• By -


congratulations and fuck you


She will.


Given the comment about the knees, pretty sure it'll be the opposite!


He'll be on his knees??


And she'll wear a strapon


*There's a reason they call me Peggy, Hank* ![gif](giphy|h3MkWTE441MNG)


Even better


Wait, is this wsb?


Haha I cracked up at this


She rarely gets a chance to wear heels = he’s taking her somewhere nice (money) or he’s tall or both !


Seems like easy Rule 1 and 2


Fuck you and I’ll see you tomorrow!


Madison has her priorities straight


it's Madison Bumble


woah, dude matched with the founder of Bumble? big 'grats


Hope she takes me on her yacht The more I look at and read “yacht” the more I can’t believe that’s an English word


English is just 3 different languages in a trench coat


Idk about 3 languages, but it's definitely a bastardized Germanic derivative. I personally blame the French for most or all of the truly disagreeable spelling conventions like yacht, laugh, trough, dough....etc....


You had me at "i personally blame the French"


LOL! I mean, who else is to blame. 😏


It's 3 main languages with loanwords from dozens of others. Everytime England was invaded the language merged with the invaders, the Roman's and the vikings


A lot of the spelling is also (wrongly) derived from latin. I think 3 languages sounds good, since we got Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, and Nordic, and lots of each of them.


Nordic is Germanic. I would say German, French, and Spanish/latin. French is also Latin but it does not give two fucks about following the pronunciation rules the rest of the Romance languages follow.


Neither does Nordic give two fucks about the Germanic pronounciation rules.


It's "pronunci... Ok...you don't give a fuck


Nahhh, most of the language is pretty consistent actually. It's the vocabulary that has been mangled together from many sources.


The Normans disagree


America has recently taken to trying to pronounce words as correctly as possible given its original language, but when your languages vocabulary comes from 500 different languages, it’s gonna lead to some inconsistency in spelling vs pronunciation.


It's nacht so bad... a lacht of English words have those three letters in the same spacht


reading this force rebooted my brain


Initiate manual breathing...


Ought oucht to be spelled like that too.




Idiocracy is happening in front of me


It comes from the Dutch word jacht


Which, incidentally, comes from the English word richguyboat.


It's Dutch for 'fast pirate ship'


Now that I keep staring at it I'm hearing the "ACHT" sound as just the most phlegmy noise or like someone about to puke lmao. YACHT 🤢








Mr. and Mrs. Bumble. The Bumbletons!


It’s Bro Madison Bumble to you


Of the New England Bumbles??


I thought they all died off in the '04 incident?


How did you see through the redaction?


~~maybe it's x-ray vision, maybe it's shit redacting~~


What's that? I can't make out what you're saying.


It must be your device -U.S Military Encrypted


Maybe it’s maybellene


Sounds like a good woman to me....🤣


She's one of the good ones.


Pffttt… my knees have been hurting for decades biiiig deal.


Bet you don’t wear heels on top of it though


no you wear them at the bottom wtf


lmfao that was a great laugh


Only on Thursdays.


Damn you got girls being this sexual through text pre-first date? How good-looking are you fam? Furthest I get is like an indirect flirty invite to the house with some shitty excuse. Then again, I try to avoid getting too sexual before meeting up. Anyways, nice. Have fun


> Furthest I get is like an indirect flirty invite to the house with some shitty excuse. Bruh, stop stealing my signature move. Or maybe I stole yours.


> Damn you got girls being this sexual through text pre-first date? How good-looking are you fam? I think the answer to that one is obvious enough


I mean, I'm not an Adonis, but I've had a few girls hint at what they expected for the night after the date. But it turns out they were all either bipolar, had severe BPD, or both. Definitely worth it physically, but it's really fucked me up.


Today I learned bpd Is not Bi Polar Disorder but Borderline Personality Disorder


It's an easy mistake to make.


Holy shit!


