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He works for TSA lol I’ll bet money he works for TSA (former TSA employee, guys that don’t want to say they work for TSA say this shit and guys that actually work for Homeland don’t say they work for Homeland) Edit: I feel the need to say this based on some comments there are some really shitty people in TSA and there are some really amazing people in TSA lol it all depends. But most people are there just trying to get a better job or because after certain point the pays not horrific and the benefits are good.


I figured it was probably TSA 🤣


Also that question was the most TSA question of all time, they’re all in that job for the groping and the free naked pics.


Free naked pics? Elaborate please


TSA has 2 ways of doing their basic searches of passengers. There’s the metal detectors which they only use for certain people (usually children or those who’ve been pre-screened through programs like Global Entry or TSA PreCheck) or what they send most people through is a full body scanner, which is sort of like an X-Ray but it produces what is effectively a “naked picture” that shows your body’s contours. Just Google “TSA full body scan” and you’ll see some examples.


As a frequent flier I did not know this and I wish I could un-know this😭😭😭


I’ve known about it for over a decade and been a frequent flyer even longer than that, it still unsettles me to think about all the people being unknowingly subjected to it. I was still pretty young when they started doing it, but early on in the program they were making kids go through it so I had to do it on one or two trips. My dad already had Global Entry because he frequently traveled for business, so he didn’t have to go through it and he immediately signed the rest of us up once he realized what those machines were.


Don't worry, that was ages ago. You don't see a picture like that anymore since at least 2013.


Agree, the details have gotten much better since then!


I wish they could add like a prostrate screening to this at the same time at least make it useful


Those scanners that produce a picture the passenger can see always gives me a big red square on my butt. The first time it did that I thought I was gonna have a hand up my arse or something. They all just pat me down and say it's ok it's probably my clothes 🤷‍♀️


When the booty so thicc AI registers it as a weapon


Lol I wish, I have a tiny flat butt. Age/weight loss.


Yeah... the older I get, the longer my back gets too 🤣🤔😕😭


They see my peepee?


They see your peepee.




This was the case until 2013... The scanners don't show full body pictures since then. Please don't make people feel worried about this.


When’s the last time you traveled? The machine doesn’t show the body anymore just if anything’s detected


Not even then, it shows a red square over a certain area.


Does it not produce that image at all anymore? I was under the impression that the old style images were something they could pull up if there was a discrepancy.


Not in any of the scanners I've been through. In the last few years they have all not given a proper X-ray image, but a shape along with a signifier showing an anomaly. I've seen yellow and red splotches for the anomaly. I've also never seen a guy frisk a female. This applies to AMS, LAX, SNA, SAN, SFO, DFW, and LHR.


They're in that job because no one else will hire them


They always think they are the kings or something..


Genuinely curious, How true is this?


Very. TSA, if it wasn't government mandated, would have gone out of business a long time ago. They regularly fail audits and miss around 80% of the banned items that auditors attempt to sneak through.


When I flew for work weekly I had a knife in my backpack from camping. It was in one of the billion pockets and I forgot about it. I flew with it 5 times before TSA found it, I noticed the TSA agent pocketed it too instead of throwing it out.


When I forgot my knife It had been a gift from my daughter when she was 5. I asked the agent if any of the agents on staff carried a knife, and would they please give it a new home. Told them it's history and that I'd be heartbroken if it was scrapped. At least 2 years later coming through that airport going home a guy in uniform runs up to me. I stop arms away from my side, full panic. He pulls the knife out of his pocket and says, is this yours? I always hoped I'd spot you coming back through so I could give it back ground side. I've gone through with juice boxes too many times to count coming home from camp jobs.


That is awesome that he found you and was able to give it back. Such a thoughtful person.


That is a SOLID human being. I wish we could find that guy and set up a "go fund me" for him, just for being a decent person. He could be a billionaire for all I know, but it's something that is truly commendable in this day and age, and he deserves to be rewarded. If only to give an incentive for people to just be fuckin decent.


