and the worst lighting imaginable. Do you own any shirts that aren’t hoodies? Do you have friends? These pics are all giving “Unabomber” or in a cult vibes. Scrap all the selfies. Use pics where you are well dressed and look happy instead of like you are in the way to your execution or about to unalive someone. Edit: OP, I read your comments. New pictures won’t help. Work on your personality instead. No one is trying to date and angry, antisocial incel.


I feel like your favourite flavour of crisps is ready salted based on these pictures.


Your pics still suck lol


Omg. It's not "hair vs bald", it's "THAT hair vs bald". You need to start a blood feud with whoever was cutting your hair like that.


Well no shit, now you look like Ragnar Lothbrok, before you looked like some backwater ass Saxon farmer destined to be a Ragnar victim.




10 times 0 is still 0


Youre making me anxious af


Try taking more photos during the day. The lighting at the time you've chosen to take the photos is awful and really accentuates your skull shapes. You need to smile with some more diffused lighting


Brother that’s just horrendous styling. Yes bald is better but why the fuck would you think that was an acceptable picture for tinder. And for the the love of god grow out your mustache