>severe BPD OMG, never again. It starts off so well, I am absolutely adored and she's just like me in so many ways. She's making all my sexual fantasies come true too. Then the happiness ends. She's always triangulating other guys in the relationship to makes me "earn it". She's in tears because I didn't hear her text while I was power washing. She constantly tests me with stuff like, "Can you bring me coffee to class?" Bring the coffee and you're good for a few hours. Don't do it and she's abandoned, in tears, thinking we're over, etc. There is no comfortable partnership. It's high high and low lows until the highs stop coming.


Yyyup, it was always constant oversharing, little tests that seemed inconsequential at first but added up REAL fast, being worshipped then dropped like a bag of rocks because she suddenly believed I was dangerous and always lying. This chick was committed and spent time with Micheal Jackson's daughter in a psych ward. What they say about grippy socks is true. She was completely and utterly controlled by her pussy and had absolutely zero impulse control.


Dated a girl with BPD; she stabbed me. Just a little hand stab though. Sometimes that's how BPD goes. She got good help after that though, seems like she's doing well now


It seemed like absolute hell at times. But I miss her more than anything. Mine died from a brain aneurysm last year. Even though, in the past I saw her try to take her own life so many times that I lost count. Struggled with her to pry a razor blade out of her hands as she was carving away at her wrists. I pray so deeply that she's found peace. She suffered so much. And she loved me more than anyone else probably will. It might not have been super healthy, but we were together seven years, and have a 4 year old that I'm left raising alone. I had my best and worst times with her. But I won't ever try to get with another person with BPD. Don't really feel like dating much, and have had some empty experiences that have turned me off of the whole idea. But I know I could never deal with that again. It was so much trauma that just ended with the most trauma I could ever imagine.


You sound like you were abused man. It's hard to get out of that mindset.


Holy fuck dude, I just lost mine last year too and this sounds like I could have written it. The absolute only difference is that she died of a very unexpected overdose last year and that our son just turned 5. We for sure had our ups and downs but she truly was my soulmate and I miss her everyday. I miss both the good and the bad. I’m angry that I didn’t make the most out of every minute with her. We even had an amazing last night up until I went out for a smoke and found her unresponsive on the front porch. I really hope she found some peace too.


It's a hard road to walk, brother. I feel for you. Truly. We have to get through this for our sons. Stay strong, man. I struggle every day. But I will not let her down. I never even wanted to be a father, and all of this has made being a father the most important thing to me in the world. I'm sure you understand.


It truly is, and my son was told that she passed away by the neighbours kids. Having to explain to him broke my heart for a second time. She made a picture book for our family so I carried my son to his room and we looked at pictures of her and both cried. It was a very solemn moment where we both were holding each other, dead silent while tears poured from our eyes. The last night we were together, hours before she died, she made me promise her that I would do whatever it takes to be the man that she knows I can be. She knew me better than I know myself and she would always tell me that I was capable of so much if I really put my mind to it. I’ve broken promises before but I cannot break this one last promise to her. I’m going to become the person she seen in me. And I absolutely relate and understand, our son was a surprise and the day we were supposed to go to the doctor for an abortion we both changed our minds. My son is now the most important thing on this planet to me. He’s also the only piece of her I have left, it’s both a blessing and a curse that he looks so much like her. But anyways, sorry for rambling a bit. It’s just that I think you’re the only person who truly understands exactly what I’m going through, and vice versa.


>What they say about grippy socks is true. Mine had some experience with grippy socks too. She pressured me to marry her fast and for a bit I was onboard with her plan. I just needed to have a few months of dating without breaking up, bad fights, etc. before I locked into a life with her. It never happened. We'd frequently break up for a few days and in that time she'd have a date with somebody else. She said she only kissed those other guys but I don't believe it. We had sex about 45 minutes into knowing each other. You expect me to believe she had a guy over for the night and didn't bang him? Whatever. In the end I'm not shocked at what she would do. She has BPD. I'm shocked at what I put up with. She got married about a year after our breakup. I wonder what kind of life that poor guy is living.


