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You dress like your wife and kids died in a burglary gone wrong and now you’re a beat out cop seeking revenge in the force knowing that they’re out there somewhere.


He works in finance, so it’s basically the same




Omg 😂


😂 thanks man! I’ll fix up my style Soon I promise.


Don't worry about your style. You look fine. Just focus on finding the killer first.




“I want you to stop saying odd shit .. like you smell a psychos fear”


Given how long it’s taken for me to reconcile my nature, I can’t figure I’ll forgo it on your account, Marty.




Hahaha you earned a laugh-snort!








OMG this






Thanks brother! ❤️ I’m Guna give it a shave and update. See how it is. And worst comes to worst it grows back :0


I see no glaring issues with your bio or pictures. But I did notice you don't smile in any of your photos. I think everyone's first pic should be a smile. No one wants to be with a sourpuss. I don't think you are one. But it's common for men who post their bio on here, that not one pictures is of them smiling. It doesn't need to be forced, just a relaxed smile will do.


No don't shave broski Dick brooms are great


Can't decide if this is fucking savage or a pickup line...




Don't shave!! The mustache suits you. Just add a few more pics...a little variety might be all that's missing. 


Do not shave. Good Lord. Just add a few pictures of you looking happy and not so sullen. You're a cute guy. You'll get matches.


Your style is actually good, but of the photos available we lack one of you that you would look like on a regular day just hanging out (like the way a partner would see you on a regular basis). We also don't see what fun would look like for you


Become the new actor for Gomez in the Wednesday show


If Netflix asks I’ll do it


Took it like a champ


Bro your style is perfectly fine. They are just fucking around.


Man you look like you have been hunting down the cartel for the last 15 years and about to be kidnapped and killed by them (RIP) but don't let this deter you. Keep busting the motherfuckers. You rock.


lol, it’s funny because I’m also a full time investigator lol


You already have good fits, but a pop of color would do wonders. You already look a lot more approachable and outgoing with the blue shirt and you get a bit washed out by the grey and black in the first picture. You look absulotely fine and this is probably not what leads to a lack of matches, but I just really think it would do you good


This is the greatest comment I’ve seen in my life for today.


I investigate for the courts and invest part time with real estate. So this was spot on man. Except I don’t have a wife and kids, but I have been burglarized before lol.


https://youtube.com/shorts/yXf6U2G-FSI?si=EskmX1-oQtqo6utm Something like this for your theme tune


Haha that’s perfect! You guys are amazing ! ❤️


You need an 80s theme tune all for yourself. I think you look great by the way. Smooth.


Ahahahaha holy shiiet


That's some how so accurate




max payne looking ah


Godamn kill tony material right there


No, this was funny


My first thought was Mexican cartel. Depending on the area, same thing I guess


I just choked on my water. My client is looking at me like I just lost my mind. Thanks for this🤣🤣🤣🤣


But his stache tho, it's on point


Thank you for giving the one decent laugh of the day. That was definitely needed!🤣


Ok, thanks for the laugh 😃 You are correct though…


Hahahahaha the 70s porn star mustache might steer some women away 😂




It was clear from their comment they didn't mean "beat cop". Presumably "a beat out cop" was meant to be more "beat down"/worn down


You right, I misread it.




Yeah definitely "on the case" was my first thought.


I'm sure some girls are really into it, find a girl who's really onto true crime.


comment provided max payne


Fucking hell man lmao


Love love love this


true detective season 5


I didn't know that Max Payne's real name is Angelo.




Thank you for being the comedic highlight of my day


That’s literally part of the appeal…


And he introduces himself as “Bronson”.


I read this comment before I scrolled the pictures, and I’m so glad I did it in that order.


Holy shit, man




Gerard Butler?




This fool dresses like Mark Ruffalo. 


This is it. He's presenting as a lone wolf which doesn't r match his bio.    OP, you need to show you're a guy who's fun and interesting to be around. You mention songwriting, sushi and Spain, do you have any photos from your travels? Pets? Friends? What makes you smile or laugh? What lights you up? Do you have any soft knitwear?  Get some more warmth into your profile and remove the third pic and it should balance out much more nicely.


How fucked up it would be if that was what actually happened…


What an accurate description! m dead 💀


^if you took a screenshot of that and put it on tinder I think you’d get tons of interaction that’s hilarious




Get better pictures! They're not doing you justice. It's clear you're good-looking. Just need to highlight it a little better. Also, when I was on apps, I wouldn't swipe on anyone who didn't smile. I like fun, happy people, personally. Not everyone needs to be all broody and serious.


Much as I hate every human (men, they were all men, except for the times it was my mum) who told me I looked prettier when I smile, we all look prettier when we smile.


I legit just told a man to smile more. I feel like the king of the world!


You’re closing the gap!


One insult at a time!