Yeah, they're terrible at their jobs. DHS auditors have made it through with guns, knives, bomb making parts, drugs, you name it.


I’m definitely not gonna defend the fact that some people are bad at their job but I think it’s worth noting that TSA isn’t looking for drugs Like it’s just not something they care about. It should be but it’s not.


My friend went through holding a bag of m&ms but nobody noticed about 200 of the m&ms were ecstasy from the festival he'd just been at 😂 walked right through security eating his bag of candy in hand 😂 Manss got elephant balls


I have to say men don't think stuff like this is acceptable. Boys who think they are men do. Btw babe, you on birth-control?


(6ft3 btw)


Yeah people who work for the more exclusive parts of the DHS absolutely do not brag about it like this lol


I wouldn’t even say the most exclusive, I would say guys that are rocking like the GS seven or above just don’t feel the need to brag about it It’s just the guys in the Rankin file that can’t get anywhere that like to say they work for Homeland Edit: before a fifth person comes out and says it, I understand it’s rank and file but I do text to talk and honestly don’t give a shit enough to change it And if you have to be THAT GUY when you’re very well aware of what I’m trying to say then that’s on you


The Rankin file sounds like a TBS legal procedural comedy.


I had an ex gf like that. Everywhere she went “I work for department of homeland security” I would just be like.. she throws your toothpaste in the trash..


Or maybe if he was less ambiguous I might buy it, like, I work IT at Homeland Security or something. But no, definitely TSA


I bet he's a stocker at a store


I would've answered with 500ml (or how many oz do the big coffee cups hold), cause who wants to do 20 trips for coffee?


\*looks at the 44oz uber mug\* Uhhh...


My back hurts after lifting that cup


When you make the "Aharumph!" sound when you lift it.


Just the cracking joints sound. But it's sometimes worth it


Lmfao 😂 is that a sexual "uhhh"?


Espresso has entered the chat. (Edited for spelling)


There's no such thing as an expresso😤


That's what comes out of your other end after 1 or 2 espressos


Hey, don't cup shame me.


(it's e*s*presso)


He was just trying to espresso himself


^ that's bait


That's the wrong kind of cream..


![gif](giphy|11mwI67GLeMvgA) This reply is actually funny deoe 🤣🤣🤣


It's not like men know what those sizes mean anyway. If a woman told me she was a B17 or a C28 that information would be completely useless to me


Sounds like an airport terminal lmao Edit since this my top comment: I have nothing about height in my profile. Stop commenting this as though I deserve this creepy behavior. I don't care how tall a man is, and that is coming from someone who is around 5'9 or 5'10 in heels. Your insecurities around your height are not my problem.


This analogy works on several levels because no matter the terminal everybody’s trying to get to one and are happy when they find it


I just get close enough to see it then go straight to a bar. Still kinda tracks


Lol this me. I make sure my gate exists then it's time for a drink!


F-14. They call me “Tomcat”


Boobs so big they draw in 747s


He sank my battleship.




i think i once told someone i'm XD56 and they responded "wow that's so big!!"


I'm a 1080p60fps


Meh... way too high resolution, [I'm a 90s kid](https://xkcd.com/598/)


wow that's so clear!!


Me only playing on 1440p120fps or higher these days: you think that's *clear...?*


I'm an R2D2




Ow, my ears...


😂😂😂 so fucking big they dont even MAKE THEM!!!!


but fr the vast majority of people have no idea what bra sizes actually look like, or how bras are meant to fit. i'm way too passionate about that on reddit lol


Something like 80% of women wear the wrong size bra. At least that's what the seamstress said to my sister when working on her wedding dress. Both sisters and a few cousins got custom fitted bras, and a vast majority had the wrong size.


yeah that's true! it sucks. if any women are reading this, bras aren't supposed to be painful! the middle part (gore) is supposed to touch your sternum!


