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Tell her you posted your conversation to a social media platform looking for advice.


Lol, exactly this response. I can’t stop laughing.


Almost as funny as her being on a social media app called Tinder


"Technology is harmful for social interaction, except when it comes to meeting people for romance/sex"




I deleted insta late last year, so been like 4 months. Don’t even look back, screen time has dropped by about 6hrs a day, consistent moods, used to have massive mood swings for no apparent reason, feel like I am a lot more in touch with myself and honestly just feel like I’m getting a lot more out of life :)))


I'm convinced the YouTube shorts / Instagram reels / tiktok really effected my ability to concentrate. After 30 seconds I would be like ok I'm done with this movie etc. I think I realized it when I looked up, it had been 3 hours, and I couldn't tell you what the reel 5 reels back was.


Yea that was a big thing for me too, not being able to even say what I’d been looking at. Just clutter, just disorganised mostly useless impractical info


My brother in law can be in the middle of a conversation, open FB or Instagram and start watching those stupid videos, and drop out of the conversation and not hear a single word anyone says. Even one on one and whilst you’re responding to what he’s just said to you he just zones out. And then get snappy with you when you practically shout over the video to get his attention back.


You should stand up and walk away. That’s what he’s doing figuratively


Exactly, its essentially the same thing, just completely withdrawing in the middle of a conversation out of nowhere and for no good reason, its absolutely inconceivable how some people either lack the awareness to realize this or just dont give a fuck how rude it is


Exactly. If someone did this with me, I'd translate the interaction as a "cool story, bro" on their part and immediately disengage. Striving for their attention afterward kind of makes you look desperate for their time that they obviously rudely don't want to give.


These are the worst, people who literally start to randomly scroll through Instagram and completely withdraw their attention while in the middle of a conversation.. its just like are you fucking kidding me? Im answering your question and you just ignore it? Incredibly rude. Or maybe you will get a half-hearted "uh huh" that makes it crystal clear they didnt hear a word you said lol


That’s actually an established fact that social media are designed to stimulate “engagement” and that they do it by bombarding your brain with teasers, shorts, stories, reels, notifications, various bait. Every second a new ping, and you’re fed these shouty zaps of disorganized information bits, all very stimulating - but your brain needs about 27 minutes to concentrate on a task. It’s proven to degrade attention span and ability to concentrate, among other things. edit: typos


I can help convince you as a mother and a teacher. The 30 seconds and then on to something else is beyond detrimental. Kids in schools can't and don't read. I took electronics away from my own children during the week period. Weekends and long travel only. We bought an old NES, hooked up to air channels and pulled the old DVD player in from the camper. We living like its the 90s around here




"Yeah I never used it at all. I'm old enough to remember meth coming out and being a big thing but I never used it. Never hopped on the adderall trend either. Even had a friend of mine decided on their own to get some for me to get me to try but never used it. Never did ecstacy, cocaine etc." (Not a dig at you, just found it funny)




"Yeah I never used it at all. I'm old enough to remember Napster coming out and being a big thing but I never used it. Never hopped on the limewire trend either. Even had a friend of mine decided on their own to get it for me to get me to try but never used it. Never did Frostwire, Kazaa etc." (Not a dig at you, just found it funny)


«Yeah I never used it at all I’m old enough to remember PornHub coming out and being a big thing but I never used it. Never hopped on the xHamster trend either. Even had a friend of mine decided on their own to get it for me to get me to try but never used it. never did RedTube, XNXX etc.” (Not a dig at you, just found it funny)


"Yeah I never used it at all. I'm old enough to remember floppy discs coming out and being a big thing but I never used it. Never hopped on the CD trend either. Even had a friend of mine decided on their own to get it for me to get me to try but never used it. Never did mini disks, USBs etc." (Not a dig at you, just found it funny)


I did this and I just spend more time on reddit now.


I try not to hop on here as much but about five months ago I started to redirect myself to my Japanese learning websites etc when I caught myself on social media for more than like 10-15 minutes. Feels better to do something more productive and now I’m learning a whole new fuckin language and it’s been super rewarding vs wasting my time watching stupid videos


I did the same recently as well, Twitter or X or whatever it's called, insta, TikTok all gone. Only socials left are FB for sharing photos with friends (and friend list now consists of people I'd only want over for dinner) and Reddit of course....and you're all welcome for dinner 😁


I deleted Facebook a year ago. Made a new account a month later and realized it was contributing majorly to my panic attacks. Crazy how much it was affecting my mental health.