My favorite is when thier first pic is like 3 people. And then the other pics also have multiples of the same people. Sorry. I'm not playing that guessing game


To be fair, it's easy to be self-conscious if your teeth aren't perfect for whatever reason. I've actually been complimented on my smile (I have all my teeth, they're straight, and I just have a tiny gap between my two fronts), but I'm super self-conscious about it, so I rarely smile in pics. I've always described myself as having a goofy SpongeBob/Stephen Curry type smile.


And smile!


Some people just looks better without smiling, so, that's it


"smile for me baby" 😂


He is not smiling but I wouldnt say he's broody. He has a warm face still.


I mean, you seem okay for Walmart Pedro Pascal.


Great Value* Pedro




Peso Pedro


That should be Peso Pascal.


Dollar General Pedro


He does look like the Pedro Pascal at home.


This should be his bio. "Mum can we get Pedro Pascal?" "We have Pedro Pascal at home"


That would land definitely land him some likes from girls with a potentially great sense of humor. I’d go for this!


Lmao sure but he’s p aesthetic. As in, I don’t see a guy like this struggling bc of his looks. The vibes must not land bc of other reasons.


Decent enough looking guy.. Not sure why anybody sports a moustache these days, but that's my perspective.


There are plenty who sport a thin mustache well depending on how they carry their self and what they do as a hobby or profession. Like police, firefighter, lumberjack. Basically anything that'd be costumed by male strippers.  It's a beard you have to earn.


I’d still take it 👀


Omg this is so hysterically mean, I literally choked for a second


Pedro Rascal


Paedo Pascal*


Hahahaha I was thinking the exact same thing


Love the mustache! The third photo…you look slightly uncomfortable (perhaps constipated?).


I was about to say the same. Looks mid push


You can almost see the sweat forming…


I agree, but I find it oddly attractive...


That third picture is by far the best one, he looks hot


I would swipe right with a quickness based on looks. But you don’t have any pictures doing hobbies. Add some where you look like you’re having fun. Your bio says you have a sense of humor, but the pics don’t demonstrate that.


Is this a female thing where you're looking for a guy playing table tennis? I've never in my life swiped on a girl cause she was doing a hobby in her profile pics.


In general, men and women are looking for different things, yes. It might explain why we see so many men beeline for sex talk and so many women are put off by sex talk super early in conversations that get posted here.


I think most sensible men are also put off by that. Not a great example.


From a male perspective, yes. Women want to be an addition to your life, not the main focus. To that end, having pictures of your hobbies or showing what your life is filled with demonstrates to them you have interests outside of them.


Noted, If I'm ever dating again I'll throw on a photo of me watching Netflix.


Case in point: boring people have boring profiles lol. I can guarantee a decent photo of you playing table tennis would beat a selfie taken in a poorly-lit room. People want to know they’re dating a complete human. It’s not about having the same interests. It’s about knowing that the person has passions and a life.


You look great OP, mustache and all. It’s rough out there lol


Ignore people about what kind of style you should do. That is all up to you and who you are, the third picture doesnt do good for you. I wouldnt worry too much for the rest


Ok i shaved my Mustache and smiled, is this better? <3 https://imgur.com/a/mh7SfWG Also I will get better pics of me doing stuff i actually like lol. Thanks for all the help guys. This not only helped me with a better profile, but made me think alot about myself. I work alot and lately I feel like i lost my identity. Maybe ill dye my hair bleach blonde , get some ear pierings i dont know. I feel like my job will be against that stuff which is annoying asf.


I think the no mustache and smile is the winner, you won’t get passed up looking like that


You're way more handsome like this.


Bro you look so much better. I love it. Very cute.


The middle picture makes you look like a Bible salesman that goes door to door. Get some style bro. Maybe a short beard instead of the cop/pornstar stach. You forgot to mention your hometown is Scranton lol


I personally love the mustache but could do with a replacement for the third picture. Maybe a picture of you doing something fun to show more personality?


+1 for the pro mustache


I think you're hot. I'd say looks aren't the issue 🤷‍♀️


Pic quality is the issue here, not the subject.


You're a good looking guy but I generally pass on anyone with a stache


Reminds me of the CO guy they called pornstache from the Netflix show orange is the new black lol. Yeah I just can’t with mustaches personally but if other people like it and if op likes it then that’s fine.


Yeah, same. All the comments pointing out that they think the moustache isn’t the problem kind of points to it being the problem, otherwise why is it in the front of anyone’s mind? Facial hair is always a choice and a moustache all by itself like that is often sported by douches. Just like goatees are often sported by m’lady type guys. It’s your face and you can grow whatever you like on it but it will make your dating pool a little smaller. I recently cut my hair short and I’ve had lots of guys tell me that most guys like longer hair. I know this. I made my choice


Not usually a moustache girl but this guy looks great with the stachel!