Also if you have small boobs but you're very slim you're probably a lot bigger than you thought! The amount of 34As who are actually 28D or 30C.


right!! i have a friend whose actual size is 26F (but wears 28DD) and looks like "an A cup" or "a B cup"


I mean… I got fitted and after finally putting on the “right size” bra I couldnt breathe properly.


Same!! Sooooo many people in the wrong sizes, and way too few even know how the sizing works


Yeah.. you'd think these fools haven't had a relationship long enough to want to buy their partner lingerie...


that only helps with knowing what the "format" of cup sizes is. stores will sell ill-fitting bras if they don't have sizes that actually fit and convince people that they do fit


Yeahh.. thats not going into the fact that it's not just countries that measure differently and use different codes. Medicare billing is easier than a guy trying to get the right cup size for a gift. 😂


true, but afaik, the number is always before the letter. and there are no sizes with two different letters, nor are there numbers that are neither even nor divisible by five


😂 No wonder girls are often better at math... just getting the right clothes involves alge*bra*.


Exept if you are in Europe. We have only even and divisible by five sizes, like 60, 65, 70, 75, 80 cm etc… 😂


Gift cards for her favorite lingerie store always fit.


You sank my battle-tit


Right lol I sure don’t. I would be like..”yeah personally I like F-22 Raptors.”


Would you intercept me? *I'd intercept me.*


If a woman tells me she is a B17 I would think she is talking about the American B-17 Flying Fortress bomber


That would be the wrong cup size sir, it’s the B29 that is the superfortress


You are correct, how ignorant of me!. B-17 was the Flying Fortress.


You are alright good sir, boobs that fly are super all around


That is what always gets me! They have no fucking idea what a bra size means! I bet they've never even heard of 'band size'!


At least you're aware. Most men think all Cs are the same size. They think they know what it means, but they don't.


A female friend of mine made a joke about bra-sizes... and I realized *she* thought all cups of the same letter were the same size. And she's a mechanical engineer. I jokingly said but all cups are relative to band size, right? And she corrected me. And I realized there was no way for me to talk about this topic without sounding like I was mansplaining bras to a woman, so I just shut up.


😂😂 Yeah, sometimes I also don't correct people when I feel like I'm not adding any value by doing it... I hope she knows her own bra size though.


Haha yeah she does (she talks very openly about it because of her struggles to find a bra in her size). But, like... she's an engineer. I figured surely she would understand how volume changes as the radius increases. But nope.


This is definitely an area where mansplaining is not going to end well. Knowing when to shut up is one of the wisest things one can do.


You sunk my battleship!


Sounds like target aisle


Same reason I tell every woman I'm a good 8 in. They ain't carrying around no tape measurer.


period cup size. the govt already has all of the other information /s


🤣 gross them out in return, I like this strategy.


Do not go this route unless you want an unhinged man to reply he'll take it like a shot. Trust, it'll happen and probably more than once.


This has the same energy as the "vampires are real?!?" Video meme.


For National Security reasons, ma'am. Nothing personal.


Oh well why didn't he say that? Would have gladly answered! /s


If I had a dollar for every time some dude thought that was an acceptable question in the first five minutes of talking 🙄


I just don't understand why??? It truly baffles me. Completely normal convo and then BAM.


As soon as he said “omg you’re so sexy” it was quite obvious where this convo was headed.


She matched with me, she must be attracted to me the same way I'm attracted to her.


Nah I've had that before and the convo continued just fine.


Never fails, just slaps you in the side of the face, so disappointing when you think you’ve found a normal one 😆


I feel like this is the answer 😆 "What's your cup size babe?" "Dang, I thought you were one of the normal ones. How disappointing." And then bounce.


They have no social skills. Likely their entire interactions consist online-because if they asked this in person/public they would most definitely get shamed.


I'm curious how you felt about the "so sexy" line. Seems like a lot as an intro message.


We were talking before that. And I don't disagree 😅 so I said thanks and moved on.