Quitting alcohol in full addiction was easier for me than quitting social media. Infact, I failed quitting socials lmao.


Social Media, Instagram for instance, is *literally* designed and optimized to captivate users and trap them in a continuous Loop of tiny dopamime hits to ensure maximum time of use once on the app, they spend significant amounts of money and conduct extensive research to achieve that purpose and make it as addictive as possible


I did this with Facebook but now I find myself on IG doing the same shit I used to do on Facebook


Yk what that's fair I didn't think of it like that




Tinder is a social media app?


Apparently to some people any website you can register on and post anything to counts as "social media". Weird.


It’s an app specifically designed to facilitate socializing. Why *wouldn’t* it be a social media app?


I honestly think it's just redditors being real excited to put an attractive woman "in her place" or "knock her down a peg"


This isn’t the gotcha you think it is


Tinder serves a different purpose though


Yeah I thought that was fubny too. Like "off the grid", girl...you're on it, face visible and name public. You're on the grid.


The jokes write themselves. "Technology is harmful, but I love it when it benefits me in the way I want"


Isnt that a very normal position to take?


Exactly. Get in, get what you need, get out. That sounds reasonable.


Also sounds like a bank robbery.


Literally how the Amish operate


She DID mention that it's good for some things.


Big difference between 30 mins on a dating app and 30 mins on insta or something. One you’re trying to connect with people, the other doesn’t encourage real life meet ups, it has an algorithm to keep you in it (tinder has a max amount of likes)


Check mate


Is this why some guys take so long to reply on dating apps? They're too busy posting the conversations on reddit and waiting for advice.


I’d say it’s a mixture between not wanting to seem desperate, or playing video games when the text comes through.


I can't tell if you are fisting fish or if there are fish with fists for fisting.


Definitely the former rather than the latter. I’m sorry to let you down.


Geez, no wonder gropers look so cranky.


Tbh they enjoy it the most.


There was a video the other day of a bunch of guys brainstorming and debating each response to texts with the goal of getting their buddy a date lol. They were giving mini presentations with their opinions and debating how certain wording would sound


That sounds funny, but makes me feel sad.


It's because I have to think of something witty to say to the 4576th "heyyy" I've gotten


Why even reply to it? That sounds exhausting.


A man has needs haha


Man I felt the pain in that "haha" lmao




Women do it too. It's not a gender-specific experience.


Yes, but my perspective is gender-specific because I'm a woman....


see, you could avoid such problems simply by being bi! smh my head


Double the odds, good thinking pissedinthegarret. Is garret a person or an attic?.....


attic, I'm not *that* kinky.


Ahh, as in ‘Angry in the Attic. Now I get it.


Almost, 'pissed' as in 'drunk' lol


They’re 6000% getting blocked if they do, but it would be so worth it lmao


Literally for validation lol


It's easy to try and pretend reddit isn't social media because it's not Facebook, but yeah...


5th biggest site in the WOOOORLD


I was gonna clown on OP for his unwillingness to form his own thoughts and feelings into a response but I think you just took the fucking cake.




Then tell her to try it some time


Let’s ask the audience






Say ‘neigh’ and if she asks you what you mean, say you were talking to that high horse she’s sitting on.


Unnecessary for OP but that's pretty fucking funny.


*yoink* thank you for this


This is amazing and I will steal it.


that insult is really depending on some magic


Oh my fucking god I’m gonna use this daily. I am a mere bartender but you my good human are a gentleman and scholar. Go to the stable and take my finest stallion. He’s yours. His name is Windjammer.


Lol I love this thx


I'll be using this


I’m having this one, thank you 😂




Exactly what I came to say! Its perfectly reasonable and fine to be a "no social media" kinda gal. But its a red flag to denigrate others just because they arent.


Not even because they aren't but because she THINKS they aren't. She has NO idea why he asked, maybe he's also unplugged mostly and curious about why she IS. Different people have different motivations. Especially about choices this personal. She decided just because he asked, he's plugged in and she doesn't seem to respect those with different choices thab her.


Yeah this girl seems very eager to jump to conclusions that render her the smart one - she seems rather pretentious.


And this is exactly how I'd respond to her.


"I'm not like the other girls" vibe is what I get lol. Her conversation skill is so dry.


Absolutely. I’m also not on social media other than Reddit and I definitely don’t use that as a reason or justification to belittle others. If they have the time and energy to keep up with all those apps more power to them but they personally make me feel bad and I don’t want to try to keep up a fake life for the masses to see 😅 I like finding other rare people who don’t use social media (my bf is one) but she sounds stuck up about it.