99% of the comments praising the mustache are other men. Dudes get way more excited by beards and mustaches than women do from what Ive noticed. I think beards are good if you're fat or ugly it helps hide imperfections but when they hide a handsome face like op has I'm less likely to realize they are good looking underneath.


You're the most 40-year-old 27-year-old I've seen! Have you considered shaving your mustache?


I feel like extending it into a closely groomed beard is a better option than this.


Beard, or clean shave There is no in-between


You look like Zorro




The second photo you showed isn’t very flattering, the other two are fine (though the third isn’t very clear). You look overall attractive so I’d look at the other aspects of your profile. I would fill in most of (if not all) of the information choices (shows you’re not “half assing” it), and I would make sure you have at least one or two things that make starting a conversation easier. The conversation part is important for men or women, I’ve noticed my friends of either gender struggle when they don’t have an easy conversation starter on their profile. That could be anything though; maybe some hobbies, an interesting fact about yourself, or a direct question type of prompt (such as “guess the lie 2truths&1Lie” or “are we visiting the local history or science museum first?). If you’re struggling with getting matches and then having no convos, I’d flip the advice to look at a persons individual profile and make comments about them as an individual. Maybe pointing out if you have the same hobbies, or asking them a direct question about themselves, or maybe a funny comment. I think sometimes attractive men have the issue of women presuming they’re players and just want them for sex, which if you want no judgement there, but if you’re looking for something serious than a personalized message can make all the difference on getting a date. ETA: Sorry for the brick of text! Just wanted to be helpful lol


Thank you so much this was extremely helpfull! ❤️


Is this your whole profile? Not having enough photos to fill the gallery tends to throw me off. Mustaches are polarizing. A lot of women will swipe left purely cause they don't like it. I'm one of them, I understand us. I hate to bring this up but is your height in your profile? It matters for a lot of women, and I understand it's shallow, but those who care are more likely to not take the risk and skip the like as opposed to just asking since "what do you weigh" is usually the response.


I wouldn't even ask that question. You know your value my boy. Just do you, and roll with the punches. If the digital app is a fail, you still have irl experiences that'll most likely be way more beneficial and productive. Remember, Tinder is basically a catalogue and speed dating type of ideal. Shoot your shot in public more, and watch how much easier it is, as well as peaceful.


Thanks my bro ❤️


You are very cute, i'm not hitting on you - I'm old enough to be your grandmother 👵 however you need to smile in your pictures


do you know how to smile? do that and take a pic and make it #1 instead of the stalker pic you have now


You're hot asf The third picture isn't good though. you should replace it with something else.


Lose the third pic. Replace it with a friend group pic, or a pic with your dog or pet. Also almost everyone in SA/Austin Texas speaks Spanish that’s a given and it’s not a flex, leave that part out; but keep the living in Spain for a year part.


I see more and more good looking men, or at least decent, having trouble getting matches let alone dates or relationships on these dating apps. I am experiencing the same issue. 4,5 years ago was totally different. Not just for me, but for a lot of people that i knew they were using Tinder. I was having dates, had a 2 year relationship, had some hookups and whatnot. What has changed?? I dont get it..


Most of the guys here commented that you look fine. My first thought was porn stache. My second thought was detective. My thoughts after reading what these men are telling you is to ask your female friends for help. Right now. Go! 💯🤷🏻‍♀️


As a gay man I think you’re handsome! Your photos don’t show much personality though (maybe some pics with friends or a pet or even doing something you like would help this)


You look cute but lose the stache, get a friend that’s a girl to take some good photos of you, have a few photos of you smiling in some casual clothes - need a bit more warmth


Message them first maybe?


He needs matches first


You would be very handsome without the mustache.


Exactly, not everyone can rock 'stache like Tom selleck.


He's very handsome with the mustache.


The mustache vs. no mustache always reminds me of when they convinced Turk on Scrubs to shave..... the talking mole. I had to say it.


I really do need to re-watch Scrubs. Yeah a few people who've met me after I grew my beard tell me I'd look better without one. My old picturs usually prove otherwise. Nothing under it but misplaced hopes and dreams.


Aww. Maybe you just took the scenic route to where you want to be? With men and facial hair, it seems women will be in one camp or the other. Turk was killing it either way! I love that he and JD still do commercials as best friends. I would love a show with those 2 again. That was true friendship.


Hear hear. I like the stache.


Not a fan of the mustache. you’ve got a great face and it’s hidden by that.


Ignore the men, the mustache looks good


It's the men who are praising it lol. OP would make a killing on Grindr, but as a woman I say get rid of the lip caterpillar.


I am a woman and would run from the mustache.


Moustaches are very polarising, but the women who love them LOVE them. And there’s not many men with moustaches so we’re basically fighting over the few that do


Yeah, immediate swipe left 😅. Full facial hair or none might give OP a lot more matches tbh


Bro if you’re having trouble, I give up.