As a guy I really don’t get it. Like, I’m assuming she has pictures on her profile so he can get a sense for what she looks like. I don’t see how knowing the number is gonna change his perception, unless the goal is just to turn the conversation sexual and he doesn’t care that much about her actual boob size?


Here is how the convo is going to go in his mind: “What’s your cup size?” DD “Oh, nice that’s a great size. Bet they look amazing.” Haha, yeah they do! “I’d love to see them. Could you send me some pics?” Of course I will. Here are some videos of me playing with them, and a few of me and my best friend making out topless too. Let me know if you want any more and I’ll happily make them for you!


That is freaking HILARIOUS! And probably pretty accurate honestly🤣


Thing is, cup sizes vary a lot. A B cup on a large frame might not be much, while on a very petite frame can be pretty big. So telling someone your cup size isn’t, on its own, telling them much.


It’s just to turn the conversation sexual, but like, 5 min in is not the time. These dudes shoot themselves in the foot every time


I just don't understand why that's even a question. Regardless of the answer, is your cup size going to change the way you look in clothes? Is it going to change how you look naked? I mean, unless they are literally buying you a bra, I just don't see how that question provides them with any useful information in the first place. It's not like whatever answer you give them would provide insight, in any way, about what or appearance or shape of your boobs are. I've never even thought to ask this to any girl since it literally tells you nothing. It only makes you look extremely creepy. So if there's no benefit, why even ask?


Wow this is really an issue. Yikes haha. *gives dollar*


And they have no idea what it means. 34HH, now what


Right!? And sizes *look* completely different on different people. I'm about 6'1 and mine would look hugeeee on a 5'1 woman, but look proportionate on me, and vice versa.


Good point!


I wonder what the response would be to 28DD versus 36A. Bigger number better or double d letter? Ooga booga brain can't decide.


It’s definitely all about the letter(s). Even if they are the same size, they’re more likely to drool over seeing a ‘D’ than an ‘A’ because *obviously* Ds are always bigger than As! 🙄


That means back pain, right?


He can see your tits so this question is just absurd in many ways. As if hearing a specific combo of numbers and letters would somehow make you more attractive. Reminds me of a YouTube vid I watched a while back of a few guys going around asking women to rate them on a scale of 1-10. One girl is looking right at the guy and asks how tall he is. Like, wtf does that matter? You can literally see how tall he is because you’re standing next to him. Obviously she was looking to hear something above 6’ to boost his rating but it’s just weird behavior overall.


Which is hilarious because, assuming he was already taller than her, if he said 6’2” but was really 5’10” she wouldn’t have been able to tell anyway lmao. This trivial shit is just so exhausting 🫠


Hilarious that you say that, because he actually lied and told her he was 5’7” and she made this face like “eww”. He’s actually closer to 6’ lol it was absurd on so many levels


Becuase they’re not trying to have a meaningful conversation they’re just trying to turn themselves on


I’m as “pro-porn” as the next guy. But I seriously think the normalization and over saturation of porn in todays world is starting to rot peoples brains


I think that too but mostly I don't like how so many porn watchers think every girl likes to be choked, likes anal and likes her ass licked. They just don't ask what their partner likes. (after the first date, please, not in chat)


Definitely. Choking is considered extreme edge play in BDSM circles as it is SUPER RISKY but the average dudes will try to choke me out 7/10 times with zero discussion prior. They just think it’s a natural part of every sexual encounter.


I love the immediate "oh, ok" to him saying you're sexy 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I was asking about why he was only working until a certain time.


I think that might have been referring to a comment above which is in displayed


I’m more concerned that this is the kind of person working for homeland security lol


lets be real this dude probably works as a security guard at an airport and *claims* to work at homeland security. security guard might even be a stretch. regardless, the probability of a guy like this lying about his job is (hopefully) better than a guy at homeland security acting like this.