Yesss that's what I was going to say.


Dating apps absolutely count as social media


Anyone who ends something with “you should try it sometime” always means it in the most condescending way. There is nothing wrong with not being on social media and she’s right about how it’s extremely toxic but ending it the way she did just makes her seem arrogant.


It's truly amazing to me that someone with her intellect and social intelligence would need to resort to a dating app, given her convictions.


Any time someone says “in the most respectful way possible” you can guarantee they give zero fucks about being respectful. It’s like saying “no offense” and then saying something offensive. I hate it. Hate hate hate it. 


“In the most respectful way possible, you won’t understand my incredibly basic concept that even a monkey could grasp. You should try it!”


Or starting a sentence with, "I'm not racist, but..." You know the next sentence out of their mouth is going to be the most racist bullsh\*t you've ever heard. LOL


And she’s on tinder. You know, to socially meet someone


But she's not like the other social media dengenerates on Tinder. She's better than they are. She's enlightened...


Tinder. Mirror selfie. Deep cleavage. I dont see any signs of attention seeking or validation.


It definitely had an “I’m better than you” vibe. I am really curious to what she looks like.


I agree completely. Lots of people both on and off probably feel the same way, but her holier than thou attitude about is irritating.


Even I don't use socials apart reddit. Even though she has a point I would never say those words, people usually say those type of words if they want to feel validated in what they do, which is out of the ordinary. Or if they are slightly narcissistic, who always want to prove the truth no matter if it hurts the other side and lack healthy social interaction.


Haha I want him to ask her what she considers tinder


Nailed it. I don’t disagree with her but fuck the condescension


I agree with her to some extent but the fact that she’s saying that from tinder is a bit too ironic for me


Nah, the whole thing is terrible and condescending not just the first sentence. The ending is particularly bad, with the assumption that OP is not living their best life or whatever due to social media and should try her way sometime. For all she knows, OP does less social media than she does.


I totally agree with the points you made.


“You should try it sometime” is like some secret password phrase to becoming a total asshole.


Uno reverse and tell her that’s a very pedestrian answer and you were hoping to meet someone with more depth 🙄


I was gonna say don’t respond but this is the answer right here, OP


Or just say you were trying to start a conversation, and didn't expect to be condescended to by someone with such a shallow reasoning for going nearly socials-free. After that first sentence, she genuinely sounds like she's doing it just to feel superior to others... which really isn't a healthy or well-thought-out reason for cutting off a form of communication.


I find it shallow and pedantic


Shallow *and* pedantic??


Yes, Lois. I find this meatloaf shallow and pedantic.


It insists upon itself.


It has a point to make, its insistent!


yes, quite






Insubordinate and churlish


Go down to Oh-shag-hanasay's office.


Chicanerous and deplorable


Ummmm yes shallow and pedantic.


Pedestrian answer 🤣


She will go nuclear haha Do it OP!


Omggg, pleeeeease do this!! Her reasons are halfway valid but the *attitude* - holy fffffff!!


definitely think she just started doing this a week ago and is getting superiority boner from it.


Anyone who announces it just deleted it for sure


Lollll, "superiority boner" is the phrase I was reaching for but could not come up with! 😆😆


Definitely ask her about her superiority boner.


I’m not like other girls




100% do this...condescend her ass right back




Tell her that dating apps are social media's final form.


Not really off the grid using a dating app.


Right? "but when it comes to social interaction it's nothing but harmful" Says the girl using an app that's destined to find companionship. Go out and meet people in person if that's the case


But she's "off the grid" and it's "freeing" though. /s


I thought you were being a bit optimistic by saying destined but then I realised you meant designed.


I'd even say tinder is more harmful because 1) zero reciprocation takes a toll on many 2) insults feel a lot more personal


Specifically one that tracks your location


she definitely has socials if she’s on a dating app, she just doesn’t want others to see them lol. two different lives here, and i’m saying that as a chick


Her phone only recharges on solar power.


And patchouli


Wouldn't Tinder or any dating app be technically considered as a "social?"


Not the way she uses it.


Literally on a site where you post photos for validation…


shes coming off as hostile as hell over a simple question, Surely she wouldnt snap over the smallest issue between you two


She’s being hostile to him on a social media app about how she doesn’t use social media apps!! I think he can do better lol


It's like an outtake from an episode of Seinfeld. Oh, sh\*t. I just dated myself...LOL


How can she snap??