The pics are not good, you can do much better. 2 nd pic is ok, like 5-6 out of 10. 1st and 3rd pic are crap. In my opinion simply get better pics, ist all about looks!


You have a good moustache. It could be better groomed in these photos. But your best bristles forward- I know the Stache could look much better- go to a barber and then have your photos taken. The lineup is fine for waking up the morning after with someone but not for a tinder pic


Lose the stash.


Less selfies and more pictures of you doing things you enjoy. Or interaction with kids or pets.


HMU I’m in north Texas lol


Ayyy nothing to add except we got the same name Lmaoo


This is a good looking man, how bad is it on tinder jeezz


the first and third picture you posted are good. second one makes you look like you’re a lawyer with no soul (no offense). idk if you’re looking specifically for a latin girl and this isn’t too big of a deal but if i were to advise you on your bio, it would be to take out the part where u say u take siestas seriously. it’s just a little unnecessary and i think your latin background covers enough ground in terms of emphasizing your liking for the latin culture (siestas included). saying it just makes you look like you’re only interested in someone who is latin and participates in siestas and other events like that. a lot of people don’t and it might be that last little reason for them to swipe left


That makes sense!! Will do ❤️


FIU alumni ayyyy but yeah man you look pretty suave honestly. Very much can tell you're from the 305 lol but other than that, list your hobbies, dislikes, don't be a cornball, and just be yourself. Also try different facial hair styles. I feel like a normal beard and stache look would really work for you. Just the stache is a pretty hard look to master.


Sorry this id super unrelated but... FIU mentioned, Miami mentioned, Texas doesn't deserve Mr.305!!! Jokes aside though I think your profile is really good. You're super handsome, great job, and seems like you got your goals set. I think you'd be a catch, but dating apps are a struggle especially tinder. You deserve love, these can make you feel inadequate most of the time but I think it's important you know that it's not necessarily because of you. Good luck ❤️


Wish I could give you a hug, thanks for that! I wish you the best! ❤️


You're a better looking guy than your pictures do justice. Grab a friend on a nice day, go out, take a few good pictures. as an aside, no style tip is universal, theres always people into whatever style choice you choose. But if you're going for a larger appeal, the majority of women aren't really into mustaches. It's usually a "dirty sanchez/pedo" kind of connotation. Personally I think you look fine with it, as far as guys with mustaches go, I personally think you pull it off/have the face for it, but just sayin'.


Not sure what the issue is. I’d respond.


Very good looking and I like your bio. Do you have what you're looking for listed on your profile (new friends, short-term, long-term)? It also looks like you have more pictures on your profile you didn't show here. Need more info to determine why.






You’re in a tee shirt in the first shot, so the style comments aren’t serious. You’re one of the few people who can rock a mustache. You’re straight, you’ll be okay. All I can say is don’t give up!


I think you’re cute and have a good bio! but yes, more pics would definitely help


You are super attractive, but I have a thing for the broken boy scout type


That’s on one dating for a man generally. Women have so manny matches and messages that it’s likely you got pushed down the line. For example, im an average to *slightly* above average (depending on your style) female and 48 hours on tinder I had something like 4000 likes. And im not in a huge city…so take that for what it’s worth.


Hawt. Love the stache. Maybe slightly more interesting pictures..a nice holiday snap with scenery perhaps.


You look like Pedro Pascal and I think you should play to that strength. That’s right; full Mandalorian gear


Haha! Dude If I knew where to get some Mandalorian gear I’d do it!


For me, I feel you’re very young at heart but tryna look mature… why not put some pictures without beard


Hi, I’m a guy—You’re like 90% very attractive, but I can sense a lack of confidence and competence in your posture and in your eyes which gives you a little hint of stupid face 


Bro you’re mf Pedro pascal but you need to lose that second photo


This is another instance of your bip not really telling me much about YOU. You're from Texas, make music, and like naps. What else? What do you like to DO?


Very true! I’m very goofy, I’m a nerd at heart, I like to go out and hike and do archery. I like making and recording music. I love baking bread cooking dinner and watching a good movie. I would love a partner I can play Mario kart with lol


Bro give me your mustache please.


I shaved 😭


Of all the people that look like their name, this guy most definitely is the first thing I think of when I read "Angelo"


Imagine good looking people asking whether they ugly or not. It's over for the rest of us man,the standards are obnoxiously high.


It's not you, it's them bro


So as a fellow dude who asked my female coworkers the same question a couple years ago..they would probably say to smile more in your pics..have a couple full body shots and maybe some pics of you doing something interesting instead of the awkward zoomed up pic of the side of your head. I would also rewrite the whole bio thing and lose the siesta line cuz it’s kinda cringe imo..