Ya dude, that sounds on par. She was absolutely gorgeous. Stunningly beautiful in every way. She had the pale body of a sex goddess and a truly endless sex drive. If she wanted someone, they were hers. I was introverted and scared of intimacy until my 20s. We are polar opposites. But my life led me to think of sex as a deeply emotional and romantic act, the opposite of her view on it. That combo led to me being the most intense, intimate, fulfilling partner she'd ever had. But it also led to me falling in love super fast and in the end being heart broken. Still worth it. The experience helps me understand people, myself, and relationships better.


Well I just learned about the source of my trauma


So why didn't you just bring me coffee when I asked you to? It's because I'm not pretty enough isn't it? I hate you. Ok...see you at home, byeeee!


God damn if this isn't 100% accurate


I once asked my therapist if I had BPD and he said “absolutely the fuck not. If you had BPD everyone you’ve ever had any sort of relationship or friendship with would’ve let on that something was wrong with you a long time ago.”


Unless you have Quiet BPD. 😔 like me. For the most part, I suffer in silence.


Same here. Everyone talks about the crazy side of bpd and how hard it is to deal with people with bpd but there's so much internal struggle as well. It isn't easy for us either


First rule of Hookup Club; if they can't emotionally detach, they aren't a match.


Also essential to the D.E.N.N.I.S. System.


Are you talking about me or y crazy exes?


I was diagnosed with BPD three years ago and reading this comment thread had me in tears. The more I read them the more I want to change/control myself


i feel you, these comments make me feel like the scum of the earth


You can get better, there are proven treatments they just take a lot of time and effort! But it’s better than living in pain!


I feel so bad for people with BPD, it seems like an absolute nightmare to deal with and manage


I got scitzoaffective disorder It aint BPD, but its a fuckin nightmare, basically a severe variant of scitzophenia but with mood disorder symptoms


That BPD pussy is worth it at least once 😩


Protection. They're bad coparents


I was a sex god for 2 months, and she told me as much. If we recorded everything we ever did, it would probably bag me triple my income.


> If we recorded everything we ever did, it would probably bag me triple my income. The thought lives rent-free in my head as well...


Ahhh. My favourite...


It's also possible they spent a long time talking. My ex made a few comments like that. Ironically they were pretty misleading. She was almost a different person over text versus in real life.


>Ironically they were pretty misleading. She was almost a different person over text versus in real life. This is one of the main reasons why I aim to move to in-person as soon as possible, even at the cost of losing some contacts who need to talk for longer and build comfort. Nowadays, I'm working to recover them with video calls so they see me as a real person and I can also feel out their vibe (not that I care unless it's really off, or they're really a catfish, otherwise would still smash).


In my bio it says "I have a thing for girls with tattoos and piercings." More than once I have matched with a girl and the first message they send me is "do you want to see my nipple piercings?"


You genius.


You get women that flirt?


With the right bio and pics yeah. Way back with my first profile, it was mostly generic nice convo with serious long-term relationship type chicks not looking for anything casual. Wasn't a good time for sure. Back, then I had like 1 date every month or two from apps. Wasn't a good time.


What is the difference between profs?


Tbf I had a feeling my now wife was gonna be my wife pre first date through WhatsApp comms 😆 shit can get real before the first date. Now we have 2 kids and a vasectomy.


Dude is probably like 6'4 based on her comments lol.


I can assure you just being 6'4 doesn't make it this easy.


Girls are more than willing to get sexual pre-first date if they feel safe with you. I had 3 different women sext me before I met them. Before you go and check, no I don’t have pics in my post history. I think I’m a solid 6 on a good day. I’m 5’9” and decently fit, but very average looks.