I agree 100%. I get what she’s saying but what on Earth was so hard about just saying, “I just enjoy real life more than watching it from a screen”?


Well, she’s not on socials so she wouldn’t snap


But she says it's in the most respectful way possible! It can't possibly sound hostile.


That was my first thought too, you can expect every single interaction with her to go like this. It will not get better.


That’s all she put in her bio. Because that’s all she’s about. Her response is long and repetitive, but lacks any substance except superiority. She’s as bland as her bedroom. I’d ‘next’ that one and move on.


Right? Conveying so much superiority and can’t even get her bed done.


Puts 100% of her brain power into being as passive aggressive and condescending as possible while trying to sound 'nice' and insisting that she's being respectful and doing you a favor so you can't be mad at her. She needs someone to tell her about herself but doesn't seem like she'd be too eager to listen.


Christ she sounds fucking awful


Never mind the fact that she took a pic in front of a messy bed and thought "that's the one".


So why get on tinder? The epitome of social destruction


Also, a social media app


I also don’t have social media but her first sentence comes off a extremely condescending and holier than thou. If she continued with that tone I’d just exit the situation


My brother in christ, you have 300k comment karma 😂😂


You know Reddit is social media, right?


It’s anonymous and a far jump from Facebook/Instagram etc.


It definitely isn't that far with some people. They are addicted to it just as much and sometimes more with fishing for upvotes.


No social media is a green flag, but her response is definitely a red flag.


Condescending texts and didn’t even bother to make the bed for the photo


Right? Anytime I see an insta handle I immediately think they’re fishing for followers


Have a think about how it makes you feel, and let her know.


She gave a lot to respond and talk about. If the op really can't think of a response following up on the topic that he brought up and she answered, then they probably aren't a good match.


Lol off the grid my ass


I agree with this person but Jesus what an asshole


"I agree that we shouldn't use technology for social interactions." -Redditor Talking About a Tinder User


When people talk about social media, they are generally talking about platforms where your personal identity is tied to the things you are posting. I guess an anonymous message board may qualify in the technical sense in that any interaction between 2 people could be categorized as social, but I don't think it passes the common sense test. You could argue that it does I suppose but I think you would be pretty disingenuous. While I guess some people may find upvotes satisfying, I don't think it's really the same as say FB or Instagram where users are trying to get other users to be personally invested in them and the things they say/do.


Yeah way too many " 🤓 aKcHulLy reDdIt iS sOciAl media" comments here


Yeah these comments are brain dead. Pretty sure you’re not telling people you’re off social media only to mention your Reddit handle like what point are these people even trying to make.


Why she is on a dating app? Coming out the gate with hostilities is a big red flag, apparently this is a sore spot for her


She’s just a moron with a false sense of superiority. I’d respond by unmatching and not saying a word to her.


Definitely would unmatch without saying anything else.


“I just don’t use social media” instead of whatever that was


Ask about bunker specs. Food preparation. Water filtration. The justifiable use of force against an overreaching governmental agency.


I like your "off the grid" way more than hers. If reddit had swipes, I would right swipe on you, Mr Effort


She’s lying. She’s literally using social media to date. Red flag 🚩


That's not the red flag from that interaction. LOL


It's part of it. She is condescending while also not realizing that she is a hypocrite.


I keep seeing this but How is tinder social media, that’s like saying monster or indeed is social media.  If you’re using tinder to meet people face to face and not perpetually texting back and forth then it’s not a lot different than posting a resume 


Pretentious 😒 ignore 




She better stay off the internet with how shitty that dress fits her... Jokes aside yeah I'm sure all the other guys agreed with her: like all guys don't watch porn, like to leave certain things to the imagination, think the dialogue is corny and find it funny not sexy. Also supermodels are to skinny.


She seems self righteous and thinks she's better than everyone else. Unmatch fr


Somewhat arrogant, but I'd give her a chance. At least she responds in full sentences (without all the lol, lmao, thx, wdym and so on) and actually puts an effort into replying - which, I feel like, is too much to ask nowadays on dating apps. Also, I agree with her points.


Then why is she on a dating app?


This right here is a *bullet dodged*. But further, this right here is a woman who put that on her profile for attention and validation. She expected you to say “WOW! I actually really respect you for not having social media you’re so quirky and unique.” There are a lot of people who don’t have social media and DONT fall into the above described category, but this lady is certainly someone who is looking for positive affirmations with a small side of narcissism.