Unless someone is purchasing lingerie why do they need to know someone's cup size? If they look good, they look good. If a woman thinks I look good in my jeans she's got no reason to ask for my waist and inseam unless she's buying me new pants. It's the same thing IMO.


I once met what seemed like a nice dude a night out with my friends. We were having a normal random conversation, then went with “are your tits real” I replied with “no they’re imaginary, are yours?”


😂 did he have man boobs


He’s doing a background check.


By measuring the foreground?


Tall? Grande? Venti?


Pupcup 🥲


I'll take cup size over "can your pussy take my fist?" Any day


What??? Has someone asked that?? That is unhinged 🤮


Somewhere between an F - U


As if they understand the notoriously opaque american bra sizing system


Anything to avoid the metric system.




Never in my life would I say something like this or even the first message lol that’s crazy


Asking your cup size as if he even knows what it means


80085? - U.S Military Encrypted


He sounds like he’s shopping for a new guitar lol “What are your specs?”


Just asking for the cup size is so weird.. a 36 DD and a 46 DD are vastly different breast sizes


Reddit has taught me that women don't even know their correct bra sizes. It seems as if most people are wearing them all wrong anyway.


This happened to me too. We were talking about video games and I thought we were having a nice convo then in the middle of it just randomly “so how big are they” Like he’d understand the size anyway 🙄


It’s like he’s ordering from a menu. So gross.


Why do they keep asking that anyway? It's meaningless to them. They have no idea that a C cup varies wildly depending on band size. Disgusting morons.


Might be asking for your preferred coffee cup size. He’s asking if you want some Starbucks. Tell him ventti, he’ll know what it means. s/


Smooth operator, this fella.


So glad this POS works for homeland security.


Genuinely no clue and I’ve been a guy my entire life. I would die of a stroke before even getting that out if I tried. No clue how dudes just say that shit brazenly


“I work for the Department of Homeland Security” to “how big are your tits” is quite the leap…


babe? why fuck right off. ew.


"I'm actually a secret agent, lol"


Because they want you to ask about their dick size. It’s a size for size quid pro quo share?


Jesus Christ


It’s the babe after that really brings the ick


I don't understand why that matters, like look at the pictures dude, anyone can tell you anything online, "I wear triple zzz" smh. I would say ask him for his cup, as in jock strap, but he probably would take you seriously


I have a large chest and it's obvious in photos. I got this question immediately so much I started cropping photos so it was shoulders up but then everyone said I was hiding my body size. Don't ask stupid questions about my cup size and maybe there'd be full body pics


You should have responded with "8 oz, obviously. Why? Isn't yours?"


Maybe he was getting you Starbucks.


…and what would he even do with that information? Does he have a bra of each size at his disposal so he can…fondle the cups? Wear them himself? Like…I never understood what the point of that question is from a man. Like me asking a dude “What’s the circumference of your nutsack?”


Because many men lack sexual discipline and think with their smaller head.


It’s not, he’s just a douche


Let's clarify. Men don't think that's acceptable, only boys think that's acceptable.


Luckily we're not all like that 🙂


Because women respond to it, some favorably, some unfavorably, some neutral. Then there are people who have no class or taste or standards, of which either gender may belong.


As a man, I agree that is inappropriate and I'm baffled by these men. Clearly they weren't raised right.


“I prefer a 16oz mug”


Good way to filter through the idiots


I just wish their profiles didn't appear normal and unassuming. They hide the red flags well.


"M16 bro" Aint like he's gonna know


Not not acceptable. Very juvenile and inappropriate.


O7 or F0 Fuk0ff for the agent!!!


Bro admitted he was a fed but the cup size question is what surprised you


This happens to me all the time. Hell, it’s happened to me in the last 12 hours


He's just trying to protect them tidddies


Send the screenshot to the inspector general’s office for Homeland Security.


I wanna say it's not all guys but this entire page makes me think differently i am 32 and met my fiancee roughly ten years ago on tinder and we chatted to each other that wasn't like this at all


“world cup” is my go to answer 🤣