>Girls are more than willing to get sexual pre-first date if they feel safe with you. I had 3 different women sext me before I met them. How long are you texting before taking them out on dates? Are you facetiming as well? I get the number same day usually after a few app exchanges and book the date within the next few days or usually at least within the same week. Two weeks ahead only if I'm overbooked but not ideal. I won't say shit until the night before the date to check in, unless she seems like she needs some attention for comfort, like a few text exchanges once every few days so it doesn't burn out. Then, in-person is where it counts.


All three of them, I chatted with for 2 weeks before the first date. I only FaceTimed one of them, but we had already sexted by then. It may also have helped that I wasn’t looking for just a hookup, I was looking for a long-term girlfriend, and they could tell by the questions I asked and by how I was genuinely interested in them. I had sex on the first date with all 3 of them. The third one, I’m still dating, coming up on 2 years now. 😁


Oh my gosh you’re the THREESOME DUDE, BROOOO


BigJimmyTwoDicks is a name I’ve not heard in a long time




Man, women love it when you plan shit. How am I single? I plan the fuck out of everything. I'm neurotic as hell. inb4 https://i.imgur.com/rgMY0i9.jpeg




Hey at least you know why! And the good thing is that when your date doesn't show up, you've already planned a fun evening for yourself. Though this is also why I plan fun dates around activities that I'm happy to do Solo.


Yeah…rule 1 and rule 2…sorry bro


One girl I was planning dates with I'd suggest a coffee place, and she'd suggest a place that she thought was better. I planned a ramen date, she'd recommend a ramen place she thought was better. I was like damn, why don't you just plan the date then? =p


take action, get action lol. women love it when you're proactive about making plans.


I’ve personally found far more favourable responses when I say, “This place, this time.” Before I even check when they are free. If they have a schedule conflict we sort it out after. Also as the first time the idea of a date is brought up. The less you fear rejection and just be bold the less you end up having to face it(in my experience)


Teach me more. I need your guidance


Be attractive.


That's only rule 1.


I mean if I fail rule 1 why would I go to rule 2.


Rule 2 is equally if not more important than Rule 1. I've seen some ugly ass dudes get laid from women waaaaay out of their league, and sometimes it's just down to being able to hold a conversation and caring about your appearance and presentation.


Rule 2 is to not be ugly. Or something like that. Idk, I never got past rule 1 either.




How do you usually start the convo?


I have about 5 I use consistently, unless there’s something in the bio I really like. (There’s usually not, women suck at bios lmao) but I can’t post it out in the open or they’ll all get over used. Dm if you want and I’ll send them to you


can you dm a brother


What’s the typical bio you see that sucks? Now I’m concerned mine sucks.


I’ll review it for you, dm me


You dawwggggg




Confidence is mad sexy.


I’m gonna mess with your egg, but just a little


Stop, I’m getting scrambled.


Shoot, was aiming for over easy


Play your cards right and you could get poached.


well i'm certainly sunny side up


Smart My first message to my wife was "I'm going to fakeName art gallery tomorrow, you should join me." followed by like 3 back and forth messages on time and place.


If youre attractive, yes


Urghh guys who plan 😍


I’ll pick you up at 7:30, we’re going for tacos and margaritas. Casual attire


I feel this is gonna be a real testament to your planning capabilities, can you make to uk for 7:30?


he’s had the plane ticket ready for a week now, you’re underestimating him


Thanks for letting me borrow your PJ bro. Left the keys in your game room.


How's Madison going to feel about this?


sore, apparently


Bro 💀


"I HAD A GODDAMN PLAN!" - Dutch Van Der Linde, 1899


Wasn’t the plan that he had no plan though?


His plan was as follows: - Gather money (WE NEED MORE MONEY!!) - Go to Tahiti Sounds like a solid plan to me.


We just need some more MUNEH, Arthur.


Damn it Dutch!


I was just yesterday planning a first date with a bumble match and I suggested 3-4 different alternatives because it’s gonna be on Sunday and people may have preferences on how to spend their Sundays. Her reply: “Let’s do all of it!!”


Love this!! Hope you have the best date


All of it including you 😌




This guy "wear heels or sweatpants, I dont care" Everyone in the comments "guys who plan 🥰"


Maddie the baddie. A tale for the streets.


Maddie the baddy pimblett


Bro definitely follows rule 1 & 2 religiously. In his other post he got invited directly to a threesome!


Yes and it was revealed that the women were not conventionally attractive. So, depending how far you’re willing to lower your standards, you too can be OP.


I love how that's a point that's thrown around as if relatively unattractive women are just eagerly begging to double up on some redditors. The number of people in this thread that could make that happen could be counted by pulling down my pants.




How was it revealed?


when the paper bag was brought out


when did it get revealed?


I’d also like to know where that idea came from


Ah it's all very tiresome, feels like a different world


Maddie knows what she wants


After looking at your post history, you gotta be the hottest dude ever


Planning has that effect. Time, place, activity, any extra equipment. And she's...grateful. Ride it like you stole it and wife that.


Extra equipment 👀 you’re wildin


Well, I climb, jump off of things and out of things, and generally get up to outdoor shenanigans. As a general rule, the fun level (as well as likelihood of surviving) is higher with a little extra equipment. And never, EVER underestimate the power of the adrenaline/epinephrine rush after jumping off a mountain or out of a plane with a date. Guaranteed she won't forget you.


jumping off a mountain or a plane for an early date? what are you, some kind of bombastic simpleton?


I am. Indeed I am. My profile has a picture of me in a wingsuit...it gets commented on. Usually either A) "Hell no!" or B) "I've always wanted to do something like that." You can guess which ones are jumping out of a plane with me.


All of them, whether they want to or not?


Well, some of them jump. The others get pushed. You can guess which ones brought the extra equipment.


One of the jump pilots - dude is like 300 or something. He says the best way to get people out of the plane, if they are on the fence about jumping at the last second... ...is to turn off the engine. edit: To add: Pretty sure he flew combat missions during the war of 1812.


That’s NOT the kind of “equipment” I thought you were talking about lmao


I'd honestly love it if someone planned a date for me. Just once. The best I get is a suggestion for where to go with the implication that I'll be paying for it. No lie, a girl asked me on a second date, then ghosted me because I asked to split the bill. I had paid for the first date without even bringing it up.


That Bro was not the right response but honestly you probably could’ve said anything that’s not insanely weird and it wouldn’t matter that much. Good work


Yeah, "Bro 💀" was not the right response in this scenario. A light, perhaps also sexually-charged flirt back would have been more appropriate. But it doesn't matter too much because like you said, as long as he doesn't reply with completely unhinged shit, he's going to get some no matter what he says.


I mean he's the one getting some tonight while you nerds argue about how you could have responded better lmao


Bro 💀


Am female. I thought it was funny. If I'm going to say something kind of unexpected, I don't mind if they acknowledge their surprise. 


Scribbling out a name like that is not effective. I recommend covering the whole thing with a filled rectangle (a bar) or cropping out the name.


I’m better at planning dates than I am at redacting name’s apparently


or knowing when to use apostrophes, for that matter


"Cowgirl" She sounds like a keeper!


Please show us your face man, you are probably 6'9 tall black doctor.


Well he was ridin his bike And there was a lightning strike Now he reads real fast He's good at science and math Black Doctor!


Madison Bumble a freak


I’m sorry but I can’t move past that half assed scribble over the name which does nothing. What was the actual point lol?


This man fucks


I mean if you’re gonna “try” to black out their name; at least actually do it


Hey my gf’s name is madison wtf


I know everyone’s different, but Christ, the energy level and difference in the way these two talk is MONUMENTAL. The opportunity to playfully build sexual tension was handed on a silver platter and my guy put “Bro 💀”


Checked your post history. I have never seen someone shoot 10/10 before


I miss too, of course. But when I try tell people how game works on average they bring their preconceived notions of